Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 74: .074 Meet them

Debondan drank a lot, so he found a driver to take him home, and by the way, he sent Situ Yunbing back to Capday\'s apartment.

On the road, the two sat in the back seat of Maybach. De Bundan was not drunk, but was very sober and excited.

"Situ, to this day, I am still ashamed of questioning your ability. I need to apologize to you again. I am really very sorry.

But sometimes I also think that great coaches will definitely be frustrated and questioned at the beginning. Only by defeating them can you achieve success and greatness! "

Situ Yunbing smiled and shook his head and said, "You too exaggerated me."

Thinking of Lecco\'s affairs, Situ Yunbing\'s expression was serious and he said: "Lyco talked to me just now and he wants to leave the team."

De Bondin\'s smiling expression instantly solidified, and immediately frowned, "Why would anyone want to leave Monaco?"

Probably because the team is now at the top of the list, someone shouldn\'t have to leave!

This is Debondan feeling good.

Staying in the team now is the icing on the cake, and coming to the team when Monaco is at a trough is the best way to send money.

Situ Yunbing\'s eyes were indifferent, and he said softly: "Now Monaco has received more attention, whether it is the media or other teams in Ligue 1, they will study Monaco more carefully, so some teams also hope to take away Monaco some of their use. Players who can afford it, aren’t there rumors in the transfer market that other teams are interested in Lecco?

Whether it is shaking our military spirit or not, the players must consider their own interests, and of course they must objectively consider their future.

Lecco is not young anymore and he hopes to get a more secure contract.

You and I actually understand that if Monaco can score in the top three this season, what kind of thinking will the signings of the club next summer look like? "

De Bondan fell into silence and did not answer Situ Yunbing\'s question.

They are tacitly tacit.

Even if Situ Yunbing has not experienced the operation of the transfer market, he has been paying attention to the transfer market of European football for many years and knows that when a team\'s record has greatly improved and it is necessary to fight on multiple lines, then the team Reshuffling is sometimes inevitable. The main force is unwavering. After reinforcement, some of the main players may become substitutes, and some of them who are not the main players may be washed out, because the club often advances future budgets. Conduct team building.

This is the same reason as a small-scale shuffling of the lineup after a team has completed the league rush. What they pursue is to survive in a higher-level league, while a team that enters the European war pursues a higher level in the European arena. Income and performance.

If Monaco is not because of its high financial debt, it is currently ranked, and the winter transfer window will inevitably take the risk of advancing the "championship earnings" and next season\'s "European Championship revenue" to invest in the transfer market.

The benefits of this are obvious: to further increase the probability of getting the best ranking in the league, and to prepare for the Champions League next season!

The disadvantages are commonplace: if the final record does not meet expectations, the early investment will become a high debt, because the expected benefits are gone!

Leeds United, which was previously bankrupt and downgraded, is the best example. The debt management plan relies on the income of the Champions League to repay the debt. The team does expand the lineup and become stronger, but after the record is not up to expectations, it will be a big crash. Sale of stars to repay the debt. In the end, it is hard to escape the fate of bankruptcy.

Monaco can\'t do this now. It has basically been like this in the past few years. Otherwise, where is the high debt?

It was just a little overdraft in the future, and it turned out that the envisioned future became more and more difficult to achieve.

Now that De Bondin is in control of the club, he will not do this because he is here to help Monaco reduce debt and avoid Monaco\'s bankruptcy.

Situ Yunbing also asked him why the Monaco royal family is so rich, but can\'t invest a lot in the club?

If there is a broad boss, Situ Yunbing\'s operational space will be greater.

De Bondin\'s answer is: Monaco has a special law prohibiting royal family members from using property for investment in some industries.

This year, even in European football, football is still a bad investment!

The Monaco royal family can\'t count on it. Fortunately, the team\'s record is now improving. By the end of the season, the increase in revenue is a high probability event. At this time, De Bondin can be a little looser in fiscal policy.

