
Chapter 1021

hk1009 borrows private plane!

Unidentified identity armed personnel, driving six Bank cash trucks, rushed from Shuanghu District to the main city.

After Shi Lei’s determine, the unidentified identity armed personnel attempted to leave Shuangqing City through Beiyu District International Airport. How did Shi Lei allow them to leave?

Therefore, Shi Lei asked Izual to contact his latest friend ‘Rap’Raphael, let the ‘new friend’ help him a little, black out the management system of Beiyu District International Airport.

Raphael received Shi Lei’s contact, Raphael had been a bit surprised, when Shi Lei asked him to help black out the Beiyu District International Airport Management System, Raphael was even more surprised.

If it wasn’t for him to meet Shi Lei, he would have thought that Shi Lei was deliberately framed him!

After all, it’s definitely not a joke to let a Hacker black out an Airport’s Management System. It’s a proper crime, or a crime that is known.

Raphael coughed and asked: “Mr. Shi, are you kidding?”.

Shi Lei said with a serious tone: “Mr. Dulles, you said that you are Raphael, isn’t that right? I need the help of World Summit Grade Hacker Raphael now! Shuangqing City has something to do, I need to control the Airport Management System, but My Hacker is not strong enough, and Mr. M has betrayed our Mirror Science and Technology Group. So, I can help you with Hope! As long as you help me, I will help you in dealing with Mr. M! ”

Raphael hesitated. He wasn’t Hope Shi Lei to help him deal with Mr. M, but he was thinking about what Shi Lei said. [

Shi Lei added a firetrack: “Mr. Dulles, if this thing is revealed, you can all come to me, you can say that you have been coerced by me! I need your help now, I really need Your help!”

Raphael is a Hacker of World Summit Grade. But in the Angel Parliament, or in the Reyburn Family, he is a complete tragedy.

Why do you say that?

In the Angel Parliament, Raphael is a Four Great Giants, but he is the secret of Fourth Giant, Angel Parliament, and will not tell Raphael. First Giant usually lets Raphael handle some of the things that can be done, even letting Raphael mess around and destroy it. It’s a laissez-faire model, and Raphael is very low in the Angel Parliament.

Say something ugly. Angel Parliament has no Raphael, no difference at all. It can even be said that without the Raphael, the Angel Parliament will have less trouble, and the Organization will be more secretive.

Within the Reyburn Family. Raphael is also a pitiful worm. Don’t look at Raphael is Second Position heir, the so-called Second Position heir. It represents just a spare tire. Before the Second Position. Is there still a First Position?

Reyburn Family’s First Position heir, exactly as stated Raphael’s pro big brother, an almost perfect person!

Even the First Giant of the Angel Parliament will give the face of the Raphael big brother. If it weren’t for his big brother, Raphael might have been tragedy many times!

Raphael is World Summit Grade Hacker. He is also a orthodox Aristocratic Second Generation. According to the truth, such a tall, rich, and handsome Paragon Level character should have no troubles.

In fact. Raphael has a lot of troubles!

The simplest and most fundamental one, accurately as stated Raphael does not have a real friend. There are a lot of friends and buddies in the Raphael, but Raphael doesn’t need them. Raphael needs a real friend!

Raphael only knows Shi Lei, and his relationship with Shi Lei is very shallow, and even Shi Lei is suspected of collusion with Mr. M. However, when Shi Lei took the initiative to contact him and asked him for help, Raphael did not have First time to refuse.

When Shi Lei said that after the matter was exposed, he could give it to him. Raphael was in the heart and had decided to help Shi Lei.

“Mr. Shi, just control the Management System of Beiyu District International Airport?”. Raphael asked one. “Do you need to make shitty mess for Shuangqing City Beiyu District International Airport like Mr. M at Haneda Airport?”

“No. Mr. Dulles, I only Hope, you help me control the Management System of Beiyu District International Airport, then give me the Management Authority. Okay?”. Shi Lei’s tone is really awkward. [

Raphael gave a little thought and replied: “Okay! Right, Mr. Shi, this thing doesn’t require you to be responsible. I am doing things with Raphael. I always do it. When I have the opportunity to go to Shuangqing City, Mr. Shi will not reject my friend Right?”

“Definitely not! Thank you, Mr. Dulles, you friend, I made it!” Shi Lei hā hā said while laughing loudly. In Shi Lei’s in the heart, he is indeed laughing.

Originally the Raphael of the enemy relationship, he will help him!

Shi Lei can indeed win the Management System of Beiyu District International Airport, but the power of Shuangqing City Official, all concerned about this matter, Shi Lei’s two girlfriends were kidnapped, once the management system of Beiyu District International Airport was hacked, Shi Lei is the first suspected target.

Therefore, Shi Lei cannot invade the Beiyu District International Airport Management System!

“Mr. Shi, keep communicating, I am invading now, it takes about half an hour.” Raphael asked Shi Lei, “Is it too late?”.

Shi Lei looked at the location of the six Bank cash trucks and responded: “There is time!”

