Great Tang's Unparalleled National Teacher

Chapter 2242

"Hahaha, Fengzi, Fengzi, come out, I\'m coming!"

The next morning.

Yuchi Gong came to Zhang Feng\'s residence early.

Facing the door, Zhang Feng\'s door was suddenly patted.

Seeing this, Jia daoren hurried forward and blocked Yuchi Gong: "Sir, you\'re coming!"

Seeing this, Yuchi Gong smiled and said, "dare you, this boy is still sleeping?"

Jia daoren\'s face stiffened and hurriedly explained, "no, no, no, the master is taking a bath. You wait."

Early in the morning, bathing?

Isn\'t the boy sick?

Yuchi Gong knows that these goods can sleep in the sun and fart. The owner of the stock market, when is it now that he actually gets up?

Yuchi Gong became even more curious.

He asked, "go and tell him to get out. I\'m looking for him to drink!"

Jia daoren\'s head was as big as a fight.

If someone else.

If he dared to say so, he would have beaten him all over the ground looking for teeth, but even if he gave him a hundred courage, he didn\'t dare to fart!

Who is this?

The military God of the Tang Dynasty, the grand duke!

Thinking of this, Jia daoren quickly smiled: "Master Yu, wait a minute, I\'ll call the master now..."

"No, I..."

Yuchi Gong was just about to say that he would go and see if the boy would collapse. After all, who can stand the company of three beautiful women?

But after thinking about it, he still asked in a low voice, "Feng Zi is bathing alone?"

"Ah, yes."

Seeing Jia daoren\'s remark, Yuchi Gong\'s playful heart paused: "well, I went to see the boy, but he was drowned."

"I... I\'m sorry..."

Jia daoren was shocked at the speech, but he didn\'t dare offend either of the two masters. He had to hang behind Yuchi Gong in a hurry.

Yuchi Gong knew the house in Zhang Feng\'s house like the back of his hand. After a little inquiry, he came to the place where Zhang Feng bathed. He slapped his hands on the door panel. In an instant, the door panel made a creaking sound.

"Feng Zi, haven\'t you finished washing?"

Zhang Feng, who was taking a bath, was shocked by the tiger\'s body. He slipped into the pool and poured a lot of saliva. Zhang Feng, who was angry, pointed to the door and scolded, "I\'ll go to your uncle. What do you want to do early in the morning?"

"Hahaha, then I\'ll come in!"

While talking, Yuchi Gong slapped the door open

It\'s easy to say that the door bolt can also bear the full push of the Lord in a young age, but in Yuchi Gong\'s hand, it\'s like a closed one. As soon as he pushes it, the door suddenly falls down.

Looking at the house full of warm steam, Yuchi Gong was like seeing a wonderful baby.

"Oh, what are you doing?"

Zhang Feng, who poked his head out of the pool, was angry when he saw Yuchi Gong, pointing to Yuchi Gong and scolding.

"Your uncle\'s made me choke!"

Suddenly, Yuchi Gong burst into laughter when he saw Zhang Feng\'s embarrassment.


Zhang Feng gave Yuchi Gong a white look, shook his wet hair and said faintly.

”What do you know, this is a bathhouse! “

Yuchi Gong stared at Zhang Feng, his face full of doubts, and asked.

”What the hell? "Bathhouse?"

The boy always makes up something he doesn\'t understand. He hasn\'t heard of the bathhouse. He suddenly became curious.

He stood up and looked around the house, looking east and West. From time to time, he gave a burst of exclamation.


The bath hall is very large. Zhang Feng and Yuchi Gong are located in the main pool. There are steps to enter the water around. There is a hole to enter the water beside the pool. Outside, there is a small pool. A large pot for heating the pool is arranged around. It is heated from the small pool, then flows into the large pool in the house from the water inlet, and then there is a water outlet at the other end of the large pool, so as to maintain the water flow Liquidity.

Looking at the big pool in front of him, Yuchi Gong couldn\'t help taking a breath.


"Good boy, if you have such good things, you don\'t tell me!"

"I\'ll wash it with you!"


Zhang Feng exclaimed in the pool.

"Don\'t... don\'t come down, your uncle!"

Before I finished, I heard a puff!

There was a spray in the pool!

Weichi Gong jumped into the big pool, scared Zhang Feng hurriedly climbed out of the big pool, and make complaints about Weichi Gong\'s Tucao road.

”Your uncle\'s, psycho! "

Yuchi Gong is a martial artist who fights all year round. When marching, sometimes he can\'t take a bath for months or even a year, so he often has a stench on his body, which makes Zhang Feng dislike it very much. On weekdays, Zhang Feng likes to be clean and takes a shower almost every day. Yuchi Gong jumps into the pool. How can Zhang Feng bear it? He quickly climbed out of the pool.

Seeing Zhang Feng climbing out of the pool, Yuchi Gong scolded.

"You boy, don\'t you think I stink? Hide so far!"

How dare you dislike me?

Seeing that I didn\'t pull you down to wash with me, I rushed out of the pool and walked towards Zhang Feng.

Seeing Yuchi Gong coming to pull himself, he was so frightened that he ran away and scolded while running.

"Your uncle, what do you want to do?"

"Fuck me... Hey, hey, don\'t do it. Can\'t I come down yet?!"

"Grass, you go away."

However, Zhang Feng was caught on the spot and pulled down from the pool.

(PS: welcome to No. 2 fan group, goose: 796825810.)