
Chapter 1013

hk1001 battle of wits Raphael ,fIRE in one’s backyard ? [One Thousand and One Nights]

Gabriel’s relationship with Shi Lei’s is very strange, it is the both teacher and friends.

‘formerly’ In the Angel Parliament, Shi Lei is the personnel of the Second Giant faction. Angel Parliament Second Giant and First Giant have no imaginary harmony, and there are many battles between the two.

One time, when Gabriel was drunk, he was still faintly exposed, and he held the handle of First Giant in his hand, so that First Giant could not act rashly.

Unfortunately, Shi Lei is not completely trusted by Gabriel, and there is no handle from First Gabriel.

Dream Entertainment Company, Gamer Thanks for the event.

Gabriel holds red wine in his left hand and a napkin in his right hand, which regularly cleans the “milk” oil left in the corners of his mouth.

“sr, target Gabriel currently close, according to Dynamic Behavior Signature Analysis, target Gabriel does not have a danger.” Izual’s cold feelings sounded in the Bluetooth headset.

Shi Lei doesn’t like the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System very much. He uses the Human Emotion Emulation Simulation Module to simulate the human tone and talk to him. He just didn’t like it, for no special reason.

Shi Lei took the cell phone up, holding a small half cup of red wine in his right hand, and holding the left bracelet around his waist, with a light-colored god on his face, and glanced at Gamer at the entire event. [

When Shi Lei looked like Gabriel, Shi Lei raised a small glass of red wine in his right hand, and Gabriel gestured with a smile on his face.

Gabriel also raised his toast, and he put Shi Lei’s expressions and movements in his eyes, ‘Weird! Could it be this Shi Lei, really don’t know anything? And the Raphael Idiot, did not say my identity? It is not stupid enough to save the drug. ‘

Shi Lei’s performance, the perfect paralysis of Gabriel, let Gabriel think that Shi Lei really does not know anything, neither know the situation of Mr. M, nor his identity.

In fact, Shi Lei knows everything!

It is because of everything, so Shi Lei’s performance is not flawed!

Gabriel walked over to Shi Lei, whispering: “Sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Shi, taking up a few minutes.”

Shi Lei frowned, did not immediately agree, but looked toward Gabriel, “showing out” the normal intolerance of “color”, “Mr. Johnson, what is the matter?”

“Mr. Shi, I just saw you leaving a venue with a Gamer, that one Gamer seems…”

When Gabriel hadn’t finished, he was interrupted by Shi Lei. In Shi Lei’s eyes, he showed more warnings of color, and the tone was a bit rude. “Mr. Johnson, are you too concerned about some?” What? My business, you don’t need to care about too much.”

Shi Lei showed such an attitude and was recognized by Gabriel. If Gabriel said that he was monitoring Shi Lei and Shi Lei did not respond too much, Gabriel could easily detect that there was an issue.

Gabriel is very smart, even if Shi Lei has the advantage of information, but as long as Shi Lei accidentally takes a wrong step, it is possible that Gabriel will not find it and counter it.

Gabriel recognized Shi Lei’s attitude, and he quickly saved: “Mr. Shi, please don’t misunderstand, I don’t monitor your opinion, I just want to tell you, just the one who is looking for you, seems to have some issues on identity. , Hope Mr. Shi carries out investigate, so as not to be deceived by some swindlers.”

Shi Lei light snorted, ignored Gabriel, but still picked up the walkie-talkie, using Xia Nation: “Security Center, retrieve before I talked with my independent identity of Gamer. According to the Gamer’s Dynamic Behavior Signature, determine the Gamer’s information. I want to know everything about him, immediately implement!”

Gabriel listened to Shi Lei’s command, and the expression on his face showed the god “color” that could not understand Xia Nation, but the bottom of his eyes was a bit strange. ‘Security Center? Has Mirror Science and Technology actually set up such a department? A department dedicated to handling Security Issues? ‘Gabriel in the heart is a little surprised.

Shi Lei didn’t go to observe Gabriel. Shi Lei knew that Gabriel understood Xia Nation and was a proficient Level. Shi Lei deliberately in front of Gabriel, using the Xia Nation language to instruct the identity of the investigate Raphael, showing a two-layer opinion. [

First Level opinion is that Shi Lei’s relationship with Raphael is not close. Shi Lei does not trust Raphael, which gives Gabriel an illusion that Shi Lei and Raphael do not collude privately.

The meaning of Second Level is to show the power of Mirror Science and Technology, so that Gabriel and Angel Parliament don’t act rashly, let them create scruples.

The so-called Security Center is actually Izual!

Izual is the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. It has a very powerful Deep Natural Logic Thinking Module. In addition to its lack of independent innovation, Izual is more powerful than the Ordinary human.

With some simple information processing, Izual is completely easy!

After Shi Lei commanded, about a minute apart, there was a deep voice in the intercom. “Boss, found that the target name is Phinney Dulles. According to our investigate, this identity is False Identity and is Grade. Very high False Identity, it is very difficult to identify.”

