
Chapter 1049

hk1037 The same choice, Shi Lei layout!

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, Cyber ​​Security Department, Kasai Rinkai Park, Linhai Base.

Cyber ​​Security Department Head Oda Shizuna’s Office, Oda Shizuna and Aso Asao discuss how to reward Shi Lei’s things. Oda Shizuna converges on the front of the section after the Section Head. Oda Shizuna started Tibetan mastiff when dealing with some issues.

So, how to deal with the issue of the mysterious poster, Oda Shizuna gave almost no opinion, but let Aso Asao play.

Aso Asao didn’t realize Oda Shizuna’s Tibetan mastiff. He said, “Showing a calm smile,” said: “Section Head, the mysterious poster, chose Xia Nation’s Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum to announce the reward for information, and The Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum has not blocked anything, and the mystery poster’s reward post has attracted the attention of the numerous Bounty Hacker. We may also post the reward post to the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum. Let’s take a look, Dream Entertainment Company, will not delete our post!”

Oda Shizuna claphis hand and say: “Yes! This idea is great! If Dream Entertainment Company deletes our post, I am afraid that Dream Entertainment is also involved in this network reward. If Dream Entertainment does not delete our post, we will We can make our posts fast and hot with the previous reward posts!”

“That’s right!” Aso Asao smirked a smile, and apparently Aso Asao was very happy with his plan.

Oda Shizuna said with a smile : “Aso, this thing, I will deal with it!”

Aso Asao nodded: “No issue, Section Head, please rest assured, I will handle this matter right away!”

Aso Asao, according to Oda Shizuna’s instructions, released a reward message for the Wo Sang Nation Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency overnight in the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum. Hacker 1037


“5 Million US Dollar, just for one person! 》

Open to the public “Reward” “10 million USD big reward, you only need a hate Wo Sang Nation heart! 》’Poster’s real identity!

Want to get 5 Million USD?

Just need investigate to track the post’s true information on this post and you can get a 5 Million USD reward!

Just verifying a person’s real information, you don’t need to personally grasp this person. Once the information is verified, you don’t need the actual information of the investigate. You only need an anonymous Bank Card to quickly and easily get the 5 Million US Dollar bounty.

The same is 5 Million USD, should choose to track a person, or choose to invade Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, smart friends, you should understand how to choose!

Don’t worry about the issue of the bonus, we guarantee the real and valid of the bonus, we guarantee that we will never divulge the informant’s information, we can even provide safety protection for the reporter!

The reward for 5 Million USD requires only one person’s real information!

Dear friends, are you still waiting for better conditions?


Aso Asao’s post at the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum quickly caught the attention. Now, Hacker of Worldwide Hacker World is watching the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum.

99% of Hacker, at a glance, behind this 5 Million USD reward post is definitely the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

With 1% of Hacker left, Second looks at the same result!

Nanyue Nation, Móng Cái City, Dark Hell, Cheng Dong Stronghold. Hacker 1037

Shi Lei currently plan to sneak into Wo Sang Nation and invade the plan at the Cyber ​​Security Department, implement of Kasai Rinkai Park Underground in Wo Sang Nation Tokyo Prefecture.

It is now June 6th NNUMue Nation local time, close to eleven o’clock in the evening, converted to Xia Nation Time, which is close to the early morning of June 13.

Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, who infected Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, took more than 36 hours. Currently, Mastery over Future and Fate Virus is still in the incubation period. This Phase has three to five days.

According to the physique of Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, the incubation period of the two of them may only be three days, that is, seven 12 hours.

Under the incubation period, Shi Lei Hope obtained the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, which enabled Jian Wushuang to create the corresponding “medicine” and remove the life danger of Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang.

Therefore, Shi Lei is nervously planning how to get the Technical Information hidden in Kasai Rinkai Park Underground Base.

“Sir, the information retriever found a Second reward post in the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum. After System Logical Analysis, the reward post was published by the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber ​​Security Department. Is it deleted?” Izual issued a reminder, powerful Deep Natural Logic Thinking Module, determine this post was posted by the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

But Izual is Unable to Judge. How to deal with this post is the best. Deleting a post is definitely a very bad way to deal with it. Once you delete the post and keep the reward stickers posted before Shi Lei, I am afraid that it is Idiot, and I know what is tricky inside!

“Don’t delete!” Shi Lei’s mouth sneaked out a sneer. The Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency was very sinister. As the post said, it was easy to deal with a person, or invaded the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System to deal with the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. Is the Cyber ​​Security Department simple?

