
Chapter 1034

hk1022 Safety Reassuring rewards!

June 11th, morning.

Shi Lei and Raphael currently discuss how to deal with Wo Sang Nation.

Based on the “sex” defect of Raphael and the environment around Raphael, Shi Lei and Raphael became ‘friend’, and Shi Lei succeeded in reversing the Raphael, which was originally an enemy, into a good helper.

“Phinney, a member of the Mirror Science and Technology Group, has a World Grade Hacker that is directly under my management. Invading Narita Airport and Haneda Airport’s Management System, the World Grade Hacker, will do its best for 100%. A World Grade Hacker, can you break the defense of Narita Airport and Haneda Airport Management System?” Shi Lei smiled and answered Raphael.

This World Grade Hacker, Shi Lei refers to Tao Wenxian. This action definitely requires the participation of Tao Wenxian. Tao Wenxian not only has the strength of World Grade Hacker, but also knows the existence of Izual’s, he is a huge boost!

Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian are allies. The two people have a black group. Although the black “color” watch, there is no known for the time being, but their allies are very solid.

Raphael in the heart surprised, ‘World Grade’s Hacker? Directly under Shi Lei management? The strength of Mirror Science and Technology Group is really powerful! ‘

“Stone, if we add a World Grade Hacker, we will drag the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency in the Power Grid System. It is true that Hope has broken the Management System defense of Narita Airport and Haneda Airport! Raphael answered affirmatively.

Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, Yamata, and Takama-ga-hara, although very powerful, they are not without their own business. They need to defend the target’s Safety and can’t easily leave the job. Hacker 1022

For example, Yamata, this mysterious Security Organization is part of the Wo Sang ** party, they usually need to defend the military’s Internal System. The military of Wo Sang Nation is attacked by various aspects every day. These attacks include Woer Sang Nation’s native Hacker, overseas Hacker, and even other official Nation’s official forces.

If Yamata is free to pick up and support the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, what about Wo Sang Nation’s military Network Security System?

“As long as you can break the Management System defense of Narita Airport and Haneda Airport, it’s very good!” Shi Lei showed a happy mood and then asked: “Yes, Phinney, I have to ask one thing.”

“Ask!” Raphael affirmatively answered, which means that Raphael is willing to answer Shi Lei’s questions.

“Where should I release a reward for the issue of the reward,” Shi Lei asked Raphael, this thing, Shi Lei really didn’t know.

Although Shi Lei was formerly the Hacker of World Summit Grade, he was not Bounty Hacker and had not released any Hacker Task rewards. Therefore, Shi Lei’s does not know where to post the reward for the Hacker Task.

After all, even on the Internet, the rewards of the Power Grid System in Wo Sang Nation Tokyo Prefecture, as well as the Management System of Narita Airport and Haneda Airport, are obviously the behavior of illegal.

Shi Lei can’t always hang the related Reward Task on the Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website. If Shi Lei really does, Wo Sang Nation will definitely look for Shi Lei!

Besides, Hacker is a crowd that needs to hide identity. After comprehending the Reward Task, how should you pay the reward? Or, why do those Bounty Hackers believe in the related Reward Task?

Raphael hēi hēi a said with a smile : “Stone, among Hacker World, there is a hidden website called Black Net. Black Net specializes in mediating the Hacker Reward Task, but they charge an agency fee of up to 50%.”

“50%?” Shi Lei was quite surprised. “Isn’t that if we have a reward of 10 Million US Dollar, do we need to invest in 20 Million US Dollar?”

“No!” Raphael denied, and then explained, “It should be said that our reward is still 10 Million US Dollar, we will publish the Task on Black Net, if anyone wants to pick up our Task, and compcomplish For our Task, Black Net automatically deducts half of it when Black Net collects a bounty, which is counted as an intermediary fee.”

Black Net compares people’s sexuality, and it does not charge the agency for agency fees. Black Net is the principal’s advantage, and if there is no client, there is no investor. Therefore, Black Net is more willing to squeeze the residual value of the Hackers.

Anyway, for Black Net, if a Hacker feels that the mediation is too high, there are more Hackers willing to cash out the technology. In addition to Black Net, Hacker wants technology to be realized, which is very difficult.

“50%’s mediation costs? Is this going to be too high?” Shi Lei hesitated, then continued: “Phinney, can we bypass Black Net and contact Hacker directly?” Hacker 1022

Raphael replied in a negative way: “I’m afraid I can’t! Black Net is very famous in the Hacker circle. Black Net has been running for nearly a decade, and there has never been an incident of annexation; there has not been any case, Hacker of the Accomplish Task. The identity data has been leaked.”

