Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 40: .040 shut out

Compared to Monaco playing Marseilles and Lille, playing Saint-Etienne today made Situ Yunbing a lot easier.

Saint-Etienne does not have a "hot spot" like Marseille and Lille!

Marseille died of underestimation, Lille almost sank Monaco, and arrived at the door of Saint-Etienne. There was no threat to Saint-Etienne being broken.

After being tempered in the past three games, Monaco’s defense has already looked good. In the eyes of others, Monaco’s defensive system is self-contained, which is very different from the traditional mainstream defensive method. It starts from the front line and quickly exerts defensive pressure backwards. Moving forward is like entering a wolf\'s den.

Of course, occasionally a player\'s defense is too fierce, and the aggressiveness becomes a violation of the rules, which will make the opponent very dissatisfied, thinking that Monaco is playing a bit dirty. In fact, this is just a question of the ability of the Monaco players.

The top defensive players are precise and must make a hit. Monaco\'s players are fouled if they can\'t do it, because the pressing momentum is too strong and they can\'t cut the ball. Most of them hit the opponent\'s player or tripped the opponent.

In the second half of the game, Saint-Etienne’s kicks became more and more sinking. When Ellen and Delney became less confident and dared to break through the ball on the wing, Monaco kept the same rhythm, always maintaining a high-intensity counter-attack and a sharp and fast counter-attack. !

In the 71st minute of the game, Nimani received a cross from Pino in the penalty area and grabbed a shot. The ball was blocked in time by defender Valarte to get out of the penalty area!

Moreau moved in the left side of the penalty zone and then drove the ball to the center.

This time Palin and Matuidi failed to protect the frontier of the penalty area, and Perez, who plugged in afterwards, did not make adjustments and took an angry shot!

The blasted football goes straight to the lower left corner of the goal without a trace of rotation!

Goalkeeper Viviani is powerless!

Monaco led Saint-Etienne by 2-0 in the away game and almost sealed the victory!

Situ Yunbing raised his fists from the sidelines with a confident smile.

The momentum of Monaco\'s winning streak has not diminished, but as the team is getting better and better, it continues to increase its power.

If the previous three games are quite surprisingly winning, then Monaco has now risen to a higher level after integrating the new tactics.

In the end, Monaco defeated Saint-Etienne 2:0 away.

Situ Yunbing has won three consecutive league victories for the first time since taking office!

In an interview after the game, Situ Yunbing praised the players\' performance.

On the way back, Situ Yunbing specially gave the players a day off!

rest tomorrow!

This makes the players very happy and can easily spend a wonderful day with their girlfriends or with their families.

"French Football" also released a special report after Situ Yunbing\'s three consecutive victories: Who is Situ Yunbing?

Although it is not clear how Situ Yunbing was attracted by Monaco, he has almost turned Monaco upside down in the past month!

Faced with players pushing the palace and encountering fan resistance, his crisis of trust has never disappeared since the beginning of his tenure!

But after dismissing many main players with almost extreme and considered "suicidal" by the outside world, and delegating 8 players to the reserve team, Monaco has won four consecutive victories in all competitions!

He began to win the support of the locker room. The players publicly expressed their support for him. The Monaco executives also calmly did not report contact with other coaches. Prince Albert was asked about the current situation of Monaco when attending an event. , He expressed his support for Situ Yunbing in one sentence.

"I don\'t want to miss any game in Monaco now!"


On Sunday morning, Situ Yunbing woke up from his sleep. He couldn\'t help humming while he was washing up. After finishing the cleaning, he turned on the tablet and started drawing cards.

It was too late to come back last night, so I left this sacred moment this morning.

Playing Saint-Etienne yesterday, he only used a "Benzema" card. Although Nimani failed to score a goal, his effect was not small, which made him very satisfied.

Now he has three cards left in his hand.

Turalan, Bonart, Hilton.

Counting the three cards that are about to be drawn right now, he feels that he is going to "get rich"!

When he opened the card with expectation, the players who appeared made him smile and nodded.


Then the second one.


last piece.


Situ Yunbing slapped his forehead, why are all Marseille players?

In fact, Marseille players accounted for half of the best 11-man lineup in Ligue 1 last season.

Mandanda, Bonat, Taiwo, Valbuena, Cheru, Niang.

Up to 6 people were named the best players.

Even Hilton, one of the best central defenders, played for Lens last season and has already been transferred to Marseille this season.

Situ Yunbing always feels that this best team is like a "consolation prize". You must know that Lyon achieved seven consecutive Ligue 1 titles last season!

But only Benzema and Turallang entered the season\'s best team, which is unreasonable.

But the official selection of Ligue 1 is the result.

Today is off, Situ Yunbing intends to take his salary to go for a chic.

