
Chapter 1012

hk1000 misunderstanding! [千章]

Rudy Building rooftop.

Under the guidance of Shi Lei’s, Raphael secretly suspected Gabriel, precisely as stated mysterious Mr. M!

Shi Lei is not willing to kill Raphael and Gabriel. The most important factor is that Shi Lei has a huge bureau and counts Raphael and Gabriel. Shi Lei Hope provoked the fight of the Angel Parliament and let Raphael deal with Gabriel.

Think of the Two Great Giants in the Angel Parliament, Shi Lei feels happy!

Even if Raphael is not Gabriel’s opponent, but the Angel Parliament can be swayed inside, Shi Lei is quite satisfied. If the Raphael is a bit powerful, killing Gabriel is the perfect ending.

Raised Identity of Raphael is Phinney Dulles, whose real name is Alan Reyburn. He is the ancient Reyburn Family Second Position heir. The Reyburn Family is very powerful. The Raphael is so arrogant in the Angel Parliament, and there is no Esteemed for Second Giant Gabriel. It is precisely as stated because of the power of the Reyburn Family. The behavior of Raphael.

“Mr. Dulles, or Mr. Raphael, gives you a friendly reminder. If you know the real identity of Mr. M, you should be careful. According to the analysis of Mirror Science and Technology Group, Mr. M is very powerful. Private power. Once Mr. M discovers that you know his real identity, your life safety, I am afraid that the law is guaranteed!” Shi Lei showed a little bit of goodwill.

This is not because Shi Lei really cares about the life safety of Raphael, but is doing a psychological suggestion, let Raphael in the heart breed a concept, that is to watch out for Gabriel, and can not let Gabriel know that Raphael is doubtful he.

Shi Lei knows more about the “sex” of Raphael. If Shi Lei is not in Raphael in the heart, plant a seed that will alert him to Gabriel. I am afraid that the Idiot of Raphael will turn to Gabriel for verification. [

According to Gabriel’s wisdom, the Raphael’s poor means will definitely be seen by Gabriel First, then defeat Raphael and disturb Shi Lei’s plan.

Raphael had a hesitation on his face. He said what Shi Lei said and automatically put Gabriel in. Gabriel does have a very strong private power. If Gabriel is really Mr. M and Raphael is looking for Gabriel, Gabriel is really likely to kill him!

‘so close! On the back of ‘Raphael, there was a lot of cold sweat, and if it wasn’t for Shi Lei to remind him, Raphael was really ready to look for Gabriel. ‘Fortunately, Shi Lei reminded me, otherwise, Gabriel definitely gave me a Black Hand! ‘

Although Raphael is somewhat conceited, Raphael is not Idiot, the basic self-knowledge, Raphael still owns. The family behind Raphael does have a very powerful energy. Because of the family power, Raphael does not really put Gabriel in the eye.

However, Raphael is very clear, if he clearly shows that Gabriel is Mr. M, and Gabriel is really Mr. M, Gabriel will definitely kill him!

This is beyond doubt!

“Thank you Mr. Shi, I know, I will be careful!” Raphael tone, with a hint of sincerity.

Shi Lei added a firetrack: “Mr. Dulles, I have a proposal. Our Mirror Science and Technology Group, lost a Mr. M, don’t know if you are interested in joining our Mirror Science and Technology Group?”

Invite Raphael to join Mirror Science and Technology Group, which is definitely Shi Lei’s bad taste!

If Raphael joins Mirror Science and Technology Group, it becomes Shi Lei’s subordinate. Is there anything more refreshing than using the enemy to serve yourself?

This is definitely the most refreshing revenge!

In the face of the olive branch that Shi Lei represented on behalf of Mirror Science and Technology Group, Raphael shook his head and rejected it. As one of the Four Great Giants of the Angel Parliament, Raphael could not serve other organizations. Although Raphael is more contemptuous of Second Giant Gabriel, for Angel Parliament First Giant, Raphael is not ready to be provocative.

“Sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Shi, I can’t join Mirror Science and Technology Group, thank you for your kindness!” Raphael didn’t explain why, “Mr. Shi, I went down first, about Mr. M, if there is The latest news, I will inform you.”

Shi Lei did a request, “Mr. Dulles, I wish you all the best! Let’s go together, lest the rgControl Risk Group have misunderstanding.”

Raphael didn’t talk, just nodded. [

The two walked side by side and returned to the scene of the Dream Entertainment Company Gamer. After entering the venue, Shi Lei is separated from Raphael, Shi Lei goes to Xiao Bo, and the right hand is placed on the side of the thigh. The five fingers are regularly tapped. This is through the Security Surveillance Camera and sends commands to Izual with the gesture command.

‘Izual, monitor target Raphael and target Gabriel. Keep monitoring throughout, use lip language analysis to record all conversations for the target. ‘

In the Bluetooth headset, Izual’s icy sounds, “yes, sr. Command received, has begun implement!”


Dream Entertainment Gamer Thank you, the other side of the event.

