Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 642

As the saying goes, nine times out of ten life is unhappy.

Several Confucian scholars at the door of the restaurant feel like this now. Originally, I wanted to make use of the topic to show my "feathers" in front of several little women I had never met, but I didn\'t expect that I was afraid of others.

Who could have imagined that the young man in front of him was so terrible. He took out the lantern riddles one by one, and the answers were told one by one. Unexpectedly, one was right.

These Confucian scholars are frightened, angry and ashamed. Their feelings are so old that they live in the belly of a dog? In their view, these extremely difficult lantern riddles are as easy and simple as children\'s play for the young man.

But I pity them. After a long time of thinking, I just guessed two riddles. Compared with the two, they were literally hanged and beaten.

Those Confucian scholars did not dare to speak any more. They knew that they and others were planted today. Several people looked at each other, secretly retreated, squeezed into the night parade crowd and disappeared.

Li forgets to worry about the corner of his eye. I just glanced at the Confucian scholars and didn\'t bother to say more. With his current status, he naturally won\'t care more about these people.

This move just now is just because these people talk too hard, so I\'ll teach them a lesson.

Li forgot to worry about holding more than a dozen lantern riddles in his hands, and reported all the answers in one breath, which also frightened the doctor of the restaurant.

Today, after hanging these lantern riddles in my master\'s house, I don\'t know how many literati have come to try. There are only dozens of people who can guess the lantern riddles correctly, enter the restaurant and enjoy free food and wine. Like Li forget worry, it is the first person to treat these riddles as children\'s games.

According to the regulations set by the owner of the restaurant, Li forget worry can bring more than a dozen people into the restaurant. No one had thought about this before. The doctor didn\'t dare to make his own decisions.

Secretly wiped the sweat seeping from his forehead. The doctor quickly accused Li forgetful of his crime and trotted into the wine shop to find the shopkeeper to deal with it.

Not long after, the shopkeeper of the restaurant who was informed by the doctor hurried to the restaurant, politely welcomed Li forget you, Li Er and others into the restaurant, and carefully invited them to the elegant room on the third floor.

The elegant room on the third floor of the restaurant has a good view. When you open the window facing the street, you will see the shining Chang\'an City, which is very lively.

Empress Chang sun, concubine Yang and her beautiful boss, Aphrodite and Perrin were very satisfied with this. They also asked the doctor to bring drinks and pick up their specialty dishes.

At this time, the shopkeeper gently knocked on the door of the elegant room and said carefully, "Mr. Lang, my master wants to ask Mr. Lang to talk about it. I don\'t know if Mr. Lang is willing?"

Li is a little interested in the owner of this restaurant. The owner who can guess the riddle and have a free meal is also a wonderful person and worth knowing.

Unexpectedly, Li Er was also interested, so he got up and went out of the elegant room with him to meet the owner of the restaurant.

The shopkeeper respectfully welcomed the two people into another elegant room on the third floor and pushed the door open. Before Li forget you saw the scene in the elegant room, he heard a burst of laughter from the elegant room: "ha ha, I know that it is you who can guess so many lantern riddles in one breath."

Li forgot to worry and looked up, but he was not happy. His feelings were acquaintances.

It was Kong Yingda, the eunuch\'s wine offering ceremony, who laughed just now, and there were several people beside him. They were Shang Shulu Kuan of the Ministry of rites, Li Lianyou\'s friends, Yu Shinan, who was also a teacher and a friend, and an old man Li Lianyou didn\'t know.

Kong Yingda teased Li forgetful worry, then noticed Li Er behind him and bowed to salute.

Li Er smiled and said, "Why are you so polite? Ha ha, I just ran into Ziyou downstairs, but I didn\'t think you were also in this restaurant."

In fact, they met from Taiji palace a few hours ago. Unexpectedly, they met again when they went out for a night tour of Chang\'an city.

Kong Yingda said with a smile, "I\'m ashamed to say that this restaurant is the property of the official family. Therefore, I asked Duke Yu to enjoy the lights here today."

