Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 644

Li forgets to worry: "the first question, ask, there is a word, everyone will recognize a mistake and type a word when they see it?"

In the elegant room, Li Er and Li Gang all bowed their heads and thought, what word will everyone recognize wrong? I think it should be a very rare fake word.

Li Gang frowned and thought, "but * female character?" this word is read in "the woman is still in the habit of killing a woman", many readers will read it wrong.

Li Qieyou naturally smiled and shook his head: "no!"

Kong Yingda said while writing in the air, "brother Wenji, there are many fake words, but it can\'t be said that everyone will recognize mistakes. I think it should be the word \'food\', which means something wrong. Ziyou, am I right?"

Li forgot to worry or shook his head: "no, no!"

Li Er, Yu Shinan and Lu Kuan also frowned and thought for a while, but they didn\'t come up with an answer.

"Ziyou, this is not right, that is not right. What is the word? If we don\'t agree with the answer, we can\'t count." Li Gang stopped guessing and simply asked Li forget you for the answer.

Li forgot to worry and said, "Hey, Mr. Wenji, the answer is the word \'wrong\'. Look, does everyone admit it?"

His words immediately made people dumbfounded.

Nani? Is this a mistake?

"Admit your mistake... Ziyou, how is this recognition?"

"Sure enough, everyone admits their mistakes. Ziyou are really unexpected."

"I didn\'t expect such a simple answer."

Li Gang patted his head: "it\'s this text trap. I blame you, I blame you. I didn\'t expect Ziyou to play such a trick for a while. I\'ve lost this question. Ziyou, you can give me another question!"

Li forgot to worry and smiled to himself. What he had just thought of was the sharp turn of the brain classics of later generations. This way of answering questions that needed to leave the original habit of thinking and think about problems in other ways was not seen by the Tang people.

Sharp turn, naturally speaking, requires a turn of the brain to answer questions.

But this turn is not easy. In fact, this is also the fun of brain sharp turn. When you hear the answer, you will suddenly realize it, and then worry about why you can\'t think of such a simple answer.

He dared to bet with Li Gang and them, but naturally he was convinced that they could not guess the answer.

Li forgot to worry and said, "OK, the second question is, which month has 28 days in a year."

In the elegant room, everyone was very cautious.

After thinking for a while, Li Gang replied, "February, February only has 28 days."

Kong Yingda stopped him: "wait, brother Wenji, no, ha ha, I know. The boy dug a hole for me again. February in leap year is 29 days. The answer should be February in normal year, 28 days!"

Li Er and others immediately clapped their hands and shouted: "ha ha, as expected, Kong Gong is wise, otherwise he will be cheated by this boy again."

Li forgot his worries, but he didn\'t see any depression. He just shook his head: "no, no, you are wrong again."

Kong Yingda was worried: "how can you make a mistake? There are 29 days in February in leap year and 28 days in normal year. What\'s wrong?"

Li forgot to worry and shrugged his shoulders: "Kong Gong, there are 28 days every month."


"This... This is really, if there are 28 days a month!"

"I was cheated by this boy again! It was 28 days!"

"The answer is so simple. Why didn\'t we think of it?"

Li Gang also sighed with a sigh, but brought back some confidence on his face: "Ziyou, I lost this question. You continue to write the question. I already know it in my heart and will never be fooled by you again."

Li Er and others also nodded again and again. They felt that the problem Li forgot to worry about was not difficult, but it was unexpected for a moment.

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile that the routine of sharp turns in the brain is not so simple.

He coughed and said, "the third question is, what can Mr. Wen Ji do, I can do, and all the public can do; one can do, but two people can\'t do it together. What\'s this?"

In the elegant room, people began to think hard again. They always felt that they were going to catch something, but when they thought about it, it was wrong.

"I know." Yu Shinan suddenly said, "it\'s indecent to be courteous. Naturally, we can\'t do it together."

The other people\'s eyes lit up and thought that although the answer was indecent, it was the truth.

Li Gang laughed and stroked his hands: "ha ha, the question of Ziyou is really indecent, but I should be right?"

"You must be right, Ziyou. You have to admit defeat." Li Er also smiled.

Li forgot to worry but still shook his head: "no, no, No."

"How is this possible? Is that a bath?"

"Ziyou, didn\'t you do it on purpose? What\'s wrong with this answer?"

Li forgot to worry and said, "hey hey, boy, you don\'t dare to deceive your uncle and princes. If you don\'t believe it, I\'ll tell you the answer later and see if it\'s right."

People can only think again. Now they can see that the problems li forgets to worry about are unexpected, and they need to think differently.

But where is the habit of thinking so easy to change?

After thinking about it, everyone had no clue and had to admit defeat. Anyway, it\'s only the third question. There are seven more questions. There\'s no need to worry.

"Ziyou, just tell me the answer. I admit defeat. I can\'t guess the answer to this question."

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "Mr. Wenji, uncle and gentlemen, it\'s a dream. Naturally, everyone can do it, but we can\'t do it together."

Yu Shinan is taking up his wine glass to drink. When he hears the answer, he can\'t help but puff it out. Lu Kuang beside him can\'t avoid it and is sprayed with wine stains by Yu Shinan.

Lu Kuan couldn\'t laugh or cry. He looked at Yu Shinan and said, "brother Boshi, how much do you think of me?"

"I\'m sorry, I really couldn\'t hold back for a while. It\'s Ziyou\'s answer that makes me more tolerant for a while." Yu Shinan quickly helped his old friend wipe off the wine stains, laughing and explaining.

Li Gang was even more annoyed and kept patting his head: "Hey, why didn\'t I think of dreaming? Ha ha, isn\'t it just a dream?"

Li Er was also very upset. He didn\'t expect such a simple answer.

"Ziyou, go on, I don\'t believe you can\'t guess the answer!" said Li Gang.

Kong Yingda was also holding Li forgetful worry, waiting for him to write a question. The crowd forgot that Li forgot what they had agreed with them before, but Li Gang answered the question alone. Now Li Er is working with the crowd to compete with Li forget.

Li forgot his worries and shrugged his shoulders.

"The fourth question, what is in the middle of Chang\'an City?"

"It\'s rosefinch street."

"No, it won\'t be so simple with this boy\'s trap. I know. There are people in Chang\'an city!"

"Feiye, feiye, uncle, princes, in the middle of Chang\'an City, it is naturally an."

"Ah!... it\'s the middle of the three words Chang\'an City?"

"Is that ok?"

"Ha ha, this question should be made clear. I\'m worried about you. It\'s too bad!"

In the elegant room, the people fell down again, but then they couldn\'t help applauding.

"Ziyou, go on, I don\'t believe a question is wrong!" Li Gang looked up and drank a glass of wine, laughing.

This feeling of racking your brains and putting the final answer in front of you is really torture