
Chapter 1048

Reverse reward for 1036 Wo Sang Nation

June 12 Day, late at night, 11:33; Wo Sang Nation is already at 03:33 on June 13.

Although the zero point has passed, the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Wo Sang Nation Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency has not stopped working. Because, in Wo Sang Nation’s Internet World, it is very lively now.

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber ​​Security Department’s Third official Security SpeCIA list Little Group Head, Aso Asao proposed a solution that is also a reward to the newly appointed Cyber ​​Security Department Head Oda Shizuna.

“Aso, do you have any good ideas, just say it!” Oda Shizuna obviously has no patience to play with Aso Asao.

Aso Asao said with interest: “Section Head, the mysterious poster, open to the public to reward our Wo Sang Nation network target, we can naturally reward him! We in the network, open to the public reward the mysterious reward Real identity. As long as we find his real identity and grab him, his reward will naturally be cracked!”

If it is the Cyber ​​Security Department, it really catches Shi Lei, and the reward that Shi Lei issued is naturally invalid. After all, Shi Lei has been caught. Who will pay the rewards for his rewards?

However, is the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency really catching Shi Lei?

Oda Shizuna listened to the thoughts of Aso Asao. He thought about it for a while, started talking: “Is this approach really true? At this time, the real identity of the mysterious poster is rewarded. Anyone can guess that we are Cyber ​​Security. The Department is offering a reward. Those Bounty Hackers, will you really work with us?”

Oda Shizuna’s concerns are very necessary. As long as Idiot is mentally retarded, it is impossible to guess that the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency is looking for a real identity for mysterious posters. Hacker 1036

Aso Asao hēi hēi smile, the tone is full of disdain, “Bounty Hacker? Section Head, you look at them too! Those Bounty Hacker, almost no bottom line Hacker, as long as we give the right price, don’t say one Mysterious posters, exactly as stated let them attack their Nation network, they will also have the slightest hesitation!”

Bounty Hacker does not have the existence of “fighting”. For the sake of profit, some of them can indeed sell any thing that can be sold!

“Aso, if we offer mystery posters, those Bounty Hackers, can they find mysterious posters?” Oda Shizuna asked in disbelief.

Aso Asao replied affirmatively: “Absolutely Possible! Section Head, you are too underestimated! Bounty Hacker has no bottom line, but their skills are beyond doubt. For example, Hacker Inuyasha, who is a high-profile player who is involved in the mysterious reward, is our Nation. Hacker, and the technology has reached World Grade, and maybe even more powerful!”

Oda Shizuna is angry: “Who is Inuyasha? Why do we have such a scum in the Big Wo nationality? If I know, who the bastard is, I must let him know that he betrayed Emperor, what should he accept? Kind of punished!”

Aso Asao said with a bitter smile : “Section Head , Inuyasha is the long-awaited Bounty Hacker. It is said that Inuyasha formerly participated in the Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, but the two sides seem to fall out, and Inuyasha became Bounty Hacker.”

“Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group ?” Oda Shizuna sneered at the corner of the mouth, Cyber ​​Security Department and Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, both of the Department of Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

Among them, Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group is more powerful, but their number is very small, mainly responsible for some important “Government” Cyber ​​Security. There are more people in the Cyber ​​Security Department. They are Fire Fighting members of EQ uivalent to net world. Where the network is on fire, they need to be responsible for it.

“Since this Inuyasha, formerly a member of Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, then Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, has Inuyasha’s identity data information Right? hēng hēng, former member of Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, even intends to attack China’s important “Government” network, Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group Is there no responsibility?” Oda Shizuna sneered.

Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group and Cyber ​​Security Department are not familiar with each other. If you can rely on Inuyasha, you can suppress Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, Oda Shizuna is very happy.

Aso Asao’s eyes were also bright, and he hesitated: “Section Head, do you think Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, is it possible to tell us about Inuyasha’s information?”

Oda Shizuna lightly snorted, “No need for Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, only our Fujishita Masato Bureau Chief agree!”

Fujishita Masato is the Great Bureau Chief of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, including the Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, and also to the Fujishita Masato Bureau Chief. As long as Oda Shizuna reported the Inuyasha, he was able to convince the Fujishita Masato Bureau Chief to order Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group and hand over Inuyasha’s real Identity Information.

Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, who thought of normal aloof and remote, was about to be frustrated in his own hands. Oda Shizuna pleased’s hā hā smiled, then immediately picked up the phone on the desk, and now it’s in the middle of the night, dialed directly. Fujishita Masato Bureau Chief’s phone number.

Fujishita Masato As the Great Bureau Chief of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, the phone must remain twenty for four hours to avoid any Emergency Situation and cannot get contact with him. Hacker 1036

When Oda Shizuna’s phone call came in, Fujishita Masato Bureau Chief currently and the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, a young female “sex” staff, studied the important things of human development and reproduction.

The important thing about the future of mankind is disturbed by Oda Shizuna, and the fussiness of Fujishita Masato Bureau Chief in the heart can be imagined?

“Oda Section Head, so late, is there any urgent matter?” Fujishita Masato Bureau Chief deliberately shouted Oda Shizuna’s position and expressed his dissatisfaction in this way.

Not long after Oda Shizuna took up the position of Section Head of the Cyber ​​Security Department, it is clear that the habit of Fujishita Masato Bureau Chief is still unclear. Oda Shizuna is obviously still immersed in his own joy, not aware of the dissatisfaction of Fujishita Masato Bureau Chief.

“Bureau Chief, I found a secret! This time I participated in the reward of Inuyasha, the scum of our Nation, who used to be a member of the Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group. If we get the Inuyasha Identity Information from Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group Then we can know the real identity of Inuyasha, so as to catch him and kill a chicken and a monkey!” Oda Shizuna said excitedly.

Fujishita Masato coldly snorted, “Oda Section Head, this thing, why don’t you directly contact Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group’s Akagi Group Leader?”

Oda Shizuna said slightly: “Bureau Chief, you know, our relationship between Cyber ​​Security Department and Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group is not very harmonious. If I directly ask Akagi Group Leader, he will probably use Confidential Information as a reason. Will not tell me the real information.”

“Oda Section Head, next time, please remember, if there is any cooperation between the two departments, please give priority to the corresponding department. About Inuyasha, Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group has reported to me, Inuyasha in Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group does not leave true Identity Information. Inuyasha belongs to the external staff of Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group does not understand the situation of Inuyasha.” Fujishita Masato said, directly hang up phone.

“dū dū dū ~ ”

Oda Shizuna listened to the busy tone from the phone, and his face was still stunned, quite a bit of a monk, and he couldn’t take it.

Aso Asao, who was waiting on the side, quickly asked: “Section Head, what happened?”

“Baka!” Oda Shizuna snorted. “Akagi Yukimura, the bastard, dared to sin me!”

Oda Shizuna is very certain that Akagi Yukimura must know that he would ask about Inuyasha, but Akagi Yukimura did not pass the information directly to the Cyber ​​Security Department, but reported it to the Fujishita Masato Bureau Chief.

This kind of behavior is definitely in the Oda Shizuna, let Oda Shizuna lose a big face in front of Fujishita Masato!

Aso Asao knew that things were wrong. He didn’t go back to the Inuyasha thing, but quickly turned the topic back to the counter-reward.

“Section Head, the mysterious rewarder, as long as it is not the First person of Hacker World, our reward for him is absolutely useful. A Bounty Hacker can’t catch him, then ten? As long as we open the price, enough Let Bounty Hacker be tempted and they will work for us!” Aso Asao said calmly.

Oda Shizuna thought about it and affirmed Aso Asao’s proposal, “Aso, how much do you think we should use to reward the mysterious poster?”

Aso Asao thought about it and replied: “Section Head, what do you think of 5 Million USD?”

“Why?” Oda Shizuna did not ask for the decision, but asked Aso Asao.

Aso Asao said his reason, choose 5 Million USD, as the reward amount is elegant. Although the mystery poster, the release of the reward amount is up to 10 Million US Dollar, but the mystery poster, a total of three targets.

The highest target, the Power Grid System in Tokyo Prefecture, is a reward for 5 Million US Dollar. Compared with the difficulty of invading the Tokyo Power Grid System, it is obviously easier to track a mysterious poster.

The Power Grid System, which invaded Tokyo Prefecture, will definitely be countered by the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. And even Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group is likely to be dispatched.

But tracking a mysterious postman, at most, is blocked by the mystery postman himself!

What exactly is the Task, it seems to be a very easy choice!

“Well, the analysis makes sense! Aso, where do we release the reward? Our OffiCIA l Website?” Oda Shizuna asked again.

(To be continued.)

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