
Chapter 1044

Has hk1032 left evidence?

Nanyue Nation, 8:34 pm.

“Sanpao, Mingxuan, Task accomplish, ready to retreat!” Shi Lei issued a retreat order.

Second Generation Dawn’s Real Combat Test, very satisfactory accomplish. Both melee capabilities, defense capabilities, long-range combat capabilities, and comprehensive capabilities have all been well tested.

They spent a total of two 12 minutes of testing time, which is not too long or short, just within Shi Lei’s expectations.

Now is the best time for them to escape. If you wait a little longer, I am afraid that Nanyue Nation will send more power to support. Shi Lei is not afraid of the support of Nanyue Nation, but Shi Lei’s time is limited, no effort and entanglement with Nanyue Nation.

What if Nanyue Nation sticks like a candy candy?

With Second Generation Dawn’s Outstanding, Shi Lei is not worried about being caught by Nanyue Nation, but worried about Nanyue Nation’s nerves, dispatching Fighter, tracking Dawn, and even bombing.

In the face of Fighter, Shi Lei knows that Second Generation Dawn can’t beat it. Maybe Dawn with Anti-gravity Technology can beat Fighter Right?

Six Black “color” matte’s Second Generation Dawn, for the Nanyue Nation Ha Long Bay Navy research base, and Navy’s reinforcements, after a violent violence by Wuliang, quickly chose to retreat. Hacker 1032

Shi Lei made a retreat plan in advance, and the retreat plan did not return from the original route. If you return from the original road, you will also leave Dawn’s traces. Before using the hood to transport Dawn, wouldn’t you take off your pants and fart?

The preset retreat plan, chose to retreat from the ocean. While retreating from the ocean, while concealing the “sex”, you can also test Dawn’s diving module.

Dawn’s Diving Module uses Seawater Electrolysis’s solution to make oxygen. Conventional Seawater Electrolysis produces chlorine instead of oxygen. But who is Li Cai? The essence of Li Cai bullshit is the anodic electrolysis material for oxygen evolution and chlorine inhibition directly from his old laboratory.

When Seawater Electrolysis is performed by the oxygen evolution-suppressing anode, the generation of chlorine gas can be suppressed to obtain oxygen. As for the hydrogen that should have a great use, it was treated as waste.

After more than two minutes, six black “color” matte Dawn stood by the sea.

Due to Dawn’s Dive Module, no verification has been made. So, Dawn’s diving module, whether it has any effect, Shi Lei is not clear.

Ye Feng took the initiative: “Boss, let me try!”

Ye Feng was the first to follow Shi Lei’s absolute confidant. In the system of Shi Lei’s power, Ye Feng’s status is very high. Especially in the field of Dark power, Ye Feng is almost a Second Leader above the 10,000 people.

“Well, be careful! Don’t go too far for a while, lie flat on the shore, test the diving module, and get normal oxygen from Seawater Electrolysis,” Shi Lei told.

Shi Lei is not too clear about the working mode of the diving module. The thing about the technical aspect, Li Cai that brat understood.

“Understand!” Ye Feng responded to Shi Lei and slowly moved from the shore to the sea. When seawater drowned Dawn’s knees, Ye Feng reported the situation: “Boss, Dawn is working fine!”

Second Generation Dawn’s leg structure is more complicated. If the waterproof measures are not done well, there should be a mechanical circuit failure.

“Continue!” Shi Lei responded to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng received the Shi Lei’s command, controlled the Dawn crouch body, and sat in the seawater. The highest wave has reached Dawn’s neck.

“Boss, the on-board System did not find any leaks.” After Ye Feng reported, he went straight to the last test, which was to submerge his head in seawater. Hacker 1032

The entire Dawn was completely submerged in the turbid seawater. About a minute later, Ye Feng reported again: “Boss, the oxygen content in the cockpit is normal, the system does not detect chlorine, I don’t feel any discomfort.”

“Continue testing!” Shi Lei ordered.

For more than a minute, Shi Lei felt too short and he was going to test it for at least ten minutes. Anyway, the support force of Nanyue Nation has not yet arrived at the Ocean Research Base.

In just ten minutes, I feel so long at this moment.

“Boss, the on-board system prompts everything to be fine.” Ten minutes later, Ye Feng reported the situation. Obviously, the Seawater Electrolysis function of the diving module succeeded in producing oxygen instead of toxic chlorine.

“Received!” Shi Lei replied, driving Dawn to the ocean. He walked into the deep sea until Seawater had not passed the top of Dawn’s head, and Shi Lei opened the underwater propulsion system of the diving module.

Dawn’s underwater propulsion system, in fact, is just a high-pressure motor with two legs, adding a pump application. Absorbed with **seawater through High Energy Motor as a driving force for progress.

Under the leadership of Shi Lei’s, the five people of the Punishment Merc Warsquad, behind Shi Lei’s, rushed to Móng Cái City from a sea about 100 meters deep.

