
Chapter 1045

A traitor to hk1033 Rongcheng Military District!

The relationship between Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District is very special!

Both seem to be cooperative, and the Rongcheng Military District has obtained some military weapon technology from Shi Lei and studied the Dawn project together.

The Steel and Iron of Rongcheng Military District and Fearless and Explorer of Lion d Combat System are currently in the hands of Shi Lei’s. As a result, the Rongcheng Military District is faintly in a state of weakness.

In the Dawn project, the Rongcheng Military District took the initiative, and the Rongcheng Military District controlled the production process of the First Generation Dawn’s Core components, which made it impossible for Shi Lei to independently produce Dawn.

Rongcheng Military District in the “all” “machine” system source code, there is a request for Shi Lei; Shi Lei and Hope rely on the big tree of Rongcheng Military District, some things let the Rongcheng Military District back to the black pot.

The two sides can be described as a combination of interests!

For the sake of his own demands, Rongcheng Military District sometimes secretly orders Shi Lei to do things that the Rongcheng Military District is not convenient to do. This time, the Rongcheng Military District found that Shi Lei attacked Nanyue Nation, and the Big Shots of the Rongcheng Military District were not prepared to pursue Shi Lei’s responsibility.

Big Shot of Rongcheng Military District, Hope contact on Shi Lei, let Shi Lei help them accomplish one thing.

Rongcheng Military District, Integrated Operations Discussion Room. Hacker 1033

The Big Shots are currently discussed. The top of the Rongcheng Military District is divided into four factions. They are the He Department, who is in power, the Li Department, which is in power, the Major General Division Commander Su Ding, which is attached to the top-level electronic Safety unit, and the Secondary Department’s Equipment Department Head Yang Dingtian.

He Department and Li Department seem to be on the surface, but they are dark passages. There is not much hatred on both sides. The highest seat of the Rongcheng Military District is also the two sides taking turns.

Rongcheng Military District’s nominal Commander Li Long did not attend the meeting, but was chaired by Vice-commander He Zhenbang.

“ke ke ~ ”

He Zhenbang gave a light cough, indicating that everyone’s discussion stopped.

“Members, do you think that what happened to Nanyue Nation Ha Long Bay is Shi Lei doing it?” He Zhenbang asked for a very obvious issue.

Logistics Department Head Zhang Liming started talking : “Commander He, according to the picture published by Nanyue Nation, that is Dawn no doubt!” Zhang Liming is the representative of Li Department, he published his own views like boiled water.

Yang Dingtian of the neutral school directly said: “I think it is Shi Lei! Dawn is a war weapon developed by Shi Lei. Except for our Rongcheng Military District, only Shi Lei owns it. Just for the time being, I don’t know what Shi Lei attacked Nanyue Nation. purpose.”

The high-level Major General Division Commander Su Ding, hesitated: “I heard that Shi Lei was attacked in the Old Nest of Shuangqing City, the rich|daughter of the Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters Bureau Chief Ling, and the rich of Shengjing City Mayor Mu| Daughter, armed with an unknown identity, voted to shoot the deadly Virus. Could it be that those who are unknown identity armed personnel are Nanyue Nation?”

Su Ding obviously knows about Shuangqing City!

Although this matter was strictly blocked by Xia Nation Official, people inside the circle still know.

He Zhenbang didn’t respond to Su Ding, but started talking: “Want to know what Shi Lei has to do, just ask Shi Lei to know!” He Zhenbang picked up the satellite phone and dialed the Shi Lei’s phone number. He Zhenbang knows that if Shi Lei wants to answer the phone, he can get a call no matter where he is.

Shi Lei is in the ocean of 100 meters depth!

At this depth, the Second Generation Dawn is transferred to the on-board mini computer. Due to the insufficient calculation of the on-board mini computer, the Second Generation Dawn’s combat capability has dropped significantly.

