
Chapter 1008

hk996 evil plan, warm-up performance!

Time goes backwards for a week, and if there is a chance to kill Gabriel and Raphael, Shi Lei will definitely kill Raphael. As for Gabriel, Shi Lei will consider it, even if it does not kill Gabriel, it will strictly control Gabriel’s Freedom.

Today, however, Li Jian Nation, June 9th, Dream Entertainment hosted the Official Gamer Appreciation Event, where Raphael and Gabriel attended, and Shi Lei was not willing to kill them.

There are two reasons why Shi Lei is unwilling.

First, Gabriel and Raphael all have identities on the bright surface, especially Raphael, which is a large family of heirs. Even if it is not First Position heir, if Raphael dies at the Dream Entertainment Official event, although Dream Entertainment Company will not be affected, Shi Lei will be annoying.

Angel Parliament has always suspected that Shi Lei has a relationship with Mr. M. If the death of two Great Giants is all related to Shi Lei, the mysterious First Giant will definitely kill Shi Lei without giving up. Shi Lei explained the opportunity.

The second reason is that Shi Lei in the heart is brewing a very evil plan!

June 9th, 1:57.

Raphael entered the scene of the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer thank-you meeting, and Shi Lei clearly grasped the position of Raphael under the reminder of Izual’s. Shi Lei didn’t take a look at Raphael, but was happy to talk to Gabriel about some Game Circle anecdotes.

In the middle of the conversation with Shi Lei, Gabriel shook the cell phone. He quickly glanced at the Text Message, but did not reply, but continued to talk to Shi Lei. [

“Sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Johnson, Gamer thank you for the event, I need to leave.” Shi Lei said with apologetics.

Gabriel even connected points head, “Okay, Mr. Shi, thank you for chatting with me so much, it is a pleasure to chat with you, and I have a chance to talk with you in the future.”

Shi Lei smiled intently. “Reassured, there will be chances!”

After that, Shi Lei turned to the temporary setting of Little Gao, the security personnel of rgControl Risk Group, which protected Shi Lei in all directions, and the members of the Punishment Merc Warsquad hidden in the crowd also showed protection positions. , blocked in Shi Lei all around.

Shi Lei took the microphone and first coughed twice. Using English: “Hello everyone, welcome everyone to participate in the Dream Entertainment Company’s Gamer Appreciation.”

“First of all, I need to ask if the on-site Gamer needs a language translation service. This Gamer thank you event, the official speech of Dream Entertainment Official personnel, will use Li Jian Nation native language to express his gratitude to Li Jian Nation Gamer. “”

Shi Lei paused for a few seconds and scanned a circle of Gamer around. Standing in the front row, including Exceed Grade Gamer Storm, Shengguang Shenguan, as well as Blue “Color” Ocean and Radiant Wings.

Li Jian Nation Gamer, who was present, took the lead under the lead of Exceed Grade Gamer, such as Storm.

Shi Lei played very beautifully and was directly supported by Li Jian Nation Gamer. Dream Entertainment did not pay any real price, but won the respect of the local Gamer!

“ok, it seems that all Gamer has no communication barriers to English. As the eo of Dream Entertainment Company, I am very pleased that Brave’s World has listed English as the First SEQ uence language.” Shi Lei said good things again.

Anyway, it’s just a good word, it’s a waste of water!

Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm once again took the lead and applauded. His face showed a proud expression.

‘This Shi Lei is young, but not simple! ‘Gabriel put everything in his eyes, in the heart secretly sighed, and silently raised a jealous mood.

“Today’s Official Gamer thank you, please, Gamer, let me introduce one of our staff members of Dream Entertainment Company.” Shi Lei held the microphone in his left hand and his right hand to the stage.

The spotlight followed Shi Lei’s guide and “shot” to the front of the Xiao Bo. [

In the spotlight lock Xiao Bo’s Shi Lei, Shi Lei introduced it. “This is our Dream Entertainment Company’s Deputy General Manager, Li Jian Nation Nationality Xia Nation Descendant Xiao Bo. Perhaps everyone is skeptical, this Mr. Xiao What is the relationship with you, isn’t that right ?”

Presenting a small semicircle around Shi Lei’s Gamer, a good-hearted laughter, Shi Lei laughed, and said mysteriously: “Mr. Xiao Bo, holding a very large privilege in his hand! For example, this time, Gamer thanked The participation prize of the meeting, Mr. Xiao Bo can completely decide that each person will issue a thousand coins of coin coin, or a hundred points of good and evil value.”

The Gamer who participated in the Dream Entertainment Company’s Gamer Appreciation Conference is basically a relatively high-end Gamer. They may not care about the participation prize of a thousand coins, but they definitely care about a hundred good and bad gifts!

Good and evil values ​​are very difficult to obtain in Brave’s World. Every natural month, Dream Entertainment will automatically give away a good value. This is a good value, and you can let Gamer choose a Good Value or an evil value.

According to Brave’s World’s Main System, which is Izual’s statistic, when the first time on June 1 was issued for good and evil values, 99% points 99 of Gamer and chose Good Value. Also in other words, Ten Thousand Gamer, there will be a Gamer, choose the evil value.

Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm’s Breathing, he got a Task in Brave’s World, one of the conditions, precisely as stated Good Value over one hundred. At present, after the efforts of Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm’s, Good Value is only 50 points, and it is very far from 100.

