
Chapter 1015

hk1003 is fiercely engaged and is at a disadvantage!

Shi Lei silently hangs up the call with He Zhenbang. He bites his teeth and calls Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang’s residence.

Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo are still asleep. They don’t even know what’s going on outside. They are still sleeping sweetly in their dreams. Maybe there is a dream, not necessarily. When Shi Lei called, he woke up Ling Yumo.

Ling Yumo was quite unhappy and connected the phone. “Who! Early in the morning, call “Sao” to disturb the phone?”

Shi Lei try to use calm tone, started talking: “Little Mo, I am Shi Lei, you listen to me now, close all households immediately! Use the Internet of Things to control the close user, don’t go in person. At the same time, pull out the computer’s cable. , don’t connect to the Internet.”

“Stone Monster?” Ling Yumo was a little more awake, “Stone Monster, what are you doing!”

“Little Mo, do what I just said, hurry up!” Shi Lei strengthened his tone with an unquestionable taste.

Ling Yumo responded gracefully: “Okay, Stone Monster, I will go now.”

Where Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang lived, Shi Lei arranged the renovation of the Ruling Security Company. All households have been replaced with anti-glass, and all kinds of life-preserving system, including air filtration system, are installed inside, and the Internet of Things is installed to control the related System in the Room.

Ling Yumo “Operation” is the Internet of Things. After all the households are close, pick up the phone: “Stone Monster, I have closed all the households, what happened?”

“Little Mo, you are going to wake up Mu Shuang now.” Shi Lei did not explain why, but continued to tell. Ling Yumo’s “sex” style, without Mu Shuang calm, Shi Lei intends to marry Mu Shuang, taking care of their own Safety.

Ling Yumo was suspicious in the heart, but according to Shi Lei’s command, he called Mu Shuang. “Elder Sister Mu Shuang, Stone Monster’s phone, he is looking for you.”

Mu Shuang had some fascination. After a few deep breaths, she recovered her waking and connected Shi Lei’s phone. “Shi Lei, I am Mu Shuang, is there anything?”

Shi Lei said something about it, and finally said: “Mu Shuang, you and Little Mo have a danger, you now open all Life-preserving System, and then hide behind the door of Little Mo Room, where sniper blindspot. Remember Unless I inform you, don’t act rashly, understand?”

Mu Shuang responded simply: “Understood! Shi Lei, I set the phone for hands-free, what do you have, tell us by phone.” After that, Mu Shuang set up the phone with a hands-free, then follow Shi Lei’s Commanded, pulling Ling Yumo to hide behind the door of Ling Yumo Room.

“Elder Sister Mu Shuang, what happened to Ah?” Ling Yumo curiously asked.

Just as Mu Shuang was ready to explain, there was a scream outside!


Sunlight Garden, dong, south.

More than a dozen masked, unidentified identity personnel, armed with an automatic rifle of the muffler, one of the leaders, with a gesture command, in front of them, there are three Ordinary Security personnel of the Ruling Security Company. The command of the lead man was killing, destroying the security personnel of the three Ruling Security Company.

Sanfazi moved from different directions to the three members of the Ruling Security Company. Only one of the hairs, due to an accident, slightly deviated from the position, and the Security personnel did not die immediately, and made a scream.

The security personnel of the three Ruling Security Companys are only the most important Security personnel. They just received orders from Izual’s. They originally thought that the information of the Company System was wrong, and it was not the same thing. In the blink of an eye, I lost my “sex” life!

After “go!go!go!” solved the security personnel of the three Ruling Security Company, the leading man issued an offensive command.

The Ordinary Security personnel of Ruling Security Company are not at all an opponent of these well-trained and unidentified identity personnel. In less than a minute, the Ordinary Security personnel of the Ruling Security Company had more deaths than the twenty people. Except for the two personnel in the Security Monitoring room, the rest of the Security personnel died!

The two Ruling Security Company Ordinary Security personnel in the monitoring room have been scared of the six gods. They are only Security personnel of the Ordinary, not Elite Squadron. In the face of this situation, they have no idea what to do. [

Ruling Security Company has four Elite Squadrons in Shuangqing City, which are part of Li Zifeng’s Intermediate Squadron. Two of Squadron are in the Emerald Building and the other two are Squadron’s training bases in Shu’an Village.

When I received the Izual’s command at the two Squadrons in the Emerald Building, they immediately gave up the protection of the Origin Server Machine Room, turned on the automatic defense, carried the unregistered illegal Automated Weapon, and rushed to the Sunlight Garden to protect it. Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang.

Izual conveyed Shi Lei’s supreme command, ordered members of the Ruling Security Company, and protected Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo at all costs. Dream Entertainment Company’s Underground Machine Room stores some illegal Automated Weapon, in order to cope with Emergency Situation. For example, some foreign spies attempted the Assault Dream Entertainment Company’s Underground Machine Room.

