
Chapter 1047

hk1035 Wo Sang network, Hacker riot!

Rongcheng Military District Specialist who steals Dawn technology is not only a choice for Nanyue Nation!

Dark Hell’s subordinate Organization, Lonely Massacre’s Leader Ren Gudu, did not follow the Shi Lei’s order to directly kill the three Target Persons provided by the Rongcheng Military District.

Ren Gudu chose to catch them!

When Ren Gudu caught three traitors in the Rongcheng Military District, he ordered the first time to take over and then ransacked the residence of the three traitors. The member of the Lonely Massacre Organization, with three traitors from the Rongcheng Military District, and the data from the looted, returned to Dark Hell Cheng Dong Stronghold.

After Lonely Massacre left, Nanyue Nation’s protection reinforcements were finally late. But unfortunately, there is only a terrible crime scene waiting for them.

Shi Lei entire group and six Second Generation Dawns, riding a hooded van, returned to Dark Hell Cheng Dong Stronghold, and Ren Gudu was already at Moderate.

“Boss, Senior Officer, we caught three Target Persons.” Ren Gudu’s tone, with a trace of pride. Because many times, it is more difficult to capture the target.

Shi Lei’s eyes lit up and he praised him: “Gudu, well done! Where are the three traitors? Come on, come and I will interrogate them personally!”

Ren Gudu immediately told the subordinate two times that several members of Lonely Massacre immediately brought the traitors of the three Rongcheng Military District up. Hacker 1035

The traitors of the three Rongcheng Military Districts were tied back with their hands and mouth tape, one of whom had a high cheek on his cheek, apparently being specially served. The member of Lonely Massacre obviously does not give any good attitude to these three target personnel.

Shi Lei looked at the three traitors. When he looked at the man in the middle, his face was a bit ugly. The traitor in the middle, Shi Lei knows him!

Shi Lei walked two steps forward and tore the mouth of the man in the middle tape , said with a sneer : “Di Qinggang , I didn’t think it was you!”

Di Qinggang is an assistant to Professor Mechanical Power SpeCIA list Lu Fang from the Rongcheng Military District Specialist team. He participated in the Dawn plan all the time, did have qualifications, and had the opportunity to steal Dawn’s full set of Design Information.

When Shi Lei called Di Qinggang identity, Di Qinggang didn’t react much. Instead, he used a ‘surely’ look, looked towards Shi Lei.

“Shi Lei, it really is you!” Di Qinggang then said to himself: “Yes, Dawn produced a total of eleven, Rongcheng Military District has six, and the remaining five Dawn are in your hands. Who can you be?”

“Di Qinggang, I am very curious, why do you want to steal Dawn’s data?” Shi Lei “露露” shows a curious god “color”, “To be honest, Di Qinggang, you have the conditions that many people are envious of. I followed the famous Professor of Specialist and became a technical officer in the Rongcheng Military District. Professor Lu Fang also values ​​you very much. Why do you betray the Rongcheng Military District?”

Di Qinggang has a faint sacred color on his face. “Lu Fang, that Old Ghost, value me? hē hē !Shi Lei, you don’t understand, Lu Fang, the old character of Old Ghost! Lu Fang The Old Ghost, who ordered me to do this one day, didn’t tell me when it came to critical technical information! Do you know who Lu Fang really cares about?”

“Hey?” Shi Lei took a suspicious “confusing”. Is there any hidden feeling in this?

However, no matter what the hidden feelings, Shi Lei does not intend to go deeper. “Di Qinggang, whether you are out of jealousy or for other reasons, in short, you betrayed the Rongcheng Military District, this is the truth.”

“hā hā hā !” Di Qinggang hā hā laughed, “I just betrayed the Rongcheng Military District. I just betrayed Lu Fang, the old Ghost. How can you treat me? Kill me? Shi Lei, you kill I didn’t use it either. Dawn’s Technical Information, I gave it to someone else. Once I can’t contact him, he will pass Dawn’s data to Wo Sang Nation.”

“Wo Sang Nation?” Shi Lei frowned.

Di Qinggang said with a sneer : “I never thought about working with Nanyue Nation and staying at Nanyue Nation for the time being, just to paralyze the surveillance personnel of the Rongcheng Military District. The basic conditions of Nanyue Nation are too bad, even though Dawn handed over They, too, they can’t accomplish Dawn’s manufacturing work.”

“Wo Sang Nation is it right? What benefits does Wo Sang Nation give you, willing to betray the Rongcheng Military District, betray Nation, betray the race?” Shi Lei’s face is very strict.

Di Qinggang Crazy laughed, “I just don’t want to be! I am so outstanding, obviously I am so perfect, Lu Fang, that Old Ghost, why not value me, why did you choose the new Idiot.” Hacker 1035

Shi Lei looked at the shape of Crazy’s Di Qinggang, in the heart sighed. ‘Oh, it is the original sin of mankind. ‘

How many tragedies have occurred, the initial cause, exactly as stated because?

