
Chapter 1030

hk1018 is the truth, Death Penalty!

Shuangqing City, Central Jade District, Zhongshan Road.

Vice-mayor Xie Nanfeng of Shuangqing City Responsible for Economy At home, Xie Nanfeng Vice-mayor’s son, Xie Xinliang’s right leg, now oozing blood, a sharp fruit knife, and “plugging” in his thigh.

Xie Nanfeng is stunned, suppressing anger, sound said solemnly: “Shi Lei! Hurry up!”

Shi Lei snorted. “Hey, Mayor Xie, do you know your heartache? Then you know, how bad is the current situation of Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo?”

Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo were infected with Mastery over Future and Fate Virus. The Virus has not yet appeared. The Specialist at Shuangqing City First Hospital has no way. Although Shi Lei came up with a solution, Shi Lei’s approach is the next step.

Wanting to steal the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology from the Wo Sang Nation Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency is definitely not sitting in front of the computer, you can get it by tapping the keyboard.

If it is not a last resort, Shi Lei is more willing to hand over Technical Information and does not want to choose the last resort.

Xie Nanfeng was angry and said: “Shi Lei, you have a debt, you have the ability to find those people to retaliate!”

“Mayor Xie, so, are you ready to tell me the identity of the group?” Shi Lei “Lu” had a smile, and Xie Nanfeng’s weakness was his son Xie Xinliang. Hacker 1018

Everyone has weaknesses, grasps the weaknesses, and does not give up!

Including Shi Lei, there are also weaknesses. This time, Shi Lei was caught by the weaknesses and directly shot Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, and forced Shi Lei to hand over Technical Information.

If the other party exchanges sincerely, Shi Lei does not mind surrendering the technology. The only worry is that the other party does not intend to hand over the solution!

Xie Nanfeng’s eyes are uncertain, I seem to want to say it, but I care about it.

Shi Lei coldly snorted, holding the fruit knife that was also inserted in Xie Xinliang’s right leg, slowly twisting clockwise. The blade twisted in the muscle fibers, making Xie Xinliang very painful, but did not dare to move. Because, with Xie Xinliang moving, the blade will make him more painful.

“Stop! Enough, stop!” Xie Nanfeng loudly, but fortunately Xie Nanfeng’s home decoration is very good, the sound is very good, no other neighbors.

Shi Lei snorted and scorned: “If you haven’t seen the coffin, then you can’t shed tears !Mayor Xie, now tell me, those unidentified identity armed personnel, which is Wo Sang Nation Force has Right?”

Xie Nanfeng gritted: “They are Wo Sang Lifeline!”

“Wo Sang Lifeline?” Shi Lei gave a slight glimpse. What is this thing? Shi Lei said that he has not heard of Wo Sang Lifeline. Could it be the kind of drink that x fast line?

Shi Lei turned to look at Li Zifeng, “face” suspected “confusing”: “Zifeng, have you heard Wo Sang Lifeline?”

Li Zifeng thought for a while and shook his head: “Boss, I have never heard of Wo Sang Lifeline, we have not offended Wo Sang Lifeline Right?”

“Mayor Xie, I have to trouble you to introduce Wo Sang Lifeline in detail. What is it? Is the secret department of Wo Sang Nation “Government”?” Shi Lei curiously asked.

Xie Nanfeng looks at the right leg of Xie Xinliang’s bleeding, frowns said: “Shi Lei, Xinliang needs treatment. Otherwise he will lose too much blood!”

“So, you should tell us what you know as soon as possible.” Shi Lei does not care about Xie Xinliang’s injury, he only cares about the truth.

“You!” Xie Nanfeng glared at Shi Lei, but Shi Lei was unmoved. Xie Nanfeng could only say fast: “Wo Sang Lifeline is not the secret department of Wo Sang Nation “Government”, but a Medical Company. However, it is rumored that Wo Sang Lifeline is a company registered by Wo Sang Nation “Government”. It seems to be studying the genetic engineering technology of secret. However, this news, I can not confirm.” Hacker 1018

“A Company?” Shi Lei listened to the information that Xie Nanfeng said, using cell phone and Izual contact, and sending Wo Sang Lifeline to Izual for Izual to query.

“Shi Lei, I didn’t lie to you! Wo Sang Lifeline, really a company!” Xie Nanfeng said with a little anxious, because Xie Xinliang’s face “color”, there have been some abnormal pale, which is a precursor to excessive blood loss. .

Shi Lei ignored Xie Nanfeng and looked at the information that Izual sent to the cell phone.

Wo Sang Lifeline is indeed a company, and there are some gratitude and grudges with Mirror Science and Technology. Yumo Medical, a division of Mirror Science and Technology, has released AIP ArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic. AIP ArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic quickly became the most advanced ArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic in the world, and was sought after by patients all over the world who need prosthetic, and also recognized by the medical community.

Be aware that before this, the world’s most advanced ArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic was made by Wo Sang Lifeline.

But for this reason alone, it is impossible for Wo Sang Lifeline to risk such a big risk of entering the interior of Shuangqing City and looking for Mirror Science and Technology.

