Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 647

After separating from Li Er and empress Chang sun, Li forgets to worry about them and their beautiful boss, but they are not in a hurry to go home. They continue to travel at night in Chang\'an City and enjoy the rare Shangyuan Festival.

Even though it was already more than three o\'clock in the middle of the night, there were still many tourists in both the East and West cities and in the streets. Obviously, no one wants to waste the good time of lifting the curfew once a year and go back to bed.

On the broad Boulevard of rosefinch, under the huge lanterns made by the royal family, men and women singing and dancing tirelessly.

Ta Ge is a group dance. Dancers are in groups, hand in hand, stepping on the ground, singing and dancing. It is very lively. Stepping on the ground means stepping on the ground, which means beat.

Naturally, everyone can participate in this step song, just like later generations to travel to Tibet and jump Guozhuang. There is no need to have any skills, just put in enthusiasm.

Li forgets worry and sees the rise. He simply pulls the beauty boss, Aphrodite and Perrin, laughs and runs into the singing team, followed by jubilation.

This night, singing, dancing and laughing... It was not until the sky turned white, the morning drum in Chang\'an city sounded, and the happy feast of Shangyuan Festival finally came to an end.

This night, I don\'t know how many lovers and girls send their eyes when they step on the moon and watch the lights, and promise that marriage for the rest of their lives;

This night, Yi LUOQI, beautiful, shining pearls and emeralds, and applying perfume powder;

This night, the moon on the willow head, after dusk

It was not until dawn that Li, who was sore, hoarse and exhausted, led the reluctant people back to kaihuafang mansion to sleep.

After returning to the house at dawn, everyone went to wash and rest. Li forgetful also wanted to sneak into Su Changqing\'s room to kiss xiangze, but he was naturally rejected.

Although on New Year\'s Eve, they broke through the last layer of defense, rolled the sheets and did something shameful, after all, today is different from the past, and they still can only act secretly.

If in future generations, the "dog men and women" will live together and live a shameless little life.

But in Datang, if the two move together without name or division, it will spread. I don\'t know how much waves will be caused.

Besides, Li forgets worry. After all, he is still cutting off the decline and keeping filial piety. Even if he wants to marry a beautiful boss as his wife, he has to wait until Zhenguan four years. Before that, between him and his beautiful boss, he still had to avoid the eyes of everyone in the house.

Under such circumstances, how could su Changqing let Li forget his worries and touch her boudoir in this broad daylight.

In addition to Peilan\'s general guess of the truth, even the old housekeeper Li Heng is not clear about what happened between his husband and empress su.

Aphrodite was confused, but she didn\'t know that her sister Changqing had "eaten" her husband. But even if Alfred knew, she couldn\'t think of anything. After all, she had already seen that sister Changqing would be the mistress of the family in the future.

Aphrodite, a noble daughter of the Byzantine Empire, has long lost the idea of returning to her hometown in this life. Now her heart is all tied to Li forgetful.

In the afternoon, Li forgot his worries when he was sleeping in the dark and was carefully awakened by the old housekeeper Li Heng.

"Lang Jun, the little Duke of the Duke of Lu, they are coming."

Li Qieyou struggled to open his eyelids, shook his dizzy head for a long time, and asked, "they don\'t rest in the house. What are they doing in my house?"

"Little grandpa didn\'t say."

Last night, these dandies, needless to say, must have been having fun all night.

Originally, the dandies invited Li forget you to go with them, but Li forget you refused.

Are you kidding? What\'s the fun of going crazy with a group of old men instead of beautiful bosses on Valentine\'s day? Now he is not the single dog loser. Naturally, he doesn\'t want to spend such a beautiful day with the dandies.

Presumably, these dandies didn\'t know whether they spent the night in pingkang square or Hu people\'s wine shop last night.


Li got up, took the hot towel handed by the maid in the house, put it on his face, cleared his mind, and got up and changed clothes under the maid\'s service.

He hastily walked to the lobby and casually saluted a group of dandies: "brothers, why do you come to my house today instead of resting in the house?"

"Ha ha, Ziyou, you were so unkind last night that you didn\'t call your brothers. Do you know that you agitated the city of Chang\'an today." Fang Yiai smiled as soon as he saw Li forget you.

His endless words naturally made Li forget his worries. What and what are they? I took a night tour with the United States last night. Then I ran into Li Er and others. They drank and had fun in the Confucian restaurant. Then they went to Ta Ge until they returned to the house at dawn.

What caused all kinds of things and stirred Chang\'an City? Where did this come from?

"Dear brother, why can\'t I understand what you\'re talking about?"

Chumo claps Li\'s shoulder heavily: "Ziyou, you\'re still pretending! Did you write poetry again last night?"

"Ah? So what?" Li forgot to worry. It\'s not that he hasn\'t "copied" poems. After crossing the Tang Dynasty, he has copied at least dozens of poems. What\'s the fuss?

To his surprise, when the dandies heard him admit that he had indeed made a poem last night, they couldn\'t help but shine their eyes and rush up to surround him.

"Ziyou, my brothers treat you well on weekdays, don\'t they? Hey, hey, give some poems to my brothers."

"Brothers are not greedy. One song is good for one person."

Li forget worry is more confused, good, ask yourself what kind of poetry?

"Brothers, take your time. What are you going to do? I\'m really confused."

After the dandies explained, Li forgot to worry about the situation and felt speechless.

It turned out that the two poems about Shangyuan Festival written last night have begun to spread at a very fast speed in Chang\'an city.

Different from those poems and articles copied by Li forget you before, these two poems of Shangyuan Festival can be called a spiritual bomb for women. Especially the young women in the spring of Chang\'an city are going crazy after hearing these two poems.

After all, Li\'s poems copied before forgetting worry are beautiful, but they may not attract the resonance of women.

Whether it is "Xiake Xing" or "going out of the fortress", or other poems, they are more loved by literati. For the ladies, little ladies and prostitutes in Chang\'an City, although they like it, they may not love it to their bones.

The two Shangyuan Festival verses copied by Li forget you last night describe the scene of lovers\' love and continuous love words under the shadow of moonlight willows. They are hazy, quiet, graceful and soft. They are almost dying.

To make an inappropriate analogy, Li forgets worry. In the eyes of those little women in Chang\'an City, he is just a first-line star. After the two Shangyuan Festival poems spread last night, Huxian Bo Lizi was worried and immediately promoted from the front line to the level of superstar "xiupo tearing big".

In short, Li forgot to worry about the fire