Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 39: .039 Brave Division

The next day, many French media reported on the alleged blackmail of Situ Yunbing players by the South Korean media.

The source of the news comes from South Korea\'s largest media Yonhap!

There are not many black gold coaches in European football, so it\'s not uncommon for them to be ruined, and Situ Yunbing can only be said to be a suspect now.

In the morning of the same day, Monaco\'s official website released the latest news: the club\'s legal affairs issued a warning letter to Yonhap News Agency, requesting to withdraw the news report about coach Situ Yunbing\'s blackmailing Park Zhouyong, and clarify Situ Yunbing and apologize to Situ Yunbing, otherwise the Monaco Club Yonhap will be sued!

One stone caused a thousand waves!

The French media was the first to react. They only reported what happened and explained to readers what happened. There was no subjective judgment and standpoint in this matter, so they followed the report as soon as possible and posted it on social media. The latest news, with comments supporting the Monaco club.

In the final analysis, at this time, the French media must of course also safeguard the interests of a French club!

Not to let the Korean media damage the reputation of the Ligue 1 club.

The Monaco official also released a piece of news that Park Zhouyong was listed for sale at a price of 2 million euros!

The clubs around the world, whoever is willing to pay 2 million euros, can take away Park Zhouyong!

The French media\'s reaction to this was that the Monaco club was whimsical.

In the summer, I spent 2 million euros to introduce Park Zhouyong, and now I want to sell him away for 2 million euros.

There must be no clubs to pay.

Park Joo-young did not prove anything at all in Monaco. Whether he can do it or not, what is his strength and level in the European arena, the outside world cannot conclude that 2 million euros to scratch a lottery ticket?

Nobody\'s money is brought by the wind.

Situ Yunbing is going to lead the team out today. When he came to the club for breakfast and then went to the training ground in the morning, he suddenly saw Moro, Nimani and Monggongu walking towards the reserve training ground together. He immediately stopped the three of them.

"The training is about to begin, what are you doing?"

Situ Yun Bingkou asked gently.

The three players looked at each other, look at me and I look at you, but no one spoke.

Situ Yunbing\'s face suddenly sank and said, "What are you going to do?"

Looking at the three of them, it was obvious that they had a ghost in their hearts.

Moro raised his neck and squinted his heart, telling the truth.

"Let\'s teach that Korean guy!"

With Moro speaking, the other two were no longer silent.

The tall Nimani said angrily: "That Korean is too presumptuous, let\'s go and let him rest a bit!"

Meng Gonggu said loudly, "I thought he was not pleasing to my eyes!"

Situ Yunbing was moved. The three players were obviously going to stand up for him. Their expressions eased. He said to the three of them: "Do you know what is most important now?"

The three of them looked at Situ Yunbing without speaking, and waited for the following.

Situ Yunbing said seriously: "That means you three performed well in the game. Don\'t disappoint my trust in you. That Korean is no longer part of our collective. Don\'t waste time for him, let alone get into trouble because of him. He is just a jumping clown. We have to focus on what is important to us. Let’s go and prepare for tonight’s game. The better you perform tonight, that’s the greatest support for me!

This will let everyone in the outside world understand that it makes sense for Situ Yunbing to reuse you, and it is not controversial for me to kick the Korean out of the first team! "

The three of them immediately lost their temper, because what Situ Yunbing said was very reasonable.

They all watched the news in the morning, and it seemed to them absolutely nonsense about Park Zhouyong being blackmailed by Situ Yunbing.

First of all, there is no exchange of benefits for their superiors. Secondly, Situ Yunbing\'s attitude and means to deal with the players are also obvious to all. Adu is the best example. There is no room for relaxation and he will send Adu back to Portugal. If Situ Yunbing Thinking of how to squeeze players in his head, he would definitely not do it.

They trusted Situ Yunbing and wanted to fight the injustice. Now they happened to be stopped by Situ Yunbing, and they died down.

Situ Yunbing really doesn\'t want to be distracted by other things. No matter what the outside world thinks of him, he believes that his hard work and dedication will be seen by the players, and they have their own opinions.

It\'s just that the club must also have a stand in this regard.

In the afternoon, Monaco rushed to Saint-Etienne, nearly 300 kilometers to the west.

Saint-Etienne got a ticket to the UEFA Cup last season. This season, they have to fight on multiple lines. Under the distraction of the European war, their performance in the league has declined significantly. Many teams in the upper and middle reaches of Ligue 1 So, if one season is good and enters the European war next season, the next season will probably be the end of the collapse of multi-line combat, including Monaco. In the season before the trough of the past three years, they won the UEFA Cup. The admission ticket, the result is a three-year low.

Monaco has 11 points under the leadership of Situ Yunbing, but only 7 points in the first 7 rounds of the Saint-Etienne League, averaging only 1 point per game, which is significantly larger than their decline last season.

There was no war in Monaco in the middle of the week, but Saint-Etienne played the UEFA Cup at home. Although the result was a victory, it also consumed a lot of personnel.

