
Chapter 1020

hk1008 Raphael help!

Shi Lei has always cooperated with the unidentified identity armed personnel. They said what they needed and what Shi Lei promised. When it comes to the end, when the identity is armed, and Shi Lei asks for relevant technology, Shi Lei does not give it. What is the situation?

Does Shi Lei care about the life safety of Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo?

Shi Lei naturally cares about the safety of Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang. It is because of their safety that Shi Lei refused to hand over the technology to the leader of the unidentified armed armed personnel.

Unidentified identity Armed personnel hijacked Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, and they got the technology that Shi Lei mastered. If Shi Lei handed over the technology, isn’t it the rhythm of Fuck!

“Sir, borrow a word from you, you need to express enough sincerity. If I give you the technology, how do you guarantee their safety? I believe by what, will you follow our agreement?” Shi Lei said The reason for refusing to surrender the technology.

Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, asked one sentence, “Mr. Shi, as you said, if we hand over your female friends, how can you guarantee that you will promise to promise?”

This issue was originally a difficult issue, and they did not trust each other. It was impossible to reach a consistent view.

“Mr. Shi, we know that you are a very trustworthy gentleman. Even if you keep your promise, you are willing to do what you promised. But your partner is willing?” Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel Asked about the temptation.

Shi Lei’s face is “sweet” and sneer. “Is this tempting me?” Is it really the Rongcheng Military District, is it a ghost behind it? ‘[

If this time Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo’s kidnapping case, it is really the Rongcheng Military District behind the ghosts, once ‘rescue’ back to Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo, Shi Lei on how to leave Xia Nation.

Because the Rongcheng Military District has played too much. Not only do you need to get the three major military use weapon “Operation” as the source code of the System and Dynamic Behavior Catching Program, but also the related technology of pArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic.

If this is the case, Shi Lei is still acceptable. But the leader of the armed personnel who just had no identity, clearly has the taste of temptation. If he is really the personnel of the Rongcheng Military District and records his conversation with Shi Lei’s, then Shi Lei will surrender the source code of all technologies and will be martyrdom of the Rongcheng Military District.

Even the Rongcheng Military District can use this technology to open and aboveboard all the technology!

‘Rongcheng Military District, He Zhenbang, is it for you? ‘Shi Lei thought in secret in the heart, in order to verify his thoughts, Shi Lei pretended to think about it, and finally said: “I will arrange an accident, allowing you to use the Hacker means to invade the Dream Entertainment Company’s Server, and Further black into the Internal Server of the Mirror Science and Technology Group to get the relevant data.”

Using Hacker to get data, even though Rongcheng Military District has resentment, Shi Lei can also go to Hacker.

“Sir, you should be able to find Hacker Right? Don’t need too much Hacker, our Dream Entertainment will open the door for your Hacker, so that he can drive straight in. We will also prepare the data in advance to facilitate your Hacker. Get data anytime, anywhere.” Shi Lei said a solution that has a viable “sex”.

“hā hā hā !Mr. Shi, you are very smart, this proposal is very good. Just, Mr. Shi, now the issue is back to the original point. We Hope you first hand over the technology; you Hope we put your first Female Friends. And, both of us accept the other’s requirements. What do you think we should do?” Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, ask Shi Lei.

Shi Lei said with a sneer : “You take the initiative, don’t you listen to me?”

“Mr. Shi, you are a smart person. You are ready to prepare the data. Let’s leave your Shuangqing City with your female friends. So if you are completely surrounded by Mr. Shi, we will not have the chance to escape Right?” Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, ridiculed Shi Lei.

Within the scope of Shuanghu District, the power of Shi Lei’s arrangement has been defeated by an unidentified identity armed person. This group of unidentified identity armed personnel, the timing of the selection is very good, not only Shi Lei is not in the Shuanghu District, even the power of the Ruling Security Company, and only two Elite Squadron in the Shuanghu District.

Together with some people in Shuangqing City, they helped these unidentified identity armed individuals, and they bypassed Shi Lei’s double defense, so that Shi Lei did not find them in advance. So they were defeated by them.

In the face of ridicule, Shi Lei does not say “color”, he is waiting for the steel frame dispatched by the Rongcheng Military District, The Steel and Iron, The Steel and Iron of the Rongcheng Military District, carrying the Swift Arrow Series guide. Shi Lei wants to verify that this group of unidentified identity armed personnel is not the personnel of Rongcheng Military District.

If this group is the personnel of the Rongcheng Military District, if Shi Lei wants to use the Swift Arrow Series of the Rongcheng Military District to guide the attack, I am afraid that the Rongcheng Military District will be stalked.

Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel found that Shi Lei did not respond, so he said in a serious tone: “Mr. Shi, we need you to arrange six Bank cash trucks for us. I will give you ten minutes, Shuanghu District. The cash truck, you have to get it over!”[

Bank’s cash-carrying vehicle, with Outstanding’s anti-sexual ability, the leader of the unidentified armed personnel, asked Shi Lei for six Bank cash trucks, which is the rhythm of preparing to run.

They have already caught Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang and it doesn’t make much sense to stay in Sunlight Garden. Although the lead team is tempted by Shi Lei, there is no ability to leave them, but what if Shi Lei has any backhand?

In fact, Shi Lei still has a backhand. However, it is aimed at long-term operations, and it does not make any sense now.

“Okay, wait a moment, I will arrange it first.” After Shi Lei agreed, let Izual switch to a silent state with the unidentified armed armed personnel leader, and then commanded: “Izual, immediately contact corresponding Personnel , let them prepare six Bank cash trucks and send them all to the Sunlight Garden !”

Izual is in charge of Shi Lei’s large-scale institutional information network. After Shi Lei orders, Izual immediately passes the corresponding information to the relevant personnel.

Just three minutes later, although the time is still less than six in the morning, Shi Lei’s forces actually found six Bank cash trucks.

“Sir, six Bank cash trucks have found it, but they have arrived at your location and may delay for two to four minutes.” Shi Lei said in a tranquil voice.

Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, considering for a while, understood the delay in time. “It doesn’t matter, Mr. Shi, four minutes in the district, we can wait. After all, we are not unreasonable.”

Shi Lei in the heart Sneer, a group of kidnappers actually reasoned with him?

Thirteen minutes later, six Bank cash trucks parked outside the Sunlight Garden. The person responsible for driving, according to Izual’s instructions, had already left in advance, so as not to be smashed by armed personnel with unknown identity.

“Sir, the six Bank cash trucks you need are ready.” Shi Lei’s tone calmly.

Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel did not speak with Shi Lei, but kept the phone open. “Ms. Mu Shuang, Ms. Ling Yumo, please take a trip with us! I think you should take the initiative to cooperate with us. After all, We are all gentlemen, not Hope to make a “force” behavior.”

Mu Shuang took Ling Yumo’s hand, “Let’s go!”

“This is the best!” Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel hā hā laughed and then said to Shi Lei: “Mr. Shi, your female friends are very cooperative, please rest assured, we will not bother them.”

Outside the Sunlight Garden, a large group of unidentified identity armed personnel joined together and they quickly boarded six Bank escorts. Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang were personally escorted by the leaders of the unidentified identity armed personnel, and their vehicles were in the middle.

Shi Lei switched the communication route with the unidentified identity armed personnel leader to mute, and told Izual: “Lock their location in real time and monitor their Dynamic Behavior.”

“yes, sr.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Six Bank escorts, from the regional avenue of the Shuanghu District, entered the fast road, from their driving route determine, they seemed to want to enter the main city area of ​​Shuangqing City.

Shuanghu District is not the main city area of ​​Shuangqing City, but a school district, a little distance from the main city area.

Shi Lei looked at the mapinformation displayed by Izual, six red “light” spots, moving on the map, he muttered to himself: “Shuangqing Railway Station, or Beiyu District International Airport? It should be International Airport! Hēng hēng ! Don’t leave Little Mo and Shuang Shuang, do you think you can escape?”

Unidentified identity armed personnel, their target location, is indeed Shuangqing City International Airport. Shi Lei can modify the reasonable identity for Ye Feng et al., this group of unidentified identity armed personnel, naturally also has reasonable identity for riding the airplane.

“Izual, give me a contact Raphael!” Shi Lei’s face “Lu” has a touch of evil smile. Raphael and Shi Lei have a mutual contact between each other to facilitate the contact of the two.

Izual does not hide paddress, directly using the paddress of the Shi Lei’s Guesthouse, using the network phone contact Raphael. Waiting for a moment, the sound of the Raphael sounded in the Bluetooth headset, “Are you?”

“Mr. Dulles, hello, I am Shi Lei.” Shi Lei did not call Raphael ‘Raphael’, but called him ‘Dulles’, which is actually a psychological suggestion, suggesting that Raphael has not yet exposed identity. And more trust in Shi Lei.

“Hello, Mr. Shi, is there anything?” Raphael curiously asked.

“Mr. Raphael, I need your help!” Shi Lei said directly: “Mr. Raphael, I have a little trouble now, can you help me black out the Management System of Shuangqing City Beiyu District International Airport?”

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