
Chapter 1035

The feast of hk1023 Hacker World opens!

Raphael has always wondered why Shi Lei can’t get along with Wo Sang Nation.

Regarding the relationship between Xia Nation and Wo Sang Nation, in fact Raphael also knows, but the issue between Nation and Nation, Raphael does not think that Shi Lei will be willing to spend 10 million US Dollar just to give Wo Sang Nation is looking for some trouble.

Until Shi Lei asked him, girlfriend was killed, what should I do, Raphael understood, Shi Lei’s girlfriend, perhaps something unexpected happened. This kind of unexpected situation is caused by Wo Sang Nation.

“Phinney, let’s go to the release of the reward message now, how?” Shi Lei suggested.

Reward Wo Sang Nation network target and take a little time to warm up. It is impossible for Shi Lei to release the information. Bounty Hacker will come to the door. After the release of the reward, the information needs to be left to Bounty Hacker to consider the authenticity of the reward.

“Stone, what kind of website do you plan to post on the reward for information?” Raphael asked.

Shi Lei paused for a while, thinking about what website should be posted on the information of the Wo Sang Nation network target. Just thinking for less than ten seconds, Shi Lei thought of a good idea!

“Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum !” Shi Lei said his answer.

Raphael quickly retorted: “Stone, are you crazy? Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, that is your Dream Entertainment’s affiliate website. Published in the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, don’t you worry, Wo Sang Nation “Government” aspect, Think of you directly?” Hacker 1023

“They have no evidence!” Shi Lei snorted, said with a sneer: “Phinney, I am afraid you don’t know about our Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum! The registration server for the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum is not set up in Xia Nation, but Established in CaYM an Islands. The Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum follows the rules of Freedom. Unless it is a very serious personal attist insult, or racial discrimination, religious disputes, etc., our official will only delete the post. Similar to Gamer released What Murder and Arson Plan, I want to start a team, want to stab Li Jian Nation President, and seek like-minded patriots, these remarks, we will not manage Dream Entertainment!”

“Hey?” Raphael asked with a question of “doubt”: “If this is the case, will you be a joke at the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, posting a reward for the Wo Sang Nation network target?”

“Phinney, this requires your cooperation!” Shi Lei explained the plan for Raphael in detail.

Raphael listened to the entire plan and actively expressed cooperation. “Stone, your plan is very good. If Wo Sang Nation wants to pursue it, this post is a joke post. If Wo Sang Nation is not pursued, those serious Bounty Hacker, absolutely Will not be this thing, what to do jokes!”

“hēi hēi, Phinney, now we can start the implement plan Right?” Shi Lei deliberately took a pair of pleased tone.

“En! Stone, you post the post first, I will cooperate with you after I finish it!” Raphael said affirmatively.

“Okay, let me write a post first, wait for the contact!” After Shi Lei finished, he hung up.


Shuangqing City, Shuanghu District, Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei sits in front of the Number One Server, with a Wireless headset, currently with Izual contact.

“Izual, create a Dream Entertainment account. Set the account registration time to one month ago. Account identity, retrieve Shuangqing City Police Department’s Police System, check out the missing person of Xia Nation in the last month, extract it in the border area The missing person is determined to be the registered identity of the account.” Shi Lei has set up a detailed Task for Izual.

“Sir, the account is set up.” Shi Lei’s half barely fell, Izual has already established an account.

“Identity Information!” Shi Lei told Izual to list the Identity Information for the newly created account.

The account owner selected by Izual is in full compliance with Shi Lei’s demand. The head of the household is a man from the border area of ​​Xi’an Province. The man disappeared five days before twenty, and was suspected of fleeing to Nanyue Nation by local police. The reason the man fled was because the man was a local murder suspect.

Shi Lei is very satisfied with the identity of the owner of Izual, which is a perfect match! Once Wo Sang Nation passes the Xia Nation “Government” and forces Dream Entertainment to hand over the account Identity Information data of the Wo Sang Nation network target, Shi Lei can also hand over the data Izual retrieved. Hacker 1023

After the account was created, Shi Lei immediately signed the account.

As the so-called play complete set, Shi Lei deliberately used the ipaddress of Nanyue Nation, Signed In the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, and posted a post in the Official Gamer Forum.


“10 million USD big reward, you only need a hate Wo Sang Nation heart! 》


A great reward for the value of 10 million US Dollar!

Hacker Experts from all over the world, do you want to get a reward for 10 million USD? Do you want to get real money through Hacker technology?

Welcome to join this reward!

There are three targets for this reward: Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, Narita Airport Management System, and Haneda Airport Management System.

Target :Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System

Any Hacker Unrestricted participation, as long as you can black into the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, and destroy the Power Grid System, the power of the entire Tokyo Prefecture is interrupted, and then reach the invasion of the Task.