“What exactly is Black Net? Can it be done to such an extent?” Shi Lei curiously asked.

In accordance with the truth, Black Net operates an illegal business and is absolutely blocked by security agencies throughout the world. After all, the analysis of the things that Raphael said, even the rewards of the Wo Sang Nation Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, Haneda Airport and Narita Airport Management System, Black Net dare to accept blatantly. Isn’t Black Net not afraid of the Cyber ​​Security power of Wo Sang Nation?

There are only two situations in which Black Net stands up. First, Black Net’s strength is really strong and can be successfully resisted, and the Security Department of all countries in the world track down. But is Black Net really so powerful?

If the power behind Black Net has such a powerful force, why bother with what Black Net? That is simply the rhythm of Fuck!

The first case is ruled out, and only the Second case is left.

The forces behind Black Net are the forces of Official. Since it is the power of Official, then naturally you don’t have to worry about being traced by Official. It is directly the official person of Official!

This situation is very likely, the power of Official, it is indeed possible to build Black Net. Because of the establishment of Black Net, you can grasp the trend of Hacker attack target, and thus build a powerful defense first.

“Stone, I don’t know too much about Black Net. But someone told me not to pick up the Task on Black Net.” Raphael replied honestly.

‘hēng hēng ! I am afraid the Angel Giant’s Great Giant Right? ‘Shi Lei in the heart. The Great Giant of ‘Angel Parliament, must know the secret of Black Net. Since Great Giant is 嘱咐 Raphael, don’t pick up the Task on Black Net, then Black Net must have an issue. Is it really what I imagined? ‘

“Phinney, since someone told you not to pick up the Task on Black Net, we don’t want to publish the Task on Black Net.” Shi Lei thought for a moment and thought of a way to replace Black Net.

“If you don’t publish the Task on Black Net, where do we release the Task? The key is to release the Task to convince other Hackers,” Raphael said.

Shi Lei certainly has a way to convince other Hackers!

“Phinney, are you really a World Summit Grade Hacker Raphael?” Shi Lei pretended to be uncertain.

Raphael hā hā Smile, “Stone, how many times have I told you? I am World Summit Grade Hacker Raphael! Why do you suddenly ask this question?”

“Phinney, if you are a World Summit Grade Hacker Raphael, then you are not afraid to be offered a discount by Wo Sang Nation?” Shi Lei tempted.

Raphael responded with no stupidity: “Stone, your opinion is, in my name, a Hacker reward for open to the public, right?”

If you post an open to the public reward in the name of Raphael, as long as you can prove that the reward is indeed released by Raphael, then in Hacker World, some Hacker who really have the ability to participate in the reward will definitely believe this reward.

But in doing so, the hatred of Raphael and Wo Sang Nation has properly reached the point of ‘herocracy’!

“No!” Shi Lei is not sure if Raphael is willing to do so. However, Shi Lei himself denied the proposal of Raphael. His ‘friendship’ with Raphael is not too deep. He can’t let Raphael back this big black pot, so as not to damage the friendship between the two sides.

“Phinney, I posted a reward in the network. You use Raphael’s identity, open to the public to represent the reward. And, this is the real and valid of the reward. So, those Hackers, should you believe it? With the temptation of 10 Million US Dollar, they should not reject Right? Without the Black Net 50%, this is definitely a very tempting solution!” Shi Lei said with a smile.

Raphael thought about it and added: “Stone, I can also explain that the person who posted the reward is an Old Friend, which is even more convincing.”

“Good! Then do this, how?” Shi Lei made the final decision.

Raphael said seriously: “Stone, are you doing this, is it worth it? Have you ever thought about what would Wo Sang Nation do to you after the event was defeated?”

Shi Lei snorted and said with anger: “Why did Wo Sang Nation think about it, how do they treat me? I just use his own way and heal his own body!”

“Okay!” Raphael no longer persuaded Shi Lei, “When will we release a network target for Wo Sang Nation?”

Shi Lei did not respond positively to the Raphael issue, but instead asked Raphael, “Phinney, if your girlfriend is killed, what do you do?”

Raphael is also not a good-tempered guy. He said directly: “Of course it is revenge!”

“Yes! Of course it is revenge! No matter what I did, Wo Sang Nation is a self-defeating! Cyber ​​Security attacking Wo Sang Nation is just the beginning…”

Shi Lei’s tone is very cold! .

(To be continued.)

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