Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 15: .015 Crackdown!

At 10:30 in the morning, the Monaco training ground.

The coaches had arrived at the training ground ahead of time, and they felt very at a loss as they watched the players coming one after another.

After they came to the club, they did not see Situ Yunbing\'s figure. They thought that after the "rebellion" in the dressing room after the game last night, Situ Yunbing should have been so scared that he would never set foot in Monaco again!

The players gathered together in twos and threes on the training ground as if nothing had happened before, playing casually for self-entertainment, and only a few of them showed their worries about the future.

A lot of people gathered around Muller, and it seemed that after playing the role of the leading brother against Situ Yunbing, he gained considerable prestige.

Assistant Petty carried his hands on his back and his face was worried, and the team suddenly had no leader. This situation will only make Monaco worse!

The next game is to play Marseille, and now he can only pray deep down in his heart that the team can have a new coach before the weekend.

Just as Petty was about to personally host the team\'s recovery training, coach Claytra pulled his arm and motioned for him to look behind.

Petty turned and looked around, and the picture that caught his eye was Situ Yunbing walking towards them with a strange young man.

The players on the training ground also found Situ Yunbing. They all stopped and looked at Situ Yunbing.

Mueller\'s expression is not good, anyway, he has torn his face with Situ Yunbing, naturally he wants to fight to the end.

No one thought that Situ Yunbing would have the courage to come back, let alone that Situ Yunbing would bring someone younger than him!

Situ Yunbing solemnly nodded and greeted Petty and other coaching colleagues.

When he was 5 meters away from the players, he clapped his hands hard and said coldly: "Assemble!"

Although many players in the locker room blatantly criticized him last night, everyone is still gathering together following his instructions.

Situ Yunbing was obviously much colder than the state they had when they were getting along, and at the same time they seemed to have majesty!

Situ Yunbing said indifferently after everyone lined up: "Müller, Haruna, Kokata, Diaz, Adu, Park Zhouyong, Baker, Sabo.

Get out! "

The players looked at each other, none of the eight people moved.

Situ Yunbing said their names again, and said solemnly, "Eight of you stand up for me!"

Muller walked out arrogantly, and other people also came out and stood beside Muller.

Mueller wanted to see what Situ Yunbing told them to come out for.

If you think that saying a few good things can make them change their minds, then that is wishful thinking!

Situ Yunbing slightly narrowed his eyes and scanned the faces of the eight people, and then said something that shocked everyone in the audience.

"The eight of you will go to the reserve team from now on. The first team doesn\'t need you anymore. Now they disappear from my eyes!"

Everyone thought they had heard it wrong, and was shocked.

"What are you still doing? Either go home or go to the reserve team. Don\'t delay our training time."

Situ Yunbing frowned slightly.

Mueller was the first to react when he said viciously to Situ Yunbing: "You have no right to do this! You are no longer our head coach!"

Situ Yunbing shouted: "Is the head coach up to your turn! I am still the head coach of Monaco. Do you dare to disobey my orders? This is your basic quality as a player?"

Mueller laughed furiously and said, "I\'ll go to the chairman!"

"up to you!"

Mueller walked away quickly, seeing where he was going, he was indeed looking for De Bondin.

Adu then stepped up to prepare to say something to Situ Yunbing, Situ Yunbing waved his hand impatiently: "Don\'t talk to me, waste time, disappear soon!"

Adu\'s face changed slightly, and he was really furious when he was young and famous, and he followed Mueller\'s direction to leave.

Seeing this, other players simply followed Adu\'s footsteps.

Only Park Zhouyong was standing in place at a loss. His translator walked to Situ Yunbing\'s side and pleaded: "I lost the game yesterday, everyone is in a bad mood..."

Situ Yunbing interrupted him unceremoniously. Without even looking at him, he said indifferently: "He doesn\'t understand, don\'t you understand? Go to the reserve team, I don\'t want to see him again, of course, I I don\'t want to see you again, I feel awkward when I see you."

The translator\'s face was blue and he had to take Park Zhouyong and leave.

They may still have some confidence. They think that Park Zhouyong is the traffic star of Monaco to open up the Korean market. Situ Yunbing is crazy, and De Bondan is definitely not crazy!

Eight players and Korean translators went to find Debondan.

There were nine people missing on the training ground, and Situ Yunbing looked much more comfortable.

In the face of the shocked players, Situ Yun’s soldiers’ temperament had become much warmer, and he said seriously to everyone, “I know what you think in your heart. You think the chaos of the team has intensified, and the team’s future must have no hope. Up.

I tell you, your idea is completely wrong!

How much did the players who left just now contribute to Monaco?

What can they bring to Monaco?

The last game has proved that they do not have enough ability to withstand pressure, and they completely ignore the interests of the team. Such players are black sheep!

Monaco is like a patient with a malignant tumor. Isn\'t it a good thing if we cut the tumor off?

They stay here and affect every one of us. My work cannot go smoothly, it will seize your opportunities, and it will interfere with our morale.

Can we fight?

Why not?

Can\'t you fight for Monaco?

of course can!

I will not worry about losing them, I will only be happy, because I can put all my energy on you and give you all the opportunities. This will make my work more efficient and it is worth the effort!

In the same way, I hope that you have a right attitude and put your mind and energy into your job. You are players. What is the most important thing for players?

Play the game and win the game!

Nothing else should affect their efforts towards this goal!

Okay, now we start training. "

After Situ Yunbing finished speaking, Milonas did the translation work for him. In fact, most players can understand his words.

Although it is difficult to say that Situ Yunbing inspired the team, these players have actually changed their mentality after listening to him.

After eight people left, the opportunities suddenly increased.

Many players who can only fight for substitute qualifications can fight for the main players at once!

This is enough to have a positive impact on them and give them enough motivation!

This is also the benefit Situ Yunbing brings them!

Because if you change individual coaches and bring those eight players back, many players can only fight for a slim chance.

At this time, the remaining more than 20 players had no extra thoughts and started serious training.

Training for an hour in the morning, Situ Yunbing and Alonzo stayed more together to observe and exchange analysis according to the players\' performance during training.

The morning training ended quickly. When everyone went to the restaurant together, De Bondin appeared on the side of the training court. He took a close look at Jerome Alonzo, and then he didn’t take it to heart. Anyway, the club doesn’t have to pay. The salary of this person.

He stopped Situ Yunbing, and after everyone else had left, De Bondan said sternly: "I give you a chance, but it doesn\'t mean you are allowed to mess around! You immediately delegated eight players to the reserve team, including a few others. Players are important signings for our summer!

What are you doing? Revenge? "

Situ Yunbing said indifferently: "Will Manchester United not make a mistake in signing up? Will Real Madrid make a mistake in signing up? Even the giants\' signings can be repeatedly proved to be a failure, why not Monaco?

These players are spending money, and it is a big price for a financially struggling club, but if they can\'t create value for Monaco, should they be left behind?

I have an agreement with you, and I hope we all abide by this agreement.

Now I am the head coach. I need to build the team according to my intentions. When we first met, I already said that you are the brain of the club. If you think about it now, if you fire me immediately, let those eight Players return to the team. If you can\'t hire a famous coach, who can hold them?

They can easily get rid of the coach, and they will become a cancer of the club! "

De Bondan couldn\'t refute Situ Yunbing\'s words, his usual grace and grace disappeared, and instead he was approaching madness.

"My brain must be crazy!"