Separated from Interweave Net Miwang’s Second Generation Dawn, relying on the on-board mini computer, you can only make some basic actions. For example, walking and running, and currently diving in the ocean. It is obviously impossible to fight fierce and high-speed battles! Hacker 1033

He Zhenbang dialed the Shi Lei’s phone number, but the prompt could not be reached. He Zhenbang obviously did not believe and continued to call.

This time, the phone was automatically answered by Izual. Izual couldn’t contact Shi Lei, Second Generation Dawn’s Communication Module. In the sea of ​​100 meters depth, it was blocked by seawater, and even the GPS Global Positioning System could not be contacted.

“Hello, Mr. Shi Lei is not convenient to answer the phone. If there is anything, please leave a voice message.” Izual simulated the voice of a middle-aged man, coming from the receiver.

He Zhenbang gave a slight glimpse, then snorted lightly, dissatisfied: “I am He Zhenbang, tell Shi Lei, let him answer the phone.”

“Hello, Commander He, Mr. Shi is not convenient to answer the phone, I will inform Mr. Shi, let him contact you as soon as possible!” Izual responded to He Zhenbang.

Hearing the other person calling himself ‘Commander He’, He Zhenbang turned his eyes, did not immediately respond to Izual, but turned to look at Su Ding, started talking: “Little Su, you used to say, Dream Entertainment Company, there is a human being The same computer program, right?”

Su Ding didn’t understand He Zhenbang suddenly asked what this is. He responded: “Yes, Commander He, Dream Entertainment Company, has a human-like ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System.” Su Ding knows ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System and Pseudo very well. The difference between ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, but He Zhenbang is not clear, Su Ding does not intend to explain in detail, simply say it is ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System.

He Zhenbang nodded and said to the satellite: “Are you the Dream Entertainment Company’s ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System?” He Zhenbang learned the name of Su Ding and asked about Izual.

“Yes, Commander He.” Izual didn’t hide the situation. According to Shi Lei’s default plan, when Izual couldn’t contact him and He Zhenbang came to the door again, what Izual should do, these settings have already been set.

He got a positive answer, He Zhenbang directly told: “Tell Shi Lei, let him contact me as soon as possible! Also, what is Shi Lei doing at Nanyue Nation?”

“Commander He, System has been automatically recorded. Once the System is connected to Mr. Shi, it will remind Mr. Shi to contact you. System does not know the location of Mr. Shi, and can’t answer your Second issue.” Izual responded.

He Zhenbang hēng hēng made two calls and hung up the phone directly. After hanging up the phone, He Zhenbang quickly asked Su Ding, “Little Su, just talking to me, what is the ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System? Why do I feel it is a person?”

Su Ding formerly pretends to be the customer service center of Brave’s World’s Gamer, contact Dream Entertainment Company. For Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, Su Ding admire the five-body cast.

So High Degree intelligent Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, Su Ding or first time to see. Even the secret department of Su Ding formerly works, there is no such advanced Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System!

“Commander He, in fact, Dream Entertainment Company’s ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, in a broad sense, it is already a human being. However, it has no innovation and emotion.” Su Ding answered He Zhenbang and gave Shi Lei said: “If we can own Dream Entertainment Company’s ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, our Ringcheng Military District’s combat capabilities can at least be doubled!”

“So powerful?” He Zhenbang did not believe it.

In He Zhenbang’s view, a computer software system, how can it improve the combat capability of the Rongcheng Military District more than double?

Su Ding explained: “Commander He, modern warfare requires the assistance of High Degree information. How fast is the command transmission speed of our Rongcheng Military District and the lower War Section team? How narrow is our command range? If we have a set System, you can directly reach the hands of every soldier, let each soldier understand their Task, then how high is the soldier’s combat effectiveness?”

He Zhenbang sucked in a cold breath !

“This is not very likely!” Yang Dingtian of the neutral school, more or less know some Computer System. “Division Head Su, what level do you need to say, what computer system do you need?”

“What’s impossible? Li Jian Nation’s War System, isn’t that the case? All the Li Jian Nation units are all in one military use network, their Main System, exactly as stated an ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System! Su Ding sneered. “If it’s not the ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, do you think Li Jian Nation’s troops are really so powerful?”

