
Chapter 1031

hk1019 Despair Bad news, the last choice!

June 10, evening, 10:37.

The night in Shuanghu District was very quiet. Without the hustle and bustle of the main city of Shuangqing City, Shi Lei walked a distance on the embankment of Emerald Lake and found a comfortable place to sit down.

Shi Lei needs to think calmly about the next move!

The forces that attacked Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang were not the “Government” of Wo Sang Nation, at least not on the surface, but a Wo Sang Nation Medical Company called Wo Sang Lifeline.

Shi Lei is thinking, what should I do with Wo Sang Lifeline?

Mastery over Future and Fate Virus is manufactured by Wo Sang Lifeline Company, then Wo Sang Lifeline should have a solution for Mastery over Future and Fate Virus. If Wo Sang Lifeline has a solution, Shi Lei considers whether he can use the method of Non-violent to get the “medicine” of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus.

After thinking for a while, Shi Lei got up and went back to Jingya Garden.

After returning to Jingya Garden, Shi Lei immediately sat in front of Number One Server and joined Izual to start scanning Wo Sang Lifeline’s OffiCIA l Website.

Wo Sang Lifeline is authoritative at Medical Field, not only the leading manufacturer of high-end medical devices for Worldwide, but also the Giant of Medical Research. If it’s just AIP ArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic, it’s not enough to let them attack Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang! Hacker 1019

Shi Lei and Izual took some effort and finally invaded into Wo Sang Lifeline’s Internal Network.

Wo Sang Lifeline’s Internal Network, the defense is very strong, except for the lack of hardware protection, almost reached the level of the original Supercomputer Swallow.

Entering Wo Sang Lifeline’s Internal Network, Shi Lei commands Izual to quickly scan the entire Network Network array group and query the data related to Mastery over Future and Fate.

It takes a while to scan the disk array group of the entire Internal Network. Taking advantage of this time, Shi Lei looks at the personnel data of Wo Sang Lifeline.

“Izual, copy the personnel data of Wo Sang Lifeline to a local store.” Shi Lei told him.

“yes, sir!” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Izual, in the ArtifiCIA l Intelligence aspect, is already very powerful, almost the same as real humans. But Izual lacks creativity and lacks true human emotion. With the mysterious and mysterious statement precisely as stated, Izual lacks Soul.

Wo Sang Lifeline’s personnel data, saved locally, Shi Lei began to look carefully. Wo Sang Lifeline’s number of personnel has exceeded 2,000.

With two thousand personnel data information, Shi Lei cannot view one by one. In particular, most of the personnel are only the first-line manufacturing workers at the grassroots level. The data of those grassroots personnel is simply useless.

“Izual, filter the personnel data. Exclude the Person data of the Level below the Department Head!” Shi Lei told.

The Personnel Grade of Wo Sang Nation is generally classified from low to high according to Ordinary personnel, Head, Department Head, Section Chief, and Section Head. Among them, Head is not a leadership, but a treatment of Senior personnel, and Section Chief is a middle-level leader.

Shi Lei extracted the personnel data of the position above Section Chief in Wo Sang Lifeline. I want to investigate the situation of these personnel and see if there is any chance.

After screening, the remaining personnel data is insufficient for Forty people. Shi Lei began to look at it slowly, and it took almost an hour to view it one by one. Shi Lei finally finished watching all the data.

Just this time, Izual also accomplish the scan, “sir, System ac scan, found the data of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus. According to data information, System Logical Analysis, determine Wo Sang Lifeline, only Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, and There is no solution for Mastery over Future and Fate Virus.”

“What?” Shi Lei nervously said: “Izual, sort out the data of Wo Sang Lifeline about Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, I have to look at it myself!” Hacker 1019

Shi Lei did not believe in the results of the Izual analysis, but Shi Lei also had a hint of luxury. Shi Lei originally planned to buy Wo Sang Lifeline’s personnel in an attempt to obtain Mastery over Future and Fate Virus’s solution. Therefore, Shi Lei looks at the identity data of each person above the Wo Sang Lifeline Section Chief Level.

However, Izual has suggested that Wo Sang Lifeline does not have a Mastery over Future and Fate Virus solution, which is a message for Despair!

One hour later, June 11th, at half past three in the morning.

Shi Lei read Wo Sang Lifeline’s data about Mastery over Future and Fate Virus. As reported by Izual, Shi Lei also concluded that Wo Sang Lifeline does not have a solution for Mastery over Future and Fate Virus!