Not to mention, the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System belongs to the important “Government” network, Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group glare like a tiger watching his prey!

But the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency is, after all, the Cyber ​​Security Department, not a member of Hacker World. They don’t understand the underlying rules of Hacker World.

Bounty Hacker does see the money, but Bounty Hacker is not without the bottom line!

Bounty Hacker cares a lot about Safety. If it’s possible to violently expose itself, even if there is more money, Bounty Hacker won’t be fooled. After all, there is more to be spent on money, as long as it is not a fool.

“Izual, in the post of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, kept replying: ‘Life is profitable, and you have no money to spend. Your credit for the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber ​​Security Department has always been EQ ual to zero! This reward, Was it published by the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, or was it issued by your Cyber ​​Security Department? If it was released by your Cyber ​​Security Department, do you have so much activity funds?’”

Shi Lei pointed out the fatal weakness of the reward stickers!

The reward of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, the reward of EQ uivalent to CIA Central Intelligence Agency, is also like the reward of Xia Nation’s National Security Agency. The information obtained by a criminal using illegal means is reported to such a powerful department, and he wants to receive a reward bonus from their hands. Isn’t that the old star ate the arsenic?

Besides, if it is only a reward issued by the Cyber ​​Security Department, is it possible for the Cyber ​​Security Department to receive a reward from the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency?

According to Shi Lei’s statement, Izual changed the account in the post posted by Aso Asao, keeping the team’s reply to the post.

Some of the original tempted Bounty Hacker found Izual’s reply and hesitated again. The issue that Shi Lei said is really there. The Bounty Hackers have to consider whether they can get a reward from the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency once they have accompanied the reward of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

Anti-currently Xia Nation, if a Fugitive, reported another Fugitive, then went to the Police Department to receive a reward, waiting for him will definitely not be a bounty!

Nanyue Nation.

On the 13th of June, at eleven o’clock in the middle of the night.

Shi Lei and Cheng Dong Stronghold of the five members of Punishment Merc Warsquad, currently Dark Hell, discussed the action at Wo Sang Nation. Behind Shi Lei’s, there is a huge projection cloth, and Izual projects the mapof Wo Sang Nation, which is exactly the mapof Tokyo Prefecture.

“Here is Tokyo Prefecture, our target is in Edogawa District, Kasai Rinkai Park.” Shi Lei used a stick to point to the mapinformation on the projector.

Ye Feng frowns Road: “Boss, east of Kasai Rinkai Park, precisely as stated a secret military base, we directly attacked Kasai Rinkai Park, is it too risky?”

Shi Lei and Ye Feng, as well as Zheng Sanpao and Ma Liang, formerly participated in the Yasukuni Shrine event and are very familiar with the entire Tokyo Prefecture. To the east of Kasai Rinkai Park, there is indeed a secret military base. This military base is very powerful in addition to protecting the Cyber ​​Security Department and protecting the security of Wo Sang Nation Kyoto!

“I know,” Shi Lei whispered. “We have no choice, understand?”

Ye Feng nodded and stopped talking.

“This action, we still have to be divided into two groups. Sanpao and Mingxuan, you carry the Alloy Sword and Shield Set and Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery. Your Task is on the west and north of Kasai Rinkai Park, looking for the right snipe point, remote pair We support. At the same time, you also need to be completely responsible for yourself!” Shi Lei looked at Zheng Sanpao.

This Task is very difficult, Dawn in the high place, it is very likely to be exposed to the Armed Helicopter’s attack range.

“No issue.” Zheng Sanpao simply replied.

Zhu Mingxuan 嘻嘻hā hā said: “Boss, this little thing, I can definitely compcomplish with the Master. No matter what reinforcements Wosang Nation dispatched, we will knock them down! This Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery, I really like it too much. Wow Kaka!”

Shi Lei glanced at Zhu Mingxuan, only to be serious: “Mingxuan, be careful, Second Generation Dawn’s is really powerful, but not invincible. There are so many ways to harm Second Generation Dawn’s. I don’t Hope, you will stay in Wo Sang Nation forever.”

Zhu Mingxuan nodded: “Thank you Boss, I remember.”

Shi Lei re-looked towards Zheng Sanpao, thought for a moment and continued: “Sanpao, in addition to the snipe Task, you have a Task.”

Zheng Sanpao is more than just a snipe Specialist, but also an Explosives Expert.

Shi Lei always likes a sentence – ‘art is explosion! ‘.

(To be continued.)

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