
Chapter 1019

Is hk1007 a Rongcheng Military District?

Sunlight Garden, dong, sixteenth floor.

Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, currently by phone and Shi Lei contact, the lead personnel is very overbearing to tell Shi Lei, kidnapping Shi Lei’s female friends.

Shi Lei replied calmly: “Well, you won, now say the conditions!”

“Very good!” The lead personnel first praised, “Mr. Shi, talking to a smart person like you, it is a pleasant thing. My First requirement is very simple, that is to keep our “sex” life !”

Unidentified identity armed personnel in Shuangqing City Shuanghu District, made almost out of control, although they seized Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, but they want to escape, it is very difficult.

Even if Shi Lei orders the staff of Ruling Security Company to retreat, it does not mean that there is no other force to stop them.

Shi Lei just thought about it a bit and promised directly: “No issue! I can promise you!”

“Mr. Shi, you’d better have a little sincerity! For example, you first order Shuangqing City Police Department, and all the special Elite Police Force will be withdrawn!” The lead personnel actually knew Shuangqing City Police Department and sent a special Elite. Police Force, which means they should be in the Shuangqing City Police Department!

“Okay! A little Wait! Don’t hang up!” Shi Lei had no choice at all. Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang were in the hands of the other party. Can Shi Lei still resist? [

Keeping a conversation with the lead person, Shi Lei uses the gesture command to command Izual Virtual a number, contact Bai Qiang.

This time, Bai Qiang quickly connected the phone, and Shi Lei quickly said: “Bureau Chief Bai, the special Elite Police Force that will be sent out, all withdrawn. The situation in Shuanghu District has returned to my control. ”

Bai Qiang almost wanted to ask Shi Lei why, but Shi Lei had an issue for his name, so Bai Qiang did not ask why, and immediately agreed. “Okay, I will tell you right away.”

Under normal circumstances, Shi Lei is called Bai Qiang for Old Brother Bai. This time Shi Lei is called Bai Qiang for Bureau Chief Bai. Bai Qiang naturally guessed that there was a situation in Shi Lei. Before the merger, Shuanghu District was attacked and Bai Qiang guessed the situation.

“Good!” Shi Lei simply responded to a word and hung up.

“Is there a sincerity for Right?” Shi Lei asked the leader of the unidentified armed armed personnel.

The leader of the principal pā pā pā said: “Mr. Shi, you really have a lot of energy, even the Bureau Chief of the Shuangqing City Police Department, also obey your orders.”

Shi Lei is silent, he is working with Bai Qiang, Bai Qiang is Mu Shuang’s Older Uncle, and for Mu Shuang’s Safety, Bai Qiang can’t be heartless. Therefore, Bai Qiang will follow Shi Lei’s advice.

“Mr. Shi, I am very curious, what level will you do for your female friends?” Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel asked with a ridiculous question.

Shi Lei said in a light way: “What are your requirements, let’s continue! I can satisfy you, I will naturally meet.”

“Yes? Mr. Shi, then I will give you a multiple-choice question. Option, we kill your female friends; b option, you choose “suicide.”” Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, puts a harsh ratio Multiple choice questions.

Shi Lei snorted. “Sir, how do you think I will choose?”

“Sorry, Mr. Shi, I am not you, I don’t know your choice.” The lead personnel seems to be dissatisfied with Shi Lei’s attitude, “Mr. Shi, have you made a choice yet?”

Shi Lei laughed as if he had laughed at himself. “If I choose the b option, they are still in your hands, then their fate is even worse. So my answer is, if you hurt them, I will make you worse.” Death, I will let you see with your own eyes, the people you care about, one by one in front of you, the pain is more than death. On your loved ones, or your friends, I will not let go.”

Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, shivered by Shi Lei, he never thought that Shi Lei was so fierce and tough. He was silent for a moment before he said: “Mr. Shi, we want to know, what is your relationship with Rongcheng Military District?”

“Cooperation!” Shi Lei did not conceal, the other party can top secret into the Shuanghu District, which has explained a lot of issues.

No one knows these unidentified identity armed personnel, does it have a personnel in the Rongcheng Military District? If Shi Lei lied is seen by the other party, it is not a pleasant thing. After all, Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo are in the hands of each other, and Shi Lei does not want to take risks.

“Cooperation? In this way, is the outside rumor really true? The latest version of the Rongcheng Military District, weapon the name of The Steel and Iron, is Mr. Shi provided?” Unidentified identity armed personnel leader They initially expressed their target.

Shi Lei is still affirmed: “Yes!”

“We want all the data of The Steel and Iron, no issue Right?” The lead personnel, although inquiring, can be completely affirmative. If Shi Lei does not give, the safety of Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang is really not guaranteed.

