Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 76: .076 can't tolerate it?

The Royal Palace of Monaco has a history of nearly a thousand years. The strategic fortress built by the Genoese more than 800 years ago has become the most famous landmark in Monaco today.

In the past 100 years, social development has caused the complete collapse of the feudal monarchy. For example, the British royal family has been shelved, and Monaco is also very similar. The Monaco royal family has always given the public the impression of amiableness in the past half century. Moved by the people’s actions, they embraced the example of aristocrats who supported them.

The pale yellow palace buildings, high-walled spires, solemn and solemn, but the Monaco palace is not mysterious. The palace covers an area in some major European countries, and at best it is as large as a luxurious manor.

Moreover, half of this place is a museum, and the other half is where the royal family members work and live.

Situ Yunbing was not very interested in the Royal Palace of Monaco before, but will be attending a banquet in the Royal Palace tonight, so in the afternoon, he will go to the Royal Palace Museum for a tour.

On Christmas Eve, everyone was busy preparing for the Christmas dinner in the evening. Basically, there were not many tourists. Situ Yunbing took a serious look at the history and culture of Monaco in the empty museum.

There is really not much history in a small country.

And the significance of the museum is to promote the image of the royal family to the outside world.

More than half of the content here is the life experience of royal family members in the past half century. It is not difficult to see that the royal family\'s open attitude towards the people and its efforts to integrate with the common people are extremely prominent.

When Situ Yunbing was standing in front of the photo of Princess Grace smiling and greeting the people, suddenly there was the sound of someone talking next to her.

"She is beautiful, right?"

Situ Yunbing turned his head and looked around. What caught his eyes was a beautiful young girl with silky blond hair and delicate features. She was a little green but with pure beauty. She looked only about 16 years old but she was tall and tall. , Almost as tall as Situ Yunbing, dressed in a simple but stylish fashion, it is difficult to conceal her beauty and charm.

Situ Yunbing retracted his gaze, looked at the photo again, nodded and said, "Well, a legendary woman."

Princess Grace is as legendary as Princess Diana of England, a Hollywood superstar half a century ago, an Oscar queen, and a recognized goddess!

Died in a car accident 27 years ago.

The outside conspiracy theory about this car accident is that Princess Grace was brutally murdered by the Italian Mafia!

Because Princess Grace refused to cooperate with the Mafia, lest Monaco fall into the hands of the Mafia.

Situ Yunbing is not interested in the truth of these passing histories, but in this small museum, he can understand the Monaco royal family more deeply.

In the impression that the royal family should be superior, but now they feel that they are more approachable. In the past half century, they may have lived in fear, for fear that people holding the banner of democracy and equality will overthrow them, so they must go more closely with the people. Nearly, giving up many powers at the same time.

Situ Yunbing thought he would get to know this strange and young girl, but when someone called her in the distance, she smiled at Situ Yunbing and turned and walked away. Situ Yunbing glanced at her graceful back. With a sigh, there were no more thoughts.

After wandering around in the Royal Palace Museum of Monaco for two hours, Situ Yunbing was about to go to the palace for a banquet. Alonzo called him and invited him to spend Christmas Eve at his home in Nice. Situ Yunbing told the other party that he had a show, so he declined The other party.

Standing on the Palace Square overlooking the eastern coastline, Monaco, which used to be extremely lively in the past, finally became extremely quiet today as night falls.

From time to time, vehicles drove into the Royal Palace of Monaco. Situ Yunbing tidied up his suit and dressed himself as meticulously as possible before walking to the Royal Palace.

There is someone at the door guard who is responsible for censoring the guests entering the palace. The middle-aged man like a housekeeper holds a list. Situ Yunbing is really afraid of the kind of dog blood that is blocked outside the door. Fortunately, the other party is making sure. He did show him the way to the banquet hall after he was on the list.

When Situ Yunbing came to the magnificent palace banquet hall, he was a bit at a loss. There were already a lot of people gathered here. No matter how well-dressed men and women are, men look the same, all dressed in suits and leather shoes. Women, young and old, are of all kinds. All kinds of evening dresses are dressed up with exquisite jewellery, which is quite a visual sense of controversy.

