Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 77: .077 Sigrid

In the area of ​​team building, Situ Yunbing and Debondan obviously have differences in thinking.

This is also a very common situation. Disagreements between the coach and the boss in European first-tier clubs often happen.

However, Situ Yunbing is still willing to talk more candidly with others, so he does not "only insist but not explain" when there are differences of opinion.

Hearing De Bondin’s implicit banning of Gakpe’s words, Situ Yunbing immediately said to him: "Mr. Chairman, your goals and I are the same. We all hope that Monaco will become better, especially the race against time. The team grew stronger.

I can understand your dissatisfaction with Gakpe. The team has been in a downturn for three years. Now that it has improved slightly, the players demand more from the club for personal gain. You want to spend a longer time to observe and weigh whether to pay for the players. More.

My opinion is this. I think the team’s construction is to be gradual and to maintain a reasonable and steady rate of personnel updates at all times. In this process, we must clean up the players who do not meet the long-term construction goals. Then introduce players who fit the team\'s positioning and can strengthen the team so that our strength can continue to grow.

We cannot expect that personnel will remain unchanged for a long time, nor can we expect to complete a major earthquake-like reform and update in a short time.

Players have the right to express their own demands. Both Lecco and Gakpe came to the team in 2006. The former joined the team and the latter was promoted from the youth team. Now Lecco is leaving. We have discussed it, Gakpe If he wants to raise his salary and satisfy him, he will stay. If he is not satisfied, he will leave the team and go to a club that can satisfy his demands.

In this matter, I support your approach and do not satisfy him, because our financial situation is not ideal. If he is satisfied, there will be other players who will immediately ask for a raise, then chaos will occur when we cannot satisfy everyone. .

There is a saying in China that does not suffer from lack and unevenness!

Behind this incident, what I have seen are two points. First, Gakpe’s ability and potential do not meet our long-term construction goals. Now he can occasionally perform in the French League, but We want to compete for the championship, we want to establish a strong rule in the Ligue 1 for a long time, and at the same time, we will make some achievements in the European arena in the future. Unfortunately, he is not a player who can be entrusted with important tasks in that level of competition, which means he It can be replaced. The same goes for Lecco. It can even be said that Monaco has most of the players, but it depends on the second point.

The mental level of Gakpe that I have seen does not meet our long-term team building standards. At this time, we must see the players\' fighting spirit and determination, and the most important thing is focus!

You also know that I admire Moro and Muratori, because they both focus on the essence of football, and there is no mess when they do a little better!

Gakpe is a negative example. Based on these two points, I think that since he is a player who is not indispensable to the team, we can send him away.

So back to the team itself, you just said that even if I rent out, there is no problem in hiring me. I think it\'s a bit sick to go to the doctor.

The soldiers are expensive and not too expensive. I think as long as a striker is introduced during the winter break, then Gakpe can go.

As for delegating him to the reserve team, I have done something like this before, but soon I asked the club to clean out those players. The reason is also very simple. They are not happy in the reserve team, they will complain, and complain and negative will increase day by day. The impact is not a good thing for the team.

Since we can lose Gakpe, why should it be a trouble to keep him?

From an interest point of view, selling him now is also the best time to receive a reward. If he does not meet his demand for a raise, his combat effectiveness will decrease and his grievances will increase, regardless of whether the reserve team is delegated. Many, in the same way, his value may also decline. If we want to deal with this trouble in the future, how much return can we receive?

Since there is no winner, why should we cling to authority?

In other words, who is the warning and punishment for him? The other players did not ask too much, do they need to be alerted? "

De Bondan fell silent after listening to Situ Yunbing\'s words, he was thinking seriously.

It is true that Situ Yunbing does not interfere in his management, but Situ Yunbing\'s advice is what he values ​​most.

Even if he vetoed Situ Yunbing\'s suggestion, there is nothing wrong with him, and continue to keep Gakpe, and when Gakpe\'s performance is not as expected, he will be put into the cold, but the team will definitely be a monetary loss.

Situ Yunbing was sure to convince Debondan, because he knew that it was enough to grasp the most important point in Debondan\'s thinking mode: finances!

Between reversing Monaco’s financial crisis and steadily improving the team’s record, De Bondin pays more attention to the former, because the former is the basis for the team’s longer-term development, not the latter. The record is always only temporary. The team is prosperous forever, but if you want to get out of the trough and turn from decline to prosper, it is impossible to have no money!

De Bangdan didn\'t struggle in his heart, but he couldn\'t find a reason to refute Situ Yunbing, not a single one!

He sighed softly: "Situ, I think you are right. I shouldn\'t be obsessed with the establishment of authority, but I am worried that if the players always make demands, it is not a good sign."

Situ Yunbing smiled at him: "I don\'t deny that there are many mercenary teams in European football. Players who come to the club pay more attention to how much money they can make, but I want a strong team, the most important thing is most. The players do not put money first, but hope to make progress in their careers, or even create brilliance. I also hope that the players of Monaco will unite because of like-minded people and work hard together!

Teams are always complicated. Everyone has their own ideas, but we have to keep people with positive and similar ideas as much as possible, so that the team will be more effective! "

De Bangdan suddenly remembered the conversation he had with Situ Yunbing for the first time. He raised a smile and put his arms around Situ Yunbing\'s shoulders and said, "This is the soft power you said."

Situ Yunbing smiled and said nothing.

"Let\'s go, the banquet is about to begin."

The guests in the banquet hall gathered together. Prince Albert stood on the front stage and gave a dinner speech with a smile. Then the dinner began. Sit down at the tables on both sides of the banquet hall to eat something casually. The symphony orchestra began to play and music When it sounded, Prince Albert invited a young and beautiful girl to dance the first dance, and then the men and women danced together separately.

Situ Yunbing stood on the edge of the venue holding a wine glass and admiring everyone\'s dancing. Although he didn\'t know anyone here, he just looked at everyone like this, and he also felt that Christmas Eve had a good time.

"Is there no partner to dance with you?"

Suddenly the girl\'s soft voice came in his ears, and Situ Yun was in a trance as he walked along with his reputation.

A girl in a light yellow one-shoulder slim evening dress appeared in front of her eyes, with a slender and graceful tall figure, white shoulders and a soft and beautiful collarbone, her beautiful and moving face after a little bit of powder, as well as the back-up. The blonde hair makes this young and innocent girl look mature that does not match her age, and the girl who wears high heels and is almost the same height as Situ Yunbing shows dazzling sexiness!

Situ Yunbing finally came back to his senses, and asked tentatively: "Have we met before?"

He always felt where he had seen this girl.

The girl\'s mouth turned up and she blinked playfully and said, "At the museum in the afternoon, I didn\'t wear makeup at that time."

Situ Yunbing suddenly realized that, not to mention, the gap between women and women without makeup is particularly large.

Although the girl didn’t change her face after makeup, it’s just that Situ Yunbing really didn’t think of it for a while. In the afternoon, the girl’s fashionable, avant-garde and simple dressing style formed a sharp contrast with the noble and elegant evening dress. .

Situ Yunbing subconsciously stretched out his hand to shake hands and said, "Hello, I am Situ Yunbing."

The other party was obviously surprised by Situ Yunbing\'s very formal behavior. She stretched out her hand and held it with Situ Yunbing. After being shaken by Situ Yunbing, she was dumbfounded.

"Hello, this is Sigrid, Sigrid Agron."