
Chapter 1033

hk1021 Reward Target !

10 Million USD is definitely not a small number!

In 2007, this wealth, placed in Li Jian Nation, is also an amazing number!

In Shi Lei’s telephone conversation with Raphael, Shi Lei affirmed: “Phinney, you didn’t get it wrong, 10 Million USD! Daddy sells iron, and also teaches Wo Sang Nation!” Later, Shi Lei’s tone, with furious.

Raphael secretly guessed what it was and made Shi Lei so angry. What happened in Xia Nation Shuangqing City, although very earth-shattering, no matter whether it is Xia Nation or overseas, there is no media coverage.

Here, I have to praise Xia Nation, about controlling the opinion aspect, Xia Nation really does not one drop of water can leak out!

“Stone, if it’s 10 Million US Dollar, this reward will be a feast for Hacker World. At that time, the numerous Hacker will be… bad!” Raphael said halfway, suddenly exclaimed .

Shi Lei asked: “What happened?”

“Stone, is your phone a secret route? Is hardware encryption used?” Raphael is World Summit Grade Hacker. He knows that telephone communications, especially transoceanic communications, will receive special attention.

If Shi Lei’s phone is not a secret route, the content of their conversation may have been informed by the monitored personnel, then they are bothered! Hacker 1021

Shi Lei hā hā said with a smile : “Phinney, my Hacker technology is very bad, but you are too small to see me Right? Our Mirror Science and Technology Group, owns ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, our communication route, at any time If you are protected, you can rest assured!” Shi Lei deliberately described Raphael as ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System instead of Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. In some details, it shows that it is a Hacker rookie, not an Expert. .

Pay attention to the details, maybe you can’t succeed, but don’t pay attention to the details, but it is very likely to fail!

‘ArtifiCIA l Intelligence? Hēng! Our Abdiel can’t be counted as ArtifiCIA l Intelligence, what system of Mirror Science and Technology Group, how could it be ArtifiCIA l Intelligence? ‘Raphael swears in the heart, but it is not pointed out on the surface. Because in Raphael’s opinion, doing so will undoubtedly make Shi Lei very faceless.

Raphael is still very important to him and Shi Lei’s ‘friendship’!

“oh, god! Stone, the next time you do this, you have to make it clear in advance, just scared me, you know, on our side, whether it is CIA and FBI, or NSA, they are very annoying!” Raphael pretends to be nervous.

“Reassured, rest assured!” Shi Lei hā hā smiled and said: “Phinney, you just said that if you take out 10 Million USD, will you attract a lot of Hacker?”

Raphael replied affirmatively: “Yes! At least, I know a few people want to participate! The technical strength of those guys, although not to the extent of me, is almost as magical as God in the Ordinary.”

In Li Jian Nation’s Hacker World, there are several Bounty Hackers who rely on all kinds to make money. Just give them enough money, and they think that the corresponding work, and there is no danger, they will take the slightest hesitation with the Task.

“Hey? So powerful? Where are they in the standard of Hacker World?” Shi Lei curiously asked. Shi Lei’s strength is between World Quasi Third-rate and World Third-rate. At this level of Hacker, you already understand Hacker’s Grade classification.

Raphael apparently investigate Shi Lei, he knows Shi Lei knows this.

“Stone, since you are interested, I will tell you three of them. These three are Li Jian Nation’s most famous Bounty Hacker. The first is Declared Dead, he is World Grade’s Hacker, and the technical strength is very strong; Second is Dark Lord, the strength reached the Quasi World Grade, although there is no Declared Dead, but it is still very strong. The last Bounty Hacker has reached the Quasi World Grade, his code name is Batman, hā hā …” said the last Bounty Hacker At the time, Raphael laughed.

Batman is Batman. Originally synonymous with justice, it became the code name of Bounty Hacker. It must be said that Bounty Hacker Batman has a black color.

The three people Shi Lei know!

They are indeed Li Jian Nation’s three most powerful Bounty Hackers! This is why Shi Lei intends to offer a Wo Sang Nation network target. These Bounty Hackers, there is no concept of right and wrong, they only care about the reward of the Task and the danger degree of the Task, whether they are within their acceptance.

Even if Shi Lei rewards Li Jian Nation’s network target, these Bounty Hackers will not have the slightest hesitation next! Hacker 1021

However, in front of the Raphael, Shi Lei needs to show that I don’t know the posture of the three Bounty Hackers. “Phinney, I have a question. The three people’s Hacker technology is so powerful, why not transform it into a Security SpeCIA list? Or is it dependent on some High-tech companies?”

“They don’t dare!” Raphael did not explain in detail, “When you get to that realm, you will understand!”

In fact, Shi Lei knows why they don’t dare!

