Great Tang's Unparalleled National Teacher

Chapter 2240

But what can be done now? If it goes on like this, how can he stay in Jiangnan in the future!

Thinking of this, Gao Xuan\'s face suddenly couldn\'t hang. After all, the attraction of the white paper is really irresistible, but when Zhang Feng develops, his Gao family

What should I do?

How can a noble family be forced by those families?

This is not his style!

"Master, I have a plan!"

Gao Cheng stood up and said.


Gao Xuan was surprised.

The eyes suddenly became a little excited.

Gao Cheng has been following himself for many years. He has a good way of dealing with people, and he has a good hand in ghost ideas!

Gao Xuan looked at Gao Cheng with interest and said, "tell me!"

Gao Cheng smiled and came up to Gao Xuan and whispered, "Sir, we can dig people from Zhang Feng\'s paper mill!"


Gao Xuan looks at Gao Cheng suspiciously. She is puzzled

What\'s the plan, digging people? Does it work?

He said faintly, "tell me carefully, I\'ll listen!"

Gao Cheng turned his eyes and looked at Gao Xuan and said, "Sir, I have several villagers in the paper mill. I\'ll talk to them and draw them to us. Wouldn\'t it be better if we made white paper ourselves?"



Gao Xuan\'s eyes turned into copper coins.

He murmured, "yes, I didn\'t think of that!"

Not to mention anything else, if you dig people from that paper mill according to Gao Cheng, don\'t you master the papermaking technology of white paper?

If he sells it at a low price, Zhang Feng\'s paper mill will not be able to operate!

This is a good way. You know, with the influence of the Gao family in Jiangnan, if you sell white paper, your business will explode!

But at the same time, Gao Xuan is also worried about what to do if he can\'t dig it. Not only can he not get the white paper technology, but if he is known, how can he save his face!

Then he turned and looked at Gao Cheng suspiciously and said, "can this work?"

Gao Cheng smiled with a sinister face and said, "Sir, you don\'t know. Money can make ghosts grind. Besides, there are people who can\'t dig with my rich financial resources?"

Hearing the speech, Gao Xuan couldn\'t help smiling triumphantly on her face.

Indeed, in today\'s world, there are no things that money can\'t achieve. Who can compare with his noble family in terms of financial resources? As long as money is enough, there are still things that can\'t be done?

Then he patted Gao Cheng on the shoulder and laughed and said, "Gao Cheng! It seems that I saw you right. You have so many ghost ideas!"

Gao Cheng said with a flattering smile: "it\'s a small honor to give advice for the master!"

I secretly rejoice. The master of the Gao family usually treats him well, but sometimes the master\'s temper is unstable and unpredictable. I see the master smiling today.

Suddenly, he bared his teeth and said, "Sir, not only that, you can get not only the papermaking technology of white paper, but also the glass business."

Hearing the speech, Gao Xuan suddenly became interested. Unexpectedly, Gao Cheng surprised him far more than that. He even had a plan.

He smiled and said, "Gao Cheng, just say what you have. Don\'t hide and tuck. I can treat you well on weekdays!"

Gao Cheng immediately said, "Sir, it\'s a small life for you to say so. It\'s right for the small one to solve your doubts. The small one also has friends from his neighbors in the glass workshop on the other side. If you bring him over, sir, you can not only have the white paper-making technology, but also get the manufacturing method of the glass!"

Gao Xuan was surprised when she heard the speech.

Then he laughed. It was a great surprise. I have been pitying Liuli for a long time. If I can get this manufacturing method.

Tut tut

The value of this is not measurable!

You know, the transparent glass is owned by the royal family. If I also open a glass workshop

Thinking of this, Gao Xuan\'s eyes showed a touch of pure light.

Then Zhang Feng and those families are not enough to be afraid of his high family. From now on, his high family will be able to dominate the south of the Yangtze River!

Five surnames and seven hopes are nothing!

It\'s always a matter of face. If anything happens, who will help you? It\'s all for interests!

If I hold the white paper making technology and the glass manufacturing technology, who can stop me in the south of the Yangtze River!

Ha ha ha ha......

Gao Xuan looked at Gao Cheng and said with a happy smile: "Gao Cheng, you will take someone to solve this matter. I believe in your ability. If you do it well, I will be rewarded!"

Hearing the speech, Gao Cheng was happy. How honored it would be to be appreciated by the master!

He said immediately, "don\'t worry, sir. I\'ll do it properly. Just wait for the good news!"

Gao Xuan nodded with a smile and waved to Gao Cheng to do it well.

After Gao Cheng left, Gao Xuan looked at the flowers in the yard and was full of expectation.

Zhang Feng and the Wang family, together with the Wu family, Fan family and Gao family, are waiting to meet my anger!

I will let you know the consequences of offending Gao family!

(PS: welcome to No. 2 fan group, goose: 796825810.)