Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 38: .038 I sue you!

During Monaco\'s preparations for the game against Saint-Etienne, Situ Yunbing could feel that the players on the training field were more serious than in the past. The game that reversed Lille fully proved Situ Yunbing\'s ability.

Most of the players of Monaco are also self-aware, playing against opponents like Marseille and Lille, they are not dominant in terms of hard power, but Situ Yunbing has brought the team clear from the pre-match tactical arrangement or on-the-spot scheduling. The positive role of the team, such a coach is worthy of their trust.

Morrow\'s remarks in an interview after the last game are also very popular.

Situ Yunbing is different from the coaches they used to get along with. The technical and tactical theories expounded by other coaches sound familiar to the players, and other coaches will do the same, it\'s nothing more than what tactics they choose.

However, Situ Yunbing had his "fantastic ideas" in training. When his tactics were proved to be effective in the game, then Situ Yunbing\'s theory was unique and insightful.

The team\'s morale is high. As the coach, Situ Yunbing has also become somewhat confident in temperament. This is also the style that he should have as a coach. If he always looks worried in the face of the game, can the players be refreshed?

Situ Yunbing attended the press conference before the game on Friday.

French reporters were still very curious about Situ Yunbing and asked him some questions about the tactics used by the team when facing the game.

The reporter of "French Football" mentioned a point.

"The tactics used by Monaco now seem to be diametrically opposed to the style of French football."

Situ Yunbing spoke eloquently: "Modern football tactics develop more and more without barriers. When it gets bigger, the football style used to be divided into Europe and South America. Now what? Some teams in South America are also learning the technical and tactical styles of Europe?

Looking at Europe, if it were ten years ago, we could say that England, Germany, Spain, France, the Netherlands and other countries all have inherent style characteristics, but in recent years the traditional style imprint is gradually fading, and the trend of homogeneity is becoming more and more significant.

I don\'t want to deny the tradition, but as each other has no tactical secrets at all, the tactics adopted by the team need to be more inclusive. It is the mainstream to adopt the best of a hundred families and find the tactics that suits them.

This trend will become more obvious in the future. "

Situ Yunbing\'s remarks caused many reporters to think deeply. At this moment, an Asian female reporter raised his hand to ask questions. Situ Yunbing was in a good mood and asked the female reporter to ask questions.

I thought it was because of Chinese compatriots who came here to inquire about myself. I have been coaching in Ligue 1 for a month, and it should have caused some sensation in China too!

But after the female reporter spoke, Situ Yunbing\'s face became gloomy.

"Monaco has not yet given a reasonable explanation for the abandonment of Park Joo-young. We have received news that you have extorted Park Joo-young once. If you ask for 500,000 euros, you will re-enter him to the first team and use him. Is it because Park Joo-young can’t satisfy you? Extortion will always be abandoned?"

Everyone was shocked!

Other French reporters watched back and forth on the faces of the female reporter with her head up and her face unchanged and Situ Yunbing.

Seeing this female reporter\'s expression is full of confidence, it\'s plausible, but Situ Yunbing\'s face is not very good-looking, as if he is guilty of conscience.

Situ Yunbing\'s face was ugly only because when the other party spoke, he guessed that he should be a Korean female reporter, and his good mood was ruined!

In the eyes of the outside world, Situ Yunbing has been wearing Monaco sportswear in the past month, whether he leads the team to play games or in his life. Moreover, he lives in Capdé, walks to and from get off work on weekdays, and eats in the club. These have long been made public, which can be associated What happened was that he was struggling to live and had no money.

Against this background, the accusation of being blackmailed by players seems logical.

Situ Yunbing faced the female reporter’s accusation. He stood up and asked the reporter in the front row for a piece of paper and a pen. When everyone didn’t know what he was going to do, he asked the female reporter: "May I ask you. And your company name."

The female reporter informed Situ Yunbing with a clear conscience.

After recording the information, Situ Yunbing said blankly: "I don\'t want to waste time on unnecessary things. I will sue you for libel.

As for Park Zhouyong, I can give a simple answer and promise.

First of all, his ability is not the best in the team. As a coach, I have every right to decide whether to use him.

Then, his professional attitude is problematic, I can not cooperate with him, as long as I am in the position of Monaco coach, he will not get any chance, this is my promise!

My advice to him is to find his next home.

In addition, what I want to say to friends in the media is that the noble will always meet the despicable, and the despicable is always plausible.

As the Monaco coach, I have promoted many young players. What do I hope to get from them? "

Situ Yun stopped and left.

The French reporters at the scene looked at the South Korean female reporter, and they all showed thoughtful expressions.

