Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 75: .075 parting ways

Situ Yunbing had never been so comfortable to sleep, even before.

The end of the season half means that he can also give himself a vacation and a short rest.

Situ Yunbing only got up at noon on Christmas Eve. Just as he was enthusiastic about trying on the suit the club had made for him, the phone rang.

Most of the people who call him now are from the club. Who will contact him during the holidays?

He picked it up and saw that it was actually Gakpe calling.

After answering the phone, Gakpe opened the door and saw that Situ Yun soldiers had lunch outside.

Situ Yunbing knew that the other party was definitely not going to just invite him to lunch, so Situ Yunbing quickly put on a suit, which was a good fit, without a tie, and the shirt button at the neckline was not fastened. He looked in the mirror. He\'s really handsome, at least his temperament in a suit has become a little different.

Putting on the new leather shoes and walking for two more steps, Situ Yunbing left the apartment full of energy.

Gakpei wondered if he had not figured out the nationality of Situ Yunbing. The place where he ate with Situ Yunbing was a Japanese restaurant in the northeast of Monaco.

When Situ Yunbing walked into the restaurant, the waitress with an obviously Asian face greeted him enthusiastically in Japanese. Thank you for watching a lot of Japanese anime before. Situ Yunbing really understood that the other party was saying hello.

Situ Yunbing immediately clarified that he was not a Japanese, and he could not understand other Japanese except for greetings.

The waitress was a little embarrassed, and Situ Yunbing just slandered in his heart: It seems that besides working here, he doesn\'t pay attention to the news outside!

This is not necessarily true. In fact, the French media will not talk about the nationality of Situ Yunbing every day, and the Japanese who come to work here may indeed have no time to learn French. Just like Situ Yunbing, he can listen now. He knows a little bit of French, but if you want him to read the text, he will never understand.

Situ Yunbing actually wanted to sit at the revolving sushi table in the middle of the restaurant when he came to sit down by the window. Who told Gakpei to greet him?

Situ Yunbing put on a new outfit, but Gakpe almost didn\'t recognize it. Similarly, Gakpe wore a fashionable hip-hop style clothes, which made Situ Yunbing feel a little unnatural.

Probably the colorful colors are too dazzling, especially the big gold watch that can reflect the light on the wrist!

Situ Yunbing is really wondering, why many African players have the habit of showing off their wealth. They have seen the private lives of many African stars before. Compared with the play of Brazilian stars, African stars are buying and buying!

I can’t wait to let the whole world know that they are rich, a watch is not enough, buy 30 yuan, change the belt every day, if there are 31 days in this month, then go out and buy a few more.

The atmosphere was a bit embarrassing, because the two were basically saying hello except during training. Situ Yunbing saw that Gakpei was uncomfortable, so he took the initiative to order first.

Gakpei obviously came here for the first time. Maybe he thought it would make Situ Yunbing happy. Situ Yunbing ordered some seafood sushi and some special dishes from the pictures, and then sent the waiter away.

Gakpei had been drinking water, put down the cup several times and picked it up again, carefully observing Situ Yunbing\'s expression.

Situ Yunbing couldn\'t stand it anymore. He said straightforwardly: "Just say what you have. I feel bad for you like this. I don\'t think you are so thirsty."

Gakpei almost choked on his saliva. He plucked up the courage and said to Situ Yunbing: "BOSS, I want to tell you one thing."

This striker of Togolese descent but also French nationality obviously looks about the same age as Situ Yunbing, but he is very timid in front of Situ Yunbing!

He is scared!

Nowadays, people are always talking about how good results Situ Yunbing led Monaco to get, but for many players, the impression that Situ Yunbing left them is an iron-handed coach!

Now some players are afraid of offending Situ Yunbing, and then they are blocked by Situ Yunbing by extreme means!

Situ Yunbing sighed softly. Seeing how Jiakepe was so embarrassed, he himself was not conscious, and he didn\'t know why Jiakepe hesitated for a long time.

So he told the other party.

"You want to tell me that your agent is going to negotiate with the club chairman, hoping to increase your salary and double it, but the chairman doesn\'t agree, right?"

Gakpei looked at Situ Yunbing dumbfounded, and then asked, "Mr. Chairman, did you tell you?"

When he speaks, his accent is a little bit different, and he trembles!

