Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 639

Li forgot to worry about the second couplet. Yu Zhining\'s face became whiter, and the faces of Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and others became more and more ugly.

"This couplet is, Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan

Another eternal absolute. All the words in the first couplet are one pronunciation. In addition, "Yan" and "smoke" are verbs, which means that cooking smoke smokes the swallow\'s eyes along the eaves. Together, it is a story.

This homophonic couplet is naturally difficult to correct.

All officials also looked at each other. How did Huxian uncle figure out such couplets? Didn\'t you mean to be difficult?

Even Yu Shinan and Kong Yingda, these great Confucians, had no idea for a time and frowned and meditated.

Li forgets sorrow to wait for the public to react, but opens his mouth again and says: "my third couplet, the first couplet is lonely, cold window and empty widowhood."

Once again, how come the couplets of Huxian Bo are more and more difficult?

The seven characters are all a radical, and have this artistic conception. How can people deal with it?

Li forgot to worry more and more. In later generations, his grandfather forced him to learn ancient Chinese. He felt that these ages were absolutely interesting, so he also wrote down a lot.

"I have another one here. It\'s long! Please give me your advice."

This is a multi tone couplet. One word, different pronunciation, forms a couplet.

Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and others have pale faces and dull eyes. What the hell are these couplets? Why is there such an unsolved couplet?

The ministers also looked confused and forced. When was it so absolute that they also engaged in wholesale? The eyes of Wang Renyou and others were full of sympathy and ridicule.

Huxian Bo Li\'s ability to forget his worries is well known in the Manchu Dynasty. Why provoke and ridicule him? Didn\'t you send your face up to be beaten?

Li forgot to worry about these couplets. After careful thinking, they felt that they couldn\'t be right at all. It was too difficult.

In this regard, Li forgets worry and naturally laughs in his heart.

This is not nonsense. It is absolutely eternal. Although it does not mean that no one is right, there are appropriate couplets in future generations. But the reason why these couplets can be called eternal absolutes naturally shows their difficulty, which is quite great.

He didn\'t believe that Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou, Yu Zhining and other officials could come up with the second couplet in a short time. Even in their whole life, they will be dominated by the terror of these couplets.

Now not only Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou are pale, but also hundreds of officials from the aristocratic family?

Was it Wang Renyou who was humiliated by Li forgetful? Their five surnames and seven looks at the faces of these aristocratic families, which are also swollen by the couplets of Li forgetful worry.

For a time, no one spoke. Fang Xuanling and other leaders were happy to watch the excitement, but the aristocratic family officials didn\'t know what to say.

Finally, Li Er solved the siege for Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou, and laughed: "Ziyou really deserves to have eight talents. I can\'t match any of these couplets, which makes me very embarrassed, ha ha."

Li Er\'s self mockery immediately relaxed the atmosphere at the scene.

The officials laughed and said, "ha ha, not only your majesty, but also we are very ashamed. None of the upper couplets of Huxian Bo can be right."

"Tut Tut, I\'ve opened my eyes today. I always thought this couplet was just a game, but I didn\'t expect Huxian uncle to be so embarrassed. I\'m ashamed."

"Ha ha, it\'s lucky that Chunwei doesn\'t take the couplet now, otherwise Huxian Bo won\'t be able to pass the exam if he is the examiner who gives the question?"

A burst of self mockery and joking among the officials erased the matter. No one mentioned the couplet, which gave Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou a step down.

Li Er looked at the running lantern that was still spinning and asked, "Ziyou, do you have a name for this lantern?"

Li forgot to worry and shrugged his shoulders. "Uncle, you forgot, didn\'t you say it in my couplet just now? Take the horse lamp, take the horse lamp, turn off the lamp, and stop the horse. This lamp is called the horse lamp, and also call away the horse lamp. As long as the candle in the lamp doesn\'t turn off, the pattern will rotate all the time."

"The running lantern? Well, it\'s very appropriate." Li Er looked at empress Chang sun and imperial concubine Yang: "I think Ziyou should be the best lantern today. What do you think?"

"Yes, what Erlang said is very true. Ziyou\'s running lantern is even exquisite. What\'s more strange is that it can rotate the patterns in the lantern without manpower. I\'ve never seen such a lantern before. The running lantern is the leader of today\'s lanterns and deserves it." empress Chang sun naturally nodded repeatedly.

All officials naturally have no opinion on this. Such a unique running lantern naturally makes people have nothing to say about it.

After watching all kinds of lanterns sent by officials to the palace, Li Er ordered people to move these lanterns to Zhuque street in Chang\'an City for people to watch.

Today is the Shangyuan Festival. Li Er will no longer leave more officials. Everyone bowed to Li Er and the empress Chang sun, withdrew from the Tai Chi palace and returned to their house.

At this time, the lights in Chang\'an City were bright, and all kinds of lights in the streets and alleys came on stage, decorated everywhere.

The streets are full of pedestrians, and the men and women in Chang\'an are looking for their exciting faces with beautiful lights.

The young ladies, with their maidens and maidservants in the house, played around with a blush. The young gentlemen who knew the ceremony kept a close distance, passed by the beauty and sought the marriage of 500 years.

This night, spring came early. I don\'t know how many shoes and socks were squeezed out in the street, and how many soft skin those hands touched.

For the people of Tang Dynasty, Shangyuan Festival is not shy of Valentine\'s day in future generations. To be exact, in Datang, Shangyuan day is Valentine\'s day.

In the old plays, there are countless stories about the Lantern Festival encounter of love or the reunion of lovers. In the riddle of spring lanterns, Yu Wenyan and Ying Niang love each other for life on the night of the Lantern Festival; In the new records of two cities, Princess Lechang and her husband Xu Deyan are reunited on the night of Shangyuan Festival.

Ouyang Xiu\'s song "Sheng chazi ยท New Year\'s Eve", "on last year\'s new year\'s Eve, the flower market lights were like the day, the willow shoots on the moon, and after dusk. On this year\'s new year\'s Eve, the moon and lights remained the same. When last year\'s people were not seen, tears filled the sleeves of spring clothes." it also wrote the regret and sadness that a woman did not see her lover on the day of Shangyuan Festival.

In Chang\'an City, the flow and temptation of eye waves between men and women are carried out happily at night. People controlled by hormones are collectively involved in this large-scale outdoor blind date activity.

As the saying goes, people are looking for him thousands of times. Suddenly looking back, the man is in the dim lights... Isn\'t it a touch of style of Shangyuan Festival?

Li forgot to worry about riding on horseback, surrounded and protected by Niu Wu and the episode, and walked slowly through the crowd. Looking at this scene, he couldn\'t help being drunk

Finally, the party returned to the kaihuafang house. The beautiful boss, Aphrodite and Perrin were already impatient. Seeing that he finally came back, the three women complained that he was too slow, and immediately took him out to enjoy the flower lamp.

Li forgot to worry about this. Naturally, he willingly obeyed his orders and did not shy away from the eyes of others. With a smile, he took the beautiful boss in his left hand and the Aphrodite in his right hand. Behind him, Peilan, who was dissatisfied with Du\'s mouth because her husband didn\'t pull her, joined the crowd of night tourists under the escort of Niu Wu and others.

Watching lanterns, playing all kinds of operas, welcoming purple Gu and stepping on songs... Chang\'an city was like a dream and a Carnival