Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 646

Li forgot to worry and asked in surprise, "Mr. Wenji, what\'s wrong? Are you still going to default?"

Li Gang Shuxu said with a smile, "naturally we won\'t default, but we can\'t write this word casually. We must have a rule."

Yu Shinan, on the other side, immediately understood Li Gang\'s meaning, followed his palm and said with a smile: "yes, brother Wenji is right. Since Ziyou want me to write for you, you can\'t write in vain. Just now, today is Shangyuan Festival. Why don\'t Ziyou write poems about the above Yuan Festival. Make a poem and I\'ll write you a pair of words?"

Even Li Er applauded Yu Shinan\'s proposal: "Duke Yu\'s proposal is very good. Ha ha, Ziyou, if you want the calligraphy of the princes, you can exchange it for poetry."

Kong Yingda and Lu Kuan also applauded, shouting that if Li forgets to worry and doesn\'t write poetry, they won\'t write.

Li forgot to worry and rolled his eyes. Why are these great Confucians so chicken thieves? I lost the bet and wanted to earn some interest back.

But fortunately, he has goods in his belt. It doesn\'t matter. Just keep copying poems, not to mention five or fifty.

He took up a glass of wine, went to the window, looked at the lights below, pretended to be thinking hard, and began to recite after half a ring.

"On last year\'s new year\'s Eve, the flower market was as bright as day.

The willow shoots head on the moon, and the people make an appointment after dusk.

On the first night of this year, the moon and lights remain the same.

No one last year, tears wet the sleeves of spring shirts. "

Li Gang\'s eyes lit up when he heard the song "Sheng Cha Zi · New Year\'s Eve" copied by Li forget you from Ouyang Xiu. The old man in his eighties, with his arms and legs, reacted quite quickly. Before others reacted, he walked three or two steps to several cases and picked up his pen.

"Ha ha, a good poem. It\'s been a month since the willow shoots began. It\'s about dusk. This poem belongs to me. I\'ll write it."

Yu Shinan and others, who finished one step, couldn\'t help staring at Li forgetting worry angrily: "Ziyou, the next one is not as good as this one. Don\'t try to muddle through!"

Li Er was even more overbearing and asked directly: "Ziyou, I\'ll write the next song. You can think about it."

Li Qieyou almost collapsed. Does this meow need to be robbed?

Li Gang splashed ink and soon a song "Sheng chazi · New Year\'s Eve" appeared on the paper. The old man wrote down the promotion and used his own seal. Then he dried the ink and handed it to Li forgetful.

"Thank you, Mr. Wenji." Li forgot to put it away with worry and joy, and the first ink treasure was in hand.

Without hesitation, Li Er directly stood next to several cases and stared at Li forgetful, waiting for him to continue writing poetry.

Being stared at by Li Er, Li forgets worry. Naturally, he can only search his stomach and find the most popular Shangyuan verse to deal with Li Er.

After another pretentious meditation, Li forgot to worry and recited: "the east wind puts flowers and trees on the night, and the stars blow down like rain. BMW carved cars are fragrant all over the road. The sound of Phoenix and flute moves, the light of jade pot turns, and fish and Dragons dance all night.

Moths, snow willows and gold wisps, laugh and smell. People look for him thousands of times. Suddenly looking back, the man is in the place with dim lights. "

Xin Qiji\'s "jade case · New Year\'s Eve" is naturally one of the most widely read poems on the Shangyuan festival in future generations.

Li Er recited it silently and nodded his approval. He was very satisfied with his nephew\'s poetry. He immediately wrote the "jade case · New Year\'s Eve" on paper in his famous flying white style.

"Ha ha, today\'s Shangyuan Festival is really worth it. These two masterpieces should be brought to light! Come on, Ziyou, I\'ll give you a toast. In my opinion, no one in the world can beat you in this poem." Yu Shinan was so excited that he poured a glass of wine for Li forgetful you himself.

Li forgot to worry and thanked quickly, but dared not even say.

Kong Yingda also laughed heartily. "It\'s really happy today. I don\'t know how many little women in the world want to fall in love with these two poems. Ha ha, what a crowd is looking for him. Suddenly looking back, the man is in the place where the lights are dim. Wonderful, really wonderful! Come on, your majesty, gentlemen, win the drink!"

It\'s strange that Li forgets to worry. What\'s the matter? What do you mean by listening to Kong Yingda and Yu Shinan? You don\'t have to write poetry yourself?

In fact, it\'s not surprising that Yu Shinan and others think that this poem is not a woad in the field. Where can we engage in "wholesale"?

It was just a joke to ask him to write five Shangyuan Festival poems and only one person to write a pair of words for him. Now Li forgets worry and writes two excellent works in succession. What else can they ask for?

Li forgets his worries and gets excited after a few drinks. Originally, in later generations, under the compulsion of my grandfather, I recited so many poems, but I didn\'t feel much.

Now I have seen the flowers of the Shangyuan Festival, but I have a deeper understanding of those eternal famous poems. Stimulated by alcohol, Li forgot to worry about those wonderful poems in his mind, so he couldn\'t help but want to recite them.

Fortunately, Li forgot to worry and was not too complacent. He stifled his impulse to recite poetry.

Keep a low profile. You must keep a low profile.

It\'s OK to occupy the two famous works of Xin Qiji and Ouyang Xiu. I\'d better leave some room for future generations. Otherwise, what else will Su Shi, Li Shangyin, Li Qingzhao, Lu You and Wang Shouren write on Shangyuan festival in the future?

Seeing Yu Shinan, they don\'t mention writing poetry anymore. Li forgets to worry about it as soon as it\'s good. Holding Yu Shinan, Kong Yingda and Lu Kuan, they left him ink treasures respectively. Li forgetting worry is just a hand.

At this time, Li Er solemnly gave a gift to Li Gang: "Mr. Wenji, you also need to admit defeat. The prince Chengqian, please teach him."

Li Gang also shook his head reluctantly: "Hey, I\'m already 80 years old this year. I just want to enjoy my life and enjoy my son\'s grandchildren. Your majesty, why bother? Besides, now the crown prince has the son\'s worry to teach, so I don\'t need to worry."

Li Er is not willing to let him go. Li forget worry is naturally a good teacher, but as a parent, how can he dislike too many famous teachers who teach his children? This is also a common problem as parents.

"Mr. Wenji, I worry that although he is talented and unmatched in the world, he is young after all. The crown prince still needs a learned and respected scholar like Mr. to teach him how to be a man. Please don\'t refuse."

Li Er was so sincere that Li Gang naturally had nothing to say, so he could only nod down.

Li forgot his worries and laughed secretly. It should be said that Li Gang, a great Confucian in history, was really unlucky. Although he had enough knowledge and strong character, he was a "Prince killer" to the letter.

Even taught three princes, none of them came to a good end. It\'s just moldy to the bone.

But now it is different. Li forgets worry and believes that with his own teaching, Prince Li Chengqian will not be as miserable as in history, and Li Gang will not continue to be unlucky.

After Li Gang nodded and agreed, there was another excitement in the elegant room.

Yu Shinan, Kong Yingda and Lu Kuan raised their glasses one after another to congratulate their old friends on their return to the court. The wine didn\'t go away until the fifth hour.

Before leaving, Li Er didn\'t forget to call Li forgetful to his side, whispered, and went to watch the ball with him the next day.

Li forgot to worry, but he could only smile all over his face.

It seems that it\'s better to watch the ball with Li Er at the Jokhang ballpark than to sit in the box with their beautiful boss and Alfred.

But when the saint calls, where does he have the right to refuse?