
Chapter 1029

hk1017 is not as good as a dog in my eyes!

Jade District, Zhongshan Road II 12.

Xie Nanfeng is in the house to pack the thing, Xie Nanfeng is preparing to run the road this time, saying that running is actually not appropriate. Xie Nanfeng took the time to go abroad to leave Shuangqing City for a while and avoid the comet Shi Lei.

According to the unidentified identity armed personnel of Wo Sang Nation, once Shi Lei surrenders Core Technology of three major use weapon, and all the data of Dynamic Behavior Catching Program and AIP ArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic, Shi Lei will definitely become Rongcheng. The thorns in the eyes of the Military District.

At that time, Shi Lei has fun!

As long as Shi Lei falls down, Xie Nanfeng can return to Shuangqing City and continue to be his Vice-mayor!

Xie Nanfeng wiped the cold sweat on her head and looked around all around. She found that there was nothing thing down. He took out the cell phone and called his son.

Xie Nanfeng’s son is Xie Xinliang, and this year twenty is five years old. Since the birth of Xie Xinliang, Xie Nanfeng was also very young. He didn’t know how to educate his son, so it caused Xie Xinliang’s arrogant “sexuality”.

“Xinliang, why haven’t you come back yet?” Xie Nanfeng’s tone was a bit eager. Although he arranged the personnel, he did not find Shi Lei’s return to the country on the flight from Li Jian Nation to Xia Nation, but Xie Nanfeng was afraid that Shi Lei would directly arrange other personnel to block him.

“Dad! It’s only seven o’clock now, what are you doing back!” Xie Xinliang obviously didn’t want to come back. In his current Bar box, he indulged himself and enjoyed the service of the young girl. Hacker 1017

“Xinliang! I warn you, come back to me soon! I will go abroad soon, you will go with me! If within fifteen minutes, you don’t appear in front of Daddy, Daddy interrupts your dogleg!” Xie Nanfeng speaks in the tone of the command.

“Dad! You forgot, you promised to be a mother, you won’t beat me in the future!” Xie Xinliang offered the lethal card, Xie Xinliang’s mother had died, and Xie Nanfeng promised his wife that he would not fight again. Xie Xinliang. This is one of the reasons for the Xie Xinliang deficiencies.

“You’re a little bastard, Daddy tells you, this time is the exception! Fifteen minutes, only give you fifteen minutes, if you don’t roll home, Daddy must pack you! Off you for one month!” Xie Nanfeng also Take out the lethal card, because of the existence of the image of the strict father, Xie Nanfeng off Xie Xinliang confinement, but that is to say!

“Dad, can you not do this? I am not a small child anymore, I have been twenty years old, you don’t want to move… dū dū dū ~” There was a beep in the phone, obviously the phone was already hung up. Broken.

Xie Nanfeng frowned, he immediately called back, he thought Xie Xinliang hung up his phone. In fact, it’s not that Xie Xinliang hangs up the phone at all, but another situation has happened…

Xie Nanfeng dials Xie Xinliang’s cell phone number again. Although the number is dialed, no one can answer it until the one no answer is prompted.

Xie Nanfeng said to himself: “Damn little bastard, dare to hang Daddy’s phone!” He said as he continued to dial Xie Xinliang’s cell phone number.

I dialed three times in a row, and each time I was prompted no one answered, Xie Nanfeng realized that something was wrong. Although Xie Xinliang is not very obedient and often causes some disasters, he will not answer the phone.

“Oops!” Xie Nanfeng’s face “color” suddenly changed, he thought of a possible “sex”. “Is it Shi Lei to start acting?”

Xie Nanfeng has no doubt that Shi Lei dares to start with him. Shuangqing City Police Department First Vice-chief Dai Guanghua is the foresight of the car. Although Dai Guanghua’s death did not involve any direct relationship with Shi Lei, it is obvious to everyone that it is definitely Black Hand under Shi Lei.

Shi Lei dared to make a black hand under Dai Guanghua, naturally dare to black Xie under his Xie Nanfeng!

Xie Nanfeng hesitated to contact the police, the power of the Shuangqing City Police Force System, everyone knows that they are mixed with Shi Lei, almost the ‘warm collusion’ of open and aboveboard. Therefore, Xie Nanfeng has a scruples about Shuangqing City Police.

‘It seems that I can only leave Shuangqing City for the first time. As long as I didn’t fall down, Shi Lei didn’t dare to do anything too much for Xinliang. If I fall down, that is the real failure! ‘Xie Nanfeng groaned in the heart, he did not hesitate because of his son’s business.

After making the decision, Xie Nanfeng picked up the handbag on the sofa and included the foreign passport in the handbag, as well as the International ticket, as well as some cash and foreign bank accounts.

Xie Nanfeng is ready to run, and the passport is a must! Hacker 1017

However, just as Xie Nanfeng walked to the living room door, the security door made a knock on the door.

“dōng dōng dōng ~ dōng dōng dōng …”

The three-stage knocking sound is very rhythmic, and the knocking on the door is not loud, it seems more polite.

Xie Nanfeng heard the knock on the door and knew that Xie Xinliang was not knocking on the door. Xie Xinliang’s knocking on the door is rude. He usually kicks the door with his foot instead of a polite three-stage knock.

“Who?” Xie Nanfeng didn’t open the door immediately, and did not observe it through the cat’s eye, but asked with vigilance.