On the evening of October 5th, Situ Yunbing led a team to visit the Saint-Etienne Guichar Stadium.

Before the game started, Situ Yunbing gave Nimani the "Benzema" card he drew after the last game.

There are three cards left in the hand, last season\'s best central defender Hilton, full-back Bonat, midfielder Tulalang.

The starting lineup for the away game today has also been slightly changed.

The formation was still 451, but Merian retreated, Lecco became a substitute, and Gakpe entered the starting list and ambushed behind Nimani.

Since Saint-Etienne basically relies on the wing attack, Situ Yunbing is tit-for-tat against his opponent!

In addition, Saint-Etienne\'s defense is relatively strong in the middle, Matuidi and Palin intercept strong, Situ Yunbing turned to increase the power of the striker.

Saint-Etienne lags behind Monaco in points. Although they played in the European war in the middle of the week, they are still unswervingly attacking at home!

The Monaco side actively carried out wing forces, and the wing backs had a large retreat and blocked the offensive combination of Saint Etienne\'s wing.

From the start of the game, Saint-Etienne coach Lucer frowned.

Saint-Etienne’s two wing attacks encountered great setbacks. Although Delney and Elan have excellent skills, they do not have the advantage of speed. Coupled with the fatigue of the midweek Champions League game, they seem to have legs in the game today. He was filled as heavy as lead, and he was successfully intercepted by Monaco after he tried to break through the side.

Although the offensive quality of Monaco is not high, Nimani and Gacpe took turns to respond to the impact of the wing and still be able to beat the Saint-Etienne line of defense.

The most important thing is that Monaco\'s guest posture today is very low, and it will never be pressured. Merian and Perez in the mid lane will organize the offensive after resisting the opponent\'s limited mid lane attack. At this point, Monaco is better than Saint. Etienne has done better. On the one hand, Monaco’s offensive space is relatively broad, and on the other hand, the technical characteristics of the players. Merian is more capable of offensive organization than Matuidi and Palin. !

When the first half of the game came to an end, Saint-Etienne\'s successor was weak but still struggling to attack. Monaco\'s rapid counter-attack from the right broke through the defense.

Nimani took the initiative to take the wing and gave Pino a chance to shoot from the right side of the penalty area. Pino\'s shot was blocked by Saint Etienne goalkeeper Viviani, and then Gakpe followed up with a supplementary shot in the middle of the penalty area. succeed!

Monaco took the lead on the road!

Situ Yunbing applauded the team\'s goal from the sidelines. He was not surprised. If Saint-Etienne\'s strength is better than Monaco, it is also extremely limited. In terms of morale and physical fitness, Monaco is occupied. Certain advantages.

Situ Yunbing now pays more attention to the improvement of the team’s personnel capabilities. Many of the team’s players are now in their early 20s. Even if he does not have a card, these players are in a period of increasing abilities, but the potential of the players varies and the growth rate is also high. Different.

Situ Yunbing hopes to give them more opportunities to play and exercise. Secondly, he hopes to correctly guide them to avoid detours, and then add the occasional card ability to enhance their "technical circuit."

Situ Yunbing discussed this with the seniors in the coaching staff. There is actually a "technical loop" in the player\'s ability, just like the famous "10,000-hour genius theory". Repeated practice and continuous improvement can improve professional ability. , Putting it on the players means practice makes perfect. As for the upper limit, they certainly cannot surpass their own potential.

Just as he used the "Wendel" card for Moreau before, Moreau did perform well in the game, but he showed his own skills. Situ Yunbing studied Wendel\'s abilities and characteristics and found Wendel has a good long shot and free kick ability, and occasionally can kick the elevator ball, especially the most like to use his left foot to shoot the inner arc shot.

But these did not show up in Moro, because Moro himself would not!

The card’s ability bonus is limited, but it does not seem to make the player’s ability from "0" to "1". Only the skills and abilities of the players themselves will be improved. This explains why Why are the cards mostly used for match-ups? Earlier, goalkeeper Mandanda’s cards could not be used on players other than goalkeepers, and defender cards are not applicable to offensive players. Similarly, forward players’ cards are on the ball. Some players on the team are also unavailable.

Perhaps the player\'s ability is not up to standard, or the player\'s position conflicts. Situ Yunbing needs further observation and research.

In general, cards will give him a shortcut to train players, allowing many young players to gain more experience through actual combat. Playing more games is the fastest way to grow, and the successful experience in the game will be more precious and valuable. It brings more improvement.

However, the macro conditions restricting the development of Monaco are still clear. There are too few high-potential players. If the potential of existing players is tapped to the upper limit in a short time, the role of cards will gradually decline, or even be negligible.

Players\' growth will not be endless. Potential restricts ability, and physical fitness restricts technical growth. Under such a background, if Situ Yunbing is firmly in charge, then the next step must be to collect as much as possible. High-potential players come, so as to make the team stronger.