Maybe he had a fantasy in his mind at this time that De Bondan had already thought about how to deal with his decision after communicating with Situ Yunbing!

Situ Yunbing nodded, the waiter served him a pot of tea, he poured himself a cup, then glanced at Gakpei, and asked if he wanted him, he immediately shook his head and stared at Situ Yunbing nervously. .

After taking a sip of the tea, Situ Yun won the product, but he didn\'t feel it. Anyway, he couldn\'t taste one, two or three by himself.

Situ Yunbing put down his teacup and spoke again.

"I don’t know why you are looking for me. Today is Christmas Eve. Although I have no family, I also regard you as a person around me. I hope you don’t have troubles during your traditional New Year holidays. Then, we I think it’s best to settle the matter before the end of this lunch so that you can return to your family happily.

So, let\'s be honest, it\'s boring to be hypocritical.

I think what you want to say to me is nothing more than two situations. First, you hope that I can help you persuade Mr. Chairman to complete the salary increase request. Second, if the first option fails, then you want to pass the transfer. Will leave to achieve a salary increase, right? "

Gakpei looked at Situ Yunbing\'s natural expression and spoke calmly. He also relieved a lot of psychological pressure.

After all, the players don’t know Situ Yunbing very well. They have seen Situ Yunbing’s weakest moments, he has also seen his toughest moments, and even his most passionate moments, but get to the bottom of it. , People, it\'s still too complicated!

How is his temper?

Will he get angry with little things?

Can he really treat the players with fear?

Nobody knows!

Because he has brought benefits to some players, but he has not played any role between players and the club because of issues of interest.

Gakpe doesn’t know what happened to Lecco. Of course, Lecco will not say goodbye to others until the dust settles down. The club will not list him publicly. Some transfers are focused on the world, and some transfers. It will be kept secret until the conclusion is reached.

Gakpei nodded to Situ Yunbing and said: "I do think so. I don\'t know if you can help me with BOSS. I don\'t really want to leave Monaco."

Situ Yunbing sighed inwardly.

If you don\'t really want to leave Monaco, why come here and talk to me?

He wants to be honest with the players, this is the basis for him to gain trust and support!


My heart was to the bright moon, but the moon illuminates the ditch!

Situ Yunbing knew that Gakpe had actually made up his mind, and now the opponent might be worried that the club would not let him leave.

Situ Yunbing whispered to him: "Do you know that we are short of strikers? Can Nimani be back at the end of February is still a question."

Gakpe lowered his head and said: "I made my debut from Monaco and joined the first team in 2006. Last season I was the main player, but this season I feel that I have fewer opportunities."

Situ Yunbing raised his hand to help his forehead, somewhat helpless!

Perhaps Gakpe believes that Situ Yunbing did not understand his situation in the team last season, so he boasted that he was the main force.

Yes, he played 30 times in the league last season, which seems to be the data of a major player.

But actually?

12 starts, 8 replaced, 18 substitute appearances.

A total of 3 goals were scored.

This is his basic data last season.

This is by no means the data of the main players.

His number of starts this season has been greatly reduced, but the number of substitute appearances has maintained the level of last season, and his number of goals has also increased correspondingly!

This is why he has the confidence to ask for a raise.

Situ Yunbing doesn\'t want to be entangled in the minor details, since he has also told the opposing team that the current situation is lack of forwards, but Gakpe is not obvious about him?

His heart is no longer in Monaco!

After sighing, Situ Yunbing was relieved and said to Gakpe: "You should know the operation of the club. Regarding your salary increase, since Mr. Chairman has rejected your request, I will be a lobbyist again. Contradictions arise, because I set a precedent for you, and other players will come to me, so it will be difficult for me to do it.

If you feel that other clubs can give you a contract that satisfies you, then I will try to persuade Mr. Chairman to let you move away, so that you can get a contract that makes you happy. "

Jakepe raised his head and looked surprised, probably because Situ Yunbing was so understanding!

He immediately thanked him again and again, but when he left after eating lunch, he looked at the back of Situ Yunbing walking away for a moment. He felt lost for a moment. He didn\'t know what was going on deep in his heart, but he didn\'t feel at ease.

But soon he was filled with expectations.

I hope Situ Yunbing can persuade De Bondan to let him complete the transfer.

A lunch ended in a hurry and parted ways!