Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 640

For Chang\'an City, which has a curfew on 365 days and 362 days a year, the three days of Shangyuan Festival are precious. Therefore, Chang\'an city is also the hottest and wildest.

Under the escort of the central part of the mansion, Li forgot to worry and his party went towards the east city with the crowd.

When the curfew was lifted on the Shangyuan Festival, naturally, those merchants would not miss such a good opportunity to make money. The East and West markets were also open all night for three days.

No matter which dynasty, the commercial center is naturally the most attractive, and the East and West cities have naturally become the most lively place in Chang\'an City on the Shangyuan Festival.

Even if Li forgets worry and her beautiful boss come from later generations, they have never experienced such excitement. Along the way, Su Changqing seemed to have become a girl like Peilan. She kept pointing to all kinds of snacks sold by roadside vendors and spoiled Li forgetting to buy them.

Speaking of it, there are many snacks sold in Tang Dynasty, including all kinds of steaming cakes, dumplings, cooked water drinks, meat porridge, silk cage, fried cakes, sugar gourd, sugar man

But whether it\'s a beautiful boss, Aphrodite or Perrin, they all have big eyes and small stomachs. He instructed Li to run around and buy all kinds of snacks, but they just tasted it. Finally, these foods were cheap, Niu Wu and a series of episodes.

Because there were so many people traveling at night, even in winter, Li forgot to worry and squeezed sweat out of the crowd.

Niu Wu originally saw that his husband was working hard and wanted to do it for him, but Li forgot to worry and flatly refused. It\'s fun to squeeze around in the crowd and help girls buy things on such festivals.

If any boy in the future could have the opportunity to go on the street with girls like her boss, Aphrodite and Perrin, would he be willing to break his leg?

Looking at the mature and attractive Su Changqing like a peach, the sexy and charming Aphrodite and the green and shy Perrin, Li forgets worry, but he can\'t help thinking of the cartoon cat\'s eye three sisters he has seen in later generations.

As many post-90s, the bad enlightenment animation, but many people\'s childhood memories. The sexy and explosive figure of the three sisters is the ultimate temptation in many boys\' dreams.

I don\'t know if I saved the universe in my last life... When I think of this, the corners of Li forgetful\'s mouth can\'t help turning up.

Thief, God, treat him well!

Play, swim, laugh, make noise... In the middle of the night, the crowd on the street still doesn\'t decrease.

At this time, Li forgets worry and finally feels that his legs are not his own. Looking at the three women who are still in good spirits, Li forgets worry. Sure enough, men can never compare with women in shopping.

He pointed to a restaurant not far away and begged, "three aunts and grandmothers, let\'s have a rest. We really can\'t walk. There\'s a restaurant over there. Let\'s have a snack, drink some wine and have a rest."

The beauty boss naturally smiled and nodded, and everyone went to the restaurant.

On the night of Shangyuan Festival, these restaurants in the city are also open all night.

However, when they came to the restaurant, they found that there were many people dressed like scholars and scholars in front of the restaurant, and many young women with servant girls didn\'t go in. They just walked around the restaurant door, as if watching the lanterns hanging in front of the door.

Li Qieyou looks so strange. What are these people doing? Why don\'t you go in for dinner and drink and wander around the restaurant door? There are many lanterns in front of the restaurant. There are hundreds of lanterns, but they are very common. What\'s good?

He was too lazy to think about it. He led the family to the door of the restaurant. He was about to enter, but he was stopped by the doctor, the shop assistant.

"Mr. Lang, I\'m really sorry. Japanese restaurants can\'t enter at will today. They have to meet the conditions."

Li forgot to worry and was stunned. Are there conditions for eating and drinking?

The doctor pointed to the hundreds of lanterns hanging in front of the restaurant: "Mr. Lang, today\'s Shangyuan Festival, my owner ordered that anyone who guesses the lantern riddle can enter the restaurant. All consumption should be entertained by our owner. There are many people in your house. To enter the restaurant, everyone has to guess a lantern riddle."