The location of the six cash trucks is at least half an hour from Beiyu District International Airport. If Shi Lei is stalking, modifying traffic lights and deliberately causing traffic jams, then they are lucky to arrive within an hour.

Shuangqing City, known as the unimpeded Shuangqing City, is actually known as a name. The traffic in Shuangqing City is very unreasonable, and traffic jam is the norm!

“Well, then I started!” Raphael returned to complied, and then ignored Shi Lei and began to fully invade the Management System of Shuangqing City Beiyu District International Airport.

An Airport’s Management System, Cyber ​​Security defense is very strict, even though a World Summit Grade Hacker, it is not easy to break its defense.

Shi Lei did not continue to bother Raphael, but let Raphael help him invade Beiyu District International Airport. After mute the route to the Raphael communication, he dialed the Li Jian Nation Exceed Grade Gamer Storm’s phone.

Li Jian Nation’s Exceed Grade Gamer Storm belongs to the hardcore fan of Dream Entertainment Company. Just Shi Lei contact Storm. It is not to recognize Storm’s support for Dream Entertainment Company, but to ask Storm’s for help.

After the call is connected, Shi Lei gets right to the point: “Gamer Storm, I am eoShi Lei of Dream Entertainment Company, I need you to help me one thing!”

Storm took a moment, then immediately said: “Mr. Shi, what do you have, need me to help?”

“Storm, your private plane, can you use the network when you are flying?” Shi Lei asked.

Public Civil Passenger Plane When flying, you can’t use network properly. Not to mention the era of the 2007 year, the exact as stated 2013 years of the era, the use of network in civil public flights, is also a cloud.

Only private plane. Only in the flight, Freedom uses network.

“Oh. Can use! Mr. Shi. Do you need to use my airplane? Where are you going? I will send you to it!” Storm said with a good understanding.

Shi Lei is also welcome, and directly agrees, “Thank you! I am going to Xia Nation’s Shuangqing City, which is to return to Dream Entertainment’s Temporary Headquarters. Storm, you apply for the route first, and let me know when you are ready.”

“Mr. Shi. I am ready now! I usually take off first and then apply for the route. Although you have some troubles with Xia Nation, they also need to invest and develop. So what is the route, give a little privilege It doesn’t matter!” Storm said with a smile.

Xia Nation’s flights are often delayed later, or delays take off, precisely as stated because all kinds of privileged users are too much.

Shi Lei was a bit strange at first, then relieved!

The family where Storm is located, that is the real big family. Their family’s investment in Xia Nation exceeds Ten Billion US Dollar. Can Xia Nation not give him some privileges?

“Very good! Storm, Shuangqing City is in a hurry. At the same time, during the flight, I need network support, and you have to send me back!” Shi Lei explained a little.

From Li Jian Nation’s New York City, return to Xia Nation’s Shuangqing City, take public aviation, at least twenty hours, this twenty hours, if disconnected from the Internet, Shi Lei must be driven mad!

If you use a private plane, the flight time from New York to Shuangqing can be compressed to approximately 12 hours. The private plane saves a lot of processes, doesn’t require complicated security checks, and doesn’t need to land keep it up or bypass.

From New York to Shuangqing, the closest distance is to fly from the North Pole. Most civil aviation also does this, with a flight range of around 10990km.

Storm’s private plane is Shi Lei’s favorite Gulfstream airplane, but only the version of g550. In the 2007 year, the Gulfstream g550 business airplane was basically the most advanced private plane.

Its flight speed reaches 900 kilometers per hour and the maximum range exceeds 11600km. This means that Gulfstream g550 can fly directly from New York to Shuangqing City without any stopover!

“Okay, Mr. Shi, I am waiting for you at jfkAirport.” Storm responded.

jfkAirport is short for John Fitzgerald Kennedy International Airport. The airport named after Li Jian Nation President is one of the largest airports in the world.

Shi Lei said forget about it, responded: “No issue, I arrived in about half an hour.”

“Mr. Shi, you come in directly from the Airport vp channel, I will arrange the relevant personnel to receive you.” Storm explained that this is not showing off. As a VIP of jfk International Airport, Storm rented a tarmac and related airfoil maintenance services at jfkAirport.

As a Storm’s guest, you can drive directly into Storm’s private apron and take the Storm’s private plane.

“Well, see you in half an hour!” After Shi Lei finished speaking, he did not continue to hang out, hung up the phone and left with Ye Feng and others.

This time, borrowing Storm’s private plane, Shi Lei further confirmed the idea of ​​purchasing a private plane. If there is a private plane, how can Shi Lei borrow from Storm?

However, whether it is to buy a private plane, or to increase the defense of Shuanghu District, you need to wait for this kidnapping event to end!

This kidnapping case seems to have an increasingly complex trend. Originally this group of unidentified identity armed personnel, there are a few people like the Rongcheng Military District, but they tried to escape from Beiyu District International Airport, not quite like what the Rongcheng Military District did.

But if it is not the Rongcheng Military District, who is it?

(To be continued…)
