Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 14: .014 Overturned!

When Situ Yunbing returned to his office, Alonzo was reading carefully with a stack of documents. Situ Yunbing asked curiously: "What are you looking at?"

Alonzo put down the file and said: "I\'m looking at the report on the current situation of Monaco."

That was the file that Situ Yunbing kept in the office when he took office, and it was also the "legacy" of the former coach Gomez.

Situ Yunbing himself only roughly turned it over.

Alonzo leaned back and let out a sigh of relief when he saw Situ Yunbing sitting on a chair behind his desk, he quickly poured a glass of water for Situ Yunbing, and then asked, "What did you do?"

Situ Yunbing announced his agreement with De Bangdan, but seeing Alonzo frowned, Situ Yunbing asked: "What\'s wrong? Are you unhappy? If I can continue coaching in November, you will Have a formal job and income."

Alonzo smiled bitterly: "But yesterday I lost to Lorient. Do you know the opponent of Monaco in the next game?"

Situ Yunbing suddenly sat up straight and blurted out: "A guest at Marseille!"


Shen sighed long, Situ Yunbing couldn\'t take care of so much anymore. He was able to win in front of De Bangdan without being immediately sentenced to death, which was already the greatest limit!

Players, fans, media, almost everyone is chanting to let him go, it is not easy for him to continue to sit here.

"No matter who your opponent is, you can\'t lose the next game!"

Alonzo sat next to Situ Yunbing and said seriously: "But now how many players are willing to work hard for you?"

Situ Yunbing waved his hand and said: "Let\'s not talk about it. The most urgent thing is that I need to re-establish a tactical system. The failure of the previous game has taught me a big lesson. Monaco is not suitable for transmission and control, or there is no capital to fight. Control and oppressive tactics."

Although Alonzo didn\'t quite understand the specific meaning of Situ Yunbing\'s transmission and control oppression, he still nodded and said: "Yes, there is really no threat to the last game\'s style of play. There are still great hidden dangers, and the formation is excessive. The opponent has too much room to counterattack."

Situ Yunbing knew that he had made a blindly optimistic mistake in the past.

Perhaps it is a yearning for good things, he naturally expects Monaco to play Barcelona on the stadium as beautiful team football.

But the Monaco players do not have the strength of the Barcelona players. It can be said that they are at least two levels apart, and the players do not have the tacit understanding and tactical skills of the Barcelona team!

The shaded world is sometimes like the epitome of the real world, the more perfect it is, the more demanding it is!

On the football field, offense is difficult, defense is easy, creation is difficult, and destruction is easy.

Therefore, it is rare for teams to hold high the flag of offensive football. Even the giants can hardly stick to offensive football for a long time. Naturally, there are exceptions. However, those who can maintain offensive football for a long time and achieve success are rare.

The Premier League\'s Arsenal focused on defensive counterattacks in the early stage of Wenger\'s coaching, and achieved great success. Later, they turned to offensive football and failed to win the championship for many years.

The superstar-studded Real Madrid invited Capello into the palace after the collapse of several consecutive seasons. Capello brought the Real Madrid championship but still couldn’t stay, because the Real Madrid fans demanded too much and wanted the championship. , And offensive football, the difficulty of having both can be imagined.

Because of this, when Barcelona conquered Europe with an offensive football style, countless fans worshipped it.

Even though Mourinho\'s honor can be described as admiring many people, he has not received widespread support in public opinion because of his extremely conservative style.

Situ Yunbing learned from the pain, and after the lesson was self-correction.

He said to Alonzo: "Now we have to study a defensive tactic."

Alonzo asked incomprehensibly: "Why do you want to study? Are there many ready-made?"

Whether it is Italy, which regards defense as the truth, or Chelsea in the Premier League, are not all defensive tactics that can be used for reference?

Situ Yunbing shook his head and said: "Style is one thing, tactics is another. My goal has not changed, not to not lose the next game, but to win the league championship at the end of the season.

Conventional defensive tactics may improve Monaco\'s record, but it is difficult to make Monaco a unique champion! "

Alonzo had just hoped to get a job before, to pour his love of football into work, so that he can live very satisfied every day.

But he actually didn\'t understand Situ Yunbing, and now he admired Situ Yunbing a little bit.

When is it all, I still miss the league championship!

This mind and vision have to be accepted!

"Do you have any ideas? To be honest, I have no clue. I don\'t know how to innovate defensive counterattack tactics."

Situ Yunbing was lost in thought, his right finger knuckle gently tapping the desk top in a rhythm.

His biggest advantage is his understanding of the development trend of football, but many things in his memory are very superficial.

Just like he wants Monaco to play the pass control style, but it is actually difficult to establish an effective system when implemented.

In his memory, Barcelona\'s future far-reaching influence on European football spans at least ten years, and during this ten years, other tactics have emerged. Among them, the tactical system that can compete with Barcelona is Atletico Madrid\'s. The tactics are the most obvious.

In the near future, there will be three super teams in European football, Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid, and Bayern Munich.

Since 2011, Real Madrid has reached the semi-finals of the Champions League every year, and even more than ten years later, it has played a brilliant record of four championships in five years.

Barcelona has won three championships in the next seven years.

Although Bayern Munich has only one championship, it has reached the semi-finals of the Champions League seven times in the next ten years.

Atletico Madrid is three to the semi-finals, twice reached the Champions League finals to get runners-up.

During the period, they have been in the league for a long time in La Liga and won a league championship.

According to the team of Atletico Madrid, it is very rare to get such a result.

Atletico Madrid\'s tactics are also unique in European football.

Contrary to the mainstream transmission control oppressive pursuit of creation.

Situ Yunbing looked at the Monaco team now, the pursuit of "destruction" is obviously more practical than the pursuit of "creation"!

After finishing his thoughts, he described to Alonzo the tactical system he hopes to build and the effect on the court.

The football tactical system is simple to say, plan a formation, put the right players in a good position, set basic offensive and defensive focus, and defensive principles.

Then the tactics are almost complete.

But when it comes to difficulties, there must be no end.

The complementarity between the characteristics of the players, the clear responsibilities, the principles of coping with rapid changes and complex situations, as well as how to adjust the unevenness of player awareness and tactical qualities, there are too many profound things.

Situ Yunbing was willing to hire Alonzo because he believed that Alonzo was able to help him in details.

His advantage is that he can set up a big framework, have ideas, and his ideas can definitely be verified to have good results. How to achieve it, the focus is on the details!