Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 41: .041 Find a way by yourself

Soaking in the pool water of the Monte Carlo Thermal Bath, Situ Yunbing admired the beauty of the sea and the dazzling bikini beauties, just like being in paradise.

Unable to rest, he went to play on the water slides again and again, just like a child who had not grown up.

Although I have lived for more than 30 years, I haven\'t really enjoyed anything.

When he finally got tired soaking in the pool and drinking a drink, he saw Alonzo sitting under the parasol and holding his hands. Situ Yunbing asked curiously: "What are you looking at?"

Alonzo showed the cover of the book to Situ Yunbing, smiling: "Sports and science."

Situ Yunbing admired Alonzo very much, and did not forget to learn to recharge during the holidays.

This reminded him.

Although he has an A-level qualification certificate for coaching, he has not studied systematically. What he needs most now is the basic knowledge, so that he can combine his "foresight" on the future development trend of football and maximize this advantage!

In addition to the general tactical requirement that he is issuing and supervising team training on weekdays, other training is the responsibility of Petty assistants and other coaches.

Although you don\'t have to do everything yourself as a head coach, what is the meaning of the coaching team?

But Situ Yunbing still needs to enrich his basic knowledge.

After staying in the hot spring bath until the afternoon, Situ Yunbing ran to the bookstore and bought a lot of books on football, teaching materials and football philosophy.

After he bought the book, he went home and studied hard, and he also took notes and wrote down his thoughts.

Obviously decided to relax for a day today, but Situ Yunbing unknowingly taught himself in the bachelor apartment before going to bed at 1:30 in the morning.

If he was not woken up by the cell phone alarm clock the next day, he would really be late for work!

When he trot to the club in the morning, De Bondin had been waiting for him outside the head coach\'s office for a long time.

Seeing Situ Yunbing coming panting, Debangdan frowned and said, "Come here?"

Situ Yunbing adjusted his breath evenly before nodding, "Well, there are still 7 minutes before training. I can\'t be late."

Debondan shook his head and said, "I think it\'s very convenient that you can rent a motorcycle."

For a slightly better motorcycle, Situ Yunbing estimated that the remaining three months of this year\'s salary may be enough to save, but he can\'t afford it and can rent it.

Situ Yunbing did not answer, so Debondan handed him the fax in his hand and said: "Korea\'s Yonhap News Agency has published a report on the sports edition to apologize and clarify. This is their apology fax specially sent."

After seeing Situ Yunbing roughly, he didn\'t take it seriously. When De Bondan saw Situ Yunbing drinking and was about to go out, he quickly said: "What should I do about Park Zhouyong? Listed for 2 million euros, even There is no one asking the price!"

Situ Yunbing stopped, turned around and said to him: "I\'ll talk to him today, okay, so be it. I\'m going to lead the team for training. I\'ll talk about it at noon if I have something."

Debondan sighed helplessly.

He believes that Monaco must not be able to avoid a big loss in the case of Park Zhouyong.

He has communicated with other coaches, and now there is no room for Park Zhouyong in the first team\'s locker room, so no matter whether Situ Yun stays for a long time, Park Zhouyong will not be able to gain a foothold in the first team and can only wash him out.

The training in Monaco continued as usual. Situ Yunbing went to the reserve training ground alone during the break in the morning.

After greeting the reserve coach, he stood on the sidelines to observe the players\' training.

Some players are very serious and hard, but most of these players have no talent, and most of them have no way out in Monaco.

And some players casually put on a state of waiting for death, such as Muller who was transferred from the first team to the reserve team.

Some players saw Situ Yunbing coming to the sidelines, and their expressions suddenly became angry, such as Kokata.

Those players who were transferred to the reserve team by Situ Yunbing had the most emotional fluctuations.

Situ Yunbing spoke to the reserve coach, and then the coach called Park Zhouyong over.

Park Zhouyong doesn\'t seem to be very energetic now, and training is still serious, but his eyes can\'t conceal his inner worries.

Situ Yunbing walked aside, and Park Zhouyong followed silently. When Situ Yunbing turned around and prepared to speak, Park Zhouyong\'s translator hurried over.

When Situ Yunbing saw the translator, he couldn\'t beat him up, so he made a long story short.

"The current situation is like this. The club will list you with a price of 2 million euros. No club is interested in you for the time being. As the head coach, I can only promise you one promise. If there has been no club to spend 2 million euros. Leave you, then you will stay in the reserve team."

After Situ Yunbing finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave. Before Park Zhouyong\'s translator could interpret for him, he asked Situ Yunbing in amazement, "Isn\'t it that he won\'t be able to play until the contract ends? How can this work! The club price is too high!"

Situ Yunbing said without looking back: "When he came, he was worth two million euros. Of course, he would have to pay two million euros when he left. How can I do it? Find a way by yourself, anyway, you have a lot of ghost ideas."

The interpreter was angry and helpless. When he relayed Situ Yunbing\'s words to Park Zhouyong, Park Zhouyong almost cried...

Before leaving the reserve training ground, Situ Yunbing deliberately greeted the coach here to show his politeness, but he returned without taking two steps, his eyes locked on a black and short player.

He asked the reserve coach about the player and learned that the player was named Nam Paris Mendy, who was only 16 years old this year.


Situ Yunbing naturally thought of the full-back Mendy, who set a record transfer record for almost ten years later, but he does not seem to match the person in front of him. It is not just Manchester City who thinks of transferring to the Premier League club a few years later. There seems to be a Mendy in Leicester City.

The key reason why he noticed this player is that he has a strong ability to run continuously in defensive confrontations. He looks thin, but he is very flexible, and he is quick to make sudden stops.

Situ Yunbing said to the reserve coach: "Let him report to the first team in the afternoon and let him train for the first team temporarily."

The reserve coach nodded and agreed.

Situ Yunbing didn\'t dare to pack a ticket to see if this player had great potential, but it didn\'t hurt to take the first team to observe it for a period of time.

The training atmosphere in Monaco is good, the players are very hardworking, the league\'s three-game winning streak has brought confidence and momentum, and there is also a change in the points ranking.

After this wave of three-game winning streak, Monaco went directly from the relegation zone to the upper end of the standings and became a member of the second group.

The leader Lyon was finally defeated 3-0 by Rennes in the away game last round, which allowed the chasers behind to shorten the gap with Lyon.

Monaco is not too far from Lyon, Monaco 14 points, Lyon 19 points.

Only 5 points difference.

Changes in the standings can also have a positive impact on Monaco.

Mendy joined the training of the Monaco first team. At the age of 16, he was both excited and perturbed. Situ Yunbing observed him for several days and found that he was a bit similar to Makelele. His offensive ability was not good, but his basic skills were very solid. At the same time, he is active defensively. With Senegalese origin, he has great physical fitness, but he runs tirelessly on the court at a young age!

It’s just that the competition for the team’s back midfielder position is too fierce. I am afraid that Situ Yunbing will not be able to give him too many opportunities. However, letting him train with the first team will benefit him more than staying in the reserve team. If the lower echelon has a game, he will also You can go to the game.

The morale of Monaco ushered in the ninth round of the league at home against Nice at the weekend.

Attendance at the Louis II Stadium in this game surpassed the previous home game at Lille!

The fans returned to the stadium to cheer for the team, which means that at least the majority of fans no longer resist Situ Yunbing\'s position as the coach.

Of course, this is based on the background of three consecutive victories in the league. If the team\'s record is bad, a new wave of protests may be set off!