Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 638

They were surprised to see that something slowly began to rotate among the lanterns.

In the lantern, the light of the oil lamp casts the shadow of the object on the plain white yarn lampshade, reflecting the pattern.

Crosstalk actor Chang sun Wuji saw the pattern and gasped: "hiss... This is your majesty!"

"Wow, hahaha, not only your majesty, but also Lao Tzu! Old Yuchi is in there! Second brother, and you!" Cheng Yaojin shouted to Qin Qiong.

Through the white gauze, the pattern of constantly rotating and running is impressively the Emperor Li Er of the Tang Dynasty and a group of generals, princes and chiefs, all riding on horses and waving their weapons, looking like a battlefield charge.

The image of the running lantern is similar to the shadow play of later generations. It irradiates the skin through the light source and projects the image on the curtain.

The running lantern made by Li Qieyou\'s craftsman revolves in twelve patterns carved with cow leather. With the promotion of the hot air, it has achieved the effect of "turning shadows and riding vertically and horizontally". It seems that Li Er and his national leaders are galloping on their horses, making repeated appearances and exits, chasing horses and changing things.

This scene fell into the eyes of Li Er and other officials, and immediately shocked the whole audience. For a time, no one spoke again. They all stared at the rotating lamp shadow foolishly.

After half a sound, Li Ercai took a long breath and sighed, "this lamp is really amazing. Ziyou, I don\'t know how you made such a natural thing. It\'s really amazing."

Yu Zhining, the prince\'s left concubine who just said he wanted to sue Diao, turned red, as if he had been slapped suddenly. He didn\'t dare to speak any more and quietly stepped back for fear of more trouble.

Li Er glanced at him from the corner of his eye, and was too lazy to talk to him again.

And a group of officials, surrounded by the lanterns presented by Li Qieyou, were all amazed.

"Wow, hahaha, as I just said, today\'s Lantern leader is the worry of plums. What\'s the matter? Do you have any opinion? Am I old Cheng smart enough to know pearls?" Cheng Yaojin suddenly laughed again. I knew so well. Everyone wanted to kick this shameless old man.

You meow in the Tai Chi hall. You did say that, but did you mean that when you said that?

Li forgot to worry and turned his eyes silently. He also had a deep understanding of Cheng Yaojin\'s cheekiness, but he was not surprised.

Seeing the people\'s enthusiasm for the running lantern, Li forgot to worry. He suddenly remembered a folk story about the running lantern. He couldn\'t help laughing and said, "uncle, gentlemen, I have a couplet here. Are uncle and gentlemen interested in the couplet?"

The Lantern Festival, lantern riddles and couplets are very popular in the Tang Dynasty. When he said this, people naturally smiled and nodded.

Li forgot to worry and coughed softly. He ran the lantern with his finger and said, "my couplet is, walk the lantern, walk the horse, turn off the light and stop the horse."

Li Erwen said with a smile, "that\'s right! Ziyou\'s couplet is a clever occasion."

As soon as Li Er\'s voice fell, he heard Wang Renyou out of the line and said with disdain: "I thought Huxian uncle would be absolutely, and it seems that it\'s not too hard. Why is it difficult? Listen to my second couplet, shake the sky, shake the sky, stop the sky and have a rest."

Zheng Yuanshou also twisted his beard and smiled: "it\'s really very simple. Mingfeng flute, Mingfeng flute, singing Phoenix harmony."

Yu Zhining, the prince\'s left concubine, immediately gathered together: "I heard that Huxian Bo was outstanding in learning, but the upper couplet is just the same. I also have the lower couplet. It\'s snowy, snowy, sunny and snowy. Huxian Bo\'s couplet is really too childish."

Li forgot to worry, but he didn\'t expect to be ridiculed for his casual couplet.

Even Li Er\'s face became a little ugly. He just exaggerated Li\'s clever couplet, and the three jumped out to fight in the face, which was really annoying.

This couplet is really not difficult. The reason why Li forgot to worry about this couplet is just because he thought of Wang Anshi\'s folk story.

It is said that when Wang Anshi went to Beijing to take the exam, he happened to meet a member outside to recruit relatives for his daughter. This couplet was pasted on the running lantern. Wang Anshi didn\'t think of how to deal with the second couplet.

When he arrived at the examination room, the examiner wanted to test and teach Wang Anshi, so he pointed to the flying tiger flag in front of the court and said, "Flying Tiger flag, flying tiger flag, rolling tiger flag hide". Wang Anshi was so lucky that when he thought of the couplet of the member\'s family, he immediately opposed it with "walking the lantern, walking the horse, turning off the light and stopping the horse". The examiner was surprised by the flow of answers.

Later, Wang Anshi answered the couplet of the member\'s family with the couplet of the examiner and married the young lady of the member\'s family.

Of course, this is just a folk story. It can\'t be true. Of course, Wang Anshi won\'t even be wrong with this simple couplet.

Li forgot to worry about saying this couplet just to meet the occasion and make fun of Li Er and other officials, but he didn\'t expect to be ridiculed by Wang Renyou. How can he bear it?

He turned his eyes and said with a smile, "ha ha, it seems that Wang Gong and Zheng Gong are also erudite people. That\'s excellent. I do have several couplets here, and I haven\'t thought of the second couplet. I think it\'s quite simple for Wang Gong, Zheng Gong and Zuo Shuzi. I don\'t know if Wang Gong, Zheng Gong and Yu Shuzi would like to give me some advice?"

Wang Renyou twirled his beard and said with a proud smile, "the couplet is just a trail and game words. However, since today is the Shangyuan Festival, I am not stingy to teach Huxian Bo."

"Yes, the couplet is nothing but a game. What\'s the difficulty? Just say it, Huxian uncle. I can teach you." Zheng Yuanshou was not polite.

Li forgot to worry about hearing the speech and couldn\'t help laughing more brightly: "that\'s good. Please teach me by Duke Wang and Duke Zheng. My first couplet is smoke lock pond willow."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Zhining jumped out again: "what\'s the difficulty? I\'ll give you a brocade for the lamp..."

Yu Zhining\'s words came to an abrupt end halfway through. His face slowly turned pale. He opened his mouth for a long time and didn\'t make a sound again.

It\'s Yu Zhining\'s meeting. The couplet of these five words is not good, right

Li forgot to worry and smiled to himself. Where is this couplet so simple?

The five characters on the couplet are embedded in the five characters, and the behavior is partial, and the artistic conception is very wonderful. "Smoke lock pond willow", the eternal absolute couplet, has been tried by countless sages and talents for many years. Later generations and even many people believe that this is the first absolute in the world.

Yu Zhining not only figured out the couplet of these five words, but also the difficulties contained in it. Other officials present, including Li Er, also figured out the taste, and couldn\'t help but lock their eyebrows.

Five words not only have artistic conception, but also each word has five behavior water side, which is really too difficult.

Before they could figure it out, Li forgot to worry and continued to speak: "I have a second couplet here. Please advise Duke Wang and Duke Zheng. This couplet is..."