Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 645

Seeing a group of big men so excited, Li forgets worry. Naturally, he can only shrug his shoulders and continue to write questions.

"Uncle, gentlemen, question 5, iron and copper will rust in the open air. What about gold?"

At this time, the people had become very cautious. Lu Kuan asked, "will the gold rust?"

"Probably not? Have you ever heard of gold rusting?"

Li Er smiled and said, "I know about this. There are gold objects in the palace, which often need to be polished by craftsmen. I was curious and learned that gold also rusts, so it needs to be polished often."

Yu Shinan clapped his hands and said, "it\'s true. I know that gold will rust."

Li Gang was ready to answer, but he bowed his head and thought for a while. He always felt that Li forgot to worry about the problem and would not be so simple.

But when I think about it, I don\'t have a clue. I can only answer: "Ziyou, this gold will rust."

"This question can\'t be wrong."

Li forgot to worry, but shook his head again: "no, No."

"What\'s wrong with this? Just tell me. Won\'t gold rust?"

Li forgot to worry and smiled very chicken Thief: "uncle, gentlemen, I didn\'t ask you whether gold will rust. The correct answer is that iron and copper will rust outside the house, and gold... Will be stolen."


"What... Ziyou asked whether it was rusty or not?"

"Hey, I\'m fooled by Ziyou again. What iron will rust in front of me is clearly a cover up. I deliberately mislead us to think about whether gold will rust. Ha ha, isn\'t it? Gold will be stolen if it is put outside the house."

Everyone was annoyed for a while. They were fooled by Li Ziyou again. They were annoyed and angry!

Every time I hear the answer, I feel very simple, but I didn\'t expect it when I waited for someone. This feeling is really oppressive. People thought these questions were very simple, but they still didn\'t answer the next question correctly.

"Ziyou, go on, I don\'t believe you answered wrong today!"

At this time, Li Er, Li Gang, Yu Shinan and others don\'t care about winning or losing. What\'s important is that they must answer one question correctly to save their face.

Otherwise, none of the ten questions can be typed out, which is really too damaging to everyone\'s face.

"Question 6, what doesn\'t get wet when it falls into the water?"

"The seventh question, ask, there is something that you can hold with your left hand, but you can\'t hold with your right hand. What is it?"

"Question 8, what do you use scissors to cut, but the bigger you cut?"

"Question 9, ask..."

"Question 10..."

All the people present did not answer one of the ten riddles. Li Gang, Li Er and others looked at each other. His Majesty the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, together with several of the top scholars of the Tang Dynasty, was really hit too hard by the strange problems of Li forget worry.

Kong Yingda was flushed. He suddenly got up next to several cases in the elegant room, wrote the ten questions and answers that Li forgot to worry about just now, and then called the shopkeeper of the restaurant.

"Go and remove all the riddles outside. Replace them with these ten questions. If you answer the questions correctly, please come in again."

The shopkeeper didn\'t know why. After looking down at the riddles and answers on the paper, his expression became very wonderful.

"Promise." the shopkeeper didn\'t dare to ask more. He ordered the doctors in the store according to Kong Yingda\'s instructions.

Li Gang, Yu Shinan and Lu Kuan pointed to Kong Yingda and laughed, "ha ha, Chong Yuan, are you no longer going to entertain guests today? Originally, some people can answer those lantern riddles. I really don\'t believe anyone can answer these ten questions correctly."

"Hum, it\'s none of my business. I didn\'t bring up the problem." Kong Yingda looked up depressed and poured down a glass of wine. Today, he was really hurt by the ten damn problems.

Since you are unhappy, let those Confucian scholars who travel at night feel uncomfortable. If you want to enjoy free wine in the restaurant tonight, guess the damn problem.

I have to say that Kong Yingda tortured the scholars in Chang\'an city because of the ten questions he threw out because he was unhappy.

On the third day of Shangyuan Festival, the restaurant of the Kong family has hardly received another guest since hanging up these ten questions.

The more no one can answer these ten questions correctly, the more it arouses the competitive heart of countless scholars in Chang\'an city. During the whole Shangyuan Festival, in front of the Kongs\' restaurant, there were many admiring scholars who wanted to guess the answer to the question.

For a time, whether we can answer the riddle of the restaurant and get the qualification to enjoy good wine for free has become a secret competition among Confucian scholars and scholars in Chang\'an city.

Others can\'t answer it. If you can answer it correctly, it\'s a very obvious thing.

But even the great Confucians such as Li Gang, Yu Shinan and Kong Yingda are helpless to deal with the brain turning of later generations, not to mention these Confucian scholars?

After trying all kinds of answers again, but they were declared wrong by the restaurant, these Confucian scholars quit and surrounded the door of the restaurant to ask for advice.

In their view, it is clear that the restaurant is deliberately making trouble for them.

In this regard, after asking Kong Yingda for instructions, the shopkeeper of the restaurant came forward to appease the people and made it clear that the answers to the ten lantern riddles would be posted after the Shangyuan Festival. If the people were dissatisfied again at that time, their restaurant would be responsible to the end.

Seeing that the restaurant manager was so determined, he temporarily suppressed the anger in the hearts of those Confucian scholars.

These ten questions have become a nightmare for scholars in Chang\'an city.

Even the court officials are interested in the ten lantern riddles in Kong\'s restaurant. However, all officials have a good face. They are afraid that they will lose face if they answer wrong. They just secretly send their servants to the restaurant with the answers they come up with, but they all fail.

Until after the Shangyuan Festival, as soon as these ten questions were published, everyone was dumbfounded... What\'s the answer of TEMAO? So simple?

Kong Yingda is even more immoral. When announcing the answers, he specially explained that these ten lantern riddles were all caused by Bo Li\'s worry in Huxian county.

The news immediately made the scholars in Chang\'an boiling.

Being tortured by the lantern riddle, Confucian scholars, while admiring Li, could not help but gnash their teeth at Li\'s forgetfulness. How did the famous Huxian uncle in Chang\'an figure out such a bastard problem?

Even better, he simply called Li forgetful "Baize County Bo".

Baize is an ancient divine beast, known as knowing astronomy and geography at the top and trivial at the bottom; Know the future by going.

Giving Li forgetful sorrow such a nickname is not only praising Li forgetful sorrow\'s knowledge, but also complaining. It is also secretly scolding him that he is not a human and comparing him to a divine beast.

The nickname was in everyone\'s mind. It didn\'t take much time. In private in Chang\'an City, Li forgot to worry as "Baize County uncle".

Li forgot to worry that after this, he also couldn\'t laugh bitterly. However, he is not angry. Baize is Baize. At least it is also a divine beast. Moreover, Baize has a high status and is a symbol of good luck.

"Baize County uncle" sounds much better than "Huxian uncle"

These are later words. At this time, in the elegant room of the kong restaurant, Li forgot his worries and looked proudly at Li Er and several big men: "uncle, gentlemen, now I\'ve won. Gentlemen are willing to admit defeat, please leave me ink treasures."

He pointed to several cases, and the elegant room was naturally equipped with good pen and ink.

Li Gang shook his head: "wrong, wrong..."