The entire process of retreat did not leave a little bit of evidence!


Nanyue Nation, Ha Long Bay, Naval Base.

When Ha Long Bay Naval Base dispatched First rescue forces to support the research base, Ha Long Bay Naval Base confidently believed that support forces could definitely defeat the invaders.

In fact, when Ha Long Bay Naval Base received a research base for help, Ha Long Bay Naval Base was still confused, why the research base was attacked.

Research projects at the research base are not cutting-edge technologies, and even research bases are not well known. This so-called research base, precisely as stated, is a knockoff technology plagiarism workshop.

For the personnel who attacked this target, Naval Base dispatched the Marine Armed Helicopter and the two hundred Navy Marines, but the high-level Naval Base scorned those invading the personnel.

However, the object they were scorned directly annihilated the reinforcements they sent, which made Naval Base very shocked and angry. When the angry Naval Base executives were preparing to send more reinforcements, the Navy executives suddenly remembered one thing. Naval Base has no elite power to send!

The only Marine Armed Helicopter was attacked by Destroy, two hundred Elite Navy and Lion d Combat Team, and all of them were Destroy. What other forces can they send?

Ha Long Bay Naval Base, who woke up, immediately contacted HAIP hong City in the west.

HAIP hong City has an air base, and Ha Long Bay Naval Base reported details indicating that they and the research base were attacked by an unidentified identity armed personnel, losing a Marine Armed Helicopter and two hundred Elite Navy and Lion d Combat Team members.

HAIP hong City’s Air Force base High Degree attaches importance to this situation, whether it is Ha Long Bay or HAIP hong City, they are closer to Hanoi, the capital of Nanyue Nation!

In case this group of unidentified identity armed personnel, the road attacked Hanoi, it would be funny!

At the air base of HAIP hong City, two Su-27Fighters were dispatched, and three Armed Helicopters were sent to Ha Long Bay for investigate. Two Su-27Fighters quickly arrived at Ha Long Bay, which circled at a low altitude of one kilometer and scanned in the air.

However, when the two 27Fighters arrived, Shi Lei entire group had already drove into the sea with Dawn. If Shi Lei and others are on land, returning along the original road, they will definitely be caught by two Su 27. The Guided Missile carried by Su 27 is not a decoration!

The two 27Fighters hovered for a while and found no target. When the three Armed Helicopters entered Ha Long Bay, the two 27Fighters returned and handed the probe to three Armed Helicopters.

Three Armed Helicopters conducted ultra low-altitude detection. They found Dawn’s retreat route and followed Dawn’s footprints. When they came to the beach, they lost Dawn’s.

This result obviously does not satisfy Ha Long Bay Naval Base and HAIP hong City Air Force Base. Ha Long Bay Naval Base quickly counted the loss and reported the matter to the Nanyue Department of Defense.

The relationship between Nanyue Nation and Xia Nation was not harmonious. When the report of Ha Long Bay Naval Base was reported, the Nanyue Department of Defense held a Press Conference overnight, accusing Xia Nation of sending a secret force to attack Nanyue Nation.

In Nanyue Nation’s view, whether it’s Xia Nation or not, it’s the first time to buckle the 屎 在 on Xia Nation. Can’t find the creditor, it’s right to find Xia Nation! Even after the incident, I found that it wasn’t really Xia Nation. I just apologized to Xia Nation and it calmed Xia Nation’s anger.

Xia Nation’s Foreign Affairs Department immediately issued a rebuttal, saying that all this is a guess by Nanyue Nation, and there is no real evidence.

Two Nations screamed in the middle of the night, and Nanyue Nation said vowed, and extracted a blurred picture from the Monitoring System at the research base. In the picture, Dawn’s frontal photo was taken to death.

On the positive side, there is almost no external difference between the Second Generation Dawn and the First Generation Dawn. It is also the Alloy Sword and Shield Set, which looks like the twin brother.

Xia Nation’s Foreign Affairs Department and the Nanyue Department of Defense are slobbering, but Xia Nation’s Rongcheng Military District executives understand that this attack is really the power of Xia Nation, but not the official force of Xia Nation. .

Rongcheng Military District teamed up with Shi Lei to produce First Generation Dawn. The photos provided by Nanyue Nation were recognized by Rongcheng Military District First, and the Dawn of the Rongcheng Military District Big Shot was lying in the warehouse honestly.

The First Generation Dawn’s Core component, which is under the control of the Rongcheng Military District, has not produced a new Dawn recently. Then Dawn attacking Nanyue Nation is obviously owned by Shi Lei!

However, Big Shot of Rongcheng Military District does not understand why Shi Lei is attacking Han Long Bay Research Base of Nanyue Nation? The Rongcheng Military District Big Shot, who did not understand, decided to contact Shi Lei personally.

They don’t want to pursue Shi Lei’s responsibility, but… (To be continued.)

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