Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 1224: .1224 Back to basics!

The second half of the match between the Chinese team and the Peru team began!

Gareka\'s adjustment during the intermission is to let the team slow down as much as possible in the second half, and the striker retreats to strengthen the midfield control!

The Peruvian team wants to improve the quality of offense, but blind offense is basically ineffective.

In fact, the Peruvian team\'s offense is worse than that of the Chilean team. The Chilean team can basically penetrate the wing of the Chinese team, but the Peruvian team can\'t!

Because today the Chinese team\'s joint defense and blockade are very well done.

In the second half, I thought that the Chinese team would decrease in speed. After all, the consumption of the first half was obvious to all.

But what shocked Gareka and the Peruvian team on the field was that the Chinese team not only did not slow down in the second half, but it was faster!

Huang Zichang, Chen Binbin, Jin Jingdao, and Mai Tijiang are all driving the fast pace of the Chinese team in both midfield defense and frontcourt attack!

In the 53rd minute of the game, when Jin Jingdao succeeded in stealing Carrillo in the midfield, he initiated a fast attack. After Huang Zichang made a cut from the right side of the frontcourt and sent the ball out of the pass, Wu Lei cut into the penalty area and turned halfway to meet the ball. Volley!

This is the best opportunity for the Chinese team so far in this game!

Gareka is already numb on the sidelines!

The football flew straight to the far corner of the goal. Goalkeeper Gallis reacted quickly and made a save. After touching the football with his fingertips, the left post was ejected in the football fold!

"Wow! Wu Lei\'s shot hit the post after being touched by Galis!

The Chinese team almost broke the goal of Peru!

It seems that the advantage of the Chinese team has become even greater in the second half! "

Although the Peru team is also working hard to create an offensive threat, it is always a bit painless for the Chinese team because they can\'t organize and cooperate effectively in the frontcourt.

Guerrero’s offensive fulcrum tried to create opportunities for Flores and Yoton, but today the two full-backs of the Chinese team, Zhang Linpeng and Li Xuepeng, were very alert and quickly retracted the inside to complete the defense!

In fact, the threat of the Peru team\'s offense is very obvious. Cueva has organizational creativity, Guerrero is the offensive fulcrum, and Flores and Yoton are good at inside.

After the Chinese team contained Cueva through Zhang Zhibang, it was tantamount to pulling out the fangs of the Peruvian team!

If Cueva can\'t use the organization to create a threat, then the full-back assist is very important, but from the first minute of the game, the Chinese team showed the threat of a fast attack from the side and made the full-back not dare to assist the frontcourt in the backcourt!

This is tantamount to further cutting the Peruvian team\'s offensive system!

The European football media always like to label Situ Yunbing as good at surprisingly winning, but in fact Situ Yunbing puts more energy into many basic skills!

It\'s just that in front of the sensational media in European football, there is no selling point if it is too ordinary.

In this America\'s Cup, the Chinese team was able to compete with the South American powers. Now it seems that they have practiced the basic skills very solidly!

Defensive essentials, targeted deployment, this is the most basic quality and ability link, the Chinese team is better than any other team!

Situ Yunbing carefully observed every bit of the game.

The Chinese team fans are extremely enthusiastic to cheer, but the Chinese team\'s only blossoming but not fruitful also made them become a little anxious.

In the 59th minute of the game, Huang Zichang fouled Adevin Kula in a chase, while he fell to the ground, and then made a cramping gesture to the team doctor.

Situ Yunbing directly called Zhao Fenghua, Luo Xin, and Luo Cheng from the bench, and asked Feng Kuoyang to apply for the exchange.

Gareka wanted to take advantage of the time when the Chinese team had player cramps to ease the team.

The Peru team has not been easy in the past 15 minutes!

When the time came to the second half, the physical condition of the Peru team was not necessarily better than the most fierce players of the Chinese team!

But what Gareka didn\'t expect was that Situ Yunbing made substitutions very decisively!

And it was three people at once!

Don\'t plan to waste a minute and a second at all!

Situ Yunbing knew that the delay would only give the Peru team a breathing space!

"The Chinese team is now making substitutions. Huang Zichang, Chen Binbin, and Jin Jingdao have been replaced!

The three players on the stage are Zhao Fenghua, the core midfielder of the Chinese team, and the two main wingers Luo Cheng and Luo Xin!

It seems that the offensive intensity of the Chinese team will be significantly improved! "

The Peru team stayed there for now.

In fact, according to the thinking of the competition, basically no team will keep the trump card as a backhand, especially in the semi-finals!

Everyone will start a showdown and put out the strongest lineup.

Retaining the main force as a back player like Situ Yunbing will bear great risks!

If the Chinese team is lagging behind when the main players are on the field, wouldn\'t this be a cocoon?

However, Situ Yunbing took the measure very well and used the physical stamina of the substitute in exchange for a more favorable situation after the main force came on the stage!

Gareka really admires this!

The Peru team put the best players on the field, and now it is more embarrassing.

Even if a substitution is made, it is equivalent to replacing the best choice, and the players who come on the bench may not be able to bring more contributions to the team.

But maybe it\'s just a matter of perspective.

Situ Yunbing can do this, why can\'t others?

