
Chapter 1007

hk995 started the show!

Xia Nation Time, June 9th, a little twenty at night.

Li Jian Nation Time, June 9th, 9 am.

Dream Entertainment’s OffiCIA l Website has announced the event location and event time on yesterday night. Specifically, Li Jian Nation local time is at 2 o’clock in the afternoon on June 9th, at the intersection of Broadway and West Forty-two Street, which is Times Square.

Shi Lei rented the top-level meeting place through rg at the Rudy Building in Times Square. Located in the southwest corner of Times Square, the Rudy Building is used as a high-level gathering of all kinds of parties, standing on the upper floors of the Rudy Building and overlooking the night scenes of Times Square.

Rg is Control Risk Group, a well-known Worldwide Security Company. As for the very famous blkwterCompany of Xia Nation, Shi Lei does not believe them. This company is very famous. In some of Xia Nation’s literary works, it occupies a lot of pen and ink, even some people who don’t understand, exaggeratedly indicating blkwter It is the company that all World Security personnel are eager to enter.

In fact, blkwterCompany is notorious, and the company’s scandals include prisoner abuse, shooting and killing civilians, organizing massacres, smuggling arms and so on.

How can Shi Lei, such a scandaled Security Company, hire them as the on-site Security personnel of Dream Entertainment Company?

The reputation of rgControl Risk Group is much better. When Dream Entertainment determines the address of the event, rgControl Risk Group unfolds the construction of Security Defense System.

Shi Lei did not arrange the members of the Punishment Merc Warsquad, together with the Safety of the venue, but prepared the identity of Gamer for the Ye Feng five. They will enter the Player Activity hosted by Dream Entertainment with the participating Gamer identity. [

In addition to the obvious rgControl Risk Group, hidden in the dark Punishment Merc Warsquad, Shi Lei also arranged Third Power.

Third Power is a surveillance camera controlled by Izual!

The Rudy Building’s Safety Camera is completely controlled by Izual, including the top floor of the 18th floor of the Rudy Building Eighth, and the camera of the rsControl Risk Group, also controlled by Izual.

This time, the Gamers who participated in the Player Activity all use the sense of “operation” as System. In other words, exact as stated, their Dynamic Behavior Signature, and the FaCIA l Feature, all recorded and stored by the Dream Entertainment Company.

Therefore, the participating audience, Dream Entertainment Company, all tracked the real identity. When they stepped into the Rudy Building, Izual determined their identity through the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine and the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine. Once there is any Gamer who is not invited by Dream Entertainment Company and is not signing up for the event, it will be automatically marked by Izual to inform rgControl Risk Group to process it.

Before the deadline for registration, Gamer, who participated in the event, including the special Gamer, controlled a total of 120 names. After all, it is an indoor venue, and it is impossible to allow too much of the Gamer to come in.

Less than one hundred participating in the Player Activity quota, some of Li Jian Nation’s Gamer is not satisfied. But those unsatisfactory Gamer, most of them are low-end Gamer, and the number of Gamer is not huge, so Dream Entertainment Company chose “sex” to ignore them.

Dream Entertainment takes a random approach to the Player Activity quota, leaving Gabriel and Raphael a little bit broken. Fortunately, in the case of Shi Lei’s deliberate command, Gabriel and Raphael broke through the activity registration system and successfully registered for Raphael.

As for Gabriel, he believes that if he joins Raphael with ‘unconventional means’, it may cause the attention of Dream Entertainment Company. Gabriel didn’t use this inappropriate method. Gabriel’s mind was very meticulous, and he didn’t allow such a low mistake.

There is another reason for Gabriel and Raphael to choose to continue to use the invasion method to get more Gamer places.

That is Izual’s autonomous defense!

Shi Lei only allowed Gabriel and Raphael to invade once. Shi Lei deliberately issued the Player Activity in advance to hold the address, which is precisely as stated. In order to give Gabriel and Raphael a “exhibition” information. Gabriel has lived in New York City for a long time, and he definitely knows about Rudy Building. He also understands that there are not many places in this Player Activity.

According to the comparison of the number of applicants and places, Gabriel and Raphael can only give priority to the admission qualification of Raphael. As for the two Main War Squads of Devil Mercenary Corps, they can’t get in.

The intrusion plan was used only once and was blocked by Izual. This result was also expected by Gabriel and Raphael. Dream Entertainment Company has the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, and the Angel Parliament has made a positive conclusion.

Gabriel didn’t need to use Hacker’s intrusion to get a place to participate in the Player Activity, he took a more secure and more convenient approach. [

Previously, Gabriel and Shi Lei left a ‘good edge’ and Shi Lei called Gabriel. With this ‘one side’ relationship, Gabriel found Shi Lei, indicating that he was involved in the Dream Entertainment Company’s activities, and Shi Lei gave Gabriel an activity qualifications.

For the qualifications of the activities at hand, Gabriel even stunned Shi Lei’s stupid in the heart. But who is stupid?


Time passes by, Li Jian Nation time, June 9th, afternoon, thirty thirty.

Shi Lei arrives at the Rudy Building in the southwest corner of Times Square in an anti-Mercedes-Benz sedan. Xiao Bo acts as a Shi Lei’s driver and has entered the Izual’s defense area when Xiao Bo drove into the Underground parking lot.

