Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 637

Although it is Shangyuan Festival, after all, we should be careful of candles in the palace, so all the lanterns are placed in the imperial city.

There are also wide streets between the Tai Chi palace and the Imperial City, which is also for the sake of the safety of the Tai Chi palace. Therefore, a 100 meter wide road is reserved on the side of the imperial city close to the Tai Chi palace.

At this time, all kinds of lanterns brought from the baiguanxun mansion were lined up in a long line, filling the road between Anfu gate and Yanxi gate in the imperial city.

Li Er led the empress Chang sun, the concubines of the Imperial Palace, and a group of officials, Xun GUI, out of the Chengtian gate of the Tai Chi palace, and saw the lanterns sent by each house.

At this time, these lanterns had already been lit by the servants of each government. The oil lamps on them emitted all kinds of bright lights and even dazzling in the night.

Li Er was not in a hurry. He pointed at the lanterns with empress Chang sun and imperial concubine Yang, and evaluated which lanterns were more exquisite and ingenious.

Devil mother lamp, screen lamp, pagoda lamp, car lamp, grass carp lamp, jade lamp, bead lamp, sheepskin lamp, silk lamp and so on. For the Shangyuan Festival, all the mansions also tried their best.

The lamp maker with unique ingenuity skillfully uses animal horns, feathers and silk to make the lamp into lotus, peony, chrysanthemum and other shapes, which are colorful, different forms and colorful, containing different auspicious meanings.

"OK! This year\'s lanterns are really exquisite, but they are a little more wonderful than in previous years." Li Er nodded in praise.

The eldest sun Wuji on the side immediately said, "Your Majesty, this is naturally because our country is rich and the people are safe, so skilled craftsmen emerge in endlessly. Now our Tang Dynasty has a breath of prosperity, which is your Majesty\'s merit!"

"Ha ha, there is some truth in what the auxiliary machine said." Li Er accepted Wuji\'s flattery without blushing. It can be seen that today\'s Shangyuan Festival, his mood is also very good.

Li Qieyou secretly gave his grandson Wuji a thumbs up. He is worthy of being uncle Guo. He flattered and bullied Li Er. It was like Uncle Guo on the stage.

The crowd watched the lanterns all the way. It was very lively to talk and laugh. When they walked in front of a lantern, Li Er couldn\'t help stopping and frowning.

Empress Chang sun and imperial concubine Yang couldn\'t help being silly. Whose house sent the lantern? Why is it so "special"?

Needless to say, the lantern placed in front of Li Er is naturally the horse running lamp that Li forgets to ask someone to carry in. The difference is that other family\'s lanterns and servant episodes have already lit the oil lamps, while his family\'s is still dark and has not been lit.

Naturally, Li forgot to worry and told Niu Wu that they were not in a hurry to light the oil lamp. He would personally light the oil lamp in front of Li Er to surprise everyone.

Li Er didn\'t know his "careful thinking". He frowned and looked at the pure and extreme lantern for a while, and thought of the laughter of the ministers above the hall, but he couldn\'t help laughing.

"Ha ha, if I guessed right, this lantern must have been carried into the palace by Ziyu. It\'s really \'special\'. Come on, tell me what you said about this lantern?"

Li forgot to worry, smiled and bowed: "hey hey, uncle has good eyesight. I can see it at a glance. Yes, this is the lantern specially made by my nephew for my uncle. This lantern has wasted my nephew\'s mind. This is the only lantern in the world. Uncle, look, my nephew, should I be the leader today?"

Li Er, empress Chang sun and imperial concubine Yang looked at each other and wondered if there was any mystery about the boy\'s lantern?

He was not in a hurry to speak. He looked up and down around the lantern several times, but he didn\'t see anything special. He was just an ordinary lantern with extreme elegance. Except for the slightly larger size, I didn\'t see anything different.

The officials used to make fun of Li\'s lantern, but they couldn\'t help wondering when he said so in front of Li Er.

Is there really something they don\'t see in this ordinary lantern?

But no matter how many officials gather around and study it, it is just an ordinary lantern that can no longer be ordinary.

The eldest sun Wuji suddenly slapped: "Ziyou means, but he is using this lantern to metaphor my Tang Dynasty, just like this simple and elegant lantern. Now it looks like nothing, but it is like a piece of white paper. You can let your majesty splash ink and draw a poetic and picturesque picture of the prosperous age?"

His words made Li forget to worry, and the sweat on his forehead was coming down. Uncle Guo, do you really mean crosstalk? This flatterer\'s brain hole is too big.

Before Li forgot to worry and shook his head, the officials on one side nodded one after another and said, "yes, that\'s what I want to come to Huxian Bo. Ha ha, Huxian Bo, you\'re a coincidence. The leader of this year\'s lantern can\'t give it to you, ha ha."

"Zhiniang thief, boy, why do you have so many fancy intestines? It\'s not refreshing to wipe corners outside the corner!" Cheng Yaojin also smiled and scolded: "but with this alone, you can\'t win the leader of this year\'s lantern."

Although Li Er didn\'t say anything, he also nodded secretly and smiled at the corners of his mouth. In his opinion, his nephew should have guessed the meaning of his eldest son Wuji.

Among the officials, many people secretly admire Li forgetful and feel that this Huxian bogoran will flatter. Other families make lanterns carefully. He wants to do the opposite. Making a plain lantern can also attract your Majesty\'s appreciation. It\'s really powerful.

Li forgets to worry about a black line, but he can only say, "Er, that, my nephew, um, maybe so. But uncle, the lantern naturally needs to be lit before you can see the effect. It\'s better to let my nephew light the lantern and invite my uncle to have a look with the public."

After getting Li Er\'s permission, Li forgot to worry and hurried forward. With the help of the palace Chamberlain, he blew the fire fold and carefully lit the oil lamp in the lantern.

When the lantern lights up, Li Er and the officials look carefully again, but they are still ordinary

Just through the white gauze lampshade, it seems that you can vaguely see something in the lantern, but you don\'t really see it. Besides, there is nothing strange.

Li Er didn\'t know why. He asked, "Ziyou, what medicine do you sell in the gourd?"

"Hey, uncle, you can see. I dare say that this lantern is the only one in the world."

Li Qieyou is not in a hurry. The oil lamp in the lantern has just been lit. Because the size of the lantern is too large, it takes a little time for the hot air to drive the wheel to rotate, so that the flame of the oil lamp can heat the air.

The crowd looked at it for a while, but there was no response. They all frowned. They thought, what the hell is Li forgetting worry doing?

Before others spoke, they saw Yu Zhining, the prince\'s left son, stand up again: "Your Majesty, Huxian Bo is clearly trying to deceive your majesty and be..."

He said half, but he couldn\'t go on. His eyes stared at the Lantern