“No issue!” Shi Lei did not hesitate and gave an accurate reply directly.

The Steel and Iron’s data, Shi Lei, has been sold to the Rongcheng Military District, with Shi Lei’s original record. Moreover, getting the design of The Steel and Iron is basically useless.

The combat power of The Steel and Iron comes from fhSystem. Without fhSystem, The Steel and Iron’s combat effectiveness, whether it can retain 10%, is still a significant question mark.

However, the next issue of the other party, once again “exposed” an issue, this group of unknown identity armed armed personnel, also in the Rongcheng Military District, or they know the situation of Rongcheng Military District, they understand The Steel and Iron.

“Mr. Shi, we also need the fhSystem with The Steel and Iron, including the source code of fhSystem.” Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, pleased said, “Mr. Shi, we know very well, if there is no fhSystem, The Steel and Iron is just a bunch of scrapiron. We admire Mr. Shi’s software design capabilities!”

Shi Lei still did not refuse, or Shi Lei could not refuse!

“Possible!” Shi Lei did not hesitate.

“Fast!” Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, using Xia Nation language to praise Shi Lei, “Shuangqing City man, there is no straightforward saying! Mr. Shi, we also need Lion d Combat System, and the corresponding “fighting” The source code of System. At the same time, Dawn and mrsSystem are also what we need.”

“Hēng!” Shi Lei coldly snorted, “It seems that your homework is very well done!”

The other party’s request for the military use weapon related data, Shi Lei began to secretly doubt whether this is the Rongcheng Military District is doing a ghost!

Rongcheng Military District did not master the key Core Technology of the three military weapon, which has been the heart disease of the Rongcheng Military District. He Zhenbang, or other senior executives of the Rongcheng Military District, has repeatedly proposed this issue to Shi Lei. Their Rongcheng Military District Hope has acquired the complete technology of the three military weapon, including the source code of the “Operation” system. .

If there is no source code, they will always be subject to Shi Lei!

Rongcheng Military District has a very high tolerance for Shi Lei’s and does not necessarily have this aspect consideration. The three major military weapon helped the Rongcheng Military District. The Steel and Iron applied to the border patrol, allowing the Rongcheng Military District to achieve zero casualties in the border patrol.

The Lion d Combat System side fills in some of the areas where The Steel and Iron is involved, making it easier to fight border crimes. There are some Tasks that may have suffered casualties. Because of the existence of the Lion d Combat System, casualties are effectively controlled.

Even the Dawn project, which is currently useless, is also very popular in the Rongcheng Military District. At least those Big Shots, preparing a Dawn to save lives, that’s a pretty good idea!

From the motivation of the crime, the Rongcheng Military District has a very big suspicion! At the same time, Rongcheng Military District has all the conditions!

Is the powerful armed personnel, Rongcheng Military District missing?

Excellent weapon, how can Rongcheng Military District not?

The numerous personnel entered the Shuanghu District, and the Rongcheng Military District also has this strength!

Whether it is strength or motive for committing crimes, Rongcheng Military District has both at the same time, and it is strange that Shi Lei suspects Rongcheng Military District!

“What else do you need? A “sex” is finished!” Shi Lei is very calm and has no bit of impatience.

Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, with a hint of joyfully said: “Mr. Shi, so to speak, just said the conditions, have you agreed?”

“Do I have other options?” Shi Lei took a bitter bitterness.

Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang listened to Shi Lei’s answer, and they all had a red circle. Especially Mu Shuang, she is very clear about what kind of pressure Shi Lei will face after the promise.

“Mr. Shi, the outside world rumors that you are very good to your female friends, it seems that this rumor is not fake.” The leader personnel praised, added: “Mr. Shi, we also want the source code of the Dynamic Behavior Catching Program “”

“Your appetite is really big!” Shi Lei sneered.

“Through the prize! Mr. Shi, it is rare to meet you so generous and good, it is very difficult for us to make a vote, please forgive me!” Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, with a pleased tone.

“Okay! This is no issue!” Shi Lei seems to be no longer rebellious, what the other party said is what.

Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, thought for a moment, originally wanted to continue to ask, but one of his subordinates, whispered something in his ear, he was started talking: “Mr. Shi, we finally All the technologies of pArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic are needed. Include manufacturing processes, matching drive systems.”

“Good!” Shi Lei didn’t even hesitate, and promised directly.

Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, seems very happy, he hā hā said while laughing loudly : “Mr. Shi, given your attitude, we will not hurt your female friends. As long as you give us the skills we need, We, we immediately put your female friends.”

Shi Lei also hā hā laughed, “Sir, do you treat me as Idiot?”

“What?” Unidentified identity The leader of the armed personnel, some time to react, “Mr. Shi, what is your opinion?”

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