Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 641

For Li, these riddles are not difficult.

Most of the lantern riddles in the Tang Dynasty were charades, which actually had rules to follow. At least, compared with the brain twists of later generations, lantern riddles are much simpler for those who have studied them.

Later generations even summed up 20 rules for the methods of guessing lantern riddles, such as positive deduction method, reverse deduction method, increasing word method, damaging word method and so on.

Li Qieyou walked to the next lantern and looked up. The riddle hanging under the lantern was "flying swallow flying in the air, beating a figure of the Qin Dynasty."

After a little thought, he immediately pulled down the mystery, but he was not in a hurry to find the doctor for verification, but continued to wander around among the lanterns and guess the mystery. For all the lantern riddles that had guessed the answer, he gently pulled the riddle off the lantern and held it in his hand. He was ready to go to the restaurant doctor to answer the answer later.

However, his behavior is very strange in the eyes of others.

The scholars who spoke before, seeing that Li forgot to worry was like playing, took down the lantern riddles almost without thinking, and became more and more dissatisfied.

Someone couldn\'t help but say, "this little man, don\'t take away the lantern riddle like this without guessing the answer. How can I guess the riddle like this?"

"Yes, if everyone is like you, whether you guess correctly or not, tear up the riddle like this, how can others guess?"

"Didn\'t you live up to the kindness of the owner of the restaurant by fooling around like this?"

Facing the accusations of several Confucian scholars, Li forgot his worries and was stunned. Guess your own lantern riddles. How about these bullshit? Has the sense of justice burst to this extent? Why don\'t you save the earth?

When he looked around and saw many beautiful young women around him smiling and pointing at them, he immediately understood.

Emotional goods are sperm on the brain. It\'s like when a male peacock wants to open the screen in front of a female peacock during estrus. He needs to show his "feathers" for love.

Unfortunately, I became the prop of these "male peacocks" trying to show my feathers

Li forgot to worry and smiled happily. "How do you know I\'m fooling around? Why can\'t I have guessed the answers to these lantern riddles?"

His words made the Confucian scholars sneer: "are you kidding? Can you guess these lantern riddles? As far as I know, these lantern riddles are the owner of the restaurant. I asked the great scholars of the world to write them for fun on the Shangyuan Festival today. Don\'t you live up to the owner\'s wishes by breaking the rules?"

"That\'s right. You look like a young man dressed up as a scholar. How can you be so humiliating? You\'re also traveling with your wife. Don\'t be so reckless and lose the face of a scholar in the Tang Dynasty."

"Hum, no learning, no skill! Do you think this lantern riddle is a beginner\'s game to play?"

These people saw that many people around them looked at them and spoke more and more loudly, which meant defending the integrity of scholars in the Tang Dynasty.

Li Er, empress Chang sun, imperial concubine Yang and their beautiful boss naturally noticed the movement here. However, after listening to the words of the Confucian scholars, they all smiled and looked ready to see a good play.

Even Niu Yong and Niu Wu, who wanted to come and scold these Confucian scholars who didn\'t know their dignity, were stopped by Li Er with his eyes.

There are Confucian scholars who dare to scold Li for forgetting worry and being ignorant. In Li Er\'s opinion, it\'s really interesting.

Now, Li forgets his worries and has a better reputation among scholars in Chang\'an city. Not to mention the poems sung by prostitutes in pingkangfang, the articles in the humble room inscription are enough to make them immortal.

If it hadn\'t been for Li\'s young age and not yet reached the top, I\'m afraid he would have been respected as a great scholar in the literary world.

Even so, now there are often scholars in Chang\'an City who rush to Li\'s house in Dingzhou village, Hu County and want to put in their own poems and articles. Please let Li forget to give some advice.

For these "fans" who came to the door, Li forgot to worry and ignored them.

Are you kidding? He just copied some poems and articles. It\'s OK to pretend to be forced, but it\'s just self humiliating to give advice.

Although Li Qieyou was forced to learn ancient poetry by his grandfather since he was a child, I\'m afraid that the readers of Datang, who had been immersed in essays, poems, strategies, laws, sutras and ink righteousness since childhood, could kill him at will.

How could Li forget to worry and humiliate himself by pointing out some poems and articles? Isn\'t that self exposure?

Many people have been rejected. Now it is said in Chang\'an that Huxian Uncle Li is worried, inhumane and quite arrogant... For this, Li forget you can only smile and shake his head. Is this the sequelae of being a scribe?

In short, the Manchu civil and military, including Li Er, sincerely admire Li\'s talent and learning. Even these aristocratic families with five surnames and seven hopes have to admit this by pinching their noses.

So in the Tai Chi Palace today, Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou couldn\'t wait to show the couplet when they heard that Li forget you said it, and hit this son by the way. But I didn\'t expect that even the alley of game words such as couplets was beaten by Li forgetful worry, which was very embarrassing.

Li Qieyou naturally did not disappoint Li Er. After hearing the words of the Confucian scholars, he directly raised the thick pile of lantern riddles in his hand: "ha ha, since you all think that someone is fooling around, let\'s see if someone is right."

He then went to the doctor at the door of the restaurant, picked up a lantern riddle in his hand and handed it to him: "excuse me, I want to guess the lantern riddle. The riddle is to wake up naturally at unitary hour and type a word. It is very simple. The combination of" star "and" unitary "is the word" wake up ", so the answer is naturally the word" Star ". I wonder if it is correct?"

The doctor took over the lantern riddle and inquired about it in the book in his hand. Then he smiled and nodded: "yes, Congratulations, Mr. Lang, you\'re right."

Seeing that Li forgot to worry, he really guessed right. Those Confucian scholars couldn\'t help looking a little ugly.

One of them snorted coldly, "hum, maybe he guessed right by chance. I don\'t believe it. He took so many riddles and guessed the answers."

"That\'s it. The blind cat met a dead mouse, but I guessed a lantern riddle correctly. We didn\'t guess it. Just now we guessed two lantern riddles. It\'s nothing rare."

There are four or five Confucian scholars in this group. They only guessed two lantern riddles, which is not enough, so they have been guessing lantern riddles outside the restaurant.

The doctor handed Li forgetful a small wooden card as a voucher for answering the riddle correctly.

Li forgot to worry and waved his hand: "don\'t worry. I\'ll calculate together later. I still have a lot of riddles to guess."

He picked up another lantern riddle: "paint white, but black. Type a word. Paint white on the word \'seven\', and it becomes the word \'soap\'. Soap is black, so the answer to this riddle is\' seven \'. Doctor, is it correct?"

"Congratulations, Mr. Lang, you\'ve been hit again."

The doctor\'s words made the faces of the Confucian scholars suddenly ugly. They looked at each other for a few eyes, and their hearts were full of surprise and uncertainty. Did the young man really guess the thick stack of lantern riddles in his hand?