Raphael is separated from Shi Lei. He first took a cup of whiskey and drank a swig. Gabriel’s mediocre sounded before he even took the Second mouth.

“How is the situation?” Gabriel stood beside the Raphael, holding a cocktail in his left hand, a cake in his right hand, and even traces of “milk” oil in his mouth, not paying attention to his external image.

This slightly embarrassing image is just Gabriel’s disguise. Gabriel shows an Ordinary person who should behave in a way that completely integrates himself into the life of the Ordinary.

Raphael didn’t answer immediately, but took another big whiskey and started talking: “It’s awful! Shi Lei doesn’t know the information of Mr. M. We still know everything about Mr. M.”

“Is it?” Gabriel’s brow wrinkled. “No, it should be! Shi Lei definitely knows about Mr. M! Although they have very little contact, Shi Lei must have discovered some of the information of Mr. M!”

Raphael glanced at the frowning Gabriel, who sensitively caught Gabriel’s words, ‘Gabriel Gabriel, how do you know that Shi Lei and Mr. M contact are rare? How do you know that Shi Lei must have discovered some of Mr. M’s information? Unless you are Mr. M, how can you know? ‘

Raphael believe oneself infallible analysis, this analysis, I feel a little bit reasonable!

It’s just that Raphael is not Gabriel, he doesn’t know Gabriel’s layout and arrangement. Gabriel has long since investigate over Shi Lei, and Gabriel knows that Shi Lei has not formed an agent relationship with Mr. M for a long time. Since the time is not long, then the contact between them will naturally not be too much.

What Gabriel said is entirely out of basic logic, not Raphael analysis.

Sometimes, certain languages ​​can often be analyzed into multiple meanings. But in fact, there is no such thing as the meaning of the analysis, maybe it is just a simple passage.

“Gabriel, Shi Lei knows very little. However, Shi Lei promised us to deal with Mr. M with us.” Raphael This is not a say a lie, Shi Lei is also committed to him.

Gabriel’s brows are still wrinkled, ‘damn Raphael Idiot, is this guy messing things up? Or is he seeing what flaws Shi Lei has seen? ‘

“Gabriel, I am going to go first. What is the event of Gamer’s thank you? You will stay here and play. I have no time to play with Shi Lei.” Raphael drank the remaining whiskey in the cup. Go on.

Gabriel nodded and finally said, “I will arrange for Thirteenth Squadron to send you back. Be careful on the road. Mr. M has already pointed you on, and spirited, don’t let it go!”

Gabriel was originally kind, Raphael paid attention to Safety, and also sent Devil Mercenary Corps, Thirteenth Main War Squad to escort Raphael.

The Shi Lei design framed Gabriel and made Raphael believe that Gabriel is Mr. M. As a result, Gabriel’s kindness became a malicious in the eyes of Raphael.

‘hēng hēng ! Damn Gabriel, is he testing me? Want to explore the probe, do I know that he is exactly as stated Mr. M’s real identity? Also send Thirteenth Main War Squad to me, clearly watching me! Say what Mr. M has put me on, it turns out that you have already stared at me! ‘Raphael’s in the heart, flashed several thoughts in a flash.

Considering a dozen seconds, Raphael can only accept Gabriel’s ‘goodwill’, “OK, Gabriel, Hope, your people can protect me!”

Gabriel didn’t hear the opinion implied in the Raphael tone, just said: “You go to the old place and wait for me. After the Dream Entertainment Company’s activities are over, I will go back to you. Right, Raphael, what else do you need to tell? Is it mine?”

Raphael shook his head firmly. “No, I am sure that Shi Lei knows nothing!”

“Okay! In this case, go back first, I will go back!” Gabriel no longer asked Raphael.

Raphael turned and walked to the exit of the event. At the moment of turning around, Raphael pulled out a cell phone, edited the SMS content, and then took out the business card that Shi Lei handed him, and sent the Text Message to it. Shi Lei.

Gabriel currently walked over to Shi Lei and he needed to verify the conclusions of Raphael. Before he approached Shi Lei, Shi Lei used a cell phone in Li Jian Nation and suddenly received an information.

“sr, the cell phone number of the Text Message sent, is registered under the name of Phinney Dulles.” Izual reminds Shi Lei.

Shi Lei smiled on his face. He looked at the content of Text Message. ‘Beware of Mayorksa Johnson, he may be the eyeliner of Mr. M. I am now sure that more evidence is still being collected. ‘

Raphael ventilated Shi Lei’s without telling the truth, but instead used a rounded corner to show that Mayorksa Johnson could not be trusted. When Shi Lei finished reading Text Message, Raphael was looking at Shi Lei, and Shi Lei gave a slight slapto Raphael.

Get the feedback of the Raphael, leaving with a heavy heart, he does not know how to calculate Gabriel, how to test Gabriel, can let Gabriel show the original shape.

Gabriel ignored the departure of Raphael, he took the cocktail and slowly walked to Shi Lei…

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