Reminded by him, Li forgot to worry and other talents noticed that there was a red note under each of the lanterns hanging outside the restaurant. I think it was the riddle with the lantern riddle written on it.

No wonder so many people gathered in front of the restaurant, but they didn\'t go in. I see.

The owner of the restaurant is also a wonderful person. The only requirement for a free banquet today is to guess the lantern riddle. It\'s interesting.

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "ha ha, in that case, it\'s just to guess the lantern riddle. Why is it difficult?"

He spoke louder, but several Confucian scholars around him were dissatisfied: "hum, this little Lang Junxiu wants to talk big. Today\'s lantern riddles are very difficult. Don\'t you see that we are all thinking hard here? There are so many people in your house. It\'s better to change another restaurant."

During today\'s trip, in addition to Li forgetful worry and her beautiful boss, Alfred and Peilan, there are also two brothers Niu Yong and Niu Wu, as well as four other episodes in the house to follow the escort, a total of 10 people.

According to the requirements of the restaurant, you need to guess ten riddles before you can enter.

Obviously, these riddles are not simple, otherwise there would not be so many people at the door of the restaurant.

Li forgot to worry about the doubts of the Confucian scholars, but just smiled.

Is it difficult to guess lantern riddles?

It may not be easy for the people of the Tang Dynasty. After all, there are no books like the complete book of lantern riddles in the Tang Dynasty, and no one has specially summarized how to guess lantern riddles. However, it may not be very difficult for Li Qieyou, who has been reading a thick book of lantern riddles since childhood.

Li Qieyou led rouyi, the beauty\'s boss, strolled under the lantern and looked around.

"After chatting at five o\'clock and typing a word on the pillow side," Li forgot to worry about it. He pointed to the lantern and smiled at Su Changqing, "take it off quickly. I guessed it."

The beauty boss naturally smiled and nodded, reaching out to get the note hanging under the lantern, but suddenly stretched out an arm from the side, grabbed in front of the beauty boss and dragged away the lantern riddle.

Li forgot to worry. He was so angry that he turned his head and stared to see who was so arrogant, but he was stunned.

"Uncle, two aunts, why are you here?"

It was no one else who reached for the puzzle, but the smiling empress Chang sun. Beside her stood Li Er and Yang Fei, all dressed in casual clothes, obviously traveling in micro clothes.

Li forgets to worry. Behind Li Er, there are dozens of palace guards in civilian clothes, who are mixed in the crowd to protect them secretly. He has seen several people, and they look familiar.

The beauty boss hurriedly pulled Aphrodite and Perrin to meet Li Er and others.

Li Er smiled and waved his hand: "there\'s no need to be polite. Today\'s festival, your two uncles and I also come to join in the fun."

Empress Chang sun smiled and raised the lantern riddle in her hand: "Chang Qing, give this lantern riddle to your aunt. Won\'t you have a problem?"

The beauty boss naturally knew that this was the empress changsun joking with herself. She covered her mouth and said with a smile: "I naturally have no problem, but I have to ask for the answer to the mystery. I don\'t know."

Empress Chang sun turned to Li forgetful and waited for him to say the answer.

Li Qieyou smiled and touched his nose. What else could he say? Naturally, he replied with a smile: "aunt, \'pillow side\' can be understood as one side of the word" pillow ", taking \'Xi\'. \'five watch\' is Mao time, taking \'Mao\'. And \'chatting over five watch\' is interpreted as\' chatting \'. After\' five Mao \', the rest is\' ear\'. Therefore, the answer to the mystery is the word \'delay\'."

Empress Chang sun nodded with satisfaction, smiled and went to the doctor with the answer. As expected, she returned a small wooden card. This is the certificate to enter the restaurant today.

Li Er was not in a hurry. He walked around looking for lantern riddles and wanted to solve them by himself.

Li forgets his worries and doesn\'t bother him. He also looks for lantern riddles. Now more people want to enter the restaurant. He has to guess more