The reward for this Task is 5 Million USD!

The accomplishment Task is based on providing video evidence of the intrusion into the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, and once verified, it is immediately remitted via an anonymous account.

Target :Narita Airport ※Haneda Airport Management System

There is still no restriction, regardless of the technical level of Hacker, you can participate in this reward. The low-tech Hacker can completely invade the Airport Management System by virtue of its crowds.

The target of this Task is to successfully black out the Airport Management System, arbitrarily destroying in the Airport Management System, and doing its best to disturb the normal operation of Narita Airport and Haneda Airport.

The basis for this Task is also to provide video evidence. Anyone who passes the verification will immediately send an anonymous account.

This Task bounty is 2.5 Million USD. The 2.5 Million USD reward was awarded for the capture of an Airport’s Management System, which caused the Airport to manage confusion. If two airports are taken together, they will receive a reward for 5 Million USD.


After submitting the evidence, the audit will be completed within one hour and a reward will be paid.

This reward is directed to invite World Summit Grade Hacker ‘Blazing Sword Raphael’ to participate. Raphael will leave the information on the rewards at the Wo Sang Nation NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website.

Hacker, who is interested in participating in the reward, can directly reward Ten Thousand US Dollar at the NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website, leaving the registration to participate in the reward.

This award is limited to the top 100 participants. Ranked according to the time of the invasion of the NHK Television Station Official homepage and the time posted in the post.

The time for this reward to invade Wo Sang Nation is pending. For details, please pay attention to the update of this post.


Posts by Shi Lei, in the rewards section of the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum.

After the release of this post, it quickly gained a very high popularity. Although the vast majority of Gamer, the reply is just the content of soy sauce, but as the post gets more attention, when it is discovered by some Hacker World personnel, this article Information was quickly introduced to Hacker World.

Needless to say, some of Hacker World’s personnel are often at the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum. Because some Hackers also like Brave’s World.

The award-winning information in the Hacker World spreads rapidly and spreads in less than half an hour. It has spread to almost all of World’s Hacker World.

When the rewarding information passed through the Woer of Wo Sang Nation and passed to Wo Sang Nation Hacker World, the Hackers of Wo Sang Nation launched the action of the attack Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum.

The Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, protected by the Endless Defense System, not to mention the Ordinary’s Wo Sang Nation Hacker, effectively as the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, launched an attack on the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, with Endless Defense System and Interweave The combination of Net Miwang can also completely block their offense.

Wo Sang Nation’s Brave’s World Gamer, in the Official Gamer Forum, protested against Shi Lei’s post. Hope Dream Entertainment Official To delete a post, it is best to block the account id of the posted Gamer and submit the real identity of Gamer to Wo Sang Nation “Government”.

For such unreasonable behavior, Dream Entertainment Official simply ignores it!

The deletion of the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum is controlled by Izual. Ordinary’s Forum management moderator, only after applying to Izual, delete the authority.

How did Izual delete the posts posted by Shi Lei?

Numerous Xia Nation’s Gamer, for the Wo Sang Nation Gamer protest, said that Wo Sang Nation’s Gamer is young and innocent. The scale of the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum has always been very large. In the previous Game Sang Nation’s Gamer, in the Official Gamer Forum, open to the public to discuss the Love Action Art Film story, and the selection of Love Action Art Film’s best actress. At the time, they were not blocked by Dream Entertainment Official.

In the current situation, how can Dream Entertainment Official stand up and block it?

Unlike Forum’s embarrassment, after Shi Lei posted the post, he entered the Hacker Union Inner Member exchange area with Black Stone’s Sockpuppet.

In the Hacker Union’s Inner Member exchange area, I was also discussing his post on the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum. Some Inner Members have proposed to bring the alliance together and fire together at Wo Sang Nation.

Hacker Union led Xia Nation Hacker World to fight Wo Sang Nation Hacker World, which is almost once a year.

Someone now offers an extra-high reward for the three network targets that invade Wo Sang Nation. Hacker Union’s Many guys have already said that they are not calm, they would have to play with Wo Sang Nation, and now someone is paying them to play Wo Sang Nation, which is a good thing!

A total of 10 Million US Dollar rewards, converted to Xia Nation Yuan, that is more than 80 Million yuan!

Such a huge reward amount makes Hacker Union’s Inner Member become a hungry hungry wolf. They can’t wait to get rid of three targets at once and collect bonuses from mysterious people.

In order to discuss this matter, Hacker Union’s ten Core Members, all arrived in the Inner Member exchange area, whether the Hacker Union participated in the battle, completely decided by ten Core Member….

(To be continued.)

〖∷update 快∷: no pop-up window ∷ plain text ∷ 〗