Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 1223: .1223 down the opponent!

When the semi-finals of the America\'s Cup between the Chinese team and the Peru team kicked off, the Chinese team felt positive at a glance!

This positivity is reflected in the team\'s running frequency and defensive enthusiasm!

The Peruvian team has not launched an offensive, the Chinese team is pursuing a fast pace in the offensive!

In the second minute of the game, Huang Zichang slid the ball from the right to the bottom line of the Peruvian team. Although Trauko was finally intercepted, the quick counter-attack initiated by Huang Zichang, Wu Lei and Chen Binbin from the strike forced the Peruvian team to have to Pass the ball forward quickly.

The midfielder of the Peruvian team is Cueva. He has agility and skill. If he is placed in European football, he must be the kind of quick-witted player.

As soon as Cueva received the pass from Carrillo, he was forced by Jin Jingdao. In terms of figure, Jin Jingdao, Maitijiang and Zhang Zhibang all have obvious advantages.

Cueva can only play to his skill and speed advantage. After he stopped pulling the ball and started again to complete the breakthrough to Jin Jingdao, Cueva still wanted to continue to break through and block Zhang Zhibang, after all, the forward teammates have not yet Running out of the obvious space to respond, while Zhang Zhibang came up to block the speed too fast, which made Cueva almost no choice of the ball line and space.

The acceleration of Cueva\'s next change of direction does not seem so unpredictable. Zhang Zhibang lowered his center of gravity with a golden sword and nearly swept the football that Queva had just pushed away from his feet!

Maitijiang controlled the ball from the side, and when Wu Lei retreated in place, Maitijiang quickly passed the ball.

Carrillo and Advincula immediately flanked Wu Lei, the latter knocked the ball across the left, and Chen Binbin took advantage of the opportunity to cut the ball to the left of the penalty area to complete a long shot!

The football went straight to the corner of the goal. The Peruvian goalkeeper Gallis quickly moved and blocked the ball in front of him. He got up and hugged the ball. The Chinese team\'s first shot after the opening did not create a clear threat. .

But the audience can also see that the Chinese team has suppressed the Peru team in momentum today!

The Peruvian team was challenged by the Chinese team from the start!

The Chinese team does not necessarily have many players running faster than the Peruvian team, but it lies in the Chinese team\'s daring to fight and rush!

Wingers Huang Zichang and Chen Binbin may not be able to attack the opponent’s defensive hinterland and create threats like Luo Cheng or Luo Xin do in every charge, but they will not hesitate at every opportunity and follow the wing at full speed. Going forward, Wu Lei also followed up in the middle, which made the Peruvian team\'s midfield defense as a whole also quickly retreated!

With the addition of active counter-grabbing from the forward, the Peruvian team simply does not have the ability to control the scene!

Gareka couldn\'t understand the Chinese team\'s tactics from the sidelines, because there was a taste of nothing but flowers, loud thunder and little rain!

But after 15 minutes of the game, Gareka looked solemn, and he began to understand what Situ Yunbing\'s starting lineup meant today.

The Peruvian team’s starting lineup has not changed from the last knockout game, and they not only have one day less rest than the Chinese team, but also played overtime and penalty shootouts. Both physical and energy consumption are huge!

The Chinese team started today and replaced six main players!

Huang Zichang and Chen Binbin on the front line, Jin Jingdao and Mai Tijiang in the midfield, and Li Xuepeng and Zhang Linpeng on the back line.

This allows the Chinese team\'s physical advantage to the extreme!

The Chinese team, like a wolf and a tiger, is basically trying to attack the Peruvian team\'s defense regardless of physical cost, and launch an attack on the Peruvian team!

It is well known that Cueva alone cannot sustain the Peruvian attack. Otherwise, Cueva will not always be in America instead of landing in Europe.

As for the players on the front line, there is not necessarily anyone who can reverse the situation for the team in this overall passive state!

The Chinese team is using their physical strength to bring down the Peru team!

It is undeniable that there will be many unexpected tactics in the game, which will bring unexpected impact to the opponent, which can be understood as a conspiracy.

But the upright tactics like the Chinese team today are definitely arrogant. Even if the opponent sees through, there is no way!

Gareka used to have no intersection with Situ Yun soldiers, but today he saw the legendary marshal\'s use of soldiers, which is truly extraordinary!

Generally speaking, in the semi-finals, there are not many coaches in the world who dare to remove six main players and stand by on the bench. To be precise, even if there are, there will be no more than three!

But Situ Yunbing led the underdog Chinese team in the eyes of the general public to play in the semi-finals of the America’s Cup. He dared to put the six main players on the bench. Zhao Fenghua, Luo Cheng, and Luo Xin were regarded as China by the outside world. The impact of the team\'s indispensable three absolute main players is incalculable!