Situ Yunbing didn\'t know anyone. He went to the table where the buffet was placed and took a glass of champagne, and then stood still holding the champagne in one hand and took a sip from time to time to look at the people in the banquet hall.

This may be the scene of social celebrities gatherings that he had only seen in film and television works before.

Suddenly seeing a well-dressed middle-aged Xie Ding man walking towards him with a smile on his face, Situ Yunbing immediately cheered up.

As the man walked to Situ Yunbing, other guests also focused their attention.

Situ Yun\'s general generation must be uninterested here, but this man cannot be ignored, because he is the ruler of Monaco, Albert II.

But because he is not married yet, the media often use Prince Albert when reporting him.

The prince who loves sports but is also a **** came to Situ Yunbing and smiled and stretched out his hand to him. While Situ Yunbing shook hands with him, Prince Albert touched Situ Yunbing with his other hand. On his arm, it seemed extremely intimate.

"I\'ve always wanted to see you, thank you for your work at the Monaco Club in the past few months, it\'s really great, you made Monaco look impressive, incredible!"

Situ Yunbing smiled humbly: "I just do my job well, and thanks to the many hardworking people around me, they have contributed much more than me."

Prince Albert shook his head slightly and said: "I like your low-key and humbleness, but the credit that belongs to you should not be denied. I hope you can have fun at the banquet tonight."

After a brief chat, Prince Albert turned around and left. After all, he is not a purely free person. The social ambassador of Monaco must also have a lot of entertainment. Among the people who came to the dinner today are not simply happy. There are officials from other countries, as well as some of the best in the business field. Behind the banquet, there may be political diplomacy and economic cooperation that Situ Yunbing can’t understand and don’t want to rack his brains to figure out.

Probably because Prince Albert took the initiative to talk to Situ Yunbing, some guests also took the initiative to get acquainted with Situ Yunbing. Most of Situ Yunbing could not remember the titles of these people, diplomats of certain countries, or Which company’s CEO, or where did the rich daughter come from?

Most of the female guests who seemed to come alone turned a blind eye to Situ Yunbing. Situ Yunbing knew that they were all coming with Prince Albert who was still single.

The laws of Monaco are very peculiar. There is such a law: If no male descendants of the prince can inherit the throne, then Monaco will be incorporated into France.

Situ Yunbing knew this law because Prince Albert was still single and had no male descendants. The French media would remind Monaco from time to time: Hey, if your prince does not get married and have children, you will lose your independent principality. Sovereignty!

I don’t know if Prince Albert is a scheming bitch. Anyway, this makes him the world’s most famous diamond king. He was originally a playboy. This background makes the woman chasing him like a crucian carp. As for him The ghost knows when to get married and when to give birth to offspring, and Situ Yunbing really doesn\'t care anyway.

De Bondan took his wife long to arrive. The couple first went to say hello to the prince, and then De Bondan came with his wife after seeing Situ Yunbing.

Situ Yunbing greeted the couple and then pulled Debondan aside and told each other about Gakpei.

Debon Denn suddenly looked unhappy and said: "He is threatening the club! I will not tolerate him!"

Situ Yunbing might not have expected Debondan to react like this, and his eyes were quite surprised.

In other words, De Bondin does have reason to be angry. Since he joined the club, he has been vigorously and vigorously. The management has cleaned up, replaced the coach, and drastically cut the player\'s salary. No one dares to object!

At that time, the players had no way out, because the team did not perform well in the past three years, they could only let the club decide, saying that it sounds good is to help each other in the same boat, and what is bad is to have nowhere to go!

Now it is normal for players to think more and perform well. Shouldn\'t they require higher treatment?

Highlight performance is a bargaining chip. When the bargaining chip is gone, who has the confidence to raise their salary?

Situ Yunbing thought for a while and asked De Bangdan, "What are you going to do?"

After a moment of silence, Debondan said: "Although we are currently short of strikers, we do not have the money to buy strikers. You also have strikers on your list. If you don\'t have enough, I won\'t let you be available even on loan! Gakpe, if he is not honest, give him a reserve team!

Can not tolerate him, if every player imitates him, the team will be finished? "