When he came to Monaco, he really didn\'t play well.

Although he has seen many famous entertainment venues in Monaco from a distance, he has never walked in to be there.

Arranged to meet Alonzo in the city of Monaco, Situ Yunbing left home with a happy mood.

He still chose to walk to Monaco from Cap d\'Azur, because he was used to it, and he wanted to re-appreciate the beauty of the coastline.

When he walked into the borders of the Principality of Monaco and entered the bustling streets, Situ Yunbing became more confident, probably because he had money in his pocket.

There is a good saying.

People with an annual salary of 100,000 and those with an annual salary of 2 million are in different Shanghai.

This statement is also very applicable to Monaco and other world famous cities.

When Situ Yunbing was about to have breakfast in a restaurant near the club, he was blocked by a family of three at the entrance of the restaurant.

Situ Yunbing watched the young couple with their 10-year-old son. The child was holding a football in his arms. He didn\'t know what they were going to do, but he subconsciously stepped back and wanted to get out of the way and avoid trouble.

He was scolded a lot by fans before, which made him a little afraid of strangers. Although no one in Monaco would scold him again, he still couldn\'t figure out how the fans would treat him.

The child\'s father smiled at Situ Yunbing and said, "Hello coach Situ, please give my son an autograph. He is a Monaco fan."

Situ Yunbing suddenly looked at the little boy with many freckles on his face in surprise, and the other side grinned at him. The two rows of teeth were neat and white. At this look, the other side looked cute!

Situ Yunbing took a pen from the child\'s father, feeling quite excited.

He actually wants to sign someone!

No, no, it should be said that some fans actually asked him for an autograph!

Situ Yunbing asked, "Where should I sign?"

The little boy held the football high in front of Situ Yunbing and smiled: "Please sign here, thank you very much!"

How polite!

Situ Yunbing liked the little boy as he watched, he instinctively signed his Chinese name, and then asked him, "What is your name?"



Situ Yunbing wrote a blessing.

May Bodier be happy and not sad.

After Situ Yunbing finished writing, he found that the child\'s father was looking at the words he wrote on the football with inquiring eyes.

He suddenly realized that they could not read Chinese.

So he wrote it again in English.

Now my father understood, and he was obviously very happy with a smile.

Situ Yunbing returned the football to Podir, and after the couple wished him a good day, they waved goodbye to each other.

Situ Yunbing looked at the sight of the family of three leaving with a lot of emotion.

They are really an enviable family of three, I hope they will always be happy.

Situ Yunbing turned and walked into the dining room to enjoy breakfast leisurely. He was flattered by the constant greetings of unknown people.

Obviously more and more local fans in Monaco are beginning to recognize and support him!

When he was almost finished eating breakfast, Alonzo came with his bag on his back. Situ Yunbing hurriedly greeted him and said, "Have you had breakfast? I\'ll treat you."

Alonzo smiled and shook his head and said, "I have eaten, by the way, where do you want to go? How about I take you to Nice for a day?"

Situ Yunbing smiled and said: "I haven\'t even visited Monaco in front of my house seriously. What kind of Nice I have been to. When I think Monaco is boring, I will go to other places."

After Alonzo and Situ Yunbing finished their breakfast, they walked all the way north towards the most famous Monte Carlo Casino in Monaco!

Although Situ Yunbing is not good at betting, he also wants to feel the atmosphere of playing in the Monte Carlo Casino. That\'s where the 007 series of films were shot.

When he and Alonzo walked outside the Monte Carlo Casino, Situ Yunbing looked at the magnificent casino with real excitement.

Alonzo tried to persuade him not to go, but Situ Yunbing said that he was just seeing and knowing, not expecting to get rich overnight.

One after another luxury cars or sports cars shuttled across the road and drove into the Monte Carlo Casino. Obviously, there are many people who are expensive to go to the casino.

When Situ Yunbing and Alonzo arrived at the gate of the Monte Carlo Casino, Alonzo almost burst into tears.

"Sorry, sir, you must wear formal attire to enter the casino."

The two Situ Yunbing were blocked by security!

Situ Yunbing looked down at his clean and tidy sportswear, and then looked at the men and women who got out of the car. They were really men\'s suits and leather shoes, and women basically wore evening dresses.

Alonzo pulled Situ Yunbing and said, "Let\'s go, or do you buy a suit first?"

Situ Yunbing was full of unpleasant expressions, he really didn’t want to buy a suit, because according to Debondan’s emphasis on the club’s appearance, if he buys cheap goods, first of all he can’t pass Debondan’s level. There may not be much left over more than 2,000 euros.

Situ Yunbing is not discouraged if the casino can\'t be reached. Monaco is not the only casino. He took Alonzo straight to the seaside hot spring bath!