“Damn!” Shi Lei an angry snapkeyboard. “How could this be? Damn badard!”

Wo Sang Lifeline doesn’t have the “medicine” of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus. This shows that the other party has not prepared to give him a drug from the beginning. They don’t care about the “sex” life of Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang!

Shi Lei, who got the answer, called Li Zifeng angrily. Because it was the early morning, the phone waited for a while before being connected. Li Zifeng’s voice came over: “Boss, is there anything?”

“Zifeng, did you solve Xie Nanfeng and Xie Xinliang?” Shi Lei asked.

Izual protects Shi Lei’s telephone communication Safety, and Shi Lei’s telephone communication will not be eavesdropped and will not leave a record. Shi Lei can be confidently on the phone and talk about things that are not Lawful.

“It’s already done, they play Dragon with the Dragon Prince in Leng River?” Li Zifeng said humorously.

“Yes? Count them lucky!” Shi Lei hangs up directly. If Li Zifeng hasn’t cleaned them up yet, Shi Lei will torment them, instead of killing them directly.

Shi Lei put the cell phone on the computer desk. He was a little dazed at a time. Under normal circumstances, Shi Lei would have to sleep in the early hours of the morning. But now Shi Lei is not at all a little sleepy, Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang are at stake, Shi Lei must solve this matter.

After thinking for a long time, Shi Lei finally chose, and thought of the next step.

“Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency !hēng hēng, don’t blame me!” Shi Lei talked to herself, putting her hands on the keyboard and quickly entering a series of source code.

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency’s Internal Network, formerly captured by Shi Lei, and left the System Back Door. Shi Lei currently queries, the System Back Door left by formerly, to see if it still exists.

Shi Lei sent out a spying inquiry, but unfortunately, did not receive a response. Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency is not the kind of straw bag of NHK Television Station. It is impossible to plant the System Back Door by Shi Lei and it will not be discovered for a long time.

For the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, it was not surprising to find the Back Door he planted. If the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency did not find the Back Door he left behind, Shi Lei would find it very strange and even suspect that this is a trap.

Although the System Back Door was discovered, Shi Lei did not care much. Since it is possible to capture the Internal Network of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, Shi Lei can naturally capture the second time!

Shi Lei now has a lot of resources, and it is not too difficult to get into the Internal Network of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. As long as Shi Lei goes in, don’t just mess around with the data, there won’t be any issues.

This time, Shi Lei entered the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency and did not want to steal secret data. Instead, he collected the address data of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, including hidden branches outside the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters.

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency owns the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, a technology that is the key to saving Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang. Shi Lei must get it and get it at all costs.

To get Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, Shi Lei needs an adventure!

Before making an adventure, Shi Lei needs to get as much information as possible, at least to confirm the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology.

If even the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, the storage location is not found, how does Shi Lei snatch it?

At two o’clock in the morning, Shi Lei controlled Izual and Interweave Net Miwang, and finally silently blacked into the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. After Black entered, Shi Lei did not act rashly, but set up an ipaddress information collector in the Internal Network.

Through this ipaddress information collector, Shi Lei can collect all ipaddress access to the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Internal Network to reversely query the corresponding real address and find all institutions related to the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

After locating the location of all agencies, Shi Lei will look up the data on the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology in the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Internal Network.

The reason for the final query is that the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology data must be absolutely confidential. In the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Internal Network, there is at most some basic data information, and there is no complete information.

The complete information may be stored in the computer EQ uipment that isolates the network, or more cautiously, only the data of the paper file.

In either case, it is impossible to obtain data directly from the network. Only in the real world, where it is really stored in the storage data, it is possible to obtain data. Therefore, Shi Lei tries to avoid implementing the final plan.

Far away from Wo Sang Nation, stealing the other party’s confidential documents on the other’s domain, this is simply the rhythm of courting death!

Near two in the morning, Shi Lei set up an ipaddress information collector in the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Internal Network, and Shi Lei finally yawned.

The ipaddress information collector, which takes a while to collect access to the ipaddress information of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. Shi Lei is just taking a break during this time. Only after a good rest, Ming Genius has the energy to continue to fight against the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency!

‘Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, whatever happens must not let me down! ‘Shi Lei has made up his mind to choose to work with Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency for Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang! .

(To be continued.)

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