Great Tang's Unparalleled National Teacher

Chapter 2241

"Childe Zhang, have a cup of hot tea first!".

In Zhang Feng\'s mansion.

Jingshu quietly looked at Zhang Feng and handed him a cup of hot tea.

Zhang Feng said thanks, put down his brush, picked up the tea cup and drank it gently. The tea was neither cold nor hot. It was the tea brought by Changfeng from Chang\'an. It was sweet and cracked. A gentle smell of tea filled the whole mouth. It can\'t help but make people aftertaste. It\'s worth picking these tea in person. The taste is good. I knew it earlier and brought more.

Zhang Feng smacked his mouth and said, "good tea!"

Jingshu pursed a smile, pointed to the pieces of paper full of words in front of Zhang Feng and asked.

"What are you doing? I think you\'ve been sitting for two hours. It\'s time to eat."

"It\'s still a little short. It\'ll be done later."

Yu\'er looked at them from a distance, and some tasted pouted.

”You are really heartless and heartless. Do you know that you have offended the Gao family, so you are not afraid of being retaliated by others? “

Zhang Feng smiled faintly, got up and pulled yu\'er over, and then took Jing Shu\'s hand, Hei hei, with a smile.

”Well... It turned out that yu\'er was worried about me! “

Yu\'er\'s face was blushing and broke away from Zhang Feng\'s hand. She stared at Zhang Feng with a warm and angry face and said angrily.

”What time is it? You still have the heart to drink tea here. Do you want the three of us to become widows in the future? "

I couldn\'t help thinking that when I went back to Yu\'s house, my father told her that the Wu family, Fan family and Wang family had come to sit in the house and discussed the distribution and division of labor of those industries under childe Zhang. At this time, paper mills were being built everywhere in the city. Isn\'t it obvious that I want to face the Gao family? Although Zhang had a confrontation with the Gao family because of her before.

However, this is the south of the Yangtze River and the territory of the Gao family. They must be cautious and take precautions. At the auction a few days ago, childe Zhang gradually expanded the contradictions of several families, which angered the Gao family and made the Gao family lose face. Now they have to compete with the Gao family for the white paper business. How can the Gao family give up and be sure to take action against childe Zhang.

This made him worried. Looking at Zhang Feng\'s relaxed appearance really made her feel very angry.

Zhang Feng sighed.

"Alas, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind is not enough. I haven\'t paid attention to a small Gao family, so I\'m waiting for him to do it!"

Yu\'er looked surprised and felt endless doubts in her heart.

Do you?

Childe Zhang has a plan?

Thinking of this, yu\'er asked in surprise, "why?"

Zhang Feng got up and took liangyu\'er and Jingshu into his arms and said with a smile.

"Why do you think I hold this auction?"

"Don\'t you understand the truth of fishing for big fish?"

Yu\'er was stunned and couldn\'t help thinking

Exclaimed, "do you mean..."

Jing Shu thought and said, "do you mean to introduce Gao family into your plan and control Gao family?"

Zhang Feng smiled without saying anything, and then stroked Jing Shu\'s hair with his hand.

Nodded and said, "it\'s worthy of being my Zhang Feng\'s woman. It\'s like a roundworm in my stomach. You know what you think!"

The two women immediately cast a contemptuous look at Zhang Feng and showed a disgusting look. Zhang Feng smiled helplessly.

You know, what Zhang Feng has to do is lead the Gao family into his own trap. When he first came to Jiangnan, he offended the Gao family for yu\'er. Since then, he married Liang Zi. Later, the Gao family lost face because of the auction. The Gao family must hate Zhang Feng and want to kill Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng was a sworn enemy of the five surnames and seven hopes, but now he offended the Gao family, Zhang Feng completely became their public enemy.

The Gao family is bound to retaliate against Zhang Feng, but Zhang Feng is waiting for them to take action. Once the Gao family takes action, it will hit Zhang Feng\'s heart. In this way, Zhang Feng can implement his own plan to eradicate the Gao family or control them in his own hands. In this way, the preliminary plan will be successfully completed. Next, there are those people with five surnames and seven hopes.

After a while, yu\'er suddenly opened up, nodded and looked at Zhang Feng.

"What are you going to do next?"

Zhang Feng leaned lazily on Jing Shu\'s shoulder and smelled the bursts of fragrance from Jing Shu. He couldn\'t help but fascinate people and said a faint sentence.

"Watch the change and wait for the opportunity. If his high family comes, I Zhang Feng will be waiting at any time!"

For a time, yu\'er\'s heart was like lightning. It turned out that childe Zhang had thought out the countermeasures early. No wonder he drank tea so leisurely and looked calm. But why didn\'t this bastard tell me earlier and let me worry about it for a long time. He really made people love and hate him, and there was no way to take him.

Thinking of this, people couldn\'t help being angry, so they broke away from Zhang Feng\'s arms and prepared to run away angrily.

Zhang Feng hurriedly got up and came forward to take yu\'er back to his arms, hehe said with a smile.

"Well, aunt, it\'s all my fault. Don\'t be angry!"

Just then, he quickly kissed yu\'er\'s face. Yu\'er\'s small face, which was still angry, turned red.

Zhang Feng looked at the two women with a smile and thought to himself.

The next step is to wait for the Gao family to enter their own trap, which leads to the five surnames and seven hopes. If you don\'t do it, then I Zhang Feng will take the initiative!

(PS: welcome to No. 2 fan group, goose: 796825810.)