Shi Lei’s pretending face “color” changed, suppressing the angry fire: “Idiot! Hurry up to find this person, use all the power to find me!”

“Received, Boss!”

After hearing a positive reply, Shi Lei took a deep breath and calmed down.

Gabriel heard all the conversations clearly on one side, but he pretended not to know anything. “Mr. Shi, what’s the situation? I see you some…”

Shi Lei waved his hand and interrupted Gabriel’s words. “Mr. Johnson, the former Mr. Dulles, identity has no issue.”

Gabriel in the heart sneer, ‘Hēng! Idiot ! Do you think I don’t understand Xia Nation? ‘Gabriel sneaked at Shi Lei in the heart, but on the surface it was sighed in relief. “Is there an issue? It would be great! Right, Mr. Shi, I don’t know my last proposal, Does your company have any intention to cooperate?”

Shi Lei’s brow wrinkled deeply and his expression was cold. “Sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Johnson, I still have something to deal with, leave for a while.”

Gabriel nodded regretfully, he didn’t really want to work with Shi Lei, just to test Shi Lei casually.

Shi Lei certainly knows Gabriel, not really wanting to make Dream Entertainment work with gmersfrstCompany. Gabriel is just trying to see if Shi Lei will show up.

“Xiao Bo, come over!” Shi Lei just took two steps and deliberately used the voice that Gabriel could hear and called Xiao Bo. In order not to cause Gabriel’s suspicion, Shi Lei naturally uses the Xia Nation language.

Xiao Bo put down the glass and walked to Shi Lei, whispering: “Chief Shi, is there something?”

Shi Lei hinted at Xiao Bo with his eyes. Although he lowered his voice, he could still be heard by Gabriel. “Xiao Bo, see that person there? No. That person is Mayorksa Johnson, a local resident named Limer Nation called gmersfrstCompany, which is included in our company’s blacklist and is forbidden to enter our company’s office. Do you understand? ?”

Xiao Bo nodded. “Okay, Chief Shi, I remembered it!”

Gabriel heard what Shi Lei said. His city was very deep. Although he was not happy in the heart, his face was not shown at all. It was a model representative of the old traitor.

‘Damn Shi Lei, dare to blacklist me! However, this Idiot seems to be really close to Mr. M. ‘Gabriel in the heart secretly calculated, ‘According to the wisdom that Mr. M showed, he really could not leave the flaw of Shi Lei. This Shi Lei, it is entirely possible that Mr. M has thrown out the abandoned son, just want to attract the attention of the people. It seems that underestimating the wisdom of Mr. M! ‘Gabriel in the heart thinking.

What is the so-called person, what is the thought.

Gabriel’s inner sinister ratio, he involuntarily also considered Mr. M, the same person. As everyone knows, Shi Lei knows Gabriel’s “sex” style, deliberately designed a trap, waiting for Gabriel to jump and suspect himself.

June 9th, 4:30 pm.

Under the auspices of Shi Lei’s, the Dream Entertainment Company Gamer thanked the event and entered the end of the event. At the end of the event, Organization had a small lottery activity, and each participant had some Brave’s World’s gifts.

Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm Once again, the character broke out and actually took a ‘Mysterious Talisman’.

Mysterious Talisman is the most powerful “sex” consumable in Brave’s World, no one! Normally, Gamer can get a Mysterious Talisman if it exceeds Ninetieth Grade. Mysterious Talisman’s role is to offset Brave’s World horns and die in any way. Although it can only be used once, the use of this Mysterious Talisman is really important for Death Penalty, which is a serious comparison with Brave’s World!

In the envy and hate of Gamer, Dream Entertainment Company’s Li Jian Nation Gamer thanked the event, Shi Lei left the event with Ye Feng and others, and Xiao Bo stayed to take care of Gamer. Dream Entertainment Company, which provides a buffet dinner for Gamer, willing to stay with Gamer, can stay and continue to communicate.

Shi Lei entire group Safety returned to the hotel and did not see any assassination, or other make trouble out of nothing.

“Boss, do we want to kill two targets?” Punishment Merc Warsquad The youngest Zhu Mingxuan, asked Shi Lei, this guy is not yet an adult, and his temper is a bit impulsive.

Shi Lei shook his head. “No need! Kill them, but it will cause trouble!” Shi Lei didn’t want to bring out the Angel Parliament First Giant summon now. The guy’s temper is not so good, Shi Lei is not sure to deal with him. “You go to rest! We don’t have a danger for the time being!”

Ye Feng replied: “Okay, Boss!” said Ye Feng patted Zhu Mingxuan’s shoulder and left Shi Lei’s Room with everyone.

In the Room, only Shi Lei was left alone, and Shi Lei held his chin and thought about whether or not to give Angel Parliament a little trick. However, when Shi Lei considered the Black Hand under the Angel Parliament, his Old Nest Shuangqing City had a little accident…

(To be continued.)

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