
Chapter 1014

hk1002 suddenly descends on the danger!

Mirror Science and Technology Group is just an empty shell, its company, all located in Shuangqing City in Xia Nation. Although nominally, all are Child Company and Temporary Headquarters, the law denies that Shuangqing City is Shi Lei’s Old Nest!

Li Jian Nation time, June 9th, afternoon, 5:30; Xia Nation Time, June 10th, early morning, 5:30.

In Shi Lei currently hotel, think about whether you want to give Angel Parliament a scorpion. According to the plan that Shi Lei is currently implementing, he has successfully provoked the infighting of the Angel Parliament, only waiting for the results of the Raphael, there is no need to reproduce the incident.

However, Shi Lei wants to go further. He makes Raphael more convinced that Gabriel is the ‘facts’ of Mr. M!

However, in Shi Lei’s Old Nest Shuangqing City, there was a sudden unexpected situation!

Shi Lei wore the blue earphones in the left ear, and suddenly Izual icy voice, “emergeny! Emergency Situation! Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine determine, the highest Grade Protection Target, will soon be contacted by the danger!”

Izual took a two-language alarm, which was to prevent Shi Lei from hearing clearly. The mixed alarm between Xia Nation and English allows Shi Lei First to understand that there is a particularly urgent situation. The next Izual’s tip also illustrates this.

The highest Grade Protection Target, only a few people. Including Ling Yumo, Mu Shuang, Li Zhiyue, Ouyang Xiang, added a Li Cai and his big girlfriend Wen Ruoyun. The rest of the personnel, including Ling Yumo’s parents, are just First Grade Protection Target.

The dynamic behavior of the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine determines that there is an unknown person near the highest Grade Protection Target and may cause damage to the Protection Target. [

Shi Lei’s face changed, “Damn Izual, which is the highest Grade Protection Target? Quickly mobilize the surrounding protection power! Fully protect the Safety of the highest Grade Protection Target, at all costs!”

The highest Grade Protection Target is only a few people, Shi Lei does not lose anybody, even Li Cai!

“Sr, System detected unknown identity personnel, currently close to Shuanghu District Sunlight Garden, System automatically determines the unknown identity personnel. The most advanced Grade Protection Targets are Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei’s face is very ugly, and Dream Entertainment Company purchased two buildings in Sunlight Garden for the benefit of the company’s “sex” housing. Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo live in a two-bedroom, one-bedroom hall at Sunlight Garden, and their Safety is handled by the Security personnel of the Ruling Security Company.

“Is there any related image information? Take the image information and transfer it to the projector!” Shi Lei lives in a business suite with a Small-scale conference room in the Room, and the projector is already in charge of Izual.

“please wait a moment, sr, the image is currently docked…” Izual responded to Shi Lei, and in less than ten seconds, the image was docked. Due to the safety camera around the highest Grade Protection Target, all night vision and infrared cameras were used, even if the Dark at 5:30 in the morning did not make the monitoring picture unclear.

In the monitoring screen, Shi Lei clearly found that the personnel of some unknown identity is currently close to Sunlight Garden. The personnel with unknown identity are all wearing the same style as the Special-type war suit, and all of them carry the hood that only shows their eyes, and the hand is holding the automatic rifle. Among those rifles, according to Shi Lei’s determine, there are distinctly m41 produced by Li Jian Nation, as well as m16, etc., and a muffler is added to eliminate the sound when shooting.

The personnel of these unknown identities, the degree of danger is very high, they may even be professional military personnel!

Shi Lei thought of the Rongcheng Military District in First time, and he could deny this result in the next moment. The relationship between Shi Lei and the Rongcheng Military District is still in a harmonious Phase, and the Rongcheng Military District cannot do this.

Besides, even if the Rongcheng Military District wants to turn its face, it is a trouble to find Shi Lei’s instead of looking for Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo. The identity of Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo is not simple, and the Rongcheng Military District can’t do anything that threatens them.

Looking at the surveillance screen, Shi Lei’s face is more ugly than the ugly, because Shuangqing City is the Old Nest of Mirror Science and Technology Group, Shuanghu District is the Core among the Core, and the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s defense in Shuanghu District is very strict. Shi Lei didn’t even think about it, there would be a danger in Shuanghu District.

“Izual, inform Li Cai, immediately launch all Shadow Dragons under Li Cai, and arrive at the highest Grade Protection Target site in the shortest time!” Shi Lei continued to order: “The four Steel and Iron of Shu’an Village, Start all! Command all the personnel of Ruling Security Company and arrive at the scene to protect the highest Grade Protection Target !”

“Sr, The Steel and Iron of Shu’an Village, without relevant authorization, may be pursued by Shuangqing City and Rongcheng Military District aspect!” Izual reminded Shi Lei.

Shi Lei angrily tripped the lamp and shouted: “Currently you are paralyzed! Daddy commanded, at all costs, to protect the Safety!modify System authority setting of the highest Grade Protection Target, unlocking all subsequent Safety calculations, ignoring everything. Bad impact calculation.”

“yes, sr, authority modify is complete.” Izual responded to Shi Lei, “sr, four of The Steel and Iron at the Shu’an Village Ruling Security Company training base have been launched, and the System is controlling four of The Steel and Iron. The area of ​​the highest Grade Protection Target.”[

Shi Lei ignored Izual and called the cell phone. He first called Bai Qiang. After the call was dialed, Bai Qiang did not answer the call until Baiteng’s voice came over: “Buddy Shi, can you call me at normal time!” Bai Qiang complained a little. .