Li Jian Nation’s army, in the communication aspect really did very well! At the same time, the collaboration between multiple units is also very good. For example, a soldier’s personnel found a bunker. When he couldn’t handle it, he called the remote support directly through the military use network.

A single soldier personnel can connect to all War Section teams directly through the military use network. What kind of efficient communication is this?

He Zhenbang thought about what Su Ding said, he swallowed aqueduct: “Little Su, if we let Shi Lei create an ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System for us, do you say this is possible?”

Su Ding solemnly nodded, “It is entirely possible!”


Nanyue Nation.

Shi Lei entire group returns to the sea near Móng Cái City from the ocean according to the customary Navigation System. Then take a hooded van waiting for the beach and prepare to return to Dark Hell’s Cheng Dong Stronghold.

Returning to Móng Cái City from Ha Long Bay, it took almost an hour and a half. The Second Generation Dawn has withstood the test and the Diving Module has no issues at all.

Just sitting behind the awning truck, Izual’s cold reminder sounded.

“Sir, He Zhenbang of Rongcheng Military District, contacted you before Twenty-seven minutes, He Zhenbang asked you to contact him.” Izual reminded Shi Lei.

Shi Lei frowned and immediately ordered: “contact He Zhenbang !”

‘He Zhenbang Looking for me? Don’t know what’s going on? Could it be that the situation of Nanyue Nation was violent? ‘Shi Lei in the heart is thinking about it. Even though Nanyue Nation’s affairs are violent, and He Zhenbang can’t handle it in foreign countries!

The phone just dialed, and He Zhenbang answered, “Shi Lei brat, you are in Nanyue Nation?” He Zhenbang directly overbearing to ask Shi Lei, so Shi Lei is somewhat uncomfortable.

“Hey, Commander He, what are you talking about?” Shi Lei stunned and tried to get away with it.

“Well, Shi Lei brat, the monitoring system of Nanyue Nation, Dawn, we saw it in the Rongcheng Military District!” He Zhenbang hā hā laughed, “Shi Lei brat, how do you think about the trouble of finding Nanyue Nation?”

“Commander He, what do you say?” Shi Lei asked.

“Is that thing really related to Nanyue Nation?” He Zhenbang took a question.

Shi Lei did not answer, he did not believe that He Zhenbang just looked for him to care about it. If you care about it before you care, why bother to come back?

“Commander He, what are you looking for?” Shi Lei opened the conversation.

He Zhenbang didn’t go to the bottom of the question, but said: “Shi Lei, anyway, you are at Nanyue Nation, we have one thing in the Rongcheng Military District and need your help!”

“What?” Shi Lei’s mouth smacked a smile. Hierarch of the Rongcheng Military District, how can you have time to talk to Shi Lei?

“Where are you at Nanyue Nation?” He Zhenbang did not say it directly, but asked Shi Lei’s specific location.

Shi Lei thought about it and said the real address. “I am in Móng Cái City, which is next to Xingdong City in China.”

“Really?” He Zhenbang’s tone was a bit of a surprise.

“Well, of course it is true!” Shi Lei was very smart. He immediately realized that Rongcheng Military District needed his help, possibly near Móng Cái City, or near Móng Cái City.

What He Zhenbang said next, as expected by Shi Lei!

“Shi Lei, we need you to help us kill three people! Three traitors in the Rongcheng Military District! The three people are in Móng Cái City!” He Zhenbang said some gnashing teeth.

A traitor to the Rongcheng Military District?

Shi Lei was very surprised that the Rongcheng Military District had a traitor!

“What is the situation of those traitors?” Shi Lei’s “touch” was not allowed, and he decided to contact Li Yuan privately. The faction of Rongcheng Military District is complicated. If those ‘traitors’ are the personnel of Li Department and Shi Lei kills them, isn’t it properly labeled as He Department?

Shi Lei is definitely not Hope to participate in the factional battle of Rongcheng Military District! . (To be continued.)

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