But now the situation is more dangerous than meeting the assaulted underground computer room!

The two elite Squadrons in the Machine Room are Eighth Squadron and Ninth Squadron. The Captain of Eighth Squadron is Liu Xiangkun, the Little Captain of Ninth Squadron is Chen Zhiyong, and Chen Zhiyong has had a flaw in the last protection of Ling Yumo. Therefore, this time Chen Zhiyong does not want to have any issues.

Two elite Squadrons, together to the east of the Sunlight Garden building. There are still more than a dozen people with unknown identity in the east. When the two elite Squadrons of the Ruling Security Company were killed, they immediately received strong resistance.

Ruling Security Company’s elite Squadron, with a strong combat capability, can face a person with an unknown identity and is suppressed. Although the number of persons with unknown identity is more, even twice as many as two Elite Squadrons, the situation of being completely suppressed is enough to explain the personnel of unknown identity, and the combat power is very strong.

Chen Zhiyong’s face is very ugly. From the use of weapon and combat analysis, Chen Zhiyong even raised a thought of running away.

“Xiangkun, be careful, the opponent’s fighting power is too strong!” Chen Zhiyong said loudly.

As the two elite Squadrons of the Ruling Security Company exchanged fire with the personnel of the unknown identity, the gunfire resounded throughout the Sunlight Garden community. Fortunately, there are no residents in the Sunlight Garden who live in too much. Even later, those residents who have entered the Sunlight Garden have already smashed the alarm call!

The Alarm Center operator of the Shuanghu District Police Department, when first received an alarm, thought it was a mischievous alarm. When more and more alarm calls came in, the operator of the Alarm Center realized the serious “sex” of the issue.

When the Alarm Center opened the highest-level emergency plan, there were not a few Police Forces working at the entire Shuanghu District Police Force Substation. Even on the Police Force on duty, there is no weapon against the personnel with unknown identity.

Originally, these duty Forces, who wanted to be desperate, were eventually blocked by higher-level notifications. Shi Lei has already notified Bai Qiang that the general rookie will not have to send it to death, it will only increase the death list by a few digits.

“Damn!Zhiyong, who are these people? Their combat power is even stronger than the border patrol army of Nanyue Nation!” Liu Xiangkun hid behind a flower stand and shouted loudly to Chen Zhiyong on the right.

“I don’t know! But Boss’s highest order has come down, we have to withstand it!” Chen Zhiyong looked at the south, not far from the south, Chen Zhiyong was keenly aware of the person with unknown identity. “Xiangkun, you take people to the south, don’t need to fight with them, drag them, our support will come soon!”

To the south, the personnel of unknown identity quickly cleared the Ordinary Security personnel of the Ruling Security Company. If there is no personnel blocking them, they will go directly to the Sunlight Garden.

Liu Xiangkun nodded, loud: “brothers, come with me!”

Ruling Security Company Eighth Elite Squadron, led by Liu Xiangkun, killed to the south. The member of Eighth Squadron, using the weapon, is not the regular weapon of the Rongcheng Military District, but the mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun purchased in small quantities from the overseas black market.

It is okay to buy weapon a small black market overseas. If you buy on a large scale, you will definitely have a tragedy. Those so-called arms dealers, if there is no “Government” shadow behind them, Shi Lei dare to eat the keyboard!

This is why Shi Lei has not been buying soapon the so-called arms dealers!

If Shi Lei buys a HellfIRE guide, I am afraid he will go directly to the blacklist of ns and enter the territory of Li Jian Nation, and he will be invited to drink tea and talk about his heart.

The mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun is ideal for close combat. The ultra-fast “shooting” speed, the accuracy of Excel, and the ultra-low failure rate are completely the weapon of urban street fighting.

Eight members of Eighth Squadron, under the leadership of Little Captain Liu Xiangkun, rushed 30 meters away from the unknown identity personnel and hid behind the flower stand.

However, Shi Lei, or the elite Squadron of the Ruling Security Company, underestimated the power of these unknown identity personnel!

I saw a fire tongue smashing the darkness of the morning, followed by the blazing fire, the violent explosion, and the fragments of the flower stand.

Ruling Security Company Eighth, who is hiding behind the flower bed, has dedicated his life to the art of the explosion and confirmed the power of the rocket by the way.

When Chen Zhiyong exploded, he turned his head and looked at it. When he saw the broken flower stand, he shouted: “Xiangkun !!!Xiangkun !!!Xiangkun !!!”

How can Chen Zhiyong’s screaming exhaustion still change the result of Liu Xiangkun being killed by the rocket!


Li Jian Nation.

Shi Lei discovered the identity of the unknown identity through real-time broadcast surveillance video. When using the rocket, his face was dying…

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