Izual also gave another information, Wo Sang Lifeline’s personnel, formerly to Shuangqing City, the person is Brave’s World, the famous Exceed Grade Gamer HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami.

‘HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami ? HAT&T ori Hanzō! Could it be that I had buried a bad thought early on, and this HAT&T ori Hanzō came over to investigate the information? ‘Shi Lei in the heart thinks darkly.

“嗡wēng ~ ”

Shi Lei’s cell phone made a vibrating sound, and Izual sent the latest information.

‘sir, emergency information, please open Voice Communication Channel. ‘Izual did not report directly to information, but let Shi Lei open the Voice Communication Channel.

Shi Lei took out the Bluetooth headset, put it on the right ear, connected it with Izual’s contact, and Izual’s sounded in the Bluetooth headset.

“Sir, System automatically queries HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami, in Brave’s World, all the voice recording information. After the system screening, the target has a total of eleven voice information, there is a suspect situation. All suspect voice in the information, The System identified eight forms of information, three of which were because the target’s accent was unclear and the System could not recognize it. Sir, did it actively identify three unknown informative voices?” Izual asked.

Shi Lei replied with a positive answer on the cell phone.

Izual played HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami in the Bluetooth headset, and three unclear voices spoken in Brave’s World.

Shi Lei is proficient in Japanese, Izual’s unrecognized fuzzy speech or local slang, which Shi Lei can fully recognize. After listening to the three sentences, Shi Lei’s face is somewhat cautious. He immediately used the cell phone to send the message to Izual, letting Izual broadcast all the other eight suspected informative voices.

After listening to all the voices, Shi Lei confirmed one thing, and Wo Sang Lifeline was indeed related to this attack. Even if the attacking personnel is not the armed personnel of Wo Sang Lifeline, Wo Sang Lifeline offers Mastery over Future and Fate Virus!

Xie Nanfeng looked at Shi Lei’s ‘playing’ cell phone, he was anxious. “Shi Lei, I have already said the information I know. Can you let us go right now? You can rest assured that I will not find you. The trouble!” Xie Nanfeng showed a very interesting attitude, did not mention any revenge, and did not swear.

People are under the roof and have to bow their heads!

It is absolutely stupid to be in a dangerous situation and still can’t see the form clearly. It is necessary to find the dead end.

But in the heart of Xie Nanfeng, how could there be no idea of ​​revenge?

‘Hēng! Damn Shi Lei! I must disclose this to the Capital City aspect. I have to look at it. You are in lawless in Shuangqing City. Can’t Capital City aspect clean you up? ‘Xie Nanfeng in the heart is full of shadowy ideas.

Shi Lei like a smile yet not a smile. Look at Xie Nanfeng, “Mayor Xie, are you sure you will not retaliate against me?”

Xie Nanfeng looked serious and sweared and said: “Shi Lei, I swear, I will never retaliate! Please believe me, I am not the kind of idiot of Dai Guanghua!”

“Okay! I believe in you!” Shi Lei nodded.

Xie Nanfeng in the heart sighed in relief, and secretly sneered.

But Xie Nanfeng was too happy, Shi Lei continued: “But, Mayor Xie, although I believe in you, I believe that a dead person can be kept secret forever!”

“Shi Lei!” Xie Nanfeng surprised and angry looked at Shi Lei. “Do you know, I am Shuangqing City’s solid authority Vice-mayor? You know, I have entered Xia Nation High Grade Gov. Official Sequence? Do you know that if I die, Nation will definitely investigate! I am with Dai Guanghua, not a grade of Gov. Official, you understand?”

Shi Lei nodded. “I understand! But, Mayor Xie, if you committed a treason felony?”

Xie Nanfeng face “color” has changed dramatically, “Shi Lei, wait, you can’t kill me! I am just a little horn in this thing, I am just acting on the line, and there is a higher level in the “fighting”!”

Shi Lei sneered, “I know, Jia Zhengchun, isn’t that right? Mayor Xie, no need to struggle, I will give you a decent death.” After that, Shi Lei made a gesture.

Holding Xie Nanfeng’s Shi Mayi, I came to Xie Nanfeng’s neck and let Xie Nanfeng fall into a fascination.

“Zifeng, take them back to Shu’an Village, take care of them, throw them into the Leng River, don’t leave any trouble!” Shi Lei said, “Let Chen Zhiyong’s Squadron come in, clean up the scene, don’t leave Any traces!”

“Yes!” Li Zifeng responded.

Shi Lei glanced at Xie Nanfeng and shook his head slightly and went out. Shi Lei has never been a kind-hearted person. Xie Nanfeng has only been ordered to act, but he crossed the thunder pool.

If Shi Lei does not handle Xie Nanfeng, there will be other people next time, and Black Hand will be placed on the people Shi Lei cares about.

Shi Lei must kill chickens and monkeys!

Although the DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City’s solid authority Vice-mayor has been eliminated, the consequences are very large, but Shi Lei can afford it. After all, if you seize the truth, you can be called a crime. And if it is theoretically inferred, it can only be called suspect!

June 10, evening.

Shi Lei alone, walking on the embankment of Emerald Lake, after learning the truth, Shi Lei thought about how to proceed….

(To be continued.)

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