“Old Brother Bai, sorry! Emergency Situation! You are now sending people around the Sunlight Garden in Shuanghu District. Be careful, don’t send roookie. In the past, Sunlight Garden has some armed personnel with unknown identity. I suspect they may threaten Mu Shuang and Ling. Yumo’s Safety.” Shi Lei said very fast.

“Wait, what do you say?” Bai Qiang still has some unclear status. He doesn’t know what an armed person is called an unknown identity. Shuangqing City, but deep into the hinterland of Xia Nation, what is the armed personnel, can you lurk in?

Shi Lei was annoyed: “Old Brother Bai! I didn’t make a joke with you! Immediately dispatch the Special-type Police Force of Shuangqing City Police Department Most Elite to Sunlight Garden in Shuanghu District! Immediately! Immediately! There is Emergency Situation!”

Bai Qiang heard Shi Lei’s tone and knew that there was an issue. He didn’t ask much. Shi Lei couldn’t make a joke on this issue. “Okay, Buddy Shi, I will arrange it first!”

“Old Brother Bai, you first unlock the two police officers of The Steel and Iron, I need to call them!” Shi Lei added.

The Rongcheng Military District delivered two of The Steel and Iron to the Shuangqing City Police Department, followed by The Steel and Iron, and had not had time to deliver. Therefore, Shi Lei can only call the two police The Steel and Iron.

Bai Qiang some hesitated: “Buddy Shi, everything is cautious, in case of an issue, Old Bro, I can’t take it!”

Shi Lei lightly snorted, “I have an issue, I am carrying it myself!”

“I immediately ordered The Steel and Iron to unlock. Can you remotely control Right? Don’t worry, the two The Steel and Iron are always at their best!” Bai Qiang said the good news.

The steel and Iron of the police version, because I don’t know when to move, so I always keep the best state, full of oil, twenty four hours ready to take off.

“Very good!” Shi Lei called in the void with his hands in the void, instructing Izual to control the two Steel and Iron of the Shuangqing City Police Department, and rushed to the Sunlight Garden in Shuanghu District as quickly as possible.

After getting the answer, Shi Lei immediately hung up and continued to contact Rongcheng Military District. Shi Lei needs to ask the Rongcheng Military District whether it is a ghost they are engaged in.

Although this chance is very low, but still have to ask!

Shi Lei dialed He Zhenbang’s satellite phone directly, and He Zhenbang gave Shi Lei a satellite phone emergency contact number, so that Shi Lei can urgently contact He Zhenbang at any time.

After waiting for a long time, He Zhenbang came with a drowsy voice, “Shi Lei, what are you doing again? What time is it!”

Shi Lei suppressed the anger in his heart and tried to calmly say: “Commander He, what is the opinion of your Rongcheng Military District?”

“What is the opinion?” He Zhenbang is somewhat puzzled: “What are you talking about?”

Shi Lei quickly and briefly explained the situation and then said: “Commander He, you honestly answer me, is this a masterpiece of your Rongcheng Military District?” At this moment, Shi Lei in the heart, Hope is the Rongcheng Military District. Engage in ghosts.

If the Rongcheng Military District is playing a ghost, then Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo have no danger. If not, Shi Lei can’t imagine the consequences, it’s too bad.

After all, some elite armed personnel with unknown identity suddenly appeared in Sunlight Garden in Shuangqing City Shuanghu District. Shi Lei knows very well that their targets are Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo. Because there are other targets besides these two targets?

He Zhenbang’s tone is also tense. “What do you say? Shi Lei, you are not kidding Right?”

“Crap! Of course, I am not kidding! So it seems that you are not in the Rongcheng Military District?” Shi Lei in the heart is more and more ominous, “Commander He, give me authorization, I need twenty frame The Steel and Iron The Control Authority !twenty rack is powered by The Steel and Iron from the Swift Arrow Series, I am coming now!”

He Zhenbang hesitated: “Shi Lei, you don’t want to mess up, those who don’t know the identity, don’t know what they want to do!”

“I don’t know a fart! In a word, don’t you give it?” Shi Lei asked angrily. Even if the other party is the Vice-commander of the Rongcheng Military District and actually controls the Rongcheng Military District, Shi Lei is not afraid. “Commander He, my Hope, you understand, whether it is Mu Shuang or Ling Yumo, they are very important to me, and they have a very large family force behind them. If they have an issue, you are not a rival to Hope, right? ”

He Zhenbang was very dissatisfied with Shi Lei’s tone, but after Shi Lei’s analysis, He Zhenbang still endured the anger. He Zhenbang, who is in high position, is fully capable of releasing emotions when needed.

“Okay! Shi Lei, I can give you the controllable Controlling Right of The Steel and Iron. But you have to promise me not to create civilian casualties. Otherwise, this thing can’t be pressed!” He Zhenbang squats Shi Lei, for fear that Shi Lei will do something too radical.

“Commander He, you can rest assured, I know what to do!” Shi Lei’s tone is very cold. “Those guys who are daring, I have to see, how did they get into Shuangqing City, how dare they target the people I care about!”

Shuangqing City is the hinterland of Xia Nation. A group of unbelievable identity personnel, weaponry Excellent, went straight into Shuangqing City and lurked in Shuanghu District without being discovered. How many conspiracy is there?

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