
Chapter 1046

hk1034 is a disaster!

Rongcheng Military District is one of the seven Mile Districts of Xia Nation. If there is a traitor in the Rongcheng Military District, this is definitely not a small thing!

However, Shi Lei in the heart is skeptical. Is the traitor in the so-called Rongcheng Military District a true traitor or a member of the opposition department of He Department? In case He Zhenbang stunned him and let him kill the members of the opposition, I am afraid that Shi Lei entered the dispute of the faction of Rongcheng Military District without a word.

Since ancient times, the factional dispute has been the most ruthless. Shi Lei never considered joining the faction of the Rongcheng Military District.

He Zhenbang seems to understand Shi Lei’s scruples, and explained: “Shi Lei, this thing, there is no complexity in your imagination. We have three traitors in the Rongcheng Military District, they are currently lurking in Móng Cái City, by Nanyue Nation protection of.”

“What kind of traitor?” Shi Lei curiously asked.

He Zhenbang hesitated a bit, or slowly said, after all, this matter, if not explained in detail, Shi Lei will certainly not agree.

“Speaking of this, this thing has something to do with you. When we designed Dawn’s, some of the Specialists in our Rongcheng Military District participated in Right?” He Zhenbang prompts.

Shi Lei nodded, First Generation Dawn’s perfected the work, Li Cai alone could not compcomplish. In the end, Shi Lei took advantage of the strength of the Rongcheng Military District, the Numerous Specialist of the Rongcheng Military District, to participate in Dawn’s perfection.

“Is it an issue with Dawn?” Shi Lei’s tone was amazed, but there was no tension in the heart. Hacker 1034

“Yes! Dawn’s full set of data was copied and stolen!” He Zhenbang broke a shocking news.

“What!” Shi Lei was really surprised this time. The research department of Rongcheng Military District Headquarters, how strict is the defense, and Core Technology was stolen? “Commander He, the Headquarters defense of your Rongcheng Military District, why is there such a flaw?” Shi Lei originally wanted to ask, ‘Headquarters defense personnel of the Rongcheng Military District, is it eating? ‘But it is too much to let He Zhenbang have no face, Shi Lei does not want to be blacklisted by He Zhenbang.

He Zhenbang said with a bitter smile : “This thing, our Core Specialist of Rongcheng Military District participated in it! However, Core Specialist is not a mastermind, but was forced to participate in it and helped them. Currently, Dawn’s whole set of designs, all in the hands of the three traitors, I am afraid that this time your actions will be guessed by the three traitors your identity. In case they confess to Nanyue Nation, I think Nanyue Nation will look for you. trouble!”

Shi Lei frowned, this is simply a disaster!

“Commander He, the specific identity of the three people, including photo information, and preferably your monitoring video video of Rongcheng Military District, I need to extract their Dynamic Behavior Signature. These data, you Rongcheng Military District have Right ?” Shi Lei asked quickly.

Three timing Bombs are placed in Móng Cái City, which is definitely a hassle!

However, according to logical reasoning, these three people should not have been arrogant with Nanyue Nation. Because they are in the border city of Móng Cái City, not Hanoi, or other Large-scale cities.

The Dream Entertainment attacked Ha Long Bay Research Base and Naval Base. They should also have no explanation for Nanyue Nation. These are the chips they have in their hands to negotiate with Nanyue Nation.

The three traitors in the Rongcheng Military District, betray the Rongcheng Military District at any cost, how can they help Nanyue Nation in vain? They must be asking for something, they will do such a thing!

Fortunately, after the disaster, He Zhenbang brought a good news.

“Shi Lei brat, don’t be so troublesome, we know where the three traitors are! We have a surveillance personnel that has been monitoring the three traitors. Just around the three traitors, there are twenty more Nanyue Nation soldiers protecting them. Our surveillance personnel are not sure to kill everyone. So, you need to shoot!” He Zhenbang said with a smile.

Rongcheng Military District has been dealing with Nanyue Nation for a long time. They have related chess pieces in Móng Cái City. This is not something that cannot be understood.

“Where are they?” Shi Lei asked He Zhenbang.

He Zhenbang spoke out three traitors in the specific location of Móng Cái City and added: “I will send photos of the three of them, and you will compare them to kill them as accurate as stated!”

“No issue!” Shi Lei without the slightest hesitation. Hacker 1034

“Well, then I will wait for your good news!” He Zhenbang said before hang up the phone, “Shi Lei, if you are not at ease, you can contact Li Yuan that brat ask. This thing, they There is also a lot of urgency there.” He Zhenbang replaced ‘Li Department’ with ‘they’, after all, he currently meets with Big Shot and cannot open to the issue of the public faction.

Some things, understand that it is clear that open to the public is open to the public, the two are definitely not the same thing!

Shi Lei hē hē A smile, He Zhenbang is an old fox, he obviously guessed, Shi Lei will definitely ask Li Yuan. Even if He Zhenbang said it would be nice, Shi Lei would not believe him easily.

