Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 13: .013 I only need half!

Situ Yunbing, who spent all his money last night, rejected Alonzo\'s offer to take the bus to Monaco with his money.

It\'s a two-kilometer journey, and walking there early in the morning will not waste time at all, and whether the team will train today is still a question.

According to the usual plan, after the match day, there will be recovery training the next day, but the training time will be shorter than usual, allowing players to have a longer rest time at home.

Situ Yunbing walked into Monaco from France. He was sorting out how to regroup when he arrived at the club.

In other words, to fight for opportunities for the first line of life.

After he entered the territory of the Principality of Monaco, people on the sidewalk yelled to Situ Yunbing, "Hurry up!"

These people are obviously Monaco fans. No matter whether they witnessed the team\'s fiasco at the Louis II Stadium yesterday, the continuous propaganda and fermentation in the media reports from last night to now is enough to make them stand in a unified position to expel Situ Yunbing.

Situ Yunbing, who didn\'t change his face and turned a blind eye to others, walked into the club quickly. Alonzo saw the empty training ground. He couldn\'t help asking Situ Yunbing: "What are we going to do?"

Situ Yunbing paused and pondered for a moment, then said, "Go eat first."

Regardless of whether the players are training or not, the other staff of the club still have to go to work, so the restaurant must still go to work as usual.

Situ Yunbing took Alonzo to the club restaurant. Under the strange eyes of some staff members, Situ Yunbing enjoyed his breakfast casually.

After breakfast, Situ Yunbing took Alonzo to the head coach\'s office. He asked Alonzo to stay here first, and then he went out.

His office is in the training complex, in the same building as the coach’s lounge, and Chairman De Bondin’s office is in the administration building.

Situ Yunbing quickly came to the door of the chairman\'s office. He knocked on the door, and after hearing a "please come in" response from inside, he pushed in.

De Bangdan sat behind his desk and saw that the person was Situ Yunbing, his expression suddenly became cold, and he said in a displeased voice: "Situ, you screwed up! You are done! If I were not in the royal box yesterday Watching the game in the middle of the game, I will definitely boo to you, yelling to get you out! Now, you can indeed leave, you did not bring any positive changes to Monaco, you made Monaco more chaotic, I shouldn’t be right You have expectations!

This ridiculous farce should end! "

Situ Yunbing walked to his desk pretending to be calm and looked down at the several newspapers on the table. The headlines on the covers were almost all the way he looked dumbfounded on the sidelines during the second half of the game last night. There is a picture of old Gurcuff patting him on the shoulder to show comfort.

The title of the picture is in rough French. Situ Yunbing doesn\'t know what it means, but it certainly won\'t be a good thing to praise him.

De Bondin suddenly felt sympathy for the young man in front of him. He was ridiculed by the French media collectively. He was even openly opposed by the players in the club. In this foreign country, Situ Yunbing was completely helpless.

De Bondan\'s tone softened. He took out a letter and threw it on the table in front of Situ Yunbing, and sighed softly, "Ah, you should resign yourself, go home and forget everything in Monaco. It is not suitable here. you.

This letter was given to me by some players of the team last night, they asked you to leave, and it has their signatures.

Situ, you have lost the most basic condition of controlling a team as a head coach. This may be cruel to you, but this is the reality.

I still appreciate your ambition, but maybe you should focus on other things. "

Situ Yunbing picked up the letter, opened it and looked at it calmly. Fortunately, it was written in English.

The specific content is probably that the players made negative comments on Situ Yunbing from all sides, and then asked De Bangdan to dismiss Situ Yunbing!

The corner of Situ Yunbing\'s mouth outlines a bleak smile.

They are going to send him to the gallows!

He looked at the player\'s signature seriously.


He took the lead in the rebellion in the locker room after the game yesterday, this bastard!


Situ Yunbing really wanted to slap himself twice. With so many young players, he just gave this white-eyed wolf the opportunity!

Kokata, Adu, Park Zhouyong.

The names of the three strikers who started yesterday are also impressive!

It seemed that they really wanted to put the blame for their terrible performance on Situ Yunbing.

There are also the names of Diaz, Baker and Sabo.

All three are young players, around 20 years old.

Either they were instigated by others, or they couldn\'t see the superior opportunity and wanted to confuse the water, so that they could catch some opportunities by fishing in troubled waters.

Rebellion anyway, no matter what the status of Monaco\'s locker room was before, Muller, who came to Monaco from Lyon, is now standing on the top of the mountain, and there are some major responses. They see that the organization is not small, and it makes sense to join it.

There are eight players in total!