Li forgot to worry. It turned out that Kong Yingda was the owner of the restaurant. No wonder today he will come up with an elegant thing of guessing lantern riddles and eating in for free.

As the 31st grandson of Confucius, Kong Yingda has many industries in the natural mansion. This restaurant is only one of them.

Li Er was surprised to see the old man whom Li forgot to worry about and saluted the old man respectfully: "Mr. Wen Ji, you have finally returned to Chang\'an. Mr. Shimin and others have been waiting so hard. If you didn\'t meet Mr. Wen Ji by chance today, I\'m afraid you wouldn\'t see Shimin? Mr. Wen is still blaming Shimin?"

Li Er\'s words made Li forget his worries and was shocked. He didn\'t know who the thin old man was. He could make Li Er talk to him like a disciple.

"Your Majesty is very serious. Hehe, I\'m old, frail and sick now. I can\'t be your majesty. I\'m going back to Chang\'an to visit some old friends this time. As for going out of office, please don\'t mention it again. I\'m two out of eighty this year. It\'s really useless." the old man shook his head and smiled.

Seeing that the old man refused so firmly, Li Er could only smile bitterly and shake his head. He planned to persuade the old man slowly. In short, since the old man returned to Chang\'an City, he naturally did not intend to let him go.

Yu Shinan smiled: "Brother Wenji, what are you afraid of? Haha, you haven\'t been in Chang\'an for a long time. I\'m afraid you don\'t know this young man? His surname is Li, his name is forget worry, and his word is worry. Now his majesty has granted him the title of Kaiguo County Bo and Huxian. Li Ziyou is a great doctor in the world. Even the crown prince suffering from intestinal carbuncle was cured by him and Taoist priest sun together. Duke Xiao\'s lung disease was also cured by Ziyou. Your little problems are nothing, ha ha. "

Yu Shinan turned his head and smiled and introduced Li forgetful worry: "Ziyou, come and meet Li Gong. Li Gong\'s name is gang and his word is Wenji. He is a great Confucian in the world."

Li Qieyou\'s eyes lit up when he heard the speech. It turned out that the old man was Li Gang!

No wonder Li and fang had such an attitude.

Li Gang is a famous official in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. When Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty served as Prince Xi Ma and taught Prince Yang Yong. After the Sui Dynasty destroyed the Tang Dynasty, Li Gang was appointed as Prince Bao by Li Yuan and taught Prince Li Jiancheng.

After the change of Xuanwu Gate, Li Jiancheng died. Li Gang resigned sadly and returned to his hometown Guanzhou county.

In history, Li Gang reappeared in the fourth year of Zhenguan and was appointed by Li Er as the teacher and crown teacher of Prince Li Chengqian. However, Li Gang was old and ill, and died in the fifth year of Zhenguan.

As a great Confucian who has taught three princes, Li Gang is unmatched.

Even the supreme Emperor Li Yuan, because he respected Li Gang, never called him by his name. Naturally, Li Er could only hold a disciple\'s ceremony in front of the old man and call him a gentleman, claiming to be the world\'s people.

Li forgot to worry and quickly bowed to Li Gang: "it was Mr. Wen Ji. Ziyou heard about Mr. Wen\'s name earlier and couldn\'t see his real face. I finally saw Mr. Wen today."

Li Gang Shuxu laughed: "ha ha, Huxian uncle is kind. I\'ve heard a lot about you. I can\'t put down your book the Three Kingdoms. As for Huxian uncle\'s poems, I\'m amazed. I don\'t worry about having such a young husband in the Tang Dynasty."

"Mr. Wenji is fallacious. Sir, I\'d better call my son worry."

Li Gang fiercely slapped his face, and a look of anger appeared on his face. He said, "Huxian uncle, you swept my face today. How can you explain this to me?"

The old man\'s face suddenly changed, but Li forgot to worry and was stunned. What and what is this?

Why did I sweep the old man\'s face for the first time today? Are the Confucian scholars under the restaurant close to Li Gang?