Will Situ Yunbing blackmail Park Zhouyong?

Who knows!

But now Situ Yunbing\'s attitude is very tough, and the black gold coach is also commonplace, but if Situ Yunbing really dares to sue this female reporter, it means that at least he really has a clear conscience.

The female reporter\'s expression changed. Her news channel was entirely from people around Park Zhouyong. What about the specific evidence?


After Situ Yunbing left the press room, he went to the chairman\'s office.

De Bangdan was putting on his windbreaker and preparing to go home from get off work, but saw Situ Yun approaching angrily.

"What happened?"

Debondan hasn\'t had a stable life for a few days, and he is really afraid that something will happen again.

Situ Yunbing patted the paper with the name of the female reporter and the working company on Debondan\'s desk, and said angrily: "Now the Korean reporter slandered me, saying that I blackmailed Park Zhouyong for 500,000 euros!

Damn, the club must come forward to solve this problem, otherwise I have any prestige in the team?

The players will be suspicious and jealous, my personality has been slandered! "

Situ Yunbing is of course angry. The feeling of being wronged is naturally filled with outrage, and he knows that the media will definitely report this matter soon. If it is not properly resolved, it will have a great impact on the unity of the team.

Debondan frowned and said, "You calm down and tell me the details."

Situ Yunbing patiently told him about the news conference.

After listening to Debondan, he asked Situ Yunbing, "Have you ever contacted Park Zhouyong privately?"

Situ Yunbing shook his head and said, "No, his translator once went to me at night, and used 20,000 Euros to buy me, but I didn\'t want it! I didn\'t expect them to bite back now!"

Debondan didn’t doubt the character of Situ Yunbing. At present, Situ Yunbing is a man who can endure hardships. He has been in Monaco for a month and has not complained about the food and lodging conditions. He is quite comfortable with the situation. In the past month, he has been sleeping on the sofa in the office many times, and devoted himself to work. These Debondans know that, so his attitude towards Situ Yunbing has eased a lot, and he still admires him deeply in his heart.

Debondan said: "As long as you haven\'t done it, there is nothing to worry about."

Situ Yunbing looked at Debondan with weird eyes. Hearing that he meant to calm down the situation, Situ Yunbing immediately said to Debondan seriously: "I have a clear conscience, but if the club does nothing, it will be out. People really have a guilty conscience!

The club needs to fight back, for me and for the team!

Mr. Chairman, maybe you haven\'t realized a problem. The team has finally gathered people\'s hearts and finally united together. You can\'t deny my role in the dressing room. The club supports me to make the team more united!

Park Zhouyong can\'t stay!

Whether or not he designs behind the scenes, he can\'t stay!

The choice faced by the club is very simple, choose one of the two, and I will endure it!

If you still want to keep Park Zhouyong, it will weaken my authority and will only have a negative impact on the team! "

De Bondan was persuaded by Situ Yunbing, but he was embarrassed and said: "But Park Zhouyong was introduced in the summer for 2 million euros!"

Situ Yunbing closed his eyes and thought for a while and said: "Okay, then let\'s put Park Zhouyong on the list, and the price is still 2 million euros to send him away. The club pays him his salary as usual."

De Bondin smiled bitterly: "How could there be a club willing to spend 2 million euros to take him away? He has been abandoned by you, worthless performance!"

Situ Yunbing said categorically: "Yes, he is only 23 years old. It is a critical period in his career. It can be said that the next two years are very important, because if he grows and trains for two more years, he will enter the golden period of his career!

If other clubs don’t pay for 2 million euros, he will definitely pay for it. Anyway, we don’t receive the 2 million euros. We don’t let anyone go. See if he can survive. If he doesn’t play in Monaco for a year or two, he will Damn it! "

After hearing this, Debondan did not stop and changed his eyes to examine Situ Yunbing.

He had always felt that Situ Yunbing was a bit bookish, but now, he is also a cruel person!

If Situ Yunbing hadn\'t been so angry and forced, he wouldn\'t have done so!

The original plan was that if he could maintain his commanding position, he would send Park Zhouyong, Kokata and the others away as much as possible during the winter break. It didn\'t matter how much money he could recover, at least he would save his salary.

Now, he is not benevolent, I am not righteous, the dirty water is splashed on Situ Yunbing\'s face, how can Situ Yunbing be soft-hearted!

But all the factors that shake his handsome position and the stable development of the team are regarded by Situ Yunbing as a threat that must be eliminated!

Otherwise, how could he have a solid foundation in Ligue 1 to fight for the heaviest!