It is conceivable that in the future, Monaco’s midfielder will not have a place for Lecco. Perez basically locked in a main position when he was playing. Lecco could not play in Merian’s position. He was young in his position. Nkulu, there are also young Mangani who can replace him and so on.

De Bondin was silent for a long time before he said: "Let him leave until the end of the season. If he leaves now, I am really worried that we will not be able to withstand it in the second half of the season."

Situ Yunbing thought for a while and said: "I think it\'s better to let him leave in the winter transfer window as much as possible. By the end of the season, I am afraid that he will have few options."

Because Situ Yunbing\'s list of signings in the winter transfer window was submitted to Debondan yesterday, and there are midfield signings in that list.

He is worried that if the negotiations go well, Lecco will have less playing time in the second half of the season!

Once there is no stable playing time and on-court performance for outside reference, then his potential buyers will definitely decrease, or even none!

De Bangdan stared at Situ Yunbing for a long time, and he looked at Situ Yunbing with furry in his heart. After a long while, he smiled bitterly: "I really don\'t know how you think about your own duties. As a head coach, you should Putting the club’s interests first, in the two choices he left and staying, I think the latter has made greater contributions to the club and he is prepared for it!"

Situ Yunbing also smiled bitterly and said: "If he is three or four years younger, I will let him stay, but his next contract may be the last long-term contract before retirement. If I don\'t let him leave at this time, And I can\'t fully guarantee his main position. Once his potential buyers disappear, I think his mentality is definitely not something we can go to him to talk about and improve!

We all need the locker room to be stable and united. From my standpoint, I also need the players to focus on football without distraction. It is unrealistic to satisfy everyone, but at the very least, in a working space, I am willing To satisfy them, this is also my promise to them. "

Debondan was immediately convinced, and said frankly: "If I were a player, I would also like to play for you. Your management style and thinking are really different.

Okay, then do as you said, but I want to add a layer of insurance. If we fail to bring midfielders to the team in the winter window, Lecco can’t go. Simply put, we have to The new midfielder was signed before he could be released. "

Regarding the transfer, Situ Yunbing performed his "right of suggestion" very well, he only gave the list, and nothing else was asked, and to a large extent he has the power to deal with the players of the first team players. , That is to say, he has the final say, but whether the players he does not use should leave, it is not his decision, or to suggest to the club that De Bundan decides whether to let go of the players.

For example, players who were previously abandoned by Situ Yunbing, until Situ Yunbing brought a stable and outstanding record, Debondan made a decision to list them.

Because Debondan wants to see that Situ Yunbing can still lead the team to a good record even without these players.

The record is played by the players, and the club chairman will only value the results. If the results are not good, the lineup is useless. If the results are good, it doesn\'t matter what the lineup looks like. Just continue to strengthen according to traditional thinking. .

Seeing Kapudai\'s apartment arrived, De Bondin personally sent Situ Yunbing out of the car, standing at the intersection leading to the apartment, De Bondin suddenly looked up at the apartment building motionless.

Situ Yunbing followed his gaze. He really couldn\'t see the beauty of the dark apartment building with few lights on. It would be better to look at the sea illuminated by the lighthouse in the distance and the bright moon and stars in the sky.

Debondan suddenly sighed: "How do you feel living here?"

Situ Yunbing scratched his head and said, "It\'s okay, I don\'t come back often, what\'s wrong?"

In fact, he spends more nights in the office than he has returned to Capday.

De Bondan patted him on the shoulder and said: "If you want to change your residence, tell me, I will find someone to help you find a suitable house. You are really aggrieved to live here."

Situ Yunbing smiled indifferently, and then said goodbye to Debondan. When he watched Debondan about to get in the car, he saw Debondan turn around and said to him: "I remember one thing and tell you this afternoon. Gakpe’s agent came to me and he wanted to renew his contract with a salary increase. I refused the request to double the salary and only agreed to a 30% increase. We could not reach an agreement."

Watching Maybach drive away, Situ Yunbing smiled bitterly.

One wave is not flat, another wave rises!