The entire Underground parking lot was enhanced by rgControl Risk Group to achieve zero dead angle monitoring. To ensure Safety, rgControl Risk Group has arranged a Squadron Security personnel in the Underground parking garage. Used to cope with possible accidents, especially unauthorised personnel, in an attempt to force entry.

The Mercedes-Benz sedan was parked near the elevator and there was a Security Surveillance Camera inside the elevator. Security Surveillance Camera is equipped with Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine, and Word Recognition Engine.

Word Recognition Engine , determine enter the elevator’s personnel, the number of floors selected; Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine and Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine, together determine the identity of the elevator personnel.

If you enter the elevator’s personnel, you select the Eighth 8-Layer of the Dream Entertainment Company activity, but the identity recognition passes. Izual will automatically notify rgControl Risk Group and park the elevator on the corresponding floor to facilitate rgControl Risk Group to check the relevant personnel.

Shi Lei went all the way to the Eight 8-Layer building in Eighth. After walking out of the elevator, Shi Lei met again with the safety protection measures of rgCompany. Includes three metal inspection doors and nine safety check personnel.

The metal detection door can effectively detect the presence of the items carried by the Gamer without violating the right to **. This is to prevent the relevant personnel, carry firearm and metal weapon, and enter the event site of Dream Entertainment Company.

The five members of Punishment Merc Warsquad, in the case of Shi Lei’s special greeting, allowed them to carry weapon to the scene to prevent accidents, and the members of Punishment Merc Warsquad had the power to fight back.

Shi Lei passed the metal detection gate before entering the Dream Entertainment event. At the scene of Dream Entertainment, there are already some Gamers.

According to Izual’s feedback, whether it is Gabriel or Raphael, it has not yet arrived at the event. Once they arrive at the event, Izual will automatically prompt Shi Lei.

The Dream Entertainment Company’s event in New York City, mainly the Gamer Appreciation, can be determined according to the name of the event, Dream Entertainment Company, mainly thanks to Gamer who has a high support for the Dream Month Company. This is also the reason why Dream Entertainment Company has specially invited some Gamer.

The thank you event was very casual. Except for the opening speech and the ending lottery, the rest of the time was handed over to the Gamer Freedom, which is the process of holding a wine glass and making other friends everywhere.

The person who can spend numerous money in Brave’s World is mostly a real rich man. With such a platform, they may also find a partner to develop their connections.

This is also a purpose of the Dream Entertainment Company Gamer.

Shi Lei and Xiao Bo carry a goblet with a small half cup of red wine. It’s a pity that Shi Lei doesn’t have a cold for wine. Very expensive wines and Ordinary wines don’t have much difference in Shi Lei’s eyes.

“Chief Shi, wait for a moment’s opening speech, or you can talk about it!” Xiao Bo said.

The upcoming Dream Entertainment Company, Li Jian Nation division, Xiao Bo will be the person-in-charge of the division. Shi Lei intends to give the opening speech of this Gamer’s thank-you event to Xiao Bo for processing. It is also a warm-up for Xiao Bo’s identity.

Shi Lei thought about it and finally nodded: “No issue! However, I only announced that we will set up the Li Jian Nation branch and introduce you.”

Xiao Bo nodded with a smile and no rejection.

“sr, find Target Person Gabriel, target currently take the elevator.” Shi Lei’s blue earphones in the left ear came with Izual’s cold voice.

Shi Lei’s face is “exposed” with an inexplicable smile. If Shi Lei expected it, Gabriel and Raphael would not come together, and it must be Gabriel’s first step.

Gabriel and Shi Lei have a side and are specially invited by Shi Lei. Therefore, Gabriel will definitely come first, wraparound Shi Lei, come in for Raphael, and find a suitable location to provide convenience.

When Gabriel entered the event, it was already a little Forty-five, only 15 minutes, and Dream Entertainment’s Official event is about to begin.

“Mr. Shi, hello!” Gabriel, as Shi Lei predicted, entered the Dream Entertainment event venue and immediately found Shi Lei, and actively talked with Shi Lei to attract Shi Lei’s attention.

Shi Lei responded politely: “Hello, Mr. Johnson!”

“Mr. Shi, as a Brave’s World’s fans, I am honored to participate in the Dream Entertainment Company event. I wish the event a great success and Blessing Brave’s World achieved better results in Worldwide.” Gabriel was a bit enthusiastic. Although this is in line with Gabriel’s identity, Shi Lei formerly is very familiar with Gabriel!

“Thank you!” Shi Lei still replied politely, in the heart sneer at Gabriel’s performance. The performance that looks perfect in the outsider is full of flaw in Shi Lei’s eyes!

Gabriel spoke again about some of Brave’s World’s achievements, mainly touting Brave’s World and Dream Entertainment. Shi Lei smiled and talked to Gabriel as if he hadn’t seen Old Friend for years.

Just as they talked happily, Izual’s cold voice came again in the Bluetooth headset.

“sr, found the target Raphael, expected to arrive at the event after a minute and fifty seconds…”

Raphael is the protagonist of this time!

Shi Lei is more or less speculative, Gabriel and Raphael’s plan. It was because Shi Lei guessed their plan that Shi Lei didn’t want to kill Gabriel and Raphael.

Even if Shi Lei is very easy to kill them now, Shi Lei is not willing to do that…

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