Storm listened to Shi Lei’s speech and immediately started talking: “Mr. Shi, may you tell me, is it true?”

“Storm, it’s you!” Shi Lei already remembers Storm’s appearance, “Storm, our company’s people said, you received an amazing Task, it seems like you need numerous Good Value, isn’t that right?”

Storm gave a slight glimpse. He didn’t think that Shi Lei actually even got a message about Good Value.

“Yes, Mr. Shi!” Although Storm is Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche, there is no arrogant temper, but there is a sense of humility.

Shi Lei’s brow wrinkled slightly, as if to say to himself, “Good Value is more than fifty. Using Ordinary’s money method has already increased Good Value. You must make a real Good thing to get Good Value. This time gave Storm a hundred Good Value, he will directly accomplish Task. As a result, Storm will get a powerful item. Xiao Bo, wait for a moment to give Storm Good Value, give him a thousand coins! ”

The Brave’s World Gamers who were present, all but the Storm, laughed.

Standing in Shengguang Shenguan next to Storm, the claws of the teeth jumped up and patted Storm’s shoulders. “Mr. Shi, this program is very good, it must be so implement, can’t make Storm more powerful!”

Brave’s World has a variety of leaderboards, including the Grade leaderboard, Storm has fallen out of the million Ranked, and in other words, the Gamer, which exceeds the 1 Million, is higher in the Grade aspect than Storm.

But on the strength list, Storm is still ranked first!

Storm’s Grade is not high, mainly because Storm has long been in the Safe Zone of Official. In Brave’s World, Storm likes a Virtual Non-player control corner.

Although Dream Entertainment Company, once again stressed that Brave’s World’s Non-player control angle “color”, there is no True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence, there is no independent personality, but a relatively high Grade program.

But Deep Natural Logic Thinking Module, Human Emotion Emulation Simulation Module, Autonomous Induction Learning Judgement Module, the integrated Virtual Personality, has a program like real human emotion, so that most of the Gamer can distinguish, Non in Brave’s World -player Controls the angle “color”, whether it has emotions.

Storm looked at Shi Lei with a smile, and of course he knew that Shi Lei was just joking, but Storm was still amazed at Xiao Bo’s privilege, and couldn’t help but guess the identity of Xiao Bo in the heart.

“Mr. Shi, you don’t want to joke with me, but I am worried!” Storm looked towards Xiao Bo and smiled and said: “Mr. Xiao, this time, the participation reward of the Gamer Appreciation Event should be one. Hundreds of good values ​​have chosen Right?”

Xiao Bo turned to look at Shi Lei, Shi Lei took the microphone, and said with a solemn tone: “You Gamer, I will introduce you to everyone, this Mr. Xiao Bo, will be the Dream Entertainment Company, the person of the Li Jian Nation branch- In-charge !”

I got Shi Lei’s reminder, Xiao Bo smiled and said: “Hello everyone, I am Xiao Bo, and I will be responsible for the Dream Entertainment Li Jian Nation branch. I also have the Gamer Li Jian Nation’s Gamer. I have a lot of support at work. As for just Gamer Storm’s asked, I am now on behalf of the Dream Entertainment Li Jian Nation branch, formally responded, this Gamer thank you will participate in the event, the reward is 100 points of good and evil!”

All the Gamer on the scene cheered, and the value of a hundred good and evil values ​​can be miscalculated. In the anti-currently Brave’s World, the value of good and evil is very valuable. Storm in the heart sighed in relief, turned to look at Shengguang Shenguan, so fiercely said: “God officer, you pray that it is best not to meet me at Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. If you meet, you are ready Prepare, take the puniment!”

After Xiao Bo announced that Gamer’s thank-you would participate in the award, he announced that he would enter the Freedom event time. Shi Lei walked down from the temporary high platform and took a drink from a waiter. He stood in the corner and looked down from the top. Times Square.

On Shi Lei’s left ear, in the Bluetooth headset, Izual keeps prompting Shi Lei, “sr, target Raphael , currently close to you.”

After dozens of seconds, Raphael came behind Shi Lei’s, started talking: “Hello, Mr. Shi.” Raphael politely greeted, Raphael did not like Brave’s World, just to get qualifications for the event, temporary An account has been registered.

Gabriel analyzed the Security measures at the Dream Entertainment event site, and he accurately determined that Dream Entertainment Company will use the unique Dynamic Behavior identification as one of the safety defense measures.

If Raphael doesn’t register with Brave’s World’s account, Gabriel is afraid that Raphael is very likely to be directly exposed if it doesn’t use the somatosensory system. So, Raphael temporarily registered a Brave’s World’s account, and it was not very pleasant to try.

Shi Lei turned his head and glanced at Raphael, his face showing a natural smile, as if treating Ordinary’s Brave’s World Gamer, the tone was plain and polite: “Hello.”

Gabriel stood in the distance and stared at Shi Lei, only to find that Shi Lei looked directly at the Raphael without any surprise on his face, or any similar proof that Shi Lei knew the expression of Raphael.

Shi Lei, but the performance of King of the Screen Level, Gabriel and Raphael, how could you find Shi Lei’s flaws?

Instead, Shi Lei discovered the flaws of Raphael and Gabriel…

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