
Chapter 1022

hk1010 Shi Lei returns and returns to the hostages!

Li Jian Nation, June 9th, at 6:14 in the evening.

Ye Feng driving an Audi 8l sedan, Shi Lei sitting in the back seat, before and after them, the remaining four members of the Punishment Merc Warsquad, divided into two groups, each driving an Audi q7 off-road vehicle to escort.

Shi Lei’s thigh, with a Notebook Computer, Shi Lei hands on the keyboard of current Notebook, hit a series of source code. This is Shi Lei’s Management System authority in preparation for receiving the Raphael for his invasion of Shuangqing City Beiyu District International Airport.

After the invasion of the Management System of Shuangqing City Beiyu District International Airport, Shi Lei will be the largest suspected person, and Shi Lei is not prepared to cover up this matter.

With this in mind, Shi Lei can achieve two purposes.

For the first purpose, the Hacker invading Shuangqing City Beiyu District International Airport Management System is Raphael, but Shi Lei is not prepared to cover up the management system of Beiyu District International Airport, which will indicate that Shi Lei is colluding with Raphael, thus Angel Parliament ‘dispelling former hatred ‘.

Second, it is from another aspect that hides Shi Lei’s real identity. Shi Lei is a matter of Mr. M. No one other than Tao Wenxian will know!

“Mr. Dulles, what happened?” Shi Lei contacted the Raphael via a Bluetooth headset.

Shi Lei is observing the mapinformation displayed on the notebook screen, representing the six red “color” spots of the unidentified armed armed personnel, which is already close to the Beiyu District International Airport. Unidentified identity The armed personnel knew their situation very well. They drove six Bank cash trucks, clearly obeying the traffic rules, a little faster than Shi Lei expected, and not far from the destination. [

Raphael currently hit the keyboard, pī pī pā pā’s voice constantly. He uses a mechanical keyboard instead of the static capacitive keyboard used by Shi Lei. The sound of a capacitive keyboard is relatively small, and Shi Lei does not like the noisy sound of a mechanical keyboard.

“Mr. Shi, wait a moment, Shuangqing’s Beiyu District International Airport, Safety defense is very high, and there are security personnel on duty, I still need some time.” Raphael responded to Shi Lei, now Raphael and six years After Shi Lei, there are still some gaps.

Shi Lei suddenly changed the topic, sighed, “Can I call you Phinney?”

Raphael tapped the finger of the keyboard, paused, and pretended to pretend: “Yes, we are friends, right?”

“Yes! We are friends!” Shi Lei replied affirmatively. “Phinney, you can call me Stone, or Stone. This is the transliteration of our Xia Nation. I prefer this transliteration, not the transliteration of ‘Stone’. ”

Stone’s most common transliteration is exactly as stated ‘Stone’, but Shi Lei can’t like ‘Stone’, because this transliteration sounds too much like ‘privacy’. On Shi Lei’s way of convince himself, he can’t accept ‘Stone’. This Sockpuppet.

“Okay!” The Raphael, which is currently typing on the keyboard, has a smile on his face.

About a minute later, Raphael started talking: “Stone, Shuangqing Beiyu District International Airport is handled, I will send you the interface code immediately, and the account of Highest Authority, you can control the management system of Beiyu District International Airport by Freedom. ”

“Great! Phinney, this thing, thank you!” Shi Lei said with a thank you.

“Don’t thank, we are friends!” Raphael’s tone, quite serious, “Stone, you are busy, let me contact you again!” Raphael said with a good understanding.

Shi Lei is a bit sad about Raphael. If their previous life is not an enemy, maybe they can really be friends!

‘Raphael, sorry! The poor man in the world is like the sand of the Ganges. Even though I am also a poor person, I just want to live better! ‘Shi Lei puts it in the heart, then a little bit of compassion.

On the screen of Notebook Computer, Shi Lei looks at the interface and account sent by Raphael. He uses Notebook Computer directly, and uses Cell phone network to access the management system of Beiyu District International Airport without Izual’s jump screen.

Shi Lei’s cell phone at Li Jian Nation, although not using his own Proof of Identity, but through the cell phone’s call history, Xia Nation Official wants to investigate this thing, it will be very simple to guess the cell The owner of the phone.

Even if this is found, Shi Lei can be lost from the cell phone. There are some things that everyone can understand in mind, and it is not a Court of Law judgment. Do you need clear evidence? [

Shi Lei puts his hands on the keyboard, uses the text command Izual, the ‘retrieve passenger list, and the background of each passenger list investigate, listing any suspicious passenger Identity Information data. ‘

Unidentified identity armed personnel rushed to Beiyu District, their destination is Beiyu International Airport, since it is Airport, it means they want to leave Shuangqing City through the airplane.

If those unidentified persons are armed and ready to leave in the normal way, they need a reasonable identity. The Airport aspect does not query the passenger’s identity background data. As long as nothing unexpected happens, the Airport aspect is usually not too much.