Garrecas also made a substitution a moment later, and striker Rui Dias came on to replace Guerrero.

The small forward with a height of only 167 cm replaced Guerrero. It seems that Gareka wants to enhance the counterattack speed and the ability to find opportunities on the front line.

In a passive situation, Guerrero\'s ability does not play a role, changing the center also means changing the style of play.

After the substitution, the game situation is still dominated by the Chinese team.

Because the Zhao Fenghua, Luo Cheng, and Luo Xin who were replaced are also very hardworking!

Their physical advantage over the Peruvian team players is more obvious, and due to the improvement of offensive strength, the Chinese team has gradually begun to play a stronger threat!

In the 66th minute of the game, Zhao Fenghua made a forward cut to receive Luo Cheng\'s pass from the wing. He stabbed the ball to the middle of the penalty area under Carrillo\'s defense. Wu Lei slanted the ball under two central defenders. Knocked back, Zhao Fenghua crossed the front center of the penalty area to meet the ball and volley!

Watching the football flying to the upper right corner of the goal, it is a pity that the football did not fall, but flew to the stands over the crossbar!

Fans of the Peru team are terrified!

"Zhao Fenghua almost broke the deadlock for the Chinese team! His shot is reminiscent of his long-range shot that killed the Chilean team! This time his shot was a little different!"

Zhao Fenghua did not show any regrets, turned around and immediately ran to the defensive position to defend.

The Peruvian team\'s offensive wing directly delivered a through ball into the penalty area, but the effect was not very satisfactory. After all, Flores and Yoton have impact, but they are not organized players who can pass the scalpel through.

In the 70th minute of the game, Luo Xin went straight to the ball after receiving the pass from Matijiang on the right side of the front court. His inner cut disrupted the defense of the Peruvian team, compared to Huang Zichang and Chen Binbin on the side. The impact was a bit conservative, and Luo Cheng and Luo Xin\'s offensive on the wing were even more elusive!

When the Peruvian team contracted the defense line to the middle, Luo Xin directly passed the ball diagonally to the right side outside the penalty area. Wu Lei pulled to the side to respond. After stopping the ball, the dial changed to the bottom line and dodged the force from Trauko. Wu Ray then sent a pass in the ball.

The football flew to the back point of the penalty area. Luo Cheng quickly cut in to meet the ball and then passed to the front zone. Abram, who was in front of the goal, blocked the ball in time!

But if it is 20 centimeters away, the ball may fly into its goal!

The Peruvian fans are not easy, and the players on the field are not easy, but the Chinese fans are also very nervous!

At this time, the Chinese team is very close to the goal, but if you don\'t score, it will eventually make people scared!

In the 74th minute of the game, the Peruvian team got their best chance of the game. Cueva sent a through ball in the center zone!

The football penetrated the Chinese team\'s defense. Rui Dias, who came on the bench, succeeded in an offside run and got rid of the defense from Bai Yuanfan. To be honest, Bai Yuanfan was still very passive towards this cunning forward.

At the very moment, Shen Jingjie abandoned the goal and blocked Rui Dias\'s shooting angle. The opponent did not change much, and Shen Jingjie blocked the ball with his thigh.

The Peru team missed a chance to kill the Chinese team!

Gareka was bitter on the sidelines, and even had the urge to thump his chest!

Situ Yunbing still looked like Taishan collapsed in front of him.

With this dangerous situation in front of the Chinese team, the pace of the game has accelerated again!

The Peru team is obviously gritted their teeth to support the team, after all, they also saw the hope of scoring!

But they frequently start to play the threatening ball behind them, but they are too invisible.

Cheng Renjun and Shen Jingjie attacked one after another to resolve the danger.

When the game time came to 82 minutes, the Chinese team successfully defended the backcourt. Zhao Fenghua ran directly to the front side of the court. After receiving Li Xuepeng’s pass, he quickly dribbled forward and assisted in Carrillo’s defense. On the wing, the opponent thought he would cooperate with Luo Cheng in front of him, but unexpectedly Zhao Fenghua went straight to the ball and cut inwards and cut Carrillo!

After turning into the center, Zhao Fenghua saw Advinkula approaching him head-on, and Zhao Fenghua decisively passed the ball diagonally to the right in front of the penalty area.

Wu Lei responded here. After stopping the ball, instead of continuing to advance into the penalty area, he dialed the ball laterally to the side, which allowed him to dodge the grab from Tapia. At the same time, Luo Xin rushed from the side. To reach, Wu Lei squeezed the ball straight in the narrow space!

Luo Xin broke through the entire line of defense of the Peru team!

Under the much-anticipated he received the pass from Wu Lei and then knocked the ball across the goal in the right side of the penalty area!

Because he noticed that goalkeeper Galis had abandoned the door!

His cross pass made Galis decisively stopped and ran towards the left goal post, but he could not be faster than football!

Abram saw Luo Cheng sprint towards the goal. He gritted his teeth and tried to intercept him first, but Luo Cheng sprinted faster than him!

Just when his foot was about to touch the football, Luo Cheng took the first shot to send the ball into the goal, and then he threw forward and fell into the goal of the Peruvian team!

There was deafening cheers from the audience!

The referee\'s finger circled, the goal is valid!

The Chinese team leads the Peru team 1:0!