Hacker transforms Security SpeCIA list, not that transformation is transformation. In Hacker World, there is no such thing as the ancient Era’s golden basin to wash hands and withdraw from Jianghu. Bounty Hacker, which one is not a sultry generation? How many bad things have they done, what should they do after the transition?

As for the high-tech enterprise, who knows, is this a trap?

“Well, okay!” Shi Lei did not continue to ask Raphael. Sometimes, it is not a good habit to ask questions.

“Stone, what network target do you plan to offer for Wo Sang Nation?” Raphael asked.

Shi Lei is very sensible and has nothing to say about controlling Wo Sang Nation’s Nuclear Power Plant. Wo Sang Nation is a nuclear power country, but unfortunately, the Nuclear Power Plant cannot be controlled.

Why is the Nuclear Power Plant not being controlled?

Because, the System of Nuclear Power Plant is not only closed, but also industrial control system. Even if the Nuclear Power Plant’s industrial control system, the Nuclear Power Plant aspect, can be manually controlled, the emergency operation of the Nuclear Power Plant can be started with a DC Electric-powered machine.

“Phinney, I plan to target the power grid in Tokyo Prefecture!” The power grid in Tokyo Prefecture has adopted the High Degree intelligent control. If it is black into the management system of the grid, it is definitely a disaster in Tokyo Prefecture!

Raphael sucked in a cold breath, he did not think that Shi Lei was so dark, if the entire Tokyo Prefecture, lost power supply for a moment, will definitely bring a lot of trouble to Tokyo Prefecture.

“Stone, wanting to control the power grid in Tokyo Prefecture is not an easy task! The Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency will give the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System a very strong protection!” Raphael reminds Shi Lei .

To illustrate how difficult it is, Raphael continues: “even though I am involved, it is very difficult to black out the power grid in Tokyo Prefecture!”

Shi Lei thought about it and said, “With the three powerful Bounty Hackers, can’t you?”

“Stone! Don’t count on them! They will definitely join the battle. If everything goes well, they will continue to fight. But if there is a little bit going well, then the three bastards will raise the first time.” Raphael said with a disdainful tone.

“Phinney, isn’t there a way?” Shi Lei pretends to be somewhat: “Phinney, if Mirror Science and Technology Group helps?”

Raphael asks: “What help can Mirror Science and Technology Group help?”

“Assisted by a World Grade Apex Hacker! Also, the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Ultimate Defense System protects our intrusions from anti-tracking!” Shi Lei is a Mirror Science and Technology Group, weaving non-existent cards.

“Well?” Raphael was a little surprised, but then relieved. If Mirror Science and Technology Group did not have World Summit Grade Hacker and Mr. M betrayed Mirror Science and Technology Group, why not retaliate against Mirror Science and Technology Group?

Unless Mirror Science and Technology Group has the power to compete with Mr. M!

“Stone, Mirror Science and Technology Group’s World Summit Grade Hacker, will we help us as much as possible? If not, we don’t have Hope to win the Power Grid System in Tokyo Prefecture,” Raphael asked.

If you win the Power Grid System in Tokyo Prefecture, it is also a very big achievement for Raphael!

Mirror Science and Technology Group’s World Summit Grade Hacker, exactly as stated Shi Lei, how can he not do his best?

“Phinney, you can rest assured that Mirror Science and Technology Group’s World Summit Grade Hacker will definitely work with us when we advance and to advance and retreat!” Shi Lei replied affirmatively. “He is one of the top executives of Mirror Science and Technology Group. Personal relationship with me is very good, it is impossible to quit. Unless we really can’t accomplish Task, he will quit.”

Raphael is a little relieved. “If you can’t accomplish the Task, I will quit. Forcing the accomplish Task is definitely not a good idea!” Raphael said Li Jian Nation-style humor.

“En! I understand!” Shi Lei said that he did not understand humor and expressed his understanding. “Phinney, in addition to the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, I also chose another target.”

“Hey?” Raphael curiously asked : “What target?”

“Narita Airport, Haneda Airport!” Shi Lei said with a sneer: “At the beginning, Mr. M clamored with Haneda Airport and attracted the forces of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. This time, I am going to have two airports. All are set to Reward Target, and those Hackers should make the Management System of the two Airports very cool!”

Raphael once again expressed shock. “Stone, your plan is great, but you forgot something. The defense of Narita Airport and Haneda Airport is also very good. Mr. M can control the Management System of Haneda Airport, does not represent those Ordinary. Hacker is OK too.”

Shi Lei hā hā said while laughing loudly : “If they can?”

“Impossible! The strength of the defense of Narita Airport and Haneda Airport is definitely not the Ordinary Hacker, can be broken! Wait, Stone, you are so confident, do you have any cards?” Raphael is extremely curious, Shi Lei hands, How many cards are there? .

(To be continued.)

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