After hanging up the phone, Shi Lei immediately ordered Izual contact Li Yuan. Li Yuan is the Crown Prince of Li Department, but Li Yuan does not have qualifications to participate in high-level meetings.

After the call was dialed, it was quickly answered, “Little Pebble?” Li Yuan’s voice, with a ridicule, “Hey, Little Pebble, today finally knows that this Old Uncle should be asked?”

Shi Lei is not joking. “Li Yuan, I have one thing to ask you.” Shi Lei said about He Zhenbang’s things, and finally asked: “Li Yuan, this thing. Do you know? Is this really true?”

“Èn! There is such a thing! If you have the ability to help, then help! In this matter, we are also wrong here, one of the traitors, exactly exactly as stated our people.” Li Yuan’s tone is somewhat Gloomy feeling.

Shi Lei replied affirmatively: “In this case, let me know about this matter! Well, temporarily hung up, and then have time to contact!” After confirming the situation, Shi Lei hung up.

Ending the call with Li Yuan, Shi Lei passed the Dawn on-board Communications System, contacted Ye Feng, started talking: “A’Feng, our affiliated organization Lonely Massacre, how is the situation now? How is the combat power promoted? Already?”

Lonely Massacre is the Dark Hell led by Ye Feng, the Peripheral Force developed at the Nanyue Nation Móng Cái City. The main component of Lonely Massacre is the Xia Nation Descendant of Nanyue Nation.

These Xia Nation Descendants have a hard time at Nanyue Nation. In the spirit of mutual help, Shi Lei decided to enroll them as a Peripheral Organization Member. However, as the peripheral organization of Dark Hell, Shi Lei also has a certain combat power, not just a small hoodlum in the city.

“Boss, after our training, Lonely Massacre’s combat power is rapidly promoted. After all, their foundation is not weak, they are born with a sense of crisis, and they will not suffer any losses from the Standing Army of Nanyue Nation. “Ye Feng responded to Shi Lei.

The member of Lonely Massacre is Xia Nation Descendant. They live in Nanyue Nation. It is really difficult, and they often have to worry about bullying by local people.

“Hey? Not bad!” Shi Lei said with a smile. “There is one thing that needs them to deal with. A’Feng, I will send you the address and target first. You contact Lonely Massacre’s personnel and target this address. With the Target of the Target Target, kill them all! Let them be clean and don’t leave any evidence!”

After Shi Lei finished, he told Izual to send all relevant data to Ye Feng. Ye Feng immediately arranged the member of Lonely Massacre to annihilate the corresponding target.

Lonely Massacre’s leader is Ren Gudu, a man who is somewhat singular but has a very good job.

After Ren Gudu received the order from Ye Feng, he quickly printed three Target Persons, printed some color pictures, and then led fifty people to kill the target Mangsan Street.

Mangsan Street is located in the most prosperous part of Móng Cái City and is the most complex area of ​​the road. Once there is any turmoil, the traitors of the three Rongcheng Military District hidden here can quickly flee.

Ren Gudu led the personnel, surrounded by the 3-Layer small building where the target lived, and they gradually narrowed the encirclement. When the encirclement is reduced to 50 meters, in a small building, an inconspicuous person, currently reports through the Wireless headset.

“Report, there has been action, found numerous armed personnel, currently surrounded by target personnel, please instruct the next move!” This humble man is the surveillance personnel of Rongcheng Military District.

The War Section door of Rongcheng Military District immediately responded, “Wait in place, observe the situation, don’t act rashly!”

The surveillance officer of Rongcheng Military District used the military use telescope to observe the position of the target. “The order was received, understand!”

Mangsan Street.

Lonely Massacre’s encirclement, when compressed into the twenty-meter range, they were countered by the protection of the Nanyue Nation. Nanyue Nation’s protective power, apparently did not realize that Lonely Massacre’s number of fighters is more than twice their number.

In the face of more than double the number of people, Lonely Massacre did not fight hard, they have zero casualties in Hope. So, they used the rockets very shamelessly!

Móng Cái City’s busiest downtown area, even shot “rocketing” rockets!

When the rocket exploded, the most prosperous area of ​​Móng Cái City suddenly became a mess. Nanyue Nation’s protection personnel obviously need to take into account the casualties of these civilians, but Lonely Massacre won’t!

Lonely Massacre’s personnel, living in Nanyue Nation, have been bullied by locals and even killed by locals. How do they care about the local people’s sexual life?

After Lonely Massacre used the rocket, Ren Gudu ordered a quick fix. In just five minutes, Lonely Massacre broke through the blocking of the Nanyue Nation protection personnel. If it is not for the target of zero casualties, they only need one minute at most!

Drying over the protection of Nanyue Nation, Lonely Massacre’s personnel, under the leadership of Leader Ren Gudu, easily captured the three traitors in the Rongcheng Military District instead of killing them.

According to Ren Gudu’s idea, leaving a live mouth may be more convenient to investigate some situations! .

(To be continued.)

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