“sr, System has retrieved the list of passengers on all non-departed flights. Through the background investigate, System did not find any suspicious personnel.” Izual’s cold voice sounded in the Bluetooth headset.

Shi Lei’s brow wrinkled, his hands on the Notebook Computer’s keyboard, and entered a series of commands, ‘closely monitor each flight, especially the upcoming flight, confirming that each actual boarding passenger is consistent with the passenger’s information data. ‘

Without finding a list of suspicious passengers, Shi Lei suspected that the group had an unidentified identity armed person, possibly stole the Proof of Identity of other passengers. Fortunately, Shi Lei has developed the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine. With this technology, Izual can collect enough Human FaCIA l Feature data through the registration photo of the passenger information, and then use the Security Surveillance Camera inside the Airport to compare the determination.


Li Jian Nation, evening, 6.2 12 points.

Shi Lei entire group came to jfkInternational Airport and led directly to jfkInternational Airport under the staff of Storm staff. jfkAir Airport is very large, and as one of the largest airports in the world, jfkAirport is very well equipped.

Outside Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm, outside the rented apron, Shi Lei came down from Audi 8l, and Storm has been waiting here.

After seeing Shi Lei, Storm politely greeted Shi Lei: “Mr. Shi, hello. I am very happy to meet again. The airplane is ready. It is Fuel, or the issue of the route aspect. I have arranged it properly. take off.”

Shi Lei said politely: “Thank you, Storm, I owe you a favor. If you have anything I need to help, I will try my best to help you!”

“Right, Mr. Shi, I have a small request,” Storm said.

“What is the requirement?” Shi Lei gave a slightly glimpse of in the heart and thought about Storm’s opinion. ‘Does Storm want to take the opportunity to blackmail? If Storm really dares to blackmail me, I must let him die in Brave’s World, very rhythm! ‘

Storm realized that he was not quite right when he spoke. He immediately explained: “Mr. Shi, don’t worry, I won’t ask anything that makes you embarrassed. Mr. Shi, when you get off the airplane, remember to take it away. All the ‘gifts’, those gifts are not suitable for Xia Nation. However, those gifts are the guarantee of Safety. Mr. Shi, do you understand what I mean Right?”

Shi Lei in the heart sighed in relief, Storm expressed two opinions, the first opinion is, Storm is not ready to go to Xia Nation, but only lend the plane to Shi Lei, arrange the airplane to send them to fly over. The second opinion is a concealed expression. He prepared some gifts for Shi Lei. These gifts are not Lawful in Xia Nation. More specifically, precisely as stated Storm for Shi Lei entire group, prepared some firearm!

Xia Nation is a country of Forbid Guns, and even homemade small pistol is a serious illegal. If you use Storm’s airplane to ship some firearm drugs, this is a good idea.

Unfortunately, Shi Lei did not agree!

“Mr. Storm, thank you for your kindness. We just need to borrow your airplane. No other gifts are needed! Once again, thank you for your support. We need to return to Shuangqing City to deal with some urgent matters.” Shi Lei polite Responding to Storm.

Storm sighed, “Mr. Shi, since you have urgent things to deal with in Shuangqing City, we will not leave you!”


Shuangqing City, Beiyu District.

Six Bank cash trucks appeared outside the terminal of the Beiyu District International Airport, and they came all the way with red light. Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, with Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo, walked down and he glanced around.

“Hēng! Ridiculous!” Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, looking at the surrounding surveillance personnel, sneered. “At nine o’clock, three young men in t-shirts; four smokers in the direction of seven o’clock on the left; and three o’clock on the right, one pretending to call, and the other two are doing airplanes?”

Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel was amazed by the two surveillance personnel on his right. Because, the two surveillance personnel, awesome is a good base friend, are holding together, intense kiss.

Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, standing in front of Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo, he was not at all nervous. At present, the unidentified identity armed personnel hold all the big picture, as long as the hostage is in the hand, they have no danger.

Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, with a strange smirk on his face, took out Mu Shuang’s cell phone, dialed Shi Lei’s phone number, waited for the connection, and said with a polite tone: “Mr. Shi, hello, me Still the former kidnapper, we are now at Beiyu District International Airport. Mr. Shi, without investigate our identity, we are not preparing any escape plan at Beiyu District International Airport.”

Shi Lei kept silent and didn’t speak.

“Mr. Shi, maybe you don’t believe it, but this is the truth! Because, help us escape from Shuangqing City, that’s your thing! Mr. Shi, give us a special plane, I only give you fifteen minutes. No Need to arrange the driver, we will drive ourselves!” Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, said that they did not arrange the way back.

In order to give Shi Lei some motivation, the leader of the armed person with unknown identity, continue to say: “Mr. Shi, just need to do this thing, we release the hostages in advance!”

“Really?” Shi Lei in the heart raised a lot of hope, even if he knew this thing, Hope was very embarrassed!

Even though, Shi Lei is still willing to try, even if there is only one in ten chance, at least a chance!

If you don’t try it, then there is no chance of even one in ten thousand…

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