Shi Lei ignored Di Qinggang and called He Zhenbang through Izual. Waiting for a moment, He Zhenbang connected the phone, and Shi Lei took the lead: “Commander He, something happened!”

“Unexpected?” He Zhenbang was very surprised. According to the information of the Rongcheng Military District, they speculated that the power of Shi Lei at Nanyue Nation was huge. At the beginning, Shi Lei’s repeated attacks on the border forces of Nanyue Nation were not traced by Nanyue Nation, thus indicating the energy of Shi Lei at Nanyue Nation.

“Commander He, we didn’t kill the three traitors, but we caught them alive. Don’t kill them now?” Shi Lei said as difficult.

“Shi Lei brat, you still have a mood to make a joke? You caught them alive? That is the best situation. I immediately sent people to Móng Cái City to receive them. I want to bring them back. I have to be investigate, behind this. He Zhenbang said with certainty.

Shi Lei reminded: “Commander He, Di Qinggang chose the partner, not the Nanyue Nation, but our unfriendly neighbors, you have to be careful.”

“Wo Sang Nation?” He Zhenbang voice said solemnly: “Wo Sang Nation has been in trouble lately. I didn’t expect to have the energy to do this! Ok, Shi Lei, you will watch them for one night, and someone will come over to receive them tomorrow morning. “”

“Good!” Shi Lei answered affirmatively. The two chatted again and ended the call.

At Shi Lei hang up the phone, Di Qinggang immediately said: “Shi Lei, I tell you one thing, how are you letting me go?”

“What?” Shi Lei did not agree.

Di Qinggang Face “Dew” mysterious “Color” Road: “Shi Lei, do you know why Wo Sang Nation needs Dawn? I know Dawn’s “Operation” System is developed by you, but you really thought, Wo Sang Nation Can’t I develop a “fighting” for System?”

Shi Lei in the heart Sneer, Wo Sang Nation really can’t develop Dawn’s “Fuck” as System!

Dawn’s prototype data comes from Twilight Angel Duskiel, and Duskiel is the data from Wo Sang Nation. Also in other words, Wo Sang Nation is the real developer of Dawn’s.

Di Qinggang sells Dawn’s data to Wo Sang Nation, which is definitely not a good choice!

If Wo Sang Nation can develop Dawn’s “Action” as System, why bother to seal Dawn’s data, and don’t develop Dawn for the time being? Be aware that Wo Sang Nation’s mechanical manufacturing technology is at the forefront of the entire world.

Once Wo Sang Nation has solved Dawn’s “System”, Wo Sang Nation will make Dawn very quickly.

“Sorry for the inconvenience, I am not interested.” Shi Lei shook his head and re-closed Di Qinggang’s mouth with mouth tape.


Wo Sang Nation.

Compared to Nanyue Nation’s mixed chaos, Wo Sang Nation is also quite bad. Since Shi Lei’s award of 1 Million US Dollar, he has posted a reward sticker that draws attention from all World Bounty Hacker.

The Cyber ​​Security Department of Wo Sang Nation Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency is currently coping with more and more Bounty Hacker. Perhaps those Bounty Hackers seem to be practicing in advance, and they are actually one step ahead in Wo Sang Nation’s Internet World.

The Hacker who participated in Shi Lei’s release of the reward is not the average Hacker. These Hackers are at least the standard of World Third-rate. Don’t think that World Third-rate’s standard is very poor. In fact, World Third-rate’s standard is very powerful.

In the eyes of Ordinary netizens, the World Third-rate Hacker is already similar to the existence of God!

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, Cyber ​​Security Department The newly-received Section Head Oda Shizuna, lightly screaming at the sun’s “hole”, his brow wrinkled into a ‘Chuan’ word.

First Security Team, Aso Asao, looked at Oda Shizuna with a look of sadness. He thought of a way: “Oda Section Head, why don’t we also offer Right?”

“Reward?” Oda Shizuna asked without asking.

The reward offered by Shi Lei is actually a solution that has almost no solution. Because the network target of the reward, once compromised by Hacker, is very clear that it can be proved, who is it.

If it is a reverse reward, but also in other words, reward the protection of the network target’s Safety, this Task is a little more Fuck! Because, who protects the target, there is no way to be clearly proved.

If the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency reverses the protection of the safety of the network target, they will never succeed.

Aso Asao used to be Third Little Group Head, not the higher First and Second Group, not because of Aso Asao’s ability, or because of the lack of technology. On the contrary, Aso Asao’s technology is very strong and his mind is very flexible. “Section Head, we don’t make a reverse reward, the reverse reward is impossible!”

Oda Shizuna Some don’t understand the opinion of Aso Asao. If you don’t make a reverse reward, how can you reward it?

Aso Asao 『 』 』 』 』 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『

(To be continued.)

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