
Chapter 1006

hk994 Who said Shi Lei will not negotiate?

New York City.

-wveCompany New York office, Small-scale conference room.

Shi Lei showed his intention to acquire -wveCompany in a domineering manner, and everyone in the conference room was stunned.

Xiao Bo in the heart is a bitter smile. He originally estimated that according to Shi Lei’s savvy degree, he would not express his ideas so frankly, so as not to be at a disadvantage in the negotiations.

But the fact is that Shi Lei expresses straightforwardly that he wants to acquire -wveCompany.

The three persons of -wveCompany, all delighted look towards Shi Lei. Although they predicted at the outset that Dream Entertainment Company might acquire -wveCompany, they did not expect Shi Lei to say it directly.

“Mr. Shi, you Dream Entertainment Company, want to buy us -wveCompany?” -wveCompany’s Director-General Hoyt Vandenberg confirmed.

Hoyt did not make a mistake this time. Shi Lei’s name, in his tone, with a deep diligence, eyes eagerly looking at Shi Lei, Shi Lei is somewhat uncomfortable.

“Mr. Vandenberg, how much do you plan to sell the -wveCompany?” Shi Lei asked. [

Hoyt is the absolute controlling shareholder of -wveCompany and holds the stake in 70%. He can decide the fate of -wveCompany.

As for Vice-DIRE ctor General Santford and Technology Supervisor Walter, although they occupy a ten percent stake in the twenty, they can completely control the decision of wveCompany, only the right to make recommendations, and no decision-making power.

-wveCompany is not a listed company and does not circulate in the Stock Market. Therefore, it is not possible to realize a wholly-owned holding of -wveCompany through Stock Market, just like snipe mCompany.

Hoyt Vandenberg, as Director-General of -wveCompany, doesn’t really like this company. Hoyt Director-General is only a funder, Vice-DIRE ctor General Santford is also a fund partner, and the real entrepreneur of -wveCompany is Technology Supervisor Walter Smith.

The development road of -wveCompany clearly illustrates the nature of the two director-General not love -wveCompany. -wveCompany is too fond of bragging ad, so that the computer technology community does not agree with this company, and even dislikes.

Hoyt Vandenberg did not answer Shi Lei’s issue and asked: “Mr. Shi, your Dream Entertainment Company, at what price are you going to buy us-wveCompany?”

Vice-DIRE ctor General Santford advocates: “Mr. Shi, our -wveCompany is the world’s most advanced technology company for the development and production of Quantum Computer. Our company has come up with the official commercial Quantum Computer. As a future technology To develop the mainstream, Quantum Computer has a more “outstanding” ability than an electronic computer. This, Mr. Shi, you should be very clear, isn’t that right?”

Technology Supervisor Walter Smith brows slightly wrinkle, did not say anything. He doesn’t like the way the company develops, especially the Hu Bing, which is not Walter’s style at all.

Walter Smith is not very proficient in business aspects. This time, the reason for Walter’s idea is that Walter’s idea is very simple. That is, -wveCompany is married to Dream Entertainment Company, Nouveau Riche, and gets numerous research and development funding.

At present, Walter is very dissatisfied with the issue of research and development funds. Many times, Walter plan is ready to do R&D and experimentation, and -wveCompany has the corresponding R&D funding.

In fact, this can’t blame Hoyt and Santford, because they are investors, investing in -wveCompany, not interested in Quantum Computer, but want to make money!

Capital investment is just to get more capital!

Shi Lei smiled at Hoyt and Santford, started talking: “Mr. Hoyt, Mr. Santford, our evaluation department of Dream Entertainment Company, has evaluated your -wveCompany. Your company’s current market value, including brand value, Approximately one thousand 2 Million US Dollar.”

The evaluation department of Dream Entertainment Company did evaluate the -wveCompany, but not a thousand 2 Million US Dollar, but two thousand 2 Million US Dollar.

Shi Lei’s is indeed an issue in negotiating aspect skills, but Shi Lei is not a fool. How can you not understand? [

Hoyt Director-General immediately retorted: “Mr. Shi, please forgive me, your evaluation department of Dream Entertainment Company, the evaluation of our company is unfair! The market value of our company, according to our company’s internal evaluation, about 100 Million US Dollar or so.”

Vice-DIRE ctor General Santford also helped: “Yes! Mr. Shi, we are the only one in Worldwide, and the manufacturer that Quantum Computer is officially commercialized is not comparable to other concept companies.”

Shi Lei in the heart Sneer, Hoyt and Santford, really, when he is Kay, want to kill a knife?

“It seems that we can’t talk about it!” Shi Lei stood up and prepared to leave the -wveCompany’s Small-scale conference room.

Hoyt and Santford once again, isn’t negotiation a bargaining process? Shi Lei, this guy, does not follow the reason!