“Mayor Xie, you are so much more forgotten, just sent me a Great Gift, which forgot me?” Shi Lei’s calm voice came in.

Listening to Shi Lei’s calm voice, Xie Nanfeng is cold sweat on his forehead. “Who are you?” Xie Nanfeng to ask a question, when already knows the answer.

Shi Lei’s tone is still calm, “Mayor Xie, I am Shi Lei of Shuanghu District Dream Entertainment. Yes, Mayor Xie, just young Young Sir is so drunk in Bar, I will bring you back!”

Xie Nanfeng heard that Xie Xinliang was in the hands of Shi Lei’s. He couldn’t take the threat of Shi Lei’s. He opened the security door directly and looked at Shi Lei. “Shi Lei, what are you doing, let my son!”

Shi Lei stood outside the door, led by Li Zifeng, Tenth Squadron, who controlled Xie Xinliang.

At this moment, Xie Xinliang was sealed by mouth tape, her hands were backed behind her back, her wrists were bound by nylon straps, and on the half of her face, there was a marked red mark. When he saw Xie Nanfeng, he immediately struggled and made a squeaky voice.

Xie Nanfeng looked at Xie Xinliang anxiously and shouted at Shi Lei. “Shi Lei, you know, I am Shuangqing City Vice-mayor, you kidnapped my son, do you want to threaten me? Threat a DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City’s Vice-mayor, what is this crime? ”

Shi Lei’s ridiculous smile, “Mayor Xie, whisper, don’t try to wake others up. If something like that happens, I can only say that it is a pity, tomorrow’s NewsapAPer, maybe report, Shuangqing City Com-Vice-mayor Xie Nanfeng of Responsible for Economy met the gangster who was burglary. The upright Xie Nanfeng comrade, fought bravely with the gangsters, and was finally murdered by the gangsters. Sadly, the son of Comrade Xie Nanfeng, In this burglary, he was also brutally killed by the gangsters.”

Xie Nanfeng’s face “color” changed, and gave up the intention to wake up neighbors. “Shi Lei, what’s the matter, let’s talk about it!”

Shi Lei satisfied with a nod. “Mayor Xie, you are very interested. It seems that we have reached a preliminary common understanding.” Shi Lei said as he walked into Xie Nanfeng’s home.

When Shi Lei walked in, Xie Nanfeng’s empty right hand, pinched and relaxed several times, he originally wanted to control Shi Lei and then exchange hostages with each other.

Xie Nanfeng finally gave up the intention of intimidating Shi Lei’s, because Xie Nanfeng knew that Shi Lei’s personal strength was high and he did not control Shi Lei.

A group of people walked into Xie Nanfeng’s home, Shi Lei significant sat on the sofa, like a smile yet not a smile.

Xie Nanfeng was seen by Shi Lei as “hairy” and actively started talking: “Shi Lei, what is your opinion?”

“Mayor Xie, this sentence should be more appropriate for me!” Shi Lei put her feet on the coffee table and found a more comfortable position on the sofa.

Xie Nanfeng coldly snorted and said : “I don’t understand what you are!”

“Mayor Xie, do you have the guts to do it, don’t you dare to admit it?” Shi Lei hēi hēi sneered and said: “Mayor Xie, you’re really a hundred secrets! In the cell phone communication record, the contact number is still there. I already I found out that the other person is Wo Sang Nation. This time, Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang were attacked. You played a disgraceful horn. If I report this to Mu Zhongguo Mayor and Ling Yuguo Bureau Chief, Guess what you are going to do?”

Xie Nanfeng’s face “color” changed again. In fact, Xie Nanfeng really gave Hope Shi Lei to Mu Zhongguo and Ling Yuguo. No matter what power Mujiangguo and Ling Yuguo have, they are Nation staff personnel, and they will not ignore life like Shi Lei.

Shi Lei, how could you not understand the mind of Xie Nanfeng?

“Mayor Xie, you don’t really expect, I will pass you to them Right? Don’t be so naive! You should understand, my mood now. If you honestly cooperate with me, maybe I will let you go.” If you are not worthy of me, please believe that I must have a way to let you cooperate with me!” Shi Lei took a cynical attitude and said the original serious issue.

Xie Nanfeng tightened his face and he was betting that Shi Lei didn’t dare to really start with him!

Shuangqing City The issue of this issue has already been passed to Capital City. This is not a trivial matter. The top management of Capital City is paying attention. Xie Nanfeng gamble Shi Lei is not afraid to “chaos” at this critical moment!

Shi Lei certainly knows that Capital City is paying attention to this matter, but what about Capital City? Shi Lei has a way to evade and will not let things fall on his head.

“It’s stubborn!” Shi Lei showed a deep helplessness. He hooked Li Zifeng and Li Zifeng deliberately pushed Xie Xinliang to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei sat up straight and picked up the fruit knife on the coffee table. When Xie Nanfeng hadn’t reacted, he slammed it on Xie Xinliang’s thigh.

Xie Xinliang Although he was blocked by the mouth tape, he still screamed.

Xie Nanfeng wants to rush to Shi Lei, but he is held down by Shi Mayi and Zheng Tao of the Ruling Security Company Tenth Elite Squadron.

“Mayor Xie, you know, in my eyes, you are not even a dog! Your only value now, exactly as stated, tell me, what is the power of Wo Sang Nation, planning all this?” Shi Lei stares Xie Nanfeng, the tone is calm.

(To be continued.)

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