Enough to see the courage of Situ Yunbing!

This is the "art of command" in the European media!

In this highly anticipated semi-final, the Peruvian team can barely take control of the ball in a leisurely court to organize a threatening offensive.

Even the Chinese team did not create many threats, but the Peru team did not dare to be careless!

In everyone\'s eyes, all the Chinese team needs is a goal!

As long as there is one goal, then the Chinese team has a high probability of winning the game!

The Chinese team\'s defense is a headache for all opponents in this competition, because Situ Yunbing not only lowered his posture in the eyes of outsiders, but also has no dignity!

It is this kind of Chinese team that makes other opponents fearful.

They are all afraid that once they lose the ball, then their game is over!

After 40 minutes of the game, the Peruvian team was exhausted because they had been passively following defense and passively attacking forward. Almost every forward pass came from the back pressure of the Chinese team, and every defense was necessary. Many people withdrew to form a joint defense.

The Chinese team is not easy, after all, they are running at an overload!

Situ Yunbing stood calmly and calmly, no one could tell from his demeanor whether he was satisfied with the current situation.

Because to win the game, after all, you have to score.

The Chinese team did gain the advantage of the scene through high-intensity running, but it did not turn into a goal. Is this because their investment has not been rewarded, or is there another plan?

No one outside knows.

Some European media reporters who are following the America\'s Cup have different views on Situ Yunbing.

The legendary young marshal who was once domineering in European football is a trend-setting figure. Now when people talk about the famous young guards in the history of European football, they will no longer talk about Ajax 25 years ago. It\'s the Hamburg of 2012!

And the iron-blooded Red Army created in Liverpool shows the extreme strength of oppressing opponents, which has never been seen in history, which is definitely a huge difference from the former Spanish or Barcelona dominating the game.

When Situ Yunbing left European football and returned to Asia to coach, the European media sighed. On the one hand, because of the lack of an eye-catching landscape in European football, on the other hand, it was also a pity that Situ Yunbing might have retired from now on. Altar.

They think that Situ Yunbing\'s advanced tactical concepts, or some whimsical ideas have no ground to be realized!

But they are still wrong!

When people criticize a team that is eager to imitate advanced football concepts but can\'t achieve good results, they will always say that this team is flashy.

But Situ Yunbing was just the opposite. He built the Chinese team into a back-to-none team!

The Chinese team played defensively and counterattacks honestly, and in order to win, it can be described as doing everything!

What are the conditions for the Chinese team to win the game today?

It\'s running, it\'s physical fitness!

They are consuming the Peru team regardless of the cost!

If Situ Yunbing used to drunk on the clouds in European football, now he coaches the Chinese team to fight the world by stepping on the ground!

The foundation of foothold is extremely stable!

At the end of the first half of the game, Situ Yun turned around and walked into the player channel without changing his face.

The players on both sides are very tired. The situation of the Chinese team is similar to that of the Peru team. Even if they look better than the Peru team before the game, they can’t hold back their consumption in the game!

Gareka wondered how to deal with the Chinese team in the second half. The Peru team definitely did not want to play overtime!

They had already played overtime in the last game, and if they play overtime again, I am afraid they can only withstand the crazy offensive of the Chinese team and will not be able to fight back!

You know they rely on the 35-year-old veteran Guerrero on the front line!

The other two wingers have also consumed a lot in the last game!

Situ Yunbing\'s aggressive attempt to fight the war of attrition really caught Gareka off guard.

He wanted to make a quick battle with the Chinese team, but unexpectedly, the Chinese team, which has been passively playing defensive counterattacks, took the initiative to take the lead in the game today, and used the most primitive method: running!

If you really fight for skills, even if Zhao Fenghua is sent on the field, I am afraid that the Chinese team will not be able to play any new tricks, but the physical-based running to drag Peru down, the Chinese team really has such capital.

Who made Gareka never guess the starting lineup of the Chinese team?

After Situ Yunbing returned to the locker room, not only did he not let the team reduce consumption in the second half, but instead said to Chen Binbin, Huang Zichang, Mai Tijiang, Jin Jingdao four people earnestly: "You performed well in the first half, I know that the halftime is not enough. In order to allow you to recover more physical fitness, but the team still needs you to continue to work in the second half, and more than the first half!

Don\'t have the slightest reservation. Today we want to win the game. The hard work of the four of you is the most important!

We want to bring down the Peru team!

No matter how long you can run in the second half, 20 minutes? 15 minutes? 10 minutes? 5 minutes?

No matter how long it is, I need your absolute best to lay the foundation for us to win tickets to the final!

Can you do it? "

Although the four of them were breathing a little hurriedly, their faces were full of determination, and they said to Situ Yunbing in unison: "It can be done!"