Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 1225: .1225 Fight for the championship!

"Luo Cheng! Luo Cheng sent the ball into the goal of the Peru team!

The Chinese team leads the Peru team 1:0!

After a deadlock for more than 80 minutes, the Chinese team broke the deadlock on the field!

Luo Xin, who came on the bench, assisted his brother Luo Cheng to complete the goal!

The substitution of Situ Yunbing once again showed a miraculous effect!

In less than 10 minutes, as long as the Chinese team can guarantee that they will not be scored by the Peru team, the Chinese team will reach the Copa America final!

This is crazy! "

The Chinese fans in the stands are crazy!

Chinese fans in front of TV sets all over the world have also fallen into madness!

The coaches and players rushing to the sidelines are also extremely crazy!

There may be only one person who remains absolutely calm, and that is Situ Yunbing!

He clapped his hands on the sidelines, his eyes were extremely persistent and sharp!

Gareka is also cheering for the Peru team. He hopes that the team can cheer up and launch a strong attack on the Chinese team!

He believes that the Chinese team will definitely adopt a defensive approach.

But when Luo Cheng was surrounded by his teammates and walked towards his own half of the celebration, Situ Yunbing gave them the order to continue to maintain the previous combat posture!

This is a game where the Chinese team is trying hard to win!

It can be said that the Chinese team consumes more energy than the Peruvian team in the whole game, but they have an advantage!

The Peru team was dragged down in this physical tug of war!

However, the Chinese team almost maintained the rhythm, speed, and long-term coverage of the run!

When Situ Yunbing thought about how to win this game, tactics were secondary, and his starting point was physical fitness!

Because this is the most obvious entry point!

Even the journalists from the American continent, the ball critics, and the Brazilian organizers who are following this game, they all feel incredible about the current situation!

The two Asian teams that were invited to participate in the competition are clearly the original intention to fill the numbers. They can boost the influence and brand value of the America\'s Cup, and promote to the Asian market to win more sponsors.

But I didn\'t expect the Japanese team to train their troops so much that it was able to reach the quarterfinals was also a big luck.

But the Chinese team kicked and became the protagonist of the Copa America!

Now there is even hope to challenge the host Brazil to compete for the America\'s Cup!

Not to mention that the host is a little flustered, and the South American Football Association can\'t calm down!

They are happy to see the Peruvian team reach the final and the two South American teams compete for the America’s Cup. This is normal. Even if Brazil loses the championship, it’s nothing but a sensational effect.

But the Chinese team reached the finals, what if the Chinese team won the championship?

Do you want Asian teams to take away the America\'s Cup trophy?

It is no exaggeration to say that the South American Football Association, including Brazilian fans, are cheering for the Peru team, hoping that they will be able to tie the score and reverse the Chinese team!

Gareka is not optimistic.

After the kick-off, the Peruvian team found that the Chinese team did not retreat, and still maintained a counter-attack posture from the front line, even more aggressive than before!

Because the Chinese team has seen the hope of victory!

The Peruvian team\'s fast attack was not effective, so they played more directly, which made their offense without any threat!

The Chinese team only started to delay time in the offense.

Situ Yunbing commanded the team from the sidelines and still did not take it lightly.

When the game was approaching stoppage time, the Peruvian team Adevincula fouled Luo Xin violently, which made the two teams almost broke out in physical conflict on the field!

The injury time of the game was only 2 minutes, and the two teams did not waste too much dead ball time in the second half.

The Peruvian team’s last attack was passed by Flores from the wing, and the ball was cleared by Bai Yuanfan in the outflank in the round-off point.

Although Abram got to the frontcourt and controlled the ball, the referee\'s whistle made the Peruvian team all unable to help but fall to the ground!

The Chinese team generals raised their fists frantically and roared towards the sidelines!

"The game is over! The game is over! The Chinese team beat Peru 1-0 to advance to the America\'s Cup final!

It\'s incredible! It\'s incredible!

The Chinese team from Asia is going to compete for the America\'s Cup next!

Unheard of, never seen before!

This is an unprecedented scene in the history of South American football, Asian football, and world football, and the Chinese team has written their new glory!

From another perspective, they are sweeping the dull faces of the South American heroes!

The South American Football Association may regret inviting the Chinese team to participate!

If it’s Qatar, it’s definitely not even the semifinals, but the South American Football Association hopes to open up the Chinese market and also hope that legendary coach Situ Yunbing will come to the America’s Cup to make it more concerned.

They just didn\'t expect that Situ Yunbing would never serve as a foil to others!

He came to the America\'s Cup, he is the protagonist!

Now we can congratulate the Chinese team for reaching the America\'s Cup final. They will compete with the host, the powerful Brazil team for the America\'s Cup on the final day!