Situ Yunbing repeated these eight names three times, and after taking them down, he tore up the letter and threw it in the trash can next to his desk.

De Bondan frowned, he didn\'t know what Situ Yunbing was going to do now.

Situ Yunbing clapped his hands and asked calmly: "Have you found my successor?"

De Bondin bluntly said: "This has nothing to do with you!"

Situ Yunbing said in a deep voice: "Monaco is now in turmoil, and there are only a handful of coaches who will take over. Besides, I only coached one game. I don\'t think I should resign, or in other words, which coach is there now in the world? If you dare to pack your votes to coach Monaco, you will definitely win the next game?!


Mr. Chairman, I am not asking you to give me more opportunities, I just hope you can give me enough respect and reasonable observation time. "

De Bondan sighed: "You have messed up. Losing the game is not fatal. Losing the support of the locker room and the support of the players is fatal!"

Situ Yunbing shook his head and said: "I didn\'t see the names of Merian, Modesto, Rufael, Simic and others. Why didn\'t they oppose me together? Why didn\'t a coach oppose me?

Mr. Chairman, there are 34 players in the first team of Monaco!

This number base is too big!

Have you ever wondered why Manchester United, Chelsea, Real Madrid, Barcelona will not have more than 30 first teams?

They will face two-line combat, even three-line combat, four-line combat!


Because the first team only needs elite soldiers, not more people, the better.

What does more people mean?

There are only 11 positions on the court. What if everyone wants to play?

This is a hidden danger of confusion!

It\'s like fighting, the opponent is a small number of elite divisions, our side looks like a lot of people, but it is a miscellaneous army!

There are surrenders in our army, mercenaries who take money and don\'t work hard, and there are gangsters who don\'t have the will to fight.

How can such an army fight?

What is absurd is not my appointment. What is absurd is that a general leads such an army. He has just learned about the situation of the army and suddenly lost a battle, but all the responsibility is on him!

Well, if you remove this general and find someone else, will the chaos disappear out of thin air?

will not!

I have seen a good point from yesterday’s defeat. I know who in this army is not capable, who has a bad mentality, who lacks fighting spirit, and who is not obedient to orders. This helps me to carry out the next work.

Now, it’s not a good time for you to fire me, because everything is getting better! "

Debondan was stunned, and then he shook his head: "What\'s the point of saying this now? They are all opposed to you, how can you carry out your next work?"

Situ Yunbing knew that no matter whether it was a rogue or a sophistry with De Bondan, he could not change the status quo, so he solemnly said: "Okay, then I will say something useful. Everyone thinks that Monaco is already rotten and nothing worse. The lower limit!

We can all lose to Lorient at home, what hope is there?

You can find a new coach. At the same time, I continue my work. Generally, it takes at least three months to measure the effectiveness of a coach, and I only need half!

Next month, before the end of October, the team will have 6 league games. How about letting me coach at least for October before evaluating my work? "

De Bondan showed a thoughtful look. It was very simple to fire Situ Yunbing. He would just give him 60,000 euros. But the most difficult thing at the moment was that he couldn\'t find a suitable replacement. The emergency medical treatment would only make chaos endless. Just continue.

Therefore, it\'s okay to continue to let Situ Yunbing coach, just gambling.

Debondan let out his mouth, staring sharply at Situ Yunbing’s face, and said solemnly: "Okay, I will give you another month and a half, but I have the conditions. The next 6 league games, the team At least 3 victories must be won!"

Situ Yunbing suddenly gave birth to a majestic momentum, and said loudly: "Okay!"

Debondan continued: "There can be no two-game losing streak!"

"it is good!"

Situ Yunbing stared at De Bondan with piercing eyes.

This is considered a military order.

"I have to remind you that if I lost to Lorient yesterday, I can\'t lose the next game!"

Situ Yunbing still did not change his face and said, "No problem!"

"If the next game loses, or if the team lost two games in a row before November, or you failed to lead the team to three victories, then I don’t want to hear any excuses from you, I just need to see Your resignation letter."

Situ Yunbing nodded and said: "A word is a deal!"

After saying this, he turned and walked out, but when he reached the door, he turned around and said to Debondan: "Mr. Chairman, I also have one condition. I brought an assistant into the coaching staff. Now he doesn\'t have any. Contract, but if I can stay in Monaco in November, I hope the club can give him a contract, the treatment is not lower than the minimum treatment standards of other members of the coaching staff, can it?"

Debondan smiled silently, with a strange expression, and said, "Yes, no problem."

Situ Yunbing said thank you, opened the door of the office and walked away quickly.