Like Hoyt, Santford and Shi Lei playing the landlord, when Hoyt made four or two, Shi Lei went out five out of five. A total of one deck, how come five nine?

When Hoyt and Santford understood Shi Lei’s five nines, that is, Shi Lei get right to the point of the statement to acquire -wveCompany, they both released a new card three four five six seven, Shi Lei directly out of five seven Eight jk, is completely a play that does not follow the rules of the game.

Commercial negotiations, how can you not bargain Ah?

“Mr. Shi, please wait, if you are not satisfied with our price, you can talk about your Dream Entertainment Company.” Hoyt quickly stopped Shi Lei, for fear that Shi Lei really left.

-wveCompany In the hands of Hoyt and Santford, I have to play!

The later-wveCompany, indeed faces the rhythm of not playing. Because, Quantum Computer, produced by -wveCompany, has no rhythm for anyone to buy. In 2013 alone, ns partnered with Google to purchase a Quantum Computer, the revenue of 15 Million US Dollar.

This is -wveCompany historically, first time selling commercial products from Quantum Computer.

Shi Lei, who was retained, did not sit down immediately, but just turned to look at Hoyt and Santford, started talking: “Hoyt Director-General, Santford Vice-DIRE ctor General, you didn’t sell the opunion of -wveCompany, why bother to talk ?”

Hoyt hurryed: “We do have plans to sell -wveCompany, Mr. Shi, we can talk about it in detail.”

“Hoyt Director-General, please forgive me. First, you -wveCompany’s Quantum Computer, is not officially commercial. Quantum Computer, which you took out this year, is just an experimental model, isn’t that right? Officially commercial, just for the company’s promotional needs. This, our Dream Entertainment Company is very clear. Second, your company is worth much, our Dream Entertainment Company also understands that your false price does not make any sense.”

Shi Lei paused and continued: “If you are sincere in selling Company, give me a final offer. You -wveCompany is not our only choice. The acquisition of -wveCompany is not optimistic about your company, just me. !”

The reason for this “hair” once again shocked the three people of -wveCompany!

Exactly as stated Xiao Bo One time is also confirmed, Shi Lei really wants to buy -wveCompany, or as Shi Lei said, just talk.

Hoyt’s god “color” is uncertain, he does not know what Shi Lei said is true or false. ‘bad! How should I respond to this damn badard? If this bastard is really just talking about playing, our price is too high, according to his previous attitude, I am afraid that it is really sold to him! ‘

Santford lightly coughed, giving cell phone to Hoyt, on the cell phone screen, Text Message draft interface, Santford entered the price of 30 Million US Dollar.

Hoyt thought about it and accepted it for this price, so he said to Shi Lei: “Mr. Shi, our final offer is 30 Million US Dollar!”

Shi Lei said nothing, took out a checkbook of the overseas account of Swiss Bank, signed a check on the above shuā shuā shuā, and placed it on the conference table.

Hoyt and Santford’s face showed a smile.

However, the next moment, their smiles solidified, Shi Lei broke their Fantasy, started talking: “20 Million US Dollar, accepting this price, today began to handle the equity transfer agreement process. If not, I am too lazy to You have played! I am going to inspect some of the mCompany and I am not interested in delaying you for too long.”

Hoyt and Santford glanced at each other, revealing a hesitant god of color. Technology Supervisor Walter suddenly started talking: “Mr. Shi, if you buy -wveCompany, will you invest enough R&D?”

Shi Lei glanced at Walter and said with a arrogant expression: “It depends on the value of -wveCompany is not worth investing!”

Walter guarantees: “Mr. Shi, I can assure you that your investment is worth it! I am -wveCompany’s Technology Supervisor, I understand the development potential of Quantum Computer Technology! If the funds are sufficient, my research and development progress will be Faster! I only need R&D funding, other things, I don’t want to pay attention to too much!”

Hoyt and Santford are angry looking towards Walter, Walter. This is disguised in the eyes of the Dream Entertainment Company. His subtext is: ‘If the acquisition fails, he can join the Dream Entertainment Company, and only need sufficient R&D expenses! ‘

Shi Lei hā hā smiled a few times, looked towards Hoyt: “Hoyt Director-General, consider the time in ten seconds. After ten seconds, I am not interested in you -wveCompany!”

In the face of the strong Shi Lei, Hoyt and Santford were completely defeated and chose to accept Shi Lei’s condition, lest Technology Supervisor Walter ran with Shi Lei, and they -wveCompany became completely empty shells.

In the next two days, Xiao Bo followed the three top executives of -wveCompany and returned to Burnaby City in Canada, handling the equity trading of -wveCompany.

Dream Entertainment Company has not announced the acquisition yet, and Shi Lei intends to extend it later. Because, now is Li Jian Nation time on June 9th, Dream Entertainment’s Player Activity in New York City is about to begin.

Gabriel and Shi Lei’s united with the show, and will be staged soon…

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