Although it goes without saying that everyone definitely thinks that the Brazilian team will win, I have a hunch that the Chinese team will not easily let the Brazilian team win the championship trophy at their door!

There is a record worth reminding every viewer at this time.

Situ Yunbing led his team to the finals during his coaching career and won! "

When the Chinese players all rushed to Situ Yunbing with excitement and joy, they actually didn’t know what they were going to do. It would be too early to throw Situ Yunbing into the sky at this time, but they are Sweatly ran to Situ Yunbing, looking at Situ Yunbing with an excited smile on his face!

Situ Yunbing also smiled. He stretched out his arms around Zhang Linpeng and Shen Jingjie, and then everyone formed a circle with their arms around each other. Coaches, players, and even team doctors were among them.

They bent over, and Situ Yun said to them in a loud voice: "You are great! Remember this, you are great!

We have proved one thing time and time again. When we are united together, when we fight for the team with no distractions, we are worthy of the jerseys we wear, and we can deserve the support of the fans!

Most importantly, as a member of the Chinese team, we are very proud!

right? "

Everyone in the circle said in unison: "Yes!"

Situ Yunbing continued: "This is not the end, nor is the America\'s Cup final!

We can be happy, we can be happy, but we will not be satisfied, we can become stronger, no matter what kind of powerful enemy appears in front of us, we are not afraid!

From now on, no one will underestimate us, no one will think that we are underdogs, we are fish belly!

We must let the world hear our voices, and let the world not dare to underestimate us, because we are dragons soaring in the sky of Asia! "

Everyone shouted hoarsely: "We are the Dragon Team!"

On this day of advancing to the America\'s Cup finals, the Chinese Dragon Team has truly entered the stage of history!


The Peruvian coach Gareka did not have any grudges about the team being eliminated after the game. After the game, he praised the performance of the Chinese team more. He believed that although the Chinese team had shown tenacity, perseverance and iron blood before the game. Discipline, but today the Chinese team defeated the Peru team with endurance, aggressiveness and impact in the game!

The Peru team did not complain.

A simple truth is that when your players can\'t run the opponent, you lose the game for granted.

Of course, it is not necessarily the result of failure, but there is no excuse for failure.

Will he blame the Peruvian players?

Do not.

If the Chinese team does not have one more day off than them, if the Peru team does not play overtime and a penalty shoot-out with Uruguay, Gareca will be dissatisfied!

But he knows what the team is like.

Persistence for 60 minutes is already very powerful. Persistence for 80 minutes is definitely the end of the battle.

The Chinese team\'s righteous soldiers, it is not a magical strategy, they defeated the Peru team with the most basic and basic qualities on the football field!

This is also where Gareka admires Situ Yunbing. If he is replaced by Situ Yunbing, he may not have thought of this, nor can he develop tactics for deployment from this point.

When Situ Yunbing arrived at the press conference after the game, media reporters from China first greeted him with applause, and his eyes were full of fanatical worship!

This time the Chinese team is going to the America\'s Cup, it can be said that there is no goal!

If you are eliminated from the group stage and go back, you will not be verbally criticized.

But the Chinese team slaughtered Paraguay 4:0, squeezed Colombia 0:0, shot Argentina 1:0, Chile 1:0, and Peru 1:0!

The Chinese team has brought the shock and influence to the Chinese football world far beyond the Asian Cup winning!

At this moment, everyone knows that the Chinese team has gone up a step further compared to the Asian Cup!

Naturally, Situ Yunbing contributed a lot!

Whether it is his strategy or the energy he puts in on weekdays, his contribution is unimaginable.

Stripping off his magical coat, Situ Yunbing reinjected the most simple spirit and elements of football into the genes of the Chinese team!

These are obvious to all!

After sitting down, Situ Yunbing briefly summarized the game. He was very calm that the victory of the Chinese team today was due to the physical disadvantage of the Peruvian team. At the same time, he also said that the increased threat of the Chinese team after the substitution was also a variable that destroyed the Peruvian defense Where.

He talked eloquently about the game and seemed impeccably calm about victory.

When reporters in the Americas began to ask questions, there was only one question that caused Situ Yunbing to fall into brief contemplation.

"The Chinese team faces Brazil. Have you ever thought about winning the game and taking away the America\'s Cup?"

Situ Yunbing was silent for a while and gave an extremely affirmative reply.

"If it were a month ago, no one would ask me such a question, and now the situation is that the Chinese team has reached the Copa America final. If I said that the Chinese team never thought of taking the Copa America away, then our finals What to do? Directly surrender and lose to Brazil?

I guess God will laugh.

The current situation is actually very simple, no need to ask, no need to think.

Since we have the opportunity to stand on the stage of the America\'s Cup finals, then we must